Zone1 Is Jesus God?

You said Yeshua was first and last
This is not a claim of being God. If it was Jesus was insane. Thats the way the cookie crumbles.

Jesus was the first fruits of the dead. True? When he returns he will be the last to rise from the dead because after his return and the antichrist that you so blindly worship is destroyed "by the brightness of his coming", death, the curse consequent to defying Divine law, will no longer exist.

"And there shall be no more curse" Revelation 22:3
Yes, 100% peace and joy. I have chosen the better portion and it will not be taken from me.

Hey dude, don't get me wrong. I would never even dream of taking away your maudlin delusions. You are free to throw your mind in the trash in any church or absurd religion of your choosing.

I couldn't care less.

I am only dealing with you at all for the benefit of others, standing around, watching.
He said it because he was insane? You might not realize this but you are the one who is insane
I'm sorry you couldn't follow the logic. Here, let me repeat it for you... Jesus is either who he said he is or he is insane. Those are the only two options he gave you. So since we know he's not insane, he is who he says he is. And who everyone who witnessed him said he is.

It's funny you deleted your Pharisee post. I guess you realized the similarity between you and them.
Hey dude, don't get me wrong. I would never even dream of taking away your maudlin delusions.

I am only dealing with you at all for the benefit of others, standing around, watching.
You're a Pharisee who obsesses over other people's beliefs and you think I'm delusional?

Let's see... who's delusional the person? The person who says live and let live or the religious fanatic who throws temper tantrums because everyone doesn't accept his religious dogma?
Jesus is either who he said he is or he is insane
"The Father and I are one" is not a claim of being God its a claim of being in accord, in harmony with with God. "If you have seen me you have seen the Father" is not a claim of being God either, Jesus is saying "if you understand me you have understood the Father." Seeing is understanding

So there is another possibility. You are insane, especially if you "believe" that a man was/is God.

What do you call a person who follows a man who claimed to be God? The dingbat demoniac.
"The Father and I are one" is not a claim of being God its a claim of being in accord, in harmony with with God. "If you have seen me you have seen the Father" is not a claim of being God either, Jesus is saying "if you understand me you have understood the Father." Seeing is understanding

So there is another possibility. You are insane, especially if you "believe" that a man was/is God.
Ok, Pharisee :rolleyes:

Me and 1 billion other Christians. :)
Ok, Pharisee :rolleyes:

Me and 1 billion other Christians. :)

Exactly, you and 1 billion other 'believers' are not only merely dead but really most sincerely dead. Not because I says so but because you so perfectly display the death, a curse described in scripture for defying Divine Law which you openly and brazenly do every single time you go to church and desecrate the teachings of Jesus. Not to worry! A time is coming, indeed it is already here, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God and all who listen shall come to life.

Maybe not you, but oh well...Don't fret. Hell isn't any worse than your entire life has already been.
Exactly, you and 1 billion other 'believers' are not only merely dead but really most sincerely dead. Not because I says so but because you perfectly display the death, a curse described in scripture, for defying Divine Law which you openly and brazenly do every single time you go to church and desecrate the teachings of Jesus. Not to worry! A time is coming, indeed it is already here, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God and all who listen shall come to life.

Maybe not you, but oh well...Don't fret. Hell won't be any worse than your life has already been.
You're cementing your reputation as the resident Pharisee.
Let's see... who's delusional the person?
Hmm, Good Idea! Lets see..

You claim to believe that a trinity diddled a virgin to father itself so that it could become fully human and fully God only to get drunk, party with sinners and prostitutes, stick it to the man daily, being despised and rejected until he was arrested, tortured, and crucified as a perfect human sacrifice to himself so that "believers" who celebrate his torture and death can remain assholes and sin with impunity for life, because he loved the roman world so much, of course.

The facts clearly show that you are the delusional person.
I couldn't care less.

I am only dealing with you at all for the benefit of others, standing around, watching.
My exact sentiments. The only difference is I demonstrate that with my posts whereas your 12,000 posts about the same damn thing demonstrates the exact opposite.
This is not a claim of being God. If it was Jesus was insane. Thats the way the cookie crumbles.
Why do you worship someone you think is insane? It is indeed claiming to be God to take one of His titles, and you have to think God is unjust to punish Lucifer for having the same attitude Yeshua did to be equal with God.
Jesus was the first fruits of the dead. True? When he returns he will be the last to rise from the dead because after his return and the antichrist that you so blindly worship is destroyed "by the brightness of his coming", death, the curse consequent to defying Divine law, will no longer exist.

"And there shall be no more curse" Revelation 22:3
No, He took God's title for Himself.
Hmm, Good Idea! Lets see..

You claim to believe that a trinity diddled a virgin to father itself so that it could become fully human and fully God only to get drunk, party with sinners and prostitutes, stick it to the man daily, being despised and rejected until he was arrested, tortured, and crucified as a perfect human sacrifice to himself so that "believers" who celebrate his torture and death can remain assholes and sin with impunity for life, because he loved the roman world so much, of course.

The facts clearly show that you are the delusional person.
That sounds exactly like something a Pharisee would say.
Oh my! Whatever should I do? Please! Help me! help me! help me! What must I do to be saved?

Set aside Divine Law and worship and eat a lifeless matzo made by human hands for spiritual life

lol......No by the hair of my chinny chin chin.....
You really are a religious fanatic.
The only difference is I demonstrate that with my posts whereas your 12,000 posts about the same damn thing demonstrates the exact opposite.
No it demonstrates how dead the dead really are. The point I set out to make from the start.

Mission accomplished.. 10/4. Over and out. Boy are you in for a big surprise!

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