Is Jr. Trying To Hang Daddy On Purpose?


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
The Chicago Tribune headline reads, “Donald Trump Jr's stunningly incriminating statement to the New York Times”

The Big Orange Idiot’s oldest son blabbed to the NYT that he met with a Russian lawyer with the intent of receiving damaging information “that individuals connected to Russia were funding the Democratic National Committee and supporting Ms. Clinton.”

As it turns out the lawyers tale of information was a scam to encourage Big Orange’s campaign team to meet concerning an unrelated issue. “Jr. confirmed that he went into the meeting expecting to receive information from the Russian lawyer that could hurt Clinton. That is a breathtaking admission.” Learning he had been taken in was a serious disappointment to Jr.

It is apparent few in the Trump family understand they have the right to remain silent. Jr. is another member of the Big Orange Idiot’s team making Special Council Mueller’s job a cakewalk.

“Jr.'s attempt to obtain information from a Russian lawyer that could harm Clinton seems likely to alarm investigators, regardless of whether the effort proved successful.”

How will the conservatives’ denial of facts twist the truth to, metaphorically, “kiss” this boo boo by Jr. to make it stop hurting? Face it, the noose is tightening around Big Orange's neck.

Donald Trump Jr.'s stunningly incriminating statement to the New York Times



Two examples of why some animals eat their young.

Nah, he's just throwing some crumbs to the fake ass media.

Apparently they are now declaring all Russians evil. Sure highlights the tolerance.
Looks like that lawyer was part of a set up by Fusion GPS. Ruh roh. You know. The D assholes that paid for the fake dossier. The noose is tightening. But not around Big Oranges neck. There will also be some R necks hanging high by the time Grassley is done with his investigation.

All the dots are starting to get connected.
Oh and as far as trying to find damaging material on a political opponent, Clinton's people in the Ukraine manufactured it. Let those investigations roll on.

Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire
Kiev officials are scrambling to make amends with the president-elect after quietly working to boost Clinton.

By Kenneth P. Vogel and David Stern

01/11/2017 05:05 AM EST

Donald Trump wasn’t the only presidential candidate whose campaign was boosted by officials of a former Soviet bloc country.

Ukrainian government officials tried to help Hillary Clinton and undermine Trump by publicly questioning his fitness for office. They also disseminated documents implicating a top Trump aide in corruption and suggested they were investigating the matter, only to back away after the election. And they helped Clinton’s allies research damaging information on Trump and his advisers, a Politico investigation found.

A Ukrainian-American operative who was consulting for the Democratic National Committee met with top officials in the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington in an effort to expose ties between Trump, top campaign aide Paul Manafort and Russia, according to people with direct knowledge of the situation.

The Ukrainian efforts had an impact in the race, helping to force Manafort’s resignation and advancing the narrative that Trump’s campaign was deeply connected to Ukraine’s foe to the east, Russia.

More at link:

Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire
The Chicago Tribune headline reads, “Donald Trump Jr's stunningly incriminating statement to the New York Times”

The Big Orange Idiot’s oldest son blabbed to the NYT that he met with a Russian lawyer with the intent of receiving damaging information “that individuals connected to Russia were funding the Democratic National Committee and supporting Ms. Clinton.”

As it turns out the lawyers tale of information was a scam to encourage Big Orange’s campaign team to meet concerning an unrelated issue. “Jr. confirmed that he went into the meeting expecting to receive information from the Russian lawyer that could hurt Clinton. That is a breathtaking admission.” Learning he had been taken in was a serious disappointment to Jr.

It is apparent few in the Trump family understand they have the right to remain silent. Jr. is another member of the Big Orange Idiot’s team making Special Council Mueller’s job a cakewalk.

“Jr.'s attempt to obtain information from a Russian lawyer that could harm Clinton seems likely to alarm investigators, regardless of whether the effort proved successful.”

How will the conservatives’ denial of facts twist the truth to, metaphorically, “kiss” this boo boo by Jr. to make it stop hurting? Face it, the noose is tightening around Big Orange's neck.

Donald Trump Jr.'s stunningly incriminating statement to the New York Times


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Two examples of why some animals eat their young.

I guess you've never heard of "Opposition Research".

Apparently the meeting was a setup and once they discovered it....they cancelled the rest of the meeting.

I must also ask you if Hillary was asked to meet with someone who said they had a video of Trump talking about grabbing pussy, do you think Hillary would reject that meeting?

