Zone1 Is Jesus God?

What you call "fixing", everyone else calls "altering". What you claim others did you have done yourself.
So the darkness of your religions claim, because they do not know truth. No trinity God exists, they are satans religions.
Catholics don't concern me. It's JWs who are destroying families with their shunning policy.
In the OT the unrepentant were stoned to death and ones family members had to be apart of that. Best to be happy God altered it. He is clear--Do not even eat a meal with one who was called brother( baptized) and became unrepentant. 1Cor 5:9-13)--You see that one becomes Gods enemy until they repent, thus becomes any servant of Gods enemy as well- Jesus taught members of ones own household would become enemies-Matt 10:36--
Which would you choose for your unrepentent family member? Stoning to death or shunning until they repent?
Gods view is the view that counts. And one should speak on matters they know about, no personal opinions allowed.
In the OT the unrepentant were stoned to death and ones family members had to be apart of that. Best to be happy God altered it. He is clear--Do not even eat a meal with one who was called brother( baptized) and became unrepentant. 1Cor 5:9-13)--You see that one becomes Gods enemy until they repent, thus becomes any servant of Gods enemy as well- Jesus taught members of ones own household would become enemies-Matt 10:36--
Which would you choose for your unrepentent family member? Stoning to death or shunning until they repent?
Gods view is the view that counts. And one should speak on matters they know about, no personal opinions allowed.
Leaving your religion isn't Leaving God. That's where you fail. The Watchtower doesn't own God. May God have mercy on your sick hateful souls.
Do you sin? By your own words, if you admit you sin, you are NOT a child of God. If you say you do not sin, you are a liar, for we all sin.

your contradictory statement is meritless in totality.

not sinning is not the fulfillment in of itself the religion of antiquity - the triumph of good vs evil - as the knowledge to prevent sin is the goal than passively not sinning - for judgement to be rendered and admission to the everlasting being accepted ...
Jesus is for all intents and purposes, God. He has been given full authority over YHWH's creation. He bears The "Family Name" of His Father, YHWH, hence He is YHWH. The Trinitarians want to philosophize, entering into speculative theological mental gymnastics, defining YHWH's essence and how exactly the Father and the Son relate to each other, and what's the actual nature and dynamic of the relationship between the Father and the Son. They bully everyone religiously, and spiritually, with their threats of apostasy and eternal damnation for not agreeing with their highly speculative, personal opinions about YHWH's divine nature.

One might argue that some Unitarians, Oneness Pentecostals, are the same way, and that's true, but it's all wrong. It doesn't matter in what theological camp you're in, whether Trinitarian or Unitarian, it's unethical, if not infantile, to presume that a person who loves Jesus and lives for Him isn't a disciple because he doesn't define God's nature as Trinitarians do or how Unitarians define God's oneness.
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Leaving your religion isn't Leaving God. That's where you fail. The Watchtower doesn't own God. May God have mercy on your sick hateful souls.
The Trinitarians, and Evangelicals, don't own God either. How about that? What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
A real god would not order war and genocide like ordering Joshua to massacre Canaanite men, women, and children.
A real god would instead have shown how to reclaim vacant land.
Again, why do you think you can define a "real God"? The ant does not get to define a "real human".
All records indicate the Canaanites accepted and did not harm other cultures who were allowed to settle in the Land of Canaan, like the Chaldeans, Amorites, Phoenicians, Philistines, Nabateans, etc.
Again, which records?
So the darkness of your religions claim, because they do not know truth. No trinity God exists, they are satans religions.
Yet we have shown you many instances in Scripture where it is clear that He does exist in three persons. You either ignored them, claimed they were mis-translated and insisted your own translation is correct, even though there is no good reason to believe it is, or in essence said, "Nuh-uh!". This is the problem when you continually re-translate the Word every time someone shows you where it counters what you believe.
A real god would not order war and genocide like ordering Joshua to massacre Canaanite men, women, and children.
A real god would instead have shown how to reclaim vacant land.

All records indicate the Canaanites accepted and did not harm other cultures who were allowed to settle in the Land of Canaan, like the Chaldeans, Amorites, Phoenicians, Philistines, Nabateans, etc.
Why they were absolute evil
You best check the councils of Catholicism if you think you are informed. It was them who screwed it all up.

Before the council of Nicaea Jesus was not a mangod in Christianity, there was no such thing as a trinity, no private confessionals, no celebate priesthood, no mysterious 'transubstantiation', except in Mithraism the secret "MYSTERY RELIGION" of the Roman government and military that originated in Babylon and had 7 sacraments, exactly like the Roman Church, including baptism and partaking in the "divine nature of Mithras" by eating bread and drinking the blood of a bull.

"Mysteriously" Mithraism "disappeared" when Rome assimilated and perverted Christianity and Caesar conferred power and authority to the papacy over the Catholic (universal) Church, called 'universal' by mating with every superstitious religion on earth; the mother of every abomination.

The sad part of this all is that rising from the dead entombed by Church teaching, that the way to eternal life is defying the law of God and desecrating the teachings of Jesus as an expression of devotion, is as easy (or as difficult) as it is for anyone to be honest with themselves and others.
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Nuts? Maybe so. If there is any truth to the "temple garments" I would say strange. But I do know that when a prophet receives a vision of the future it comes across as if it has already happened
The wedding garments are true. Joseph Smith said Jesus would return in his lifetime. Wrong. False prophet.

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