Is liberalism based on violence at the point of a gun??

The "liberals" on this forum are not liberals in the true sense of the word, they are "progressives" a different kind of animal and much more mental

Yes, they're Progressives....I know they're not actual Liberals because I myself, whilst being what they would term *gasp* Far-Right, I do hold some liberal views....usually on sex, naturally Jung would have told me because I must be some sort of sex maniac!

Progressives are all messed up when it comes to sex, guys doing guys, men are women, women are men, ugh it gives me a headache

Strange isn't it with them? They really seem to also have a problem, with that SHOCKING sexual perversion, which is biological men doing biological woman and vice-versa.

The Progressives are literally the spiritual successors to the Progressives of Sodom and Gomorrah and look what happened to them :eek-52:
The "liberals" on this forum are not liberals in the true sense of the word, they are "progressives" a different kind of animal and much more mental

Yes, they're Progressives....I know they're not actual Liberals because I myself, whilst being what they would term *gasp* Far-Right, I do hold some liberal views....usually on sex, naturally Jung would have told me because I must be some sort of sex maniac!
You don't live here much less know 300 million people like these braggarts claim they do....Even the Founders would be considered progressive....lunatic fringe(British term) rebels, that bucked the ancient regime and set up a revolutionary experiment in a new political ideology...

Progressives are the SAME all over the planet, there is absolutely no difference between American Progressives and European Progressives ditto Australia, New Zealand et al.
Oh, so now we have moved from not proving that liberals are violent to, I think ghey sex is nasty..Well if you do then don't do it.....
But, I can tell you that pigeon holing all people into one is most illogical and a greater fallacy than what you claim you are "outraged about".
The "liberals" on this forum are not liberals in the true sense of the word, they are "progressives" a different kind of animal and much more mental

Yes, they're Progressives....I know they're not actual Liberals because I myself, whilst being what they would term *gasp* Far-Right, I do hold some liberal views....usually on sex, naturally Jung would have told me because I must be some sort of sex maniac!
You don't live here much less know 300 million people like these braggarts claim they do....Even the Founders would be considered progressive....lunatic fringe(British term) rebels, that bucked the ancient regime and set up a revolutionary experiment in a new political ideology...

Progressives are the SAME all over the planet, there is absolutely no difference between American Progressives and European Progressives ditto Australia, New Zealand et al.
Yet you are playing into their game of claiming all liberals are progressive, which is not true....Individual perceptions of politics vary from one human to another...
I love reading posts from uneducated so called conservatives who know absolutely nothing about US history and the fight workers have had to wage over the years in order to become something more than just slave labor to the plutocracy. You have no clue how America became the greatest nation on earth. You have this idiotic view that workers should be satisfied if their employer throws them a few scraps and believe that those workers should be grateful for the few scraps they get. The arrogance of those on the right is nothing short of amazing.

Maybe you should read just a little about the history of many of this country's mine workers who were treated like slaves.
West Virginia's Mine Wars
Sure, they want a minimum wage, for example, and 10001 other interventions in our lives violently forced at the point of a liberal gun while conservatives and libertarians want free interactions between people based on peaceful and mutual agreement.

So why would anybody be a liberal?

Liberalism is based on mental illness.

yes I agree mental illness that manifests as violence. I'm sure liberals think its about caring, not about a violent illness.
Liberal anti fascists are soooooo fascistic. Just watch what they do when people who don't believe what they believe attempt to hold peