Zone1 Is Jesus God?

Why today? As opposed to every day? Maybe you should ask yourself to see if your brain works.
I assume that there was a time in your life when you were not so stiff-necked in opposition to God.
Every time Jesus healed someone he said "stand up and walk", not "bow down before me." True?
How is that relevant? You're going to bow before Him, are you going to do it while you still have a choice or wait until you don't?
When will you stop groveling on your knees like a worm, get out of your deathbed, stand up and walk like a man, a living being who reflects the image and likeness of a Holy (separate) God?

I walk with the Holy Spirit every day.

Yeshua is Lord. Humble yourself and proclaim it.
I assume that there was a time in your life when you were not so stiff-necked in opposition to God.
You seem to have confused yourself with God. Whats with you devils and the bowing down shit?

I am in stiff necked opposition to you and your lies as an expression of faith and fidelity to God

Now you know.
You seem to have confused yourself with God.
I do not insist you worship me. You insist you have a special divine revelation about the Word of God that has eluded all others for thousands of years, and you exalt yourself above even the writers of Scripture.
I am in stiff necked opposition too and your lies as an expression of my faith and fidelity to God.

Now you know.
I know that you refuse to humble yourself before God and you deny His Son. Not a smart move.
I do not insist you worship me.
Then whats with the bow down shit? Whats your problem? You want to see someone as dumb as you die? And how should I bow down? Pay homage to whatever devil fucked up your mind? No.

Should I crawl on my belly and eat dust? Get down on all fours like teeming vermin? Dream on!

You insist you have a special divine revelation about the Word of God that has eluded all others for thousands of years, and you exalt yourself above even the writers of Scripture.
I insist on nothing. I have proven it. Everything I have made known I have drawn from what Jesus taught. If you don't believe me look it up. And I am not exalting myself, God has honored me by revealing to me things kept secret since the beginning. And I have glorified both Jesus and God by revealing it to the world and humbling myself enough to awaken the pathetic dead in hells keeping. If it was up to me I would let you rot where you stand. But its not about what I want its what God wills. You have been deceived or you're a deceiver. Your next words will settle that.

You have been compelled to reveal yourself.

I know that you refuse to humble yourself before God and you deny His Son. Not a smart move.
You know nothing.

You understand neither the meaning of the words nor subjects about which you are so dogmatic
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This thread go hijacked from "Is Jesus God" to the "Law" but it's cool

Bible speaks of two laws.

1. The law of Moses also known as the old law of sin and animal sacrifices. This law was placed on the outside of the Ark of the Covenant. This law is out! A new law took its place- a better law. This is the law Jesus did away with because it was a law unto death as it had no remission of sins. It only had repetitive killing of animals for repentance, but not for remission or blotting out sins for good.

2. The law of God which contains the Ten Commandments is the "New Law" This law of the Ten Commandments was placed on the inside of the Ark of the Covenant. This is the law that Jesus says he did not come to destroy, but he instead came to fulfill it. This law of the Ten Commandments is fulfilled in love. No greater love than an man lay down his life for a friend. We are the friends Jesus; that because of love, Jesus laid down his life for. This is the law of love. It is impossible for anyone to love without them also keeping the Ten Commandments.

The Ten Commandments = The law of love
You may not realize this but Jesus ascending into Heaven after his baptism where, "heaven opened up to him", implies that he first descended into hell and was dead just like anyone in hell.

This is the first resurrection. From the tomb of false religion. The second is from physical death.
I don’t pay attention to trolls playing games.
That's easy. Because everything works for good. God is so incredibly awesome he makes good come from evil.

not something the heavens are able to accomplish, is obvious.

the awfulness of christianity ... instead of changing yourself the perpetrator of evil being the only option for its remedy. no wonder you can not stop sinning.
He won't even acknowledge Jesus as Lord. I believe his ego has become so inflated he won't allow himself the humility to bow before God.
He's indoctrinated. JWs are even forbidden from reading anything other than Watchtower approved materials.
not something the heavens are able to accomplish, is obvious.

the awfulness of christianity ... instead of changing yourself the perpetrator of evil being the only option for its remedy. no wonder you can not stop sinning.
He doesn't need to push buttons or pull levers. It's literally baked into existence.
the awfulness of christianity ... instead of changing yourself the perpetrator of evil being the only option for its remedy. no wonder you can not stop sinning.
What evil is it that you imagine I have perpetrated?
He doesn't need to push buttons or pull levers. It's literally baked into existence.

then why are you unable not to sin ... what sins do you commit you need jesus for - good luck.

* its not happening.
What evil is it that you imagine I have perpetrated?

well, can we guess together ... howabout - all three desert religions or any one of them in particular.

- provide the heavenly tablets etched w/ 10 commandments claimed by the liar moses - used to persecuite and victimize the innocent.
well, can we guess together ... howabout - all three desert religions or any one of them in particular.

- provide the heavenly tablets etched w/ 10 commandments claimed by the liar moses - used to persecuite and victimize the innocent.
No, I want you to tell me what evil I have perpetuated. Because the only person I see perpetuating evil right now is you.

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