Zone1 Is Jesus God?

I've shown you place in Scripture that your temple hasn't messed with yet that show He did. You ignored them. Tell me, why is He seen leading the armies of heaven with one of God's titles? And how can you claim mistranslation when the people who published your mistranslation don't read the original languages, which people who DO read have translated differently? Listen, just robotically repeating the same things over and over doesn't carry any weight, especially when we present Scripture passage after Scripture passage that show the opposite, and all you can claim is, "They got it wrong".
Matt 28:18)God gave Jesus all authority in heaven and on earth.) Titles came with that authority. If Jesus were God he would already have had all authority.
I heard enough about your experience. What you describe "The soul bursting at the seams" is the experience of dying, the result of defying the Law of God, the disintegration of your mind, which is certainly a deeply profound religious experience. Just not a very good one.
I submit to you that if your relationship with the creator of existence doesn't feel like your soul bursts at the seams, then you aren't doing it right.

Your fake theology won't cover up your lack of a personal relationship with God. And it is your lack of a personal relationship with God that makes your fake theology ring hollow even more than the mental masturbations you make in coming up with your fake theology.
Matt 28:18)God gave Jesus all authority in heaven and on earth.) Titles came with that authority. If Jesus were God he would already have had all authority.
Jesus gave up his authority when he became a man. You should read Phillipians.

Is Jesus God?​

One will know who Jesus is when God reveals it to them, as opposed to the flesh and blood of man lying to reveal something to them.

Matthew 16:15-17

15 He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?”
16 Simon Peter answered and said, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”
17 Jesus answered and said to him, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is in heaven.

I believe Jesus is the Son of the living God, the Christ.
Matt 28:18)God gave Jesus all authority in heaven and on earth.) Titles came with that authority. If Jesus were God he would already have had all authority.
I know that you've seen this before, but I believe you have ignored it as inconvenient to your argument. Remember that Yeshua LOWERED Himself voluntarily. He gave up everything to become one of us. Do you remember that? I showed it to you.

Now, what had happened just before Yeshua said that? You really shouldn't just quote one verse without at least checking to see what is going on in the passages around it.
I submit to you that if your relationship with the creator of existence doesn't feel like your soul bursts at the seams, then you aren't doing it right.

Your fake theology won't cover up your lack of a personal relationship with God. And it is your lack of a personal relationship with God that makes your fake theology ring hollow even more than the mental masturbations you make in coming up with your fake theology.
He won't even acknowledge Jesus as Lord. I believe his ego has become so inflated he won't allow himself the humility to bow before God.
I submit to you that if your relationship with the creator of existence doesn't feel like your soul bursts at the seams, then you aren't doing it right.
Oh no!

What should I do? Go to a priest and ask him to ask God to forgive me for my sins and then immediately go to mass, brazenly and openly set aside divine law, get down on my knees in the deranged adoration of a lifeless matzo MADE BY HUMAN HANDS to show God just how sorry I am for my sins? Even thought that vile and degrading practice is sinful? Thats It? Sounds easy!

If I do that will I be doing it right? Will I feel my mind, my very soul, bursting at the seams?

Very tempting. But I'll take a hard pass. I prefer to go through life with my soul intact.

Thanks anyway!
I am dead to the Law. Did you not see that part in what I posted? It came right out of the Bible.
oh I read it and I am a believer. You are so dead you don't even realize that your own words, lying in the Name of God and desecrating the teaching of Jesus, condemn you to death and hell.

Thats why you are oblivious to the fact that your sin is as obvious as a white boulder in the middle of a plowed field. You are dead, under a curse, for deliberately defying the Law of God.

For me its impossible to not believe.
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So that they could see the spirit descend upon him, dummy.

You may not realize this but Jesus ascending into Heaven after his baptism where, "heaven opened up to him", implies that he first descended into hell and was dead just like anyone in hell.

This is the first resurrection. From the tomb of false religion. The second is from physical death.
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oh I read it and I am a believer. You are so dead you don't even realize that your own words, lying in the Name of God and desecrating the teaching of Jesus, condemn you to death and hell.

Thats why you are oblivious to the fact that your sin is as obvious as a white boulder in the middle of a plowed field. You are dead, under a curse, for deliberately defying the Law of God.

For me its impossible to not believe.
I am dead to the Law and it no longer applies to me. I showed you that from Scripture. You, OTOH, insist I am in error with nothing beyond your own opinion.
I am dead to the Law and it no longer applies to me.
Thats the con that you fell for. If you had any life in you no one would have to tell you that the worship of any man is a violation of Divine law. Not to mention degrading. Losing your sanity by religiously defying the Divine commands is not the way to eternal life. Does this shock you?

And you might want to read Matthew 5:17-20 where Jesus clearly teaches that the Law will remain in effect and never lose its force over humanity for as long as heaven and earth endure.

