Is killing abortion doctors a moral right?

Unicorns are not real, they are things of fairy tales and myth

Not really.


More lies like North Korea's King Dongmyeong's unicorn? Unicorns did not exist, not in Lascaux or Pyongyang.
Seek medical help for your delusion

... Hmm ... God knows everything and some people know everything better: My doctor loves unicorns.

Here is a picture from this mediator of transcendence:


Wisconsin born 1994
Texas killed 2012
Connecticut born 2012

Buffalo nor a myth
Siberian unicorn was a rhinoceros that went extinct 30,000 yr ago
Narwal is a whale
A deer in Italy was found with a genetic deformity with on horn

A unicorn however is the stuff of fables

Ah - you met Aesop - nevertheless a unicorn is a unicorn and enemies of unicorns are ... not nice.

The Scorpion and the Frog

A scorpion and a frog meet on the bank of a stream and the scorpion asks the frog to carry him across on its back. The frog asks, "How do I know you won't sting me?" The scorpion says, "Because if I do, I will die too." The frog is satisfied, and they set out, but in midstream, the scorpion stings the frog. The frog feels the onset of paralysis and starts to sink, knowing they both will drown, but has just enough time to gasp "Why?" Replies the scorpion: "It's my nature..."


Is it your nature to be for abortions? Are you able to imagine that a world without abortion could be a much more nice and happy world?

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Unicorns are not real, they are things of fairy tales and myth

Not really.


More lies like North Korea's King Dongmyeong's unicorn? Unicorns did not exist, not in Lascaux or Pyongyang.
Seek medical help for your delusion

... Hmm ... God knows everything and some people know everything better: My doctor loves unicorns.

Here is a picture from this mediator of transcendence:


Wisconsin born 1994
Texas killed 2012
Connecticut born 2012

Buffalo nor a myth
Siberian unicorn was a rhinoceros that went extinct 30,000 yr ago
Narwal is a whale
A deer in Italy was found with a genetic deformity with on horn

A unicorn however is the stuff of fables

Ah - you met Aesop - nevertheless a unicorn is a unicorn and enemies of unicorns are ... not nice.

The Scorpion and the Frog

A scorpion and a frog meet on the bank of a stream and the scorpion asks the frog to carry him across on its back. The frog asks, "How do I know you won't sting me?" The scorpion says, "Because if I do, I will die too." The frog is satisfied, and they set out, but in midstream, the scorpion stings the frog. The frog feels the onset of paralysis and starts to sink, knowing they both will drown, but has just enough time to gasp "Why?" Replies the scorpion: "It's my nature..."


Is it your nature to be for abortions? Are you able to imagine that a world without abortion could be a much more nice and happy world?

It's in my nature to support women and women's rights.

It would seem it is in your nature to believe fairy tales.
We are multicellular organisms. That's not astonishing for me.

that is astonishing because there are no multi-disimillar-cellular organisms on Planet Earth - all organisms are singlecell or multisubdivided singlecelled organisms, we are all the same ...


except for one species their footprint is destroying not just their environment but that of the entire Garden of Earth.

The death of little children is for our emotions the same as to kill the future of the world.

zaa: ... is for our emotions the same as to kill the future of the world.

So indeed someone has the moral right - maybe even the duty - to save such an innocent and helpless human being from death and destruction.

what exactly is your moral right, I wonder - to destroy the Garden Earth by a blind whim of immoral turpitude for an insatiable appetite you seem to embrace for humanity or the perseverance for the life of "all" living beings and their origin the same Garden Earth.


We are multicellular organisms. That's not astonishing for me.

that is astonishing because there are no multi-disimillar-cellular organisms on Planet Earth - all organisms are singlecell or multisubdivided singlecelled organisms, we are all the same ...


except for one species their footprint is destroying not just their environment but that of the entire Garden of Earth.

The death of little children is for our emotions the same as to kill the future of the world.

zaa: ... is for our emotions the same as to kill the future of the world.

So indeed someone has the moral right - maybe even the duty - to save such an innocent and helpless human being from death and destruction.

what exactly is your moral right, I wonder - to destroy the Garden Earth by a blind whim of immoral turpitude for an insatiable appetite you seem to embrace for humanity or the perseverance for the life of "all" living beings and their origin the same Garden Earth.


If you believe so strongly that it's ok to kill humans in order to save the planet. . .

