Zone1 Is Jesus God?

Every mortal errs. He confused this ride Rev 6:1 for this ride-Rev 19:11--an easy mistake to make.
JWs shouldn't be in the prophesying business if they're prone to so many mistakes. This is why Christians avoid you. We're informed.
Yes Jesus is Lord, not LORD.
Then, of course, we have God declaring the exact same thing for Himself:

Isaiah 45

22 Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else.
23 I have sworn by myself, the word is gone out of my mouth in righteousness, and shall not return, That unto me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear.
24 Surely, shall one say, in the Lord have I righteousness and strength: even to him shall men come; and all that are incensed against him shall be ashamed.

Amazing, isn't it, that everything Yeshua claims are things that God claims for Himself?
Every bible scholar on earth will tell you, your beliefs are about the farthest from truth than any others.
The JW,s fixed the alterations and errors brought in by Catholicism.=( 2 Thess 2:3) see they were foretold to rise up. None of her branches fixed it. They serve a non existent trinity. They are a house divided, they will not stand. God warned all of you-GET OUT OF HER.
What you call "fixing", everyone else calls "altering". What you claim others did you have done yourself.
Thats right. Read, 1John 3:4-10, which clearly confirms what I have said. "A child of God does not sin; he cannot sin because the Divine seed remains in him" Now go and try to deny that.
Do you sin? By your own words, if you admit you sin, you are NOT a child of God. If you say you do not sin, you are a liar, for we all sin.
Try to resolve that clear revelation with your belief about being sinners with impunity for life.
Oh, please do attempt to tell me what my beliefs are. Then attempt to tell us all what repentance means.
Do you sin? By your own words, if you admit you sin, you are NOT a child of God. If you say you do not sin, you are a liar, for we all sin.
Nonsense. I am not a sinner. I never sin. I always do exactly as God commands. And that goes without saying that I have sinned before I leaned the difference between right and wrong and to choose good over evil.

And whoever "we" is may "all sin" but everyone who to continues to sin without repentance after receiving knowledge of the truth is to make evil a deliberate choice.

Oh, please do attempt to tell me what my beliefs are. Then attempt to tell us all what repentance means.

Well, according to you, you profess to believe that Jesus is God and you are not subject to divine law. Anything else is irrelevant. Your entire belief system is based on specious lies, a delusion.

Repentance is if you understood your errors, accepted the truth and repented by demonstrating your contrition by not sinning. But unfortunately for you you do not have the faith or the spiritual growth in the disciplines of honesty and humility necessary to rise from the grave you are in.

And you think I need to prove something when you have already proven it with your own words.

Thats how great the darkness is that has settled into your defiled and contaminated mind.
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Nonsense. I am not a sinner. I never sin. I always do exactly as God commands. And that goes without saying that I have sinned before I leaned the difference between right and wrong and to choose good over evil.

And whoever "we" is may "all sin" but everyone who to continues to sin without repentance after receiving knowledge of the truth is to make evil a deliberate choice.

Well, according to you, you profess to believe that Jesus is God and you are not subject to divine law. Anything else is irrelevant. Your entire belief system is based on specious lies, a delusion.

Repentance is if you understood your errors, accepted the truth and repented by demonstrating your contrition by not sinning. But unfortunately for you you do not have the faith or the spiritual growth in the disciplines of honesty and humility necessary to rise from the grave you are in.

And you think I need to prove something when you have already proven it with your own words.

Thats how great the darkness is that has settled into your defiled and contaminated mind.
I hope I'm not the only one who sees how dishonest your posts are. You speak about sin and repentance superficially, dogmatically. There's no real meat on your bones. Your posts are all fur coat and no knickers. You argue the form of religion and shit all over the spirit of religion.
Nonsense. I am not a sinner. I never sin. I always do exactly as God commands.
Do you mix the fabric in your clothes or do you just pick and choose which parts of the Law you're going to obey and declare the other parts "metaphoric"?
And that goes without saying that I have sinned before I leaned the difference between right and wrong.
Claiming you do not sin now is false. You carry an enormous amount of pride around and refuse to humble yourself before Christ, even though He bears the titles of God. You also proclaim yourself superior to the Apostle Paul, see below.
And whoever "we" is may "all sin" but everyone who to continues to sin without repentance after receiving knowledge of the truth is to make evil a deliberate choice.
Ah, now you reveal the opening, "without repentance". That's makes the difference. We know, as human beings, that the carnal nature needs to be crucified every day, and that we often do what we hate and don't do what we know we should do. If you're a Bible scholar, you know exactly what I'm referring to.
Well, according to you, you profess to believe that Jesus is God and you are not subject to divine law. Anything else is irrelevant. Your entire belief system is based on specious lies, a delusion.
See, here's the rub. You equate the Law of Moses with something you call "divine law". I have died to the Mosaic Law so it does not hold power over me. It does, however, tell me how God wants me to live, and I am accountable to that. The difference is that the Law prescribes punishment while Yeshua has taken my punishment for me. I can now, when convicted of sin, call for the blood of Yeshua to cover me when I repent. You, OTOH, have to slaughter an animal and burn it, which I'm told gets you in trouble with the HOA.
Repentance is if you understood your errors, accepted then truth, and repented by demonstrating your contrition by not sinning.
That is correct, and why no one is "living with impunity" and purposely sinning, depending on Grace to let them off the hook, and thinking they're walking in the light of Christ.
But unfortunately for you you do not have the faith or the spiritual growth in the disciplines of honesty and humility necessary to rise from the grave

