Is Jesus the Word of God?

I'm simply trying to understand why seemingly somewhat intelligent people believe in all the bullshit spewed out by the bible? I originally came here to see if believers had anything real to based their beliefs on, it turns out they don't, it's all just wishful thinking and fantasy. Now I'm more astonished that you folks so strongly believe these fairy tales that don't even make sense. The evil that I talk about is in the bible, I'm not ascribing anything to anyone on my own, that's done by the people who wrote the bible who said that god mass drowned on purpose everyone except Noah and his posse.
Because they promote successful behaviors which naturally lead to happiness and success.

Only an idiot would deny the functional advantage of religious beliefs.

You ever hear of natural selection?
The smartest minds usually don't believe in the god of the bible because it makes no sense.

Religion hasn't promoted successful behaviours, just look at Sharia, Crusades, Inquisition, Moromons abusing young girls, Koresh, Jim Jones, Joel Osteen, ... all the religious wars around the world today...

Please try again.Idiot.
I'm simply trying to understand why seemingly somewhat intelligent people believe in all the bullshit spewed out by the bible? I originally came here to see if believers had anything real to based their beliefs on, it turns out they don't, it's all just wishful thinking and fantasy. Now I'm more astonished that you folks so strongly believe these fairy tales that don't even make sense. The evil that I talk about is in the bible, I'm not ascribing anything to anyone on my own, that's done by the people who wrote the bible who said that god mass drowned on purpose everyone except Noah and his posse.
Because they promote successful behaviors which naturally lead to happiness and success.

Only an idiot would deny the functional advantage of religious beliefs.

You ever hear of natural selection?
The smartest minds usually don't believe in the god of the bible because it makes no sense.

Religion hasn't promoted successful behaviours, just look at Sharia, Crusades, Inquisition, Moromons abusing young girls, Koresh, Jim Jones, Joel Osteen, ... all the religious wars around the world today...

Please try again.Idiot.
I think a lot of times people’s interpretations of the Bible aren’t correct. People take things out of context or can’t understand this or that, etc. Or perhaps people use it for monetary gain or for personal reasons. Jesus came and the religious people of the time sent him to the cross. Jesus came to overcome all of that and overcame death. We have Jesus to look to not everything you just listed.
The bible is useless exactly because no 2 people can agree on its meaning. All it's doing is confusing everyone and pitting them against each other.
For you it is useless because you read it for uselessness.
So I'm the only one not allowed to give it my own meaning?
Because they promote successful behaviors which naturally lead to happiness and success.

Only an idiot would deny the functional advantage of religious beliefs.

You ever hear of natural selection?
The smartest minds usually don't believe in the god of the bible because it makes no sense.

Religion hasn't promoted successful behaviours, just look at Sharia, Crusades, Inquisition, Moromons abusing young girls, Koresh, Jim Jones, Joel Osteen, ... all the religious wars around the world today...

Please try again.Idiot.
Because they promote successful behaviors which naturally lead to happiness and success.

Only an idiot would deny the functional advantage of religious beliefs.

You ever hear of natural selection?
The smartest minds usually don't believe in the god of the bible because it makes no sense.

Religion hasn't promoted successful behaviours, just look at Sharia, Crusades, Inquisition, Moromons abusing young girls, Koresh, Jim Jones, Joel Osteen, ... all the religious wars around the world today...

Please try again.Idiot.
I think a lot of times people’s interpretations of the Bible aren’t correct. People take things out of context or can’t understand this or that, etc. Or perhaps people use it for monetary gain or for personal reasons. Jesus came and the religious people of the time sent him to the cross. Jesus came to overcome all of that and overcame death. We have Jesus to look to not everything you just listed.
The bible is useless exactly because no 2 people can agree on its meaning. All it's doing is confusing everyone and pitting them against each other.
For you it is useless because you read it for uselessness.
So I'm the only one not allowed to give it my own meaning?
Is that what you are doing?
So you’re comparing your god to Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny?Good for you.

Not hardly, but nice try anyway. Here is the $64,000 question. Why would you, and other obnoxious atheists, feel that it is somehow your duty to ascribe evil attributes to an entity that you do not believe exists?
I'm simply trying to understand why seemingly somewhat intelligent people believe in all the bullshit spewed out by the bible? I originally came here to see if believers had anything real to based their beliefs on, it turns out they don't, it's all just wishful thinking and fantasy. Now I'm more astonished that you folks so strongly believe these fairy tales that don't even make sense. The evil that I talk about is in the bible, I'm not ascribing anything to anyone on my own, that's done by the people who wrote the bible who said that god mass drowned on purpose everyone except Noah and his posse.
Because they promote successful behaviors which naturally lead to happiness and success.

