Is Jr. Trying To Hang Daddy On Purpose?

The gullibility of the American Left is truly astounding.

There is NO STORY here. Even assuming everything reported is 100% accurate, so what?

Some Russian person - a woman, no less - got a meeting with Jr by promising to give him some information embarrassing to HRC. So what? She had no such information, and the meeting lasted long enough to see what she was up to, then it ended.

So what?
You don't become an American leftist without being gullible. They can feed libs anything they want, they'll buy it.
True. But only because they're incredibly stupid.
The gullibility of the American Left is truly astounding.

There is NO STORY here. Even assuming everything reported is 100% accurate, so what?

Some Russian person - a woman, no less - got a meeting with Jr by promising to give him some information embarrassing to HRC. So what? She had no such information, and the meeting lasted long enough to see what she was up to, then it ended.

So what?
There is NO STORY here. Even assuming everything reported is 100% accurate, so what?

The acorn doesn't fall far from the tree.

"Here’s How Trump Transferred Wealth to His Son While Avoiding the Usual Taxes"

Here’s How Trump Transferred Wealth to His Son While Avoiding the Usual Taxes
I'm not going to spend my day on your hate post but I did look at the first one. Explain to me how it's illegal to sell your son whatever you want for whatever you want. I never heard of such a law and that's the criticism. As if rich dems don't do the same?

Are you just trolling or retarded?
The acorn doesn't fall far from the tree.

"Here’s How Trump Transferred Wealth to His Son While Avoiding the Usual Taxes"

Here’s How Trump Transferred Wealth to His Son While Avoiding the Usual Taxes

Rebecca Solnit: The Loneliness of Donald Trump

The Making of Donald Trump

"There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true." Soren Kierkegaard
OMG......Trump used tax laws to evade being taxed.

Weird. Trump pays more taxes than anyone in congress....but one time he avoided paying what a liberal thinks is enough.

Hold the presses.
The acorn doesn't fall far from the tree.

"Here’s How Trump Transferred Wealth to His Son While Avoiding the Usual Taxes"

Here’s How Trump Transferred Wealth to His Son While Avoiding the Usual Taxes
I'm not going to spend my day on your hate post but I did look at the first one. Explain to me how it's illegal to sell your son whatever you want for whatever you want. I never heard of such a law and that's the criticism. As if rich dems don't do the same?

Are you just trolling or retarded?
I remember Barack H. OBAMA giving his daughter a gift of a couple of hundred thousand dollars to stay under $1 million dollars in taxable income once. I suggest we arrest him for tax-evasion.
The gullibility of the American Left is truly astounding.

There is NO STORY here. Even assuming everything reported is 100% accurate, so what?

Some Russian person - a woman, no less - got a meeting with Jr by promising to give him some information embarrassing to HRC. So what? She had no such information, and the meeting lasted long enough to see what she was up to, then it ended.

So what?

So if I just plan to rob a bank, but don't actually do it, I won't go to jail?
The acorn doesn't fall far from the tree.

"Here’s How Trump Transferred Wealth to His Son While Avoiding the Usual Taxes"

Here’s How Trump Transferred Wealth to His Son While Avoiding the Usual Taxes
I'm not going to spend my day on your hate post but I did look at the first one. Explain to me how it's illegal to sell your son whatever you want for whatever you want. I never heard of such a law and that's the criticism. As if rich dems don't do the same?

Are you just trolling or retarded?
I remember Barack H. OBAMA giving his daughter a gift of a couple of hundred thousand dollars to stay under $1 million dollars in taxable income once. I suggest we arrest him for tax-evasion.

Do you have a link to what you "remember"?
The acorn doesn't fall far from the tree.

"Here’s How Trump Transferred Wealth to His Son While Avoiding the Usual Taxes"

Here’s How Trump Transferred Wealth to His Son While Avoiding the Usual Taxes
I'm not going to spend my day on your hate post but I did look at the first one. Explain to me how it's illegal to sell your son whatever you want for whatever you want. I never heard of such a law and that's the criticism. As if rich dems don't do the same?