And you think I need to prove something when you have already proven it with your own words.
You accuse me of a lot of things. Unfortunately for you, I've shown you in the Word where you're wrong. You've only claimed I was wrong and have not shown in the Word where I am.
Thats how great the darkness is that has settled into your defiled and contaminated mind.
Again with the accusations. You're really hoping I'll give up and leave you alone, aren't you?
Nonsense. I am not a sinner. I never sin. I always do exactly as God commands. And that goes without saying that I have sinned before I leaned the difference between right and wrong and to choose good over evil.

And whoever "we" is may "all sin" but everyone who to continues to sin without repentance after receiving knowledge of the truth is to make evil a deliberate choice.

Well, according to you, you profess to believe that Jesus is God and you are not subject to divine law. Anything else is irrelevant. Your entire belief system is based on specious lies, a delusion.

Repentance is if you understood your errors, accepted the truth and repented by demonstrating your contrition by not sinning. But unfortunately for you you do not have the faith or the spiritual growth in the disciplines of honesty and humility necessary to rise from the grave you are in.

And you think I need to prove something when you have already proven it with your own words.

Thats how great the darkness is that has settled into your defiled and contaminated mind.

Obviously everyone sins because just coveting is a sin.
To avoid sin, you would have to be constantly helping those in need.
That would result in poverty.
From whence do you get that amazing idea?

Which record?

A real god would not order war and genocide like ordering Joshua to massacre Canaanite men, women, and children.
A real god would instead have shown how to reclaim vacant land.

All records indicate the Canaanites accepted and did not harm other cultures who were allowed to settle in the Land of Canaan, like the Chaldeans, Amorites, Phoenicians, Philistines, Nabateans, etc.
You accuse me of a lot of things. Unfortunately for you, I've shown you in the Word where you're wrong. You've only claimed I was wrong and have not shown in the Word where I am.

The Bible is not "the Word".
The Bible was faked from 200 AD to 400 AD.
Obviously everyone sins because just coveting is a sin.
To avoid sin, you would have to be constantly helping those in need.
That would result in poverty.

Balderdash! Jesus taught that the words used in the law are figurative, the subjects hidden and not necessarily directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used. Jesus died trying to teach his people this simple fact. Kosher law has nothing to do with food, keeping meat separate from dairy has nothing to do with food. Mixing fabrics has nothing to do with clothing and adultery has nothing to do with sex. If the law is to be taken literally as Jesus did for the first part of his life then he was a sinner, an unrepentant sinner. If what Jesus said was true then he rose from the dead and was without sin, and the people teaching that kosher law is about food are the sinners even if they never ate pork, mixed fabrics, ate a cheese burger, or had any kind of sex in their entire life.

One cannot comply with the literal interpretation and application of the command to refrain from the flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate without violating the deeper implications of the exact same law. Look at the church. It teaches for a man to lay with, submit to, another man as if he was a woman is a sin but thats exactly what he is doing every time he lifts his skirt and allows Satan, whatever man, to enter his mind to perpetuate lies

If the law is to be taken literally everyone is a sinner, its impossible to not sin if you are honest, but if one accepts the teaching of Jesus, eats His flesh, then complying with the Law is easy as he said, His yoke is easy. And I have no reason to help everyone in need. Some are in need because they were indoctrinated since birth by the church who teaches that defying the law of God, by worshipping Jesus as if he was a triune mangod, is the only way to eternal life...A lie.

I have already helped those in need of the truth by revealing it. Some will listen, some won't. If thats not good enough for someone, discovering the cause of their own spiritual demise, and what to do about it, the only right way to rise to life, let them go to a church soup kitchen.

Either way my hands have been washed clean.

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wow. they are not altered bud. written by the holy spirit.
God inspired his name through holy spirit in his real bible over 7000 places--Your translations are altered by satans will to mislead by the removal of Gods name. Only the false religions use the altered translations.
Gods will = his name in over 7000 places
satans will= remove Gods name

Whose will do you and your religion give support to?
Then, of course, we have God declaring the exact same thing for Himself:

Isaiah 45

22 Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else.
23 I have sworn by myself, the word is gone out of my mouth in righteousness, and shall not return, That unto me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear.
24 Surely, shall one say, in the Lord have I righteousness and strength: even to him shall men come; and all that are incensed against him shall be ashamed.

Amazing, isn't it, that everything Yeshua claims are things that God claims for Himself?
The name-YHVH(Jehovah) is at verse 24 not LORD.

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