Only an idiot would deny the functional advantage of religious beliefs.

You ever hear of natural selection?
The smartest minds usually don't believe in the god of the bible because it makes no sense.

Religion hasn't promoted successful behaviours, just look at Sharia, Crusades, Inquisition, Moromons abusing young girls, Koresh, Jim Jones, Joel Osteen, ... all the religious wars around the world today...

Please try again.Idiot.
Bless your heart, taz. I'm not the one who is trying to make himself feel superior to others. That would be you, bro.

I'm just the one proving that you aren't.
You calling me idiot is an attempt to make yourself superior to me. I am superior to you, there's a difference. :biggrin:
The smartest minds usually don't believe in the god of the bible because it makes no sense.

Religion hasn't promoted successful behaviours, just look at Sharia, Crusades, Inquisition, Moromons abusing young girls, Koresh, Jim Jones, Joel Osteen, ... all the religious wars around the world today...

Please try again.Idiot.
The smartest minds usually don't believe in the god of the bible because it makes no sense.

Religion hasn't promoted successful behaviours, just look at Sharia, Crusades, Inquisition, Moromons abusing young girls, Koresh, Jim Jones, Joel Osteen, ... all the religious wars around the world today...

Please try again.Idiot.
I think a lot of times people’s interpretations of the Bible aren’t correct. People take things out of context or can’t understand this or that, etc. Or perhaps people use it for monetary gain or for personal reasons. Jesus came and the religious people of the time sent him to the cross. Jesus came to overcome all of that and overcame death. We have Jesus to look to not everything you just listed.
The bible is useless exactly because no 2 people can agree on its meaning. All it's doing is confusing everyone and pitting them against each other.
For you it is useless because you read it for uselessness.
So I'm the only one not allowed to give it my own meaning?
Is that what you are doing?
Of course, what's wrong with that?
what there is not is a being refereed to as satan, that is what the present Almighty is a reference for only the prevalence remains, evil as the primary obstacle for admission to the Everlasting.

I think a lot of times people’s interpretations of the Bible aren’t correct. People take things out of context or can’t understand this or that, etc. Or perhaps people use it for monetary gain or for personal reasons. Jesus came and the religious people of the time sent him to the cross. Jesus came to overcome all of that and overcame death. We have Jesus to look to not everything you just listed.

the 10,000 pg document itself is a forgery for purposes ascribed for diabolical interests ...

Matthew 22:36-40 36"Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" 37Jesus replied: "'Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' 38This is the first and greatest commandment. 39And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' 40All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."
what there is not is a being refereed to as satan, that is what the present Almighty is a reference for only the prevalence remains, evil as the primary obstacle for admission to the Everlasting.

I think a lot of times people’s interpretations of the Bible aren’t correct. People take things out of context or can’t understand this or that, etc. Or perhaps people use it for monetary gain or for personal reasons. Jesus came and the religious people of the time sent him to the cross. Jesus came to overcome all of that and overcame death. We have Jesus to look to not everything you just listed.

the 10,000 pg document itself is a forgery for purposes ascribed for diabolical interests ...

Matthew 22:36-40 36"Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" 37Jesus replied: "'Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' 38This is the first and greatest commandment. 39And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' 40All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."
"Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" 37Jesus replied: "'Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' 38This is the first and greatest commandment. 39And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' 40All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."

you have chosen an obvious forgery for whatever reason you have to convince others by example of your own shortcomings than to discover by effort the truth for yourself.
Not hardly, but nice try anyway. Here is the $64,000 question. Why would you, and other obnoxious atheists, feel that it is somehow your duty to ascribe evil attributes to an entity that you do not believe exists?
I'm simply trying to understand why seemingly somewhat intelligent people believe in all the bullshit spewed out by the bible? I originally came here to see if believers had anything real to based their beliefs on, it turns out they don't, it's all just wishful thinking and fantasy. Now I'm more astonished that you folks so strongly believe these fairy tales that don't even make sense. The evil that I talk about is in the bible, I'm not ascribing anything to anyone on my own, that's done by the people who wrote the bible who said that god mass drowned on purpose everyone except Noah and his posse.
Because they promote successful behaviors which naturally lead to happiness and success.