Start with yourself. We will put something nice on your headstone or scatter your ashes on a glacier (to expedite the melting process) if that would work for you too.
If you believe so strongly that it's ok to kill humans in order to save the planet. . .

I certainly believe the Garden Earth is more important than one species, humanity - and live life accordingly so to be admitted to the Everlasting ...

its a carnivorous planet both Fauna and Flora, what goes around comes around I suggest you starve yourself to death so as not to take from others to provide for what has yet to be fed.

If you believe so strongly that it's ok to kill humans in order to save the planet. . .

I certainly believe the Garden Earth is more important than one species, humanity - and live life accordingly so to be admitted to the Everlasting ...

its a carnivorous planet both Fauna and Flora, what goes around comes around I suggest you starve yourself to death so as not to take from others to provide for what has yet to be fed.


I'm sure that makes sense to a complete simpleton such as yourself. Thankfully, most people who have more than three brain cells in their cranium already know that the amount of food on the planet is not finite. That starving one person does not feed another, etc.

That said, if you seriously think it's for the greater good?

You go first.
We are multicellular organisms. That's not astonishing for me.

that is astonishing because there are no multi-disimillar-cellular organisms on Planet Earth - all organisms are singlecell or multisubdivided singlecelled organisms, we are all the same ...


except for one species their footprint is destroying not just their environment but that of the entire Garden of Earth.

The death of little children is for our emotions the same as to kill the future of the world.

zaa: ... is for our emotions the same as to kill the future of the world.

So indeed someone has the moral right - maybe even the duty - to save such an innocent and helpless human being from death and destruction.

what exactly is your moral right, I wonder - to destroy the Garden Earth by a blind whim of immoral turpitude for an insatiable appetite you seem to embrace for humanity or the perseverance for the life of "all" living beings and their origin the same Garden Earth.


If you believe so strongly that it's ok to kill humans in order to save the planet. . .

In believe nothing in this direction. What you perhaps don't understand is it, that I am not a member of the english speaking world. It's for me totally unimportant who wins and who loses in a conversation, a verbal war of words, how your own english culture likes to see the problems in the world. As far as I'm able to see exists indeed a moral right to defend human beings against abortion executioners. It exists even in a much more clear way than Georg Elser had the moral right to kill Adolf Hitler. Elser tried to kill Hitler in a time when lots of people admired and supported Hitler - also lots of people of the english speaking world. And he had a less moral right to kill HItler, who did not begin not start with his most evil deeds, when Elser tried to kill him. Abortion executioners killed meanwhile millions of human beings. Nevertheless I don't think to kill abortion executioners is able to solve this problem, what you would know if you had read, what I wrote here.

The half life-period of the german population of the world is by the way about a 100 years meanwhile. I guess that's the same in England and the USA. The celto-scandinavo-germanic heritage of the world dies out. And this roots contain also the jewish-greek-roman roots = religion, science and the struture of rights and societies. So the indicator "abortion" - an antichristian, antiphilosophical and antisocial movement, which is realizing massmurder in the name of "human" rights - is maybe much more important than the most people in the world think. Human beings need justice - the human race dies without.

Start with yourself. We will put something nice on your headstone or scatter your ashes on a glacier (to expedite the melting process) if that would work for you too.

:lol: And I tried to give you a serios answer. But that's somehow okay. The unicorn Elser also never had any chance. If he was not able to kill Hitler then he and Germany had to die - and if he was able to kill Hitler then today would be written in the history books: A criminal murderer killed all hope in those days, when he murdered the great german statesman "Adolf Hitler", who had once spoken the famous words: "Do you like to have the total peace? The peace of the graveyards!".

PS: Oh ... Sorry Chuz Life ... I made a mistake ... I thought first someone else said so to me. ... But I don't correct this mistake now, because there are some thoughts written here, which are not existing at any other position here in this amber ... ah ... electronically paper.

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Not really.


More lies like North Korea's King Dongmyeong's unicorn? Unicorns did not exist, not in Lascaux or Pyongyang.
Seek medical help for your delusion

... Hmm ... God knows everything and some people know everything better: My doctor loves unicorns.

