Is Joe Biden getting angrier?

Joe Biden is a weather vane politician, whichever way the wind is blowing is the driving force behind his policies and rhetoric. We've seen it time and again, the man has flip-flopped so many times that he oughta be called the pancake prez. He's not a leader, and never has been. He's essentially the leftist version of DJT, a populist that panders to the majority of voters on the left and tries to convince as many independent voters as he can to see things his way.
My husband was the happiest person I knew until the dementia. I see what happened to my husband every time I hear Biden speak. His wife needs to be arrested and jailed for elder abuse, for allowing him to be dragged through this shit show.
My dad got mean with his. It’s how people who can’t remember things get, angry
With falling ratings and increasingly hostile voters from both parties, is Joe Biden becoming angrier?

Here is a clip of someone who thinks he is becoming a little unhinged.

And here is a taste of just how angry Biden is becoming

His Anger is a sign of his dementia!
I think what people are becoming disillusioned with regarding Joe Biden, is the myth of Joe Biden

The myth of Joe Biden was that he was the competent choice compared to Trump, but as the world around his falls apart, people are now longing for Trump again.

The myth was that Joe Biden was a centrist and would bring the country together, but every time inflation rises or Covid spread, Joe Biden time and again blames Americans for these things, whether they are buying too many things or not getting vaccinated like they should, etc. And perhaps the greatest dividing factor are the mandates as Trump supporters are blamed for Covid itself, much like Trump was blamed for every Covid death during his term.

And as we see out of control inflation, Joe Biden the centrist wants to spend like Bernie Sanders, who is essentially telling Joe Biden what to do and think.

But if rising inflation and gas prices and the country going down the tubes is not enough, Joe Biden is more focused on making electric cars and global warming than pretty much any issue that concerns Americans.

And yes, these global warming issues will require even more spending and mass inflation with no real end in sight.

But the disconnect of the unpopularity of Joe Biden can be seen with this CNN reporter who can't seem to understand it.

All the reporter knows is, the unpopularity of Joe Biden is manufactured and should not be. But the price of becoming out of touch and disconnected from the average voter is the price you pay for being an elitist who never has a problem paying the rent or fueling their car or heating their home, etc. All you have to do is spew the partisan DNC line as a reporter and all your bills will get paid.

It's like magic!

People have made fun of him for being incoherent and a retard for a very long time now.

I'm trying to find a video i saw of him back when his hair was dark and he was talking to some black senator and it was like 3 straight minutes of "what in the hell are you even talking about?"
Anger is a common effect of dementia. Biden isn't going to finish his term. Democrats are guilty of senior abuse.
And the fear of not knowing what is real and what isn't. My wife has been dealing with dementia for a number of years now, and not being able to trust yourself is very difficult.
My sympathies. I remember being awakened several times a night to chase the people out of the living room.

This is a prime example of what I'm talking about

His Build Back Better policy is in shambles, so he moves on to raising costs on everything to fight the air.

Soon cars will be unaffordable, along with fuel, thus mandating mass transportation.

But that has been the goal all along.

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