Only an idiot would deny the functional advantage of religious beliefs.

You ever hear of natural selection?
The smartest minds usually don't believe in the god of the bible because it makes no sense.

Religion hasn't promoted successful behaviours, just look at Sharia, Crusades, Inquisition, Moromons abusing young girls, Koresh, Jim Jones, Joel Osteen, ... all the religious wars around the world today...

Please try again.Idiot.
Bless your heart, taz. I'm not the one who is trying to make himself feel superior to others. That would be you, bro.

I'm just the one proving that you aren't.
You calling me idiot is an attempt to make yourself superior to me. I am superior to you, there's a difference. :biggrin:
Are you self identifying with someone who denies the functional advantages of religious beliefs, taz? Because I did not call you an idiot.

I know you think you are superior to people who believe in a higher power than man even though your official position is that there very well may be a higher power than man. This is just one of your many things inconsistencies with your supposed agnosticism.

The reality is that your only purpose here is to prove to yourself your superiority over others. Something I believe I disprove on a daily basis.
I think a lot of times people’s interpretations of the Bible aren’t correct. People take things out of context or can’t understand this or that, etc. Or perhaps people use it for monetary gain or for personal reasons. Jesus came and the religious people of the time sent him to the cross. Jesus came to overcome all of that and overcame death. We have Jesus to look to not everything you just listed.
The bible is useless exactly because no 2 people can agree on its meaning. All it's doing is confusing everyone and pitting them against each other.
For you it is useless because you read it for uselessness.
So I'm the only one not allowed to give it my own meaning?
Is that what you are doing?
Of course, what's wrong with that?
I believe we both know better.
what there is not is a being refereed to as satan, that is what the present Almighty is a reference for only the prevalence remains, evil as the primary obstacle for admission to the Everlasting.

I think a lot of times people’s interpretations of the Bible aren’t correct. People take things out of context or can’t understand this or that, etc. Or perhaps people use it for monetary gain or for personal reasons. Jesus came and the religious people of the time sent him to the cross. Jesus came to overcome all of that and overcame death. We have Jesus to look to not everything you just listed.

the 10,000 pg document itself is a forgery for purposes ascribed for diabolical interests ...

Matthew 22:36-40 36"Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" 37Jesus replied: "'Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' 38This is the first and greatest commandment. 39And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' 40All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."
"Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" 37Jesus replied: "'Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' 38This is the first and greatest commandment. 39And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' 40All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."

you have chosen an obvious forgery for whatever reason you have to convince others by example of your own shortcomings than to discover by effort the truth for yourself.
My shortcomings? The truth for myself? Obvious forgery? What what what?
The law says "thou shall not murder."

When Jesus said, "Satan was a murderer from the beginning" he was referring to the deception of Adam and Eve when the talking serpent misrepresented the command of God resulting in their death and expulsion from Eden.."In the day you eat of it you will surely die." Yet they continued to exist in a degraded state.

According to Jesus the subject of the law to not murder is not about homicide.

A murderer, in the eyes of God, is whoever misrepresented scripture and screwed up your mind when you were just a supple and tender lad..

Ever since then you have been slowly degenerating into a golem, an artificial creature, a shapeless mass, a body without a soul, exactly like Adam slowly returning to the dust of the earth in the fairy tale.

You seek the truth? You want to know what it is to live again?

Try harder.
Two things here in ur post. One 'that shapeless mass' a human (adam) who is in a deep sleep is totally unaware of the soul that was put within it (the human body being the garden area with a mouth that it is responsible to maintain).

Two when Paul said he died daily was he talking about his flesh? Paul is saying he died to those carnal precepts he'd been taught to follow by carnal minded teachers daily, no? When one is awakening they are dying to the precepts that are of the world which is a carnal grave for the beastly portions (son of perdition) within each and everyone that must be overcome by the anointing of Jehovah's Salvation with us aka Jesus Christ.

I personally do not have the same negative view of what you call the carnal mind. I see it as an indication of an indwelling perversion in the mind of the person who does.

How can a person even be at enmity with what they are as human beings unless there exists a spiritual perversion within their own mind, like a malicious brain eating thought virus that makes the world that you are living in and even your own inclinations as a human being seem evil?
Because we have a standard for what good is. That's how.