Here is a picture from this mediator of transcendence:


Wisconsin born 1994
Texas killed 2012
Connecticut born 2012

Buffalo nor a myth
Siberian unicorn was a rhinoceros that went extinct 30,000 yr ago
Narwal is a whale
A deer in Italy was found with a genetic deformity with on horn

A unicorn however is the stuff of fables

Ah - you met Aesop - nevertheless a unicorn is a unicorn and enemies of unicorns are ... not nice.

The Scorpion and the Frog

A scorpion and a frog meet on the bank of a stream and the scorpion asks the frog to carry him across on its back. The frog asks, "How do I know you won't sting me?" The scorpion says, "Because if I do, I will die too." The frog is satisfied, and they set out, but in midstream, the scorpion stings the frog. The frog feels the onset of paralysis and starts to sink, knowing they both will drown, but has just enough time to gasp "Why?" Replies the scorpion: "It's my nature..."


Is it your nature to be for abortions? Are you able to imagine that a world without abortion could be a much more nice and happy world?

It's in my nature to support women and women's rights.

It would seem it is in your nature to believe fairy tales.

I don't believe it's the nature of scorpions to do what Aesop said. Nevertheless I believe in this nature of scorpions he spoke about. Example: If you are for 50% of the human rights - the rights of women, because male frogs don't have human rights - why do you think it is okay to kill women in their mothers womb?

(PS: Damn! Did I call here women "Scorpions"? My sister will kill me! Better not to die as she did and not to meet her in her heavenly California.)

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Killing abortion doctors is for the religious, and fruitcakes.
and infection, cancer or parasite are also alive, but that does not mean a person should be forced to keep them.
It is the woman's womb and it is up to her if she is ready and willing to carry the embryo to term. It is her life, she is the living breathing human in the room making decisions.

Do you speak with me? ... I never would call abortions doctors "infections", "cancer" or "parasites". They are human beings - and no one has any right to kill human beings. The problem is the the duty to help People, who are to weak to be able to defend themselve. The human beings who will be aborted don't have any chance against their abortion excutioners.

They are a growth of cells.

We are multicellular organisms. That's not astonishing for me. We call this multicellular organisation "body". A body starts to grow with a first cell which contains the biological information about 50% of the body of the father and about 50% of the body of the mother.

They are not breathing

Breathing? Sure exists an aerobic metabolism of the growing human being during gestation. How to build up a body without oxygen?

thinking independent beings, they are feeding off the nutrients of the woman. If a man presented with the same symptoms as a pregnant woman the doctors would seek to remove the cause.

If a man would be able to get pregnant then he would be a woman.

You want to force a woman to keep it for nine months,

I said very clear what I think in this conetxt. Let me repeat in a very very short way: Sex produces not absortions. Sex produces babies. If a man and a woman havw sex with each oterh then they know the risk. Both made a contract with mother nature to protect their baby. If they don't like to fullfill this contract then I don't see why anyone in the world could have the duty to kill their baby. The only exception why to kill a human being is [extended] selfdefense.

and then possibly raise it for the next twenty.

Lots of people like to adopt babies.

Maybe the woman has her won hopes and dreams for her life that don't include at that time being a mother or responsible for another life.

If her dreams and hopes have nothing to do with motherhood, then I don't understand why she is pregnant.

Maybe she would rather be a lawyer than a waitress or a political leader than a house wife. She might be a scientist or some dangerous career that would be inhibited by a pregnancy.

Our german minister of defense Ursula von der Leyen has for example 9 children. Our chancellor Angela Merkel has no children. Both is completly okay. What has this to do with abortion? Do you really think someone who will become a scientist and decides not to have a baby on whatever reason is not able not to become pregnant?

She might be responsible for hundreds of lives and not have time to carry, give birth and raise an infant at the time.
It is her life and she might not want to put it on hold for a year or more.

I remember in the moment a car driver who nearly killed me because of his impatience. Thanks god and my guardian angel nothing what was evil had happened. Later I calculated he was ready to kill a human being only because of about 4 seconds of his lifetime. We call such people normally "psychopaths" or "sociopaths". Nine month is also not a long time. This justifies not the death of a human being.

That should be her decision, not something she if forced to do because of someone elses view of morality. She is not a slave.

If men want to over populate the world, let them carry the fetus and give birth. Maybe men should be more like Darwin frog and let women have their freedom.

As many times as men have sex, let them be responsible for all the lives they potentially produce. They wouldn't be able to feed themselves let alone their children. Inject men with a male birth control so they can't produce children till they are ready to have the implant removed. Castrate half the men out there.

