Zone1 Is Jesus God?

Then whats with the bow down shit? Whats your problem? You want to see someone as dumb as you die? And how should I bow down? Pay homage to whatever devil fucked up your mind? No.

Should I crawl on my belly and eat dust? Get down on all fours like teeming vermin? Dream on!
The Word says that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that He is Lord, and that means you too. I see that your ego has gotten so big that you refuse to bow to Him now or acknowledge His Lordship.
I insist on nothing. I have proven it. Everything I have made known I have drawn from what Jesus taught. If you don't believe me look it up. And I am not exalting myself, God has honored me by revealing to me things kept secret since the beginning. And I have glorified both Jesus and God by revealing it to the world and humbling myself enough to awaken the pathetic dead in hells keeping. If it was up to me I would let you rot where you stand. But its not about what I want its what God wills. You have been deceived or you're a deceiver. Your next words will settle that.

You have been compelled to reveal yourself.
Dude, I've been transparent this whole time. There's no hidden agenda, no self-exalting claims of special revelation God gave only to me, no special authority, only the Word of God. Now, let's see what you have revealed about yourself. You refuse to honor Yeshua for who He is, you refuse to humble yourself before Him, even to the extent of ignoring Scripture that says everyone will do so, and you claim special revelation that only you have, and that counters the written Word of God. That is arrogant beyond belief. You claim that you obey the Law, and you have also said that anyone who is saved cannot sin. Tell us, do you sin? Are you expecting to be justified before God by observing the Law?
You know nothing.

You understand neither the meaning of the words nor subjects about which you are so dogmatic
When you claim that almost literally everything in the Bible has no clearly understood meaning, but only hidden meaning that you alone can see, you have revealed something that isn't pretty at all. Tell us, what does the Holy Spirit tell you about what you're saying?
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He's indoctrinated. JWs are even forbidden from reading anything other than Watchtower approved materials.
I think this is beyond normal JW indoctrination. This is a massive ego that literally believes he has a special revelation from God that only He has been given that billions of people for thousands of years have completely missed, and he's free to re-interpret the plain meaning of the Scriptures to bolster that ego, not humble himself to the Word and the Spirit.
I think this is beyond normal JW indoctrination. This is a massive ego that literally believes he has a special revelation from God that only He has been given that billions of people for thousands of years have completely missed, and he's free to re-interpret the plain meaning of the Scriptures to bolster that ego, not humble himself to the Word and the Spirit.
There are a lot of those people, JWs and mormons.
Matt 28:18)God gave Jesus all authority in heaven and on earth.) Titles came with that authority. If Jesus were God he would already have had all authority.
Are you willing to bow your knee and proclaim that Jesus is Lord, to the glory of God the Father? That other guy won't.
I think this is beyond normal JW indoctrination. This is a massive ego that literally believes he has a special revelation from God that only He has been given that billions of people for thousands of years have completely missed, and he's free to re-interpret the plain meaning of the Scriptures to bolster that ego, not humble himself to the Word and the Spirit.

Is Hobelin a JW? Is that what all this special insights is about?
I'm a saint compared to you.

no bing, you are a persecutor ...

being a saint would be a motivation - were it true ... the problem you have is you have chosen a false desert religion to be true - it's not. you haven't the tablets.

where some as those in the 1st century knew better and remained paradisian, the heavenly religion of antiquity to gain judgement and admission to the everlasting - issued to a&e at their request for their own self determination than servitude to a deity.

again, good luck.
he has a special revelation from God that only He has been given that billions of people for thousands of years have completely missed

you are a liar - they only claim to have found a treasure they claim is available for everyone ...



the psychopaths have been murdering those for thousands of years that have known heavenly blessings that are prevented to see the lite of day - same as you have no idea the liberation theology, self determination taught by jesus but rather they chose to murder them instead and not include why they did so in their 4th century christian bible.

as, what does - bs filter - filter.
no bing, you are a persecutor ...

being a saint would be a motivation - were it true ... the problem you have is you have chosen a false desert religion to be true - it's not. you haven't the tablets.

where some as those in the 1st century knew better and remained paradisian, the heavenly religion of antiquity to gain judgement and admission to the everlasting - issued to a&e at their request for their own self determination than servitude to a deity.

again, good luck.
I'm more of a saint than you.
you are a liar - they only claim to have found a treasure they claim is available for everyone ...


View attachment 896674

the psychopaths have been murdering those for thousands of years that have known heavenly blessings that are prevented to see the lite of day - same as you have no idea the liberation theology, self determination taught by jesus but rather they chose to murder them instead and not include why they did so in their 4th century christian bible.

as, what does - bs filter - filter.
Your behavior is what is wrong about religion.
you are a liar - they only claim to have found a treasure they claim is available for everyone ...


View attachment 896674

the psychopaths have been murdering those for thousands of years that have known heavenly blessings that are prevented to see the lite of day - same as you have no idea the liberation theology, self determination taught by jesus but rather they chose to murder them instead and not include why they did so in their 4th century christian bible.

as, what does - bs filter - filter.
You apparently haven't been following the discourse between him and me. You might want to check that out before opining.
You apparently haven't been following the discourse between him and me. You might want to check that out before opining.

have not read all of the posts - began a few pgs back, know enough your claim -

I think this is beyond normal JW indoctrination. This is a massive ego that literally believes he has a special revelation from God that only He has been given

to be false ...
have not read all of the posts - began a few pgs back, know enough your claim -

to be false ...
Do you know anything about the poster? He's been making claims that he has special revelation from God that has eluded billions of people for thousands of years.
Do you know anything about the poster? He's been making claims that he has special revelation from God that has eluded billions of people for thousands of years.
Maybe this quote of his will shine a light on what he is doing here.

I am not a religious person, even though I am paying them back in their own coin.
What exactly do you think he means by "paying them back in their own coin?"

I'd be interested in your thoughts on this.
Do you know anything about the poster? He's been making claims that he has special revelation from God that has eluded billions of people for thousands of years.
And then there was this little gem of his...

I always do exactly as God commands. I am keystone in the Yahad of God; the habitation of light.

No one else in heaven, on earth, or under the earth, can do what I have already done..
Yours. You are a cancer on society.
the psychopaths have been murdering those for thousands of years that have known heavenly blessings that are prevented to see the lite of day -

mine what - the paradisian religion of antiquity ... sure you hate that being a sinner.

- tell all holy one the the benefits of oil - and the gulf of mexico ... just somewhere for you to collect your silver coins.

you needn't keep looking, the tablets claimed by the liar moses never existed, you've been pretending all along - anyway.
mine what - the paradisian religion of antiquity ... sure you hate that being a sinner.

- tell all holy one the the benefits of oil - and the gulf of mexico ... just somewhere for you to collect your silver coins.

you needn't keep looking, the tablets claimed by the liar moses never existed, you've been pretending all along - anyway.
No, not your religion. Your behavior. Keep up. Besides your religion is made up. It's fictitious. It doesn't exist. It's fake. So it's not your religion that makes you a cancer. It's you. You are a cancer on society. You epitomize everything that's wrong in men.
Besides your religion is made up. It's fictitious.

you know what they say to people who live in glass houses -

have you found yet the heavenly tablets claimed by the liar moses etched w/ 10 commandments ... funny how they ended up in all 3 desert religions and no one knows anything about them.

used to persecute and victimize the innocent - bing in a nut shell.

when looking for a religion they knew just what they were looking for when they read the 4th century christian bible. the texas oil baron.

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