CDZ Is "Let's Go B******" protected free speech?

It is if it isn't true. I've personally seen two examples in my life of an employer lying so he could fire an employee.

Speaking from experience ... I am just saying the employer doesn't have to lie.
If you don't want someone working for you anymore, you can fire them.

If worse comes to worse ... The employer can even make them quit, before they have to fire them.
Firing an employee just tends to be a bit less messy and more expeditious, than making them quit ... :thup:

You're still confusing civil rights for civil liberties. They aren't the same thing.

Our civil rights, life, liberty and pursuit of happiness are protected from repression, by anyone. The "that only applies to the government" argument fails because of what the 5th Amendment says:. "...nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law." A private citizen has no authority to force his will upon another person. There's nothing in 5A that says that only applies to the government.
Does firing someone deprive them of life, liberty, or property? That sounds like murder, kidnapping, and theft, all of which are currently illegal.

If an employer wants to fire a person, for whatever reason, the employer can find a legal reason to do so, whether or not it is the same reason.
There is no need to pretend people have rights that they don't, or that an employer has to be stupid or weak.

This has been my experience as well. Even though the Civil Rights Act says an employer can't fire someone for their ethnicity, religion, and other protected classes, in practice, they can call it poor work performance or whatever, and usually get away with it.

No it does not. Nothing is stopping them from getting a new job. I was fired once, I went out and found a better job.

If firing someone deprived them of life, liberty, or property then it would be illegal to ever fire anyone for any reason.
No it does not. Nothing is stopping them from getting a new job. I was fired once, I went out and found a better job.

If firing someone deprived them of life, liberty, or property then it would be illegal to ever fire anyone for any reason.
You have to have money for life and to own property. The employee is deprived of the liberty to participate in political activities without fear of people punishment.
Mods I think this should be a fair topic in CDZ. I even edited the B word so no triggers flair

Let's say I yell it at a crowded mall pretending to call B******'s attention to someone way ahead in a crowd

What I mean is, should people be punished if said in public?

Absolutely not
The fact that you are asking that question shows how the freedom guaranteed in the Bill of Rights is under threat by the liberals in our nation.

Some might call “Let’s go Brandon” hate speech but the reason we have freedom of speech is not to protect nice speech but to protect not so nice speech.

I'm sure the employer would love to be featured on Tucker and Hannity.....lolol
Lol, it's free speech. A private employer has the right to fire you for saying it in public. I tell my employees that they shall not offend members of any party because it will cost us clients. They are also to leave politics at the door. None on the job site. Fuck Tucker and Hannity they don't pay my bills. Same goes for whoever on the other side.
No it does not. Nothing is stopping them from getting a new job. I was fired once, I went out and found a better job.

If firing someone deprived them of life, liberty, or property then it would be illegal to ever fire anyone for any reason.
For shitty work...........fine YOUR be forced to take a damn experimental jab for a high survival rate virus.............UP YOURS.......

In regards to outside work........none of your business.........unless you are dang criminal.
It has been easily predictable to watch the left do a 180 deg turn on how we should handle disrespect to a sitting president.

When Trump was in office, people would flick off his motorcade or telling him to go F*ck himself on award show podiums and they would be supported and applauded by their colleagues and media as virtuous.

Now that Biden is in office, I'm sure they're trying to say that the phrase, like anything that negatively portrays Biden, is "hate speech" and symptom of "white supremacy" or something like that.

Oh Yeah.. I almost forgot.. January 6th.. a day that mainstream Democrat leaders said was worse than Pearl Harbor, 9-11, slavery, etc. A day where one rioter died, and congress resumed hours later after the pillow fight .
It has been easily predictable to watch the left do a 180 deg turn on how we should handle disrespect to a sitting president.

When Trump was in office, people would flick off his motorcade or telling him to go F*ck himself on award show podiums and they would be supported and applauded by their colleagues and media as virtuous.

Now that Biden is in office, I'm sure they're trying to say that the phrase, like anything that negatively portrays Biden, is "hate speech" and symptom of "white supremacy" or something like that.
Who's complaining?
If you look up "Let's Go Brandon", the left-friendly Google will shower you with CNN articles about the phrase, and CNN is clearly pissed at it.

And just remember, CNN constantly claims it's an objective news organization. LOL
Who listens to CNN?
Cannot be fired for political speech.
You shouldn't be able to, but you certainly can, especially if you're a Conservative.

Being a Conservative today is like being a black in the Democrat Jim Crow days. Things aren't fair, but you have to manage the best you can until hopefully justice comes one day.

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