Is LGBT Functioning as a Cult Under the Guise of "A Civil Rights Movement"?

Do You Think LGBT Functions More Like A Cult Or Civil Rights Movement?

  • Civil rights movement. LGBT doesn't resemble a cult at all!

    Votes: 5 22.7%
  • Civil rights movement. Though it does have overtones of a cult.

    Votes: 2 9.1%
  • A cult. They evangelize and punish heretics just like a cult.

    Votes: 10 45.5%
  • A cult. Though they do have overtones of a civil rights movement too.

    Votes: 3 13.6%
  • Other...see my posts..

    Votes: 2 9.1%

  • Total voters


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
From this conversation's post # 455
The First Amendment prohibits religious belief from becoming US law. This is known as "the separation of church and state". Not everyone believes your religion so it is not "freedom" to impose your religious views on members of the general public through legislation. Why is this so difficult to understand?

Writing a law based on a Bible passage which defines marriage as only between a man and a woman in order to discriminate against tens of thousands of gay and lesbian couples is in direct violation of the First Amendment of the US Constitution. So the question stands, "Do Teabaggers want to abolish the First Amendment in order to push through their religious laws?"

Then why is the cult of LGBT trying to force what it does on other religions who forbid enabling such a cult to expand and thrive in a culture they're in?

LGBT is a de facto religion. They have rules of conduct, they actively evangelize [don't believe me? Watch TV] and they punish heretics within and outside the fold. Think of Anne Heche's name being synonymous with "traitor" and what they just did to the Mozilla guy..

Don't kid yourself. They freely admit this is a "culture war". They are one religion, a cult, actively seeking to extinguish the 1st Amendment rights, and thereby the active components of the faith they're after extinguishing. Key components of christianity interfere with the expansion of the new cult. Such as the forbidding of homosexual behavior and homosexual enabling. So one cult sees the other as the enemy that has to be extinguished in order for it's own dogma to survive. And it is actively engaged in doing just that under the ruse of "a legitimate civil rights movement". Behaviors outside federally-recognized religions don't have "civil rights". Especially when those "civil rights" seek to force the faithful of other longstanding religions abandon their core values to accomodate a new religion that embraces core dogma diametrically opposed to faithful christians, muslims etc.

Make no mistake. LGBTs DO NOT want a discussion of their idiology as having behavior at its base. Because if that topic gets explored, the only conclusion that can be arrived at is that we are dealing with a de facto cult. And cults have no place expanding and in so doing forcing christians and other faithful to abandon their 1st Amendment rights.
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Objective #1: Hit the opposition at its core:

A journalist from Panorama, a conservative weekly news magazine owned by the Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi, used a hidden camera to film interviews with three gay priests.

The priests introduced the journalist to the gay clubs they apparently frequent and allowed the journalist to film their sexual encounters with strangers, including one in a church building.

One of the priests, a Frenchman identified only as Paul, celebrated Mass in the morning before driving the two escorts he had hired to attend a party the night before to the airport, Panorama said. Catholic priests 'filmed at gay clubs and having casual sex' - Telegraph

Now what on earth were three priests doing inviting journalists to document their gay sex encounters at night clubs? Were they deliberately trying to document daming slander against the catholic church?

Bear in mind that Pope Benedict was the first Pope to be unseated in 700 years. That's no small feat. But when catholic dogma conflicts with your cult, you have to use your bevy of actors with a lifelong dedication to the dogma of LGBT to infiltrate and bring down the head of the opposition.

Or so they thought...

The LDS Church is joining others in filing the brief despite an earlier media report from local Salt Lake City affiliate FOX 13 saying the church wouldn’t issue a filing in the case. The church didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment on why it was participating in filing despite this report....

...The brief is along the lines of similar filings that the Mormon Church and other religious groups submitted before the U.S. Supreme Court last year when California’s Proposition 8 and the Defense of Marriage Act were before the court.

But there’s a key difference: even though the earlier filing included other groups, the only law firm in that document was the Salt Lake City-based Kirton & McConkie, which handles legal matters for the LDS church. Now, Anthony Picarello, general counsel for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, has joined that firm in signing the document before the Tenth Circuit.

Furthermore, the brief disputes the assertion often made by LGBT advocates (and courts) that bans on same-sex marriage were motivated out of animus toward LGBT people — a key consideration in determining the measures are unconstitutional.