"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. Therefore anyone who sets aside even one of the LEAST of these commands, and teaches others to do the same, will be called LEAST in the kingdom of heaven,"

To understand what Jesus meant by saying "will be called "LEAST", see Genesis 3:14

Have a nice day!
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Thats the con that you fell for. If you had any life in you no one would have to tell you that the worship of any man is a violation of Divine law. Not to mention degrading. Losing your sanity by religiously defying the Divine commands is not the way to eternal life. Does this shock you?

And you might want to read Matthew 5:17-20 where Jesus clearly teaches that the Law will remain in effect and never lose its force over humanity for as long as heaven and earth endure.

"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. Therefore anyone who sets aside even one of the LEAST of these commands, and teaches others to do the same, will be called LEAST in the kingdom of heaven,"

To understand what Jesus meant by saying "will be called "LEAST", see Genesis 3:14

Have a nice day!
You are ignoring and avoiding the truth of the Gospel. Yes, the law still stands. It doesn't, however, apply to those who have died. Is that not correct?

Galatians 2:
16 Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified.
17 But if, while we seek to be justified by Christ, we ourselves also are found sinners, is therefore Christ the minister of sin? God forbid.
18 For if I build again the things which I destroyed, I make myself a transgressor.
19 For I through the law am dead to the law, that I might live unto God.
20 I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.

Let me guess, it's all metaphorical, right?

Yeshua is Lord, but you can't humble yourself enough to say that, can you? That's okay, one day you will, but I'd rather do it now, before I'm forced to as an adversary in His presence.
Yes, the law still stands. It doesn't, however, apply to those who have died. Is that not correct?
No, that is not correct.

Those who die by defying Divine law, like you, are dead because the Law applies to everyone.

The Flesh of Jesus, his teaching from God about the only right way to understand and comply with the Divine commands that fulfills the promise of life, was given for the life of the world.

If you do not follow the example of Jesus and take part in the first resurrection you will be judged according to your words and deeds when your body dies. That should terrify you. You are a liar

As it is right now, you are an unrepentant murderer like satan was a murderer from the beginning

If you are happy with your position, by all means carry on. Just don't expect me to buy into your bullshit delusions or pay any homage to whatever devil that you shamefully lifted your skirt for.
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No, that is not correct. Those who have died have died because the Law applies to everyone.
The Scripture says those in Christ have died to the Law, yet you deny Scripture. Again, your ego is inflated above the authority of Scripture. Humble yourself and proclaim Yeshua is Lord. You'll have to do it sooner or later, and it's better to do it now, while you still have a choice.

Think of it this way. When you were in school, the headmaster and teachers had power over you. They could tell you when to play, when to eat lunch, when to use the bathroom, and could make you stand in line to do things. After you graduated, however, they no longer had that power over you, correct? Yet they still have that power over all the children that are in their charge. So it is with the Law, it still stands over those in its power, while those in Christ who have died and been born again are not under it anymore, they are under grace. I mean, if you read the Bible as you say you have, you would understand all of this, because it's laid out very clearly in there.

Yeshua is Lord. Humble yourself and proclaim it.
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Maybe you should find another hobby. You suck at acting...
And you're not very good at dodging, weaving and trying to avoid inconvenient truths.

Yeshua is Lord. Humble yourself and proclaim it. The Bible says you will have to eventually. Does that fill you with fear?
Yeshua is Lord. Humble yourself and proclaim it. The Bible says you will have to eventually. Does that fill you with fear?

Jesus was/is the Messiah, a Jewish man chosen by God to "convey all of Gods commands". Deuteronomy 18:18. If what Jesus taught about the Law is the truth then you are quite screwed.

Does that fill you with fear? You perjure yourself in the name of God daily. Are you terrified?

No? Thats because the dead know nothing, even when they are flailing about in the fires of hell.

Like you. Listen up. Read Genesis 3:14, and realize that because the Law remains in full force...

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Jesus was/is the Messiah, a Jewish man chosen by God to "convey all of Gods commands". Deuteronomy 18:18. If what Jesus taught about the Law is the truth then you are quite screwed.

Does that fill you with fear? You perjure yourself in the name of God daily. Are you terrified?

No? Thats because the dead know nothing, even when they are flailing about in the fires of hell.

Like you. Listen up. Read Genesis 3:14, and realize that because the Law remains in full force...

The Bible says you will bow before Yeshua and proclaim Him Lord. Why are you so stiff-necked today?
The Bible says you will bow before Yeshua and proclaim Him Lord. Why are you so stiff-necked today?

Why today? As opposed to every day? Maybe you should ask yourself to see if your brain works.

Every time Jesus healed someone he said "stand up and walk", not "bow down before me." True?

When will you stop groveling on your knees like a worm, get out of your deathbed, stand up and walk like a man, a "living being" who reflects the image and likeness of a Holy (separate) God?

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