What you are endorsing is amorality which leads to anarchy and chaos not order and harmony.

You claim to have a standard for what good is. You claim to adhere to the moral teachings of the bible. Why then do you violate the first commandment of God religiously as some sort of sign of love and devotion? How can you have the audacity to claim to be adhering to any standard? You worship another man, and you judge the sexual lives of others as sinful? Hello?

What a joker.

Either you are making a deliberate demonstration of defiance and hatred for God or you are extremely confused.

Either way what you are involved in is wholly immoral and is what leads to chaos and anarchy, bringing entire nations under the condemnation of God. Undiluted. With an illusion of liberty and the mockery of justice for all.

You worship and eat the work of human hands for spiritual life, mislead others to do the same, desecrate the teachings of Jesus, and perjure yourself in the name of God on a daily basis.

And think you are on your way to paradise and that you have chosen "the better portion"... Damn.

There aren't enough eucharists in the world to make up for what you lack in brains.

You are at enmity with yourself and with reality. You openly profess to be seeking eternal life by doing exactly what scripture openly teaches results in death. That is not a spiritual struggle. That is a mental illness.

So you have become a devout catholic, after rejecting it as false, and plan to take it to the grave this time. Brilliant! Obstinate stupidity has to be of some value to God whatever you do or whatever you call him. Thats the ticket!

As anyone with eyes can plainly see, you have your reward already.
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The law says "thou shall not murder."

When Jesus said, "Satan was a murderer from the beginning" he was referring to the deception of Adam and Eve when the talking serpent misrepresented the command of God resulting in their death and expulsion from Eden.."In the day you eat of it you will surely die." Yet they continued to exist in a degraded state.

According to Jesus the subject of the law to not murder is not about homicide.

A murderer, in the eyes of God, is whoever misrepresented scripture and screwed up your mind when you were just a supple and tender lad..

Ever since then you have been slowly degenerating into a golem, an artificial creature, a shapeless mass, a body without a soul, exactly like Adam slowly returning to the dust of the earth in the fairy tale.

You seek the truth? You want to know what it is to live again?

Try harder.
Two things here in ur post. One 'that shapeless mass' a human (adam) who is in a deep sleep is totally unaware of the soul that was put within it (the human body being the garden area with a mouth that it is responsible to maintain).

Two when Paul said he died daily was he talking about his flesh? Paul is saying he died to those carnal precepts he'd been taught to follow by carnal minded teachers daily, no? When one is awakening they are dying to the precepts that are of the world which is a carnal grave for the beastly portions (son of perdition) within each and everyone that must be overcome by the anointing of Jehovah's Salvation with us aka Jesus Christ.

I personally do not have the same negative view of what you call the carnal mind. I see it as an indication of an indwelling perversion in the mind of the person who does.

How can a person even be at enmity with what they are as human beings unless there exists a spiritual perversion within their own mind, like a malicious brain eating thought virus that makes the world that you are living in and even your own inclinations as a human being seem evil?
Because we have a standard for what good is. That's how.

What you are endorsing is amorality which leads to anarchy and chaos not order and harmony.

You claim to have a standard for what good is. You claim to adhere to the moral teachings of the bible. Why then do you violate the first commandment of God religiously as some sort of sign of love and devotion? How can you have the audacity to claim to be adhering to any standard? You worship another man, and you judge the sexual lives of others as sinful? Hello?

What a joker.

Either you are making a deliberate demonstration of defiance and hatred for God or you are extremely confused.

Either way what you are involved in is wholly immoral and is what leads to chaos and anarchy, bringing entire nations under the condemnation of God. Undiluted. With an illusion of liberty and the mockery of justice for all.

You worship and eat the work of human hands for spiritual life, mislead others to do the same, desecrate the teachings of Jesus, and perjure yourself in the name of God on a daily basis.

And think you are on your way to paradise and that you have chosen "the better portion"... Damn.

There aren't enough eucharists in the world to make up for what you lack in brains.

You are at enmity with yourself and with reality. You openly profess to be seeking eternal life by doing exactly what scripture openly teaches results in death. That is not a spiritual struggle. That is a mental illness.

So you have become a devout catholic, after rejecting it as false, and plan to take it to the grave this time. Brilliant! Obstinate stupidity has to be of some value to God whatever you do or whatever you call him. Thats the ticket!

