Is LGBT Functioning as a Cult Under the Guise of "A Civil Rights Movement"?

Do You Think LGBT Functions More Like A Cult Or Civil Rights Movement?

  • Civil rights movement. LGBT doesn't resemble a cult at all!

    Votes: 5 22.7%
  • Civil rights movement. Though it does have overtones of a cult.

    Votes: 2 9.1%
  • A cult. They evangelize and punish heretics just like a cult.

    Votes: 10 45.5%
  • A cult. Though they do have overtones of a civil rights movement too.

    Votes: 3 13.6%
  • Other...see my posts..

    Votes: 2 9.1%

  • Total voters
I don't matter how many votes rack up each day, the number of folks who are seeing, beginning to see or actually realize that LGBT is a cult is holding steady at around 60%.

Not sure how that translates into "a majority supports gay marriage" etc. And how if such a clear majority supposedly supports gay marriage...they desperately need activist judges engaged in contempt of SCOTUS and clear sedition of the governed to try to issue fascist "overrule" to the governed's Will expressed in their vote...state by state...

Seems their level of desperation and hard line tactics betrays the true numbers of who they actually know "supports gay marriage" etc...

You should learn the meaning of context. All that shows you is that 60% of the people responding to your poll are homophobic and xenophobic retards. I wouldn't put much stock into your poll results as indicative of the nation at large.


And the meaning of accurate, where the results of a ‘poll’ on an internet message board is in no way ‘accurate.’
And the meaning of accurate, where the results of a ‘poll’ on an internet message board is in no way ‘accurate.’

The poll on this thread where many diversive posters come at this website is probably way more accurate at 60% believing gayness is a cult. More accurate than pollsters entering blue districts in cities and "polling regular Americans" they find there for the "the majority support gay marriage" nonsense they keep repeating: hoping the lie becomes truth by repetition. "Fake it till you make it" is the Lavender cult's mantra, didn't you know?

If you needed further evidence that they themselves know the real numbers, reflected by this thread's 60%, look no further than the activist-judge syndrome. With all this wave of popular support for gay marriage, why the need for activist judges overruling state's sovereign powers? Why not just place initiatives on the ballot with this huge wave of strong support for gay marriage? Or do gays suspect that some of the numbers they're getting aren't strong? Mediocre? Coerced? Politically-correct lies a person on the spot tells the pollster?...

And what's with all this "tyranny of the majority" mumbo jumbo when gays are saying the majority supports them?

Something smells fishy in Denmark for sure..
And the meaning of accurate, where the results of a ‘poll’ on an internet message board is in no way ‘accurate.’

The poll on this thread where many diversive posters come at this website is probably way more accurate at 60% believing gayness is a cult. More accurate than pollsters entering blue districts in cities and "polling regular Americans" they find there for the "the majority support gay marriage" nonsense they keep repeating: hoping the lie becomes truth by repetition. "Fake it till you make it" is the Lavender cult's mantra, didn't you know?

If you needed further evidence that they themselves know the real numbers, reflected by this thread's 60%, look no further than the activist-judge syndrome. With all this wave of popular support for gay marriage, why the need for activist judges overruling state's sovereign powers? Why not just place initiatives on the ballot with this huge wave of strong support for gay marriage? Or do gays suspect that some of the numbers they're getting aren't strong? Mediocre? Coerced? Politically-correct lies a person on the spot tells the pollster?...

And what's with all this "tyranny of the majority" mumbo jumbo when gays are saying the majority supports them?

Something smells fishy in Denmark for sure..

Only a asshat would construct a poll purposely with 3 out of 5 questions saying its possibly a cult and count the answers as some sort of valid poll. What kind of retard are you and what makes you think other people are as stupid as you are?
homosexuality is probably some combination of nurture and nature. but it certainly isn't a learned behavior

if someone claims homosexuality is learned behavior, then they must also hold the same to be true for heterosexuality.

No more than normal eating vs bulimia. Normal eating is an instinctive drive. The warping of that instinctive drive is bulimia. Normal sexual attraction comes from powerful pheremones drawing you to mate and beget young with the opposite gender. Homosexuality is the warping of that instinctive drive.