Are you just trolling or retarded?
I remember Barack H. OBAMA giving his daughter a gift of a couple of hundred thousand dollars to stay under $1 million dollars in taxable income once. I suggest we arrest him for tax-evasion.

Do you have a link to what you "remember"? problem.

Great thing about it is this is legal.

Apparently before he was president he made more money, or at least put more on his taxes.

Obamas Pump Up College Savings
Nah, he's just throwing some crumbs to the fake ass media.

Apparently they are now declaring all Russians evil. Sure highlights the tolerance.

Oh so now that it does look like the Trumps colluded with Russia, I see you guys are changing your tune.
This has been proved to be a set up and fizzled out already.

The story this morning is about Comey intentionally leaking classified information to the press.
The Chicago Tribune headline reads, “Donald Trump Jr's stunningly incriminating statement to the New York Times”

The Big Orange Idiot’s oldest son blabbed to the NYT that he met with a Russian lawyer with the intent of receiving damaging information “that individuals connected to Russia were funding the Democratic National Committee and supporting Ms. Clinton.”

As it turns out the lawyers tale of information was a scam to encourage Big Orange’s campaign team to meet concerning an unrelated issue. “Jr. confirmed that he went into the meeting expecting to receive information from the Russian lawyer that could hurt Clinton. That is a breathtaking admission.” Learning he had been taken in was a serious disappointment to Jr.

It is apparent few in the Trump family understand they have the right to remain silent. Jr. is another member of the Big Orange Idiot’s team making Special Council Mueller’s job a cakewalk.

“Jr.'s attempt to obtain information from a Russian lawyer that could harm Clinton seems likely to alarm investigators, regardless of whether the effort proved successful.”

How will the conservatives’ denial of facts twist the truth to, metaphorically, “kiss” this boo boo by Jr. to make it stop hurting? Face it, the noose is tightening around Big Orange's neck.

Donald Trump Jr.'s stunningly incriminating statement to the New York Times


View attachment 137980

Two examples of why some animals eat their young.

Nothing burger
The acorn doesn't fall far from the tree.

"Here’s How Trump Transferred Wealth to His Son While Avoiding the Usual Taxes"

Here’s How Trump Transferred Wealth to His Son While Avoiding the Usual Taxes
I'm not going to spend my day on your hate post but I did look at the first one. Explain to me how it's illegal to sell your son whatever you want for whatever you want. I never heard of such a law and that's the criticism. As if rich dems don't do the same?

Are you just trolling or retarded?
I remember Barack H. OBAMA giving his daughter a gift of a couple of hundred thousand dollars to stay under $1 million dollars in taxable income once. I suggest we arrest him for tax-evasion.

Do you have a link to what you "remember"? problem.

Great thing about it is this is legal.

Apparently before he was president he made more money, or at least put more on his taxes.

Obamas Pump Up College Savings

So you were being intentionally misleading? He didn't give his daughters money, he put it into a college fund.

Once again, false equivalences.

And you should provide links that aren't behind paid firewalls...
The acorn doesn't fall far from the tree.

"Here’s How Trump Transferred Wealth to His Son While Avoiding the Usual Taxes"

Here’s How Trump Transferred Wealth to His Son While Avoiding the Usual Taxes
I'm not going to spend my day on your hate post but I did look at the first one. Explain to me how it's illegal to sell your son whatever you want for whatever you want. I never heard of such a law and that's the criticism. As if rich dems don't do the same?

Are you just trolling or retarded?
I remember Barack H. OBAMA giving his daughter a gift of a couple of hundred thousand dollars to stay under $1 million dollars in taxable income once. I suggest we arrest him for tax-evasion.

Just did some searching on this subject, could not find a link or anything saying obama gave his daughter a couple hundred thousand. So where's your proof?

Oh never mind I didn't read the next poster. Putting money into a college fund which a lot of people do for their kids don't qualify for your bullshit.
The acorn doesn't fall far from the tree.