“The accusation is false and offensive,” the brief states. “It is intended to suppress rational dialogue and democratic conversation, to win by insult and intimidation rather than by reason, experience, and fact. In truth, we support the husband-wife definition of marriage because we believe it is right and good for children, families, and society.” Mormons make case for Utah, Oklahoma marriage bans
First learn what a cult is:

1: formal religious veneration : worship


: a system of religious beliefs and ritual; also : its body of adherents


: a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious; also : its body of adherents


: a system for the cure of disease based on dogma set forth by its promulgator <health cults>


a : great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work (as a film or book); especially : such devotion regarded as a literary or intellectual fad

b : the object of such devotion

c : a usually small group of people characterized by such devotion

Cult - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

so the answer is no....

unless in opposite world you think they're not really gay... :cuckoo:

note: no religious beliefs
note: no object of religious devotion
note: gays are about 10% of the population, far greater than some religious groups and not a small group at all

there are no "adherants" unlike your cult of homophobes
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Make no mistake. LGBTs DO NOT want a discussion of their idiology as having behavior at its base. Because if that topic gets explored, the only conclusion that can be arrived at is that we are dealing with a de facto cult. And cults have no place expanding and in so doing forcing christians and other faithful to abandon their 1st Amendment rights.

I think the word "cult" implies - off the bat - that something is negative and I think it should be shied away from. If you want to drive through this point, how about you use the world "Religion"? It means practically the same thing, but without all the negative connotations.

"Christianity" - if you may recall - was considered a "cult" for many, many, many years before breaking through into the mainstream.

Again, not a very "neutral" word.
Make no mistake. LGBTs DO NOT want a discussion of their idiology as having behavior at its base. Because if that topic gets explored, the only conclusion that can be arrived at is that we are dealing with a de facto cult. And cults have no place expanding and in so doing forcing christians and other faithful to abandon their 1st Amendment rights.

I think the word "cult" implies - off the bat - that something is negative and I think it should be shied away from. If you want to drive through this point, how about you use the world "Religion"? It means practically the same thing, but without all the negative connotations.

"Christianity" - if you may recall - was considered a "cult" for many, many, many years before breaking through into the mainstream.

Again, not a very "neutral" word.

religion requires a point of worship and dogma

how about we just say they're a minority entitled to the same equal protection under the law as anyone else.

being gay is just what some people are born.
We're going about this all wrong. We should present ourselves as a religion....then we are completely protected from discrimination thru the 1st Amendment and get tax writeoffs too.
Make no mistake. LGBTs DO NOT want a discussion of their idiology as having behavior at its base. Because if that topic gets explored, the only conclusion that can be arrived at is that we are dealing with a de facto cult. And cults have no place expanding and in so doing forcing christians and other faithful to abandon their 1st Amendment rights.

I think the word "cult" implies - off the bat - that something is negative and I think it should be shied away from. If you want to drive through this point, how about you use the world "Religion"? It means practically the same thing, but without all the negative connotations.

"Christianity" - if you may recall - was considered a "cult" for many, many, many years before breaking through into the mainstream.

Again, not a very "neutral" word.

religion requires a point of worship and dogma

being gay is just what some people are born.

I never said I agreed with her characterization, however she may be referring to the LBGT Lobby - if you will, that has a very specific and poignant agenda - and not necessarily each and every gay person on their own.

Catholicism is a religion, however there are "Christians" who are non-religious that simply try to live their life in accordance to Jesus's teachings without all the strict ritual, etc.

You know?
religion requires a point of worship and dogma

how about we just say they're a minority entitled to the same equal protection under the law as anyone else.

being gay is just what some people are born.

People aren' born gay. They learn it via sexual imprinting. Many times as with the new spike in boys ages 13-24 coming down with HIV from trying out gay sex, they learn it and imprint it upon themselves from social cues:
Conditioning and Sexual Behavior: A ReviewJames G. Pfaus,1 Tod E. Kippin, and Soraya Centeno
Center for Studies in Behavioral Neurobiology, Department of Psychology, Concordia
University, 1455 deMaisonneuve Bldg. W., Montre´al, Que´bec, H3G 1M8 Canada

The point of worship is the rebellion against the normal function of the reproductive pairings. A deep seated fear or revulsion of the opposite gender born from almost certain past sexual abuse in the same gender or abusive models a child experienced in the opposite gender

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...

The dogma of the church of LGBT is that you must always be open to doing gay sex but never EVER say you are returning to hetero like Anne Heche [their poster-girl heretic] did. You must remain fluid sexually when it comes to being "bi-curious" or "coming out" from the hetero population to being gay. But any suggestion or effort to bring out the obvious closeted heterosexuality [lesbian women attracted to mannish women with strapons] from the gay population fluidly back to the hetero one is equivalent to being asked to be burned at the stake.