Case in point. I've worked with training stud animals who were "tricked" [gays call this "tampered with"] at a threshold age where you take their powerful instinctive attraction to the opposite gender and train the sexual arousal pattern onto another object or gender. Bull cattle are tricked this way to become aroused at the sight of castrated steer males. Ranchers do this because cows are too valuable to risk injury to when collecting semen. So they take an estrus cow's smell, rub it on the hindquarters of another male and voila! They make a gay cow out of the bull.

Stallions, dogs, boars, rams, bucks etc. etc. can be skewed in this way and have been for centuries to preserve excellent genetic lines for farms and zoos alike. It works for all warm blooded mammals, some avians and reptiles too. If a young boy or girl is "trained up" via molestation which they often conflictedly come to enjoy because of the powerful release of endorphines at orgasm by a same gendered perp, they then join the class of "warped natural sexual drive" addicts. Or, simply homosexuals.

Some who realize this is not what they wanted and who want to throw off this training, because it also elicits powerful feelings of betrayal and depression common with child sex victims, are denied this wish. In at least two states now a minor may not throw off this drive until it becomes permanent and cannot be driven off with reparative therapy. Gays have lobbied for enacted laws in those states that essentially guarantee that the newly inducted "warped" child will never "go back" like Anne Heche did.. At 18 when they finally can get therapy to help them at their own wishes, the repetition is so grounded that the prognosis for repair is hopeless at best. We see this with animals too. If you wait too long, training a bull or stallion back to natural service becomes more and more difficult as the years go on.

It's fun when you study the actual science instead of making stabs in the dark, what you can learn about warping normal behaviors into the cult of LGBT ideals. They didn't come up with the phrase "tampered with" in lavender venacular years and years ago for no reason... they know full well what it means....

This homosexuality is abnormal and is a form of a cult type situation.It must be criminalized and made illegal.
This homosexuality is abnormal and is a form of a cult type situation.It must be criminalized and made illegal.

No..taking it to the absurd to make the opposite

No, homosexuality is abnormal and as such should be exposed and understood. The cult should be thereafter disbanded by mere exposure of the underlying issues and loss of public promotion. From there you extend compassion and teach new generations how to avoid becoming imprinted to this compulsion and how to be tolerant and supportive to those who have without promoting what they do as normal.

It's the "promoting what they do as normal" that makes them a cult. Not that they are merely homosexuals.
oh, there we go..polls here just bumped up those who consider LGBT to be a probable-cult are around 65% now. Creeping upwards..
oh, there we go..polls here just bumped up those who consider LGBT to be a probable-cult are around 65% now. Creeping upwards..

Sodomy,homosexuality, is still a major crime in many countries of the world.

So? It isn't here. Neither is bulimia. Though I'd hardly promote either as a normal human function of the digestive system and give either a socially-sanctioned iconic title such as "married"...
WTF? Only in 3 states according to Windsor.

No, it's not "3 states according to WIndsor".

Windor recognized the 12 States that had SSCM which where achieved judicially and legislatively as well as the 3 states that passed it at the ballot box.

New York, in common with, as of this writing, 11 other States
and the District of Columbia, decided that same-sex couples
should have the right to marry and so live with pride in themselves
and their union and in a status of equality with all other married
persons. After a statewide deliberative process that enabled its
citizens to discuss and weigh arguments for and against same-sex
marriage, New York acted to enlarge the definition of marriage to
correct what its citizens and elected representatives perceived to
be an injustice that they had not earlier known or understood.​


Yes, actually, by the definition of Windsor, the default decision-making goes to consensus, not judical activism that thwarts the core of democracy in each state.

So, as SCOTUS sometimes does, they erred in what they said. That is about the only thing they'll need to redact in the new decision they hand down on Utah, Oklahoma etc.

So, for instance, with a legal consensus in California that does not allow gay marriage, polygamy and minors marrying, among others, a single judge cannot overturn the will of the People there. Ergo Prop 8 is and always was the law, according to the language of Windsor.

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