"Here’s How Trump Transferred Wealth to His Son While Avoiding the Usual Taxes"

Here’s How Trump Transferred Wealth to His Son While Avoiding the Usual Taxes
I'm not going to spend my day on your hate post but I did look at the first one. Explain to me how it's illegal to sell your son whatever you want for whatever you want. I never heard of such a law and that's the criticism. As if rich dems don't do the same?

Are you just trolling or retarded?
I remember Barack H. OBAMA giving his daughter a gift of a couple of hundred thousand dollars to stay under $1 million dollars in taxable income once. I suggest we arrest him for tax-evasion.

Do you have a link to what you "remember"? problem.

Great thing about it is this is legal.

Apparently before he was president he made more money, or at least put more on his taxes.

Obamas Pump Up College Savings

So you were being intentionally misleading? He didn't give his daughters money, he put it into a college fund.

Once again, false equivalences.

And you should provide links that aren't behind paid firewalls...
I think you're the liar here.
Putting $240,000 aside for his kids for whatever reason is the same as any tax deduction. It's a gift to his kids.....and a tax deduction. $240k is alot of money.....especially when the person doing it feels we shouldn't be allowed to make more than $850k.
The acorn doesn't fall far from the tree.

"Here’s How Trump Transferred Wealth to His Son While Avoiding the Usual Taxes"

Here’s How Trump Transferred Wealth to His Son While Avoiding the Usual Taxes
I'm not going to spend my day on your hate post but I did look at the first one. Explain to me how it's illegal to sell your son whatever you want for whatever you want. I never heard of such a law and that's the criticism. As if rich dems don't do the same?

Are you just trolling or retarded?
I remember Barack H. OBAMA giving his daughter a gift of a couple of hundred thousand dollars to stay under $1 million dollars in taxable income once. I suggest we arrest him for tax-evasion.

Just did some searching on this subject, could not find a link or anything saying obama gave his daughter a couple hundred thousand. So where's your proof?

Oh never mind I didn't read the next poster. Putting money into a college fund which a lot of people do for their kids don't qualify for your bullshit.
Actually it does.....but we'll go with that since you're living in denial.

Most people start a college fund when the kid is born and pay into it over the years. Obama paid it all in one tax year in advance instead of spreading it out over several years.....and did it to avoid paying taxes. *sob*....preventing Uncle Sam from collecting his fair share.

BTW.........since Obama left office the guy has been traveling the world visiting his billionaire friends, smoking weed and living off of other people's money. Meanwhile you pricks begrudge Trump a little starter cash from his Dad decades ago. What fucking hypocrites...
Nah, he's just throwing some crumbs to the fake ass media.

Apparently they are now declaring all Russians evil. Sure highlights the tolerance.

Oh so now that it does look like the Trumps colluded with Russia, I see you guys are changing your tune.
Where's the link to all of this evidence of collusion?
  • Thanks
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The only reply the trumpsters have is, 'Fake News!' and 'Look at BHO/Hillary!'
But Mueller's after the Orange Clown, and we all know he'll get his man, and he will succeed, even without the steady stream of incriminating evidence being spewed out of the Trump camp, most from the Idiot-in-Chief himself.

Just exactly what is incriminating about this?

What laws were broken?

Why do liberal airheads not see the facts?
Looks like that lawyer was part of a set up by Fusion GPS. Ruh roh. You know. The D assholes that paid for the fake dossier. The noose is tightening. But not around Big Oranges neck. There will also be some R necks hanging high by the time Grassley is done with his investigation.

All the dots are starting to get connected.

I'd really like a credible link to back up your claim. It has been reported since it came out that someone, most likely Jeb Bush, was the one that paid to have the investigation done and dossier written.

Hey I'm dying for Grassley to uncover both the NeverTrumpers and the D's who paid for that dossier. Oh and considering the whole Bush family was backing Clinton they could be suspects as well.

The other part of the Grassley nvestigation is going to be when he grills Comey on why he was willing to pay Christopher Steele big bucks to dig up dirt on Trump.

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