So much so in fact that any therapy that a minor tries to seek to correct the compulsions and negative life he is living as a result of the quote above from the Clinical Psychiatry news findings and those of the CDC, are banned as a matter of law in California and New Jersey. But SCORES upon SCORES of psychological outfits and assitance is availible to those kids wanting to cast off heterosexuality to be "bi curious" or "come out gay"...

That's a dogmatic and illogical application of "equality". A minor is frankly not allowed to not be gay even if he was documented as having been "tampered with" by the same gender via molestation [a common occurance as "epidemic" with gay men at least]. However if that same minor is hetero, every urging availible to mankind is at his feet to "at least try out" gay sex at an impressionable age.

This cult is nothing but pedophilia writ-large where the cult always acts towards youth to encourage them to "join up" [code "come out" or be "bi-curious"].

Even the gay education Czar Kevin Jennings is instituting a program in schools teaching "gay fisting" teaching kids how to relax their anuses to receive gay sex there [an extremely deadly practice given all we know about the colon being a superhighway for the HIV virus to be absorbed directly into the bloodstream]. This is reminiscent of "peg boys" [google it] of the old days on ships where the ship's captain would force a boy to sit on a peg to keep his anus open to receive the captain's penis more painlessly when the mood struck the captain...

We are grooming a generation of "peg boys" giving a full leg-up to this dogmatic value and the evangelizing to youth that this cult is actively engaged in day after day.
homosexuality is probably some combination of nurture and nature. but it certainly isn't a learned behavior

if someone claims homosexuality is learned behavior, then they must also hold the same to be true for heterosexuality.

No more than normal eating vs bulimia. Normal eating is an instinctive drive. The warping of that instinctive drive is bulimia. Normal sexual attraction comes from powerful pheremones drawing you to mate and beget young with the opposite gender. Homosexuality is the warping of that instinctive drive.

Case in point. I've worked with training stud animals who were "tricked" [gays call this "tampered with"] at a threshold age where you take their powerful instinctive attraction to the opposite gender and train the sexual arousal pattern onto another object or gender. Bull cattle are tricked this way to become aroused at the sight of castrated steer males. Ranchers do this because cows are too valuable to risk injury to when collecting semen. So they take an estrus cow's smell, rub it on the hindquarters of another male and voila! They make a gay cow out of the bull.

Stallions, dogs, boars, rams, bucks etc. etc. can be skewed in this way and have been for centuries to preserve excellent genetic lines for farms and zoos alike. It works for all warm blooded mammals, some avians and reptiles too. If a young boy or girl is "trained up" via molestation which they often conflictedly come to enjoy because of the powerful release of endorphines at orgasm by a same gendered perp, they then join the class of "warped natural sexual drive" addicts. Or, simply homosexuals.

Some who realize this is not what they wanted and who want to throw off this training, because it also elicits powerful feelings of betrayal and depression common with child sex victims, are denied this wish. In at least two states now a minor may not throw off this drive until it becomes permanent and cannot be driven off with reparative therapy. Gays have lobbied for enacted laws in those states that essentially guarantee that the newly inducted "warped" child will never "go back" like Anne Heche did.. At 18 when they finally can get therapy to help them at their own wishes, the repetition is so grounded that the prognosis for repair is hopeless at best. We see this with animals too. If you wait too long, training a bull or stallion back to natural service becomes more and more difficult as the years go on.

It's fun when you study the actual science instead of making stabs in the dark, what you can learn about warping normal behaviors into the cult of LGBT ideals. They didn't come up with the phrase "tampered with" in lavender venacular years and years ago for no reason... they know full well what it means....
The movement is simply being pushed by what we would call communists in the 50's and 60's. I don't believe the queers completely understand that their movement is an old plot to destroy, the family, and ultimately the nation from the inside but they are doing a bang up job.
homosexuality is probably some combination of nurture and nature. but it certainly isn't a learned behavior

And what pray tell do you think "nurture" is? :cuckoo:

They're "nurturing" when it's politically expedient. But they're ready to froth at the mouth the moment anyone questions or disagrees with their "in-your-face" agenda. They're waging a frontal attack (no pun intended) on America's traditional values and national definition of right and wrong.
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A Civil Rights movement, with overtures of a cult, on behalf of the practitioners of unnatural, perverse, aberrant and deviant sexual practices, and their attendant behaviors and lifestyle manifestations - seeking to legitimize the despicable.
Seeking to keep women from voting is despicable.

Seeking to keep blacks, Hispanics, Native Americans, Asian Americans from voting is despicable.

Seeking to keep people from marrying whom they wish is despicable.

The Circuit Court seems divided 2 - 1.

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