As anyone with eyes can plainly see, you have your reward already.
No. I claim that there is a standard of good and that the Bible contains moral teachings. I don't claim to be a saint. Far from it I am a sinner.

But putting that aside loving Jesus does not violate those standards. I have not judged anyone either. I leave that for you to do, humanist.
I have chosen the better portion and it will not be taken from me.
I'm simply trying to understand why seemingly somewhat intelligent people believe in all the bullshit spewed out by the bible? I originally came here to see if believers had anything real to based their beliefs on, it turns out they don't, it's all just wishful thinking and fantasy. Now I'm more astonished that you folks so strongly believe these fairy tales that don't even make sense. The evil that I talk about is in the bible, I'm not ascribing anything to anyone on my own, that's done by the people who wrote the bible who said that god mass drowned on purpose everyone except Noah and his posse.
Because they promote successful behaviors which naturally lead to happiness and success.

Only an idiot would deny the functional advantage of religious beliefs.

You ever hear of natural selection?
The smartest minds usually don't believe in the god of the bible because it makes no sense.

Religion hasn't promoted successful behaviours, just look at Sharia, Crusades, Inquisition, Moromons abusing young girls, Koresh, Jim Jones, Joel Osteen, ... all the religious wars around the world today...

Please try again.Idiot.
Bless your heart, taz. I'm not the one who is trying to make himself feel superior to others. That would be you, bro.

I'm just the one proving that you aren't.
You calling me idiot is an attempt to make yourself superior to me. I am superior to you, there's a difference. :biggrin:
Are you self identifying with someone who denies the functional advantages of religious beliefs, taz? Because I did not call you an idiot.

I know you think you are superior to people who believe in a higher power than man even though your official position is that there very well may be a higher power than man. This is just one of your many things inconsistencies with your supposed agnosticism.

The reality is that your only purpose here is to prove to yourself your superiority over others. Something I believe I disprove on a daily basis.
Everyone thinks they themselves are superior, nothing wrong with that, it's human nature. Religious beliefs don't bring you any advantage except to shield you from reality, maybe.
The bible is useless exactly because no 2 people can agree on its meaning. All it's doing is confusing everyone and pitting them against each other.
For you it is useless because you read it for uselessness.
So I'm the only one not allowed to give it my own meaning?
Is that what you are doing?
Of course, what's wrong with that?
I believe we both know better.
So some people are allowed to give the bible their own meaning, and some aren't? How does that work? Who decides?
The law says "thou shall not murder."

When Jesus said, "Satan was a murderer from the beginning" he was referring to the deception of Adam and Eve when the talking serpent misrepresented the command of God resulting in their death and expulsion from Eden.."In the day you eat of it you will surely die." Yet they continued to exist in a degraded state.

According to Jesus the subject of the law to not murder is not about homicide.

A murderer, in the eyes of God, is whoever misrepresented scripture and screwed up your mind when you were just a supple and tender lad..

Ever since then you have been slowly degenerating into a golem, an artificial creature, a shapeless mass, a body without a soul, exactly like Adam slowly returning to the dust of the earth in the fairy tale.

You seek the truth? You want to know what it is to live again?

Try harder.
Two things here in ur post. One 'that shapeless mass' a human (adam) who is in a deep sleep is totally unaware of the soul that was put within it (the human body being the garden area with a mouth that it is responsible to maintain).

Two when Paul said he died daily was he talking about his flesh? Paul is saying he died to those carnal precepts he'd been taught to follow by carnal minded teachers daily, no? When one is awakening they are dying to the precepts that are of the world which is a carnal grave for the beastly portions (son of perdition) within each and everyone that must be overcome by the anointing of Jehovah's Salvation with us aka Jesus Christ.

I personally do not have the same negative view of what you call the carnal mind. I see it as an indication of an indwelling perversion in the mind of the person who does.

How can a person even be at enmity with what they are as human beings unless there exists a spiritual perversion within their own mind, like a malicious brain eating thought virus that makes the world that you are living in and even your own inclinations as a human being seem evil?
Because we have a standard for what good is. That's how.

What you are endorsing is amorality which leads to anarchy and chaos not order and harmony.

You claim to have a standard for what good is. You claim to adhere to the moral teachings of the bible. Why then do you violate the first commandment of God religiously as some sort of sign of love and devotion? How can you have the audacity to claim to be adhering to any standard? You worship another man, and you judge the sexual lives of others as sinful? Hello?