Abortions are legal in India, russia, canada, australia, china, italy, france, spain, the US, most of africa. Why should you be the dictator of morality or determine what is right for women? Not your business to know or decide what a woman should do with her body or what happens in a doctor's office. Not for you to decide what tea she drinks or pills she takes. Not for you to decide what is medical, mental or physical, necessity for the woman.

Worry about the million of children out there than need homes and loving parents instead of forcing more children into the world. Worry about feeding the global population first. Worry about producing enough job and safe housing and proper schooling for everyone. Worry about world peace, that children born will have a tomorrow and not be so much fodder of war and abuse.

Even Bill Gates can't feed and care for all the children of the world, but you want to force women to keep an unwanted fetus?

Your morality stinks.

I read the last lines very fast. Your arguments here are very strange. Makes for me not a big sense to say anything to this points. Your opinion in this question seems to be more a kind of [anti]religious faith for you than it is an opinion any longer.

PS: What says your own mother to your ideas about abortion? Would you live - or would you not live - if you would had made her decisions?

Legally, men have given birth.

Strange. Extremly strange.

In the next couple of years a man will be able to get a uterus transplant making it possible for him to give birth.

Looks like if all men will die tomorrow then mankind will survive.

Merkel has two step children.

Oh - really? ... Indeed ... Nice.

If my parents had been in a different country and my mother had the option and realized soon enough she would have aborted both my brother and I.

Do I understand you in the right way? Your mother had aborted you and your brother because she did not like to have children, if there would had been a legal way to do so?

I have three children she has only seen a couple of times and two grandchildren she has never seen. Does not even want to hear about them. She does not like children.

Aha. ... Did you grow up in her house or did you grow up in an orphanage?

Some women are not the mother kind.

Some men are not the mother kind too.

I'm sure at sometime it might have bothered me a bit, but that is just the way she was.

No certainty we would come to term till we are born and we could die tomorrow. Anything can happen. Life is chance.

Abortion means death - not life. So there is no chance.

If I had not been born, it's not like I would know or care about it. The world would not have stopped.

Which world? Your world never had begun. You never had said something here for example.

History would have change a bit but the sun would rise and set either way.

A minimal cause can have a maximal effect. It could be for example your existance helped our universe not to lose vacuum energy - so maybe we are all only alive because you was born. Who knows? Every human being is uniquely.

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If you believe so strongly that it's ok to kill humans in order to save the planet. . .

I certainly believe the Garden Earth is more important than one species, humanity ...

Got it . My dogs and their not existing fleas are holy. Scorpions and women too. But what about their tics? Are ticks holy too? And is abortion holy?

Not for you to now if an abortion took place nor to judge the woman or doctor. You don't know her situation or her health history. You don't have the right to judge.
If there is a god and "moral" judgement on the matter, that is not in you hands.
Abortions in most of the world are legal in the first trimester. Many places you can buy pills to take in the first 70 days cross the counter. Women can order, over night delivery, a kit online to use in the privacy of their home.

It would be criminal for you to know or see her medical records to even know if she got an abortion and not just an annual pap smear or birth control.

Not you business in this life or after.

For the over righteous christians.................. who is truly without sin? Don't throw stones
More lies like North Korea's King Dongmyeong's unicorn? Unicorns did not exist, not in Lascaux or Pyongyang.
Seek medical help for your delusion

... Hmm ... God knows everything and some people know everything better: My doctor loves unicorns.

Here is a picture from this mediator of transcendence:


Wisconsin born 1994
Texas killed 2012
Connecticut born 2012

Buffalo nor a myth
Siberian unicorn was a rhinoceros that went extinct 30,000 yr ago
Narwal is a whale
A deer in Italy was found with a genetic deformity with on horn

A unicorn however is the stuff of fables

Ah - you met Aesop - nevertheless a unicorn is a unicorn and enemies of unicorns are ... not nice.

The Scorpion and the Frog

A scorpion and a frog meet on the bank of a stream and the scorpion asks the frog to carry him across on its back. The frog asks, "How do I know you won't sting me?" The scorpion says, "Because if I do, I will die too." The frog is satisfied, and they set out, but in midstream, the scorpion stings the frog. The frog feels the onset of paralysis and starts to sink, knowing they both will drown, but has just enough time to gasp "Why?" Replies the scorpion: "It's my nature..."