Well obviously she didn't because the press had this video for 8 years and never used it until Hillary needed it.
The only reply the trumpsters have is, 'Fake News!' and 'Look at BHO/Hillary!'
But Mueller's after the Orange Clown, and we all know he'll get his man, and he will succeed, even without the steady stream of incriminating evidence being spewed out of the Trump camp, most from the Idiot-in-Chief himself.
Looks like that lawyer was part of a set up by Fusion GPS. Ruh roh. You know. The D assholes that paid for the fake dossier. The noose is tightening. But not around Big Oranges neck. There will also be some R necks hanging high by the time Grassley is done with his investigation.

All the dots are starting to get connected.

I'd really like a credible link to back up your claim. It has been reported since it came out that someone, most likely Jeb Bush, was the one that paid to have the investigation done and dossier written.
Don Jr admitted seeking dirt on HRC because truth was even WORSE. What could be worse? THIS:

What if, at the Trump Tower meeting with the Kremlin/Prevezon attorney, they were discussing FIXING THE $232 MILLION RUSSIAN MONEY-LAUNDERING CASE AGAINST PREVEZON?

That is, what if Jr. promised that his dad would go easy on Prevezon if elected?

That would be worse. And there is circumstantial EVIDENCE.

1) The Kremlin attorney Don Jr. met with in the Tower ALSO REPRESENTS PREVEZON.

2) Almost the first thing DT did after taking office was FIRE PREET BHARA -- the US attorney who was prosecuting the money--laundering case against Prevezon.

3) The case, which had been years in the making (and was supposed to feature a star witness who survived being thrown out of a 4th floor window) was UNEXPECTEDLY SETTLED in May -- for a surprisingly low amount and in a way that didn't require the admission of guilt.

Why was such a strong case settled on such favorable terms to Prevezon?
Did Trump's Justice Dept, headed by Jeff Sessions, have anything to do with this?

Is that what Jr. was discussing in his meeting with Prevezon's attorney?

Knowing that the Kremlin attorney represented Prevezon, I googled for links between Prevezon and DT, and found this interesting piece from May, about the surprising settlement the government reached with Prevezon. The author added an update yesterday. I bet we'll be hearing a lot more from him.
The only reply the trumpsters have is, 'Fake News!' and 'Look at BHO/Hillary!'
But Mueller's after the Orange Clown, and we all know he'll get his man, and he will succeed, even without the steady stream of incriminating evidence being spewed out of the Trump camp, most from the Idiot-in-Chief himself.
I think the jig is up and Mueller is walking on egg-shells.
He knows that the public knows that there was a conspiracy to create his job from the git-go and Comey admitted to it under oath.
Mueller would be better off just closing his office and getting out of town before he does something that puts him in jail.
The gullibility of the American Left is truly astounding.

There is NO STORY here. Even assuming everything reported is 100% accurate, so what?

Some Russian person - a woman, no less - got a meeting with Jr by promising to give him some information embarrassing to HRC. So what? She had no such information, and the meeting lasted long enough to see what she was up to, then it ended.

So what?
The Chicago Tribune headline reads, “Donald Trump Jr's stunningly incriminating statement to the New York Times”.
...and yet he said there was nothing there, it was vague and she made no sense. Why would he meet with her without knowing that? which law was broken?

You libs have painted yourselves in a corner with the whole Russia theme and even the local lib news that I just watched isn't spinning it your way anymore.
The only reply the trumpsters have is, 'Fake News!' and 'Look at BHO/Hillary!'
But Mueller's after the Orange Clown, and we all know he'll get his man, and he will succeed, even without the steady stream of incriminating evidence being spewed out of the Trump camp, most from the Idiot-in-Chief himself.
Golly, another toddler prancing around in victory for 8 months now despite reality. How many diapers have you gone through so far? Hard to charge a president for a non crime. Sorry, but you leftists don't have the power or authority to throw political enemies into the Gulag.
The gullibility of the American Left is truly astounding.

There is NO STORY here. Even assuming everything reported is 100% accurate, so what?

Some Russian person - a woman, no less - got a meeting with Jr by promising to give him some information embarrassing to HRC. So what? She had no such information, and the meeting lasted long enough to see what she was up to, then it ended.

So what?
You don't become an American leftist without being gullible. They can feed libs anything they want, they'll buy it.

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