IS KIA any good

Likewise. But every manufacturer has problems. Some more than others perhaps but I bet 90% of most issues are from owner neglect. From people who never check oil and coolant levels to people who drive their vehicles like they're in a Nascar race.

I abused the shit out of my Tacoma and my FJ.
The only time the FJ failed me was my fault. I laid it on its side and didnt wait long enough for the oil to drain out of the cylinders.
Hydro locked the shit out of it,thank God it was still under warranty and they put a new engine in it.
I owned a Kia Soul for a few years. I'm a pretty big guy and at that time was even bigger. I was about 280 or so and 6'1". I fit into it comfortably with plenty of head and leg room. I also loved the height of the seat from the ground. The door opened far enough that I could turn my back to the seat and sit down and swing my legs into place very easily. It was a manual 5-speed and had a lot more power than I expected for a 4-cylinder. I needed a truck later and traded it but I'd recommend it to anyone and I'd buy another one without hesitation.

I am also big at 6-1
Is KIA any good...

If only there were a way to answer that question... If there was a place a person could type the question into a box in... I don't know... something... I guess you could call it a search engine... then a person could maybe hit "enter" and the question would go out over something full of information, call it the "Internet," and answers would come back in seconds... Answers, reviews, statistics...

Man. That would be cool...
They get good ratings but are so cheap cost

I need a new Sedan or SUV

My price is range is 30-40,000 only
It's ok.
I recommend anyone interested in which car brand to buy and which to avoid. To watch the youtube video's put out by Scotty Kilmer.
He's an old school car mechanic that makes a ton of video's covering everything about how to maintain your vehicle and keep it running for a long time in layman's terms.
He also tells how to spot the tricks crooked car dealers and auto repair shops use to cheat people out of money.
Well worth the time to watch in my opinion .. :thup:
Ever seen a tubbed out gremlin?
My buddy had one in the late 80's. Wasn't street legal but he cruised it anyways and just paid the tickets lol
My sister had one like that but the colors were reversed. I drove it once, kind of a kick. She was big on buying wierd cars. Her first was a Subaru two cylinder job back in the late 60s

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