Is it your nature to be for abortions? Are you able to imagine that a world without abortion could be a much more nice and happy world?

It's in my nature to support women and women's rights.

It would seem it is in your nature to believe fairy tales.

I don't believe it's the nature of scorpions to do what Aesop said. Nevertheless I believe in this nature of scorpions he spoke about. Example: If you are for 50% of the human rights - the rights of women, because male frogs don't have human rights - why do you think it is okay to kill women in their mothers womb?

(PS: Damn! Did I call here women "Scorpions"? My sister will kill me! Better not to die as she did and not to meet her in her heavenly California.)

If someone killed you tomorrow it would be murder. Abortion in the first months by tea, bitter water or medically is not murder. Not in your bible, not under the law in most of the world.
In the last trimester when the fetus has a chance to survive outside the womb, there are in some cases consequences.
Not something for you to judge or take matters in you own hands.

Many countries don't execute criminal, even murders. If Germany has banned capital punishment, why would you presume to justify the killing of a doctor?
If you believe so strongly that it's ok to kill humans in order to save the planet. . .

I certainly believe the Garden Earth is more important than one species, humanity ...

Got it . My dogs and their not existing fleas are holy. Scorpions and women too. But what about their tics? Are ticks holy too? And is abortion holy?

Not for you to now if an abortion took place nor to judge the woman or doctor. You don't know her situation or her health history. You don't have the right to judge.
If there is a god and "moral" judgement on the matter, that is not in you hands.
Abortions in most of the world are legal in the first trimester. Many places you can buy pills to take in the first 70 days cross the counter. Women can order, over night delivery, a kit online to use in the privacy of their home.

It would be criminal for you to know or see her medical records to even know if she got an abortion and not just an annual pap smear or birth control.

Not you business in this life or after.

For the over righteous christians.................. who is truly without sin? Don't throw stones

Abortion executioners 'throw stones' on human beings (=kill legally), although the killed human beings are innocent. When Jesus said somehow: "Don't throw stones on a criminal, because you are sinners on your own" the people listened, thought about and stopped. So the question is how to stop the most abortions today. Do you really think it makes sense to say to abortion exectutioners: "Stop to do senseless abortions, because someone could had aborted you too!"?

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A doctor is performing a late term abortion and killing a baby which is an objectively human life, then would an individual have a moral right to kill them in defense of human life? (Just as some may argue that abolitionists had a right to kill slave owners in defense of the lives of slaves?)

(The state is of course a social construct and has no inherent rights but what the people give it, so while it might be illegal to kill an abortion doctor, if it's done in defense of an innocent life, I don't see why someone wouldn't have a right to do it).

We must not take the law into our own hands, but there needs to be a law against late term abortions, most abortions are done before 12 weeks. The only time one is justified to kill another is in self defense, that also goes for cops.
If you believe so strongly that it's ok to kill humans in order to save the planet. . .

I certainly believe the Garden Earth is more important than one species, humanity ...

Got it . My dogs and their not existing fleas are holy. Scorpions and women too. But what about their tics? Are ticks holy too? And is abortion holy?

Not for you to now if an abortion took place nor to judge the woman or doctor. You don't know her situation or her health history. You don't have the right to judge.
If there is a god and "moral" judgement on the matter, that is not in you hands.
Abortions in most of the world are legal in the first trimester. Many places you can buy pills to take in the first 70 days cross the counter. Women can order, over night delivery, a kit online to use in the privacy of their home.

It would be criminal for you to know or see her medical records to even know if she got an abortion and not just an annual pap smear or birth control.

Not you business in this life or after.

For the over righteous christians.................. who is truly without sin? Don't throw stones

Abortion executioners 'throw stones' on human beings (=kill legally), although the killed human beings are innocent. When Jesus said somehow: "Don't throw stones on a criminal, because you are sinners on your own" the people listened, thought about and stopped. So the question is how to stop the most abortions today. Do you really think it makes sense to say to abortion exectutioners: "Stop to do senseless abortions, because someone could had aborted you too!"?

Before christianity, at the height of christianity or today................. abortions still taking place and in most of the world are legal

Since you are neither god or appointed judge/executioner you don't get to decide

The idea that you even think you have the right to kill a doctor who preforms a legal abortion at the woman's request makes you the criminal. To do so would make you the killer

"Off with your head", how would that make anything right?

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