What a joker.

Either you are making a deliberate demonstration of defiance and hatred for God or you are extremely confused.

Either way what you are involved in is wholly immoral and is what leads to chaos and anarchy, bringing entire nations under the condemnation of God. Undiluted. With an illusion of liberty and the mockery of justice for all.

You worship and eat the work of human hands for spiritual life, mislead others to do the same, desecrate the teachings of Jesus, and perjure yourself in the name of God on a daily basis.

And think you are on your way to paradise and that you have chosen "the better portion"... Damn.

There aren't enough eucharists in the world to make up for what you lack in brains.

You are at enmity with yourself and with reality. You openly profess to be seeking eternal life by doing exactly what scripture openly teaches results in death. That is not a spiritual struggle. That is a mental illness.

So you have become a devout catholic, after rejecting it as false, and plan to take it to the grave this time. Brilliant! Obstinate stupidity has to be of some value to God whatever you do or whatever you call him. Thats the ticket!

As anyone with eyes can plainly see, you have your reward already.
No. I claim that there is a standard of good and that the Bible contains moral teachings. I don't claim to be a saint. Far from it I am a sinner.

But putting that aside loving Jesus does not violate those standards. I have not judged anyone either. I leave that for you to do, humanist.

I didn't say that you claimed to be a saint. You claim to be saved.

You say that you seek eternal life with Jesus and God yet you do the exact opposite of what the Bible teaches leads to that life. You're a dead man walking dude. Snap out of it.

I'm doing you a favor by making you look at yourself. If you feel judged its because you don't like what you have been made to see. Thats not me judging you, that you being convicted by your own conscience.

Somewhere along the line between what you want to do and what you actually do you made a wrong turn in your mind and got stuck in nowhere land keeping your hopes and expectations for receiving a pat on the back from God for doing what is right unfulfilled. For some mysterious reason you were diverted into compulsively doing what is wrong.

If you really wanted to know what it is like to live forever, be true to yourself, change course, get out of your grave, do what is right and start living now.
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I have chosen the better portion and it will not be taken from me.

When you hear the music you make a dip
Into someone else's pocket then make a slip
Steal a car and go to las vegas oh, the gigolo pool
Hanging out by the state line, turning holy water into wine
Drinkin' it down
I'm on a bus on a psychedelic trip
Reading murder books tryin' to stay hip
I'm thinkin' of you, you're out there so
Say your prayers
Say your prayers
Say your prayers
Because they promote successful behaviors which naturally lead to happiness and success.

Only an idiot would deny the functional advantage of religious beliefs.

You ever hear of natural selection?
The smartest minds usually don't believe in the god of the bible because it makes no sense.

Religion hasn't promoted successful behaviours, just look at Sharia, Crusades, Inquisition, Moromons abusing young girls, Koresh, Jim Jones, Joel Osteen, ... all the religious wars around the world today...

Please try again.Idiot.
Bless your heart, taz. I'm not the one who is trying to make himself feel superior to others. That would be you, bro.

I'm just the one proving that you aren't.
You calling me idiot is an attempt to make yourself superior to me. I am superior to you, there's a difference. :biggrin:
Are you self identifying with someone who denies the functional advantages of religious beliefs, taz? Because I did not call you an idiot.

I know you think you are superior to people who believe in a higher power than man even though your official position is that there very well may be a higher power than man. This is just one of your many things inconsistencies with your supposed agnosticism.

The reality is that your only purpose here is to prove to yourself your superiority over others. Something I believe I disprove on a daily basis.
Everyone thinks they themselves are superior, nothing wrong with that, it's human nature. Religious beliefs don't bring you any advantage except to shield you from reality, maybe.
Wrong on both counts. Not everyone sees themselves as superior. See dunning effect. And science tells us that certain behaviors taught by religion do provide a functional advantage.
For you it is useless because you read it for uselessness.
So I'm the only one not allowed to give it my own meaning?
Is that what you are doing?
Of course, what's wrong with that?
I believe we both know better.
So some people are allowed to give the bible their own meaning, and some aren't? How does that work? Who decides?
What you are doing is a thinly veiled attempt at pleasing yourself at the expense of others. You know what you are doing is wrong and that is why you are attempting to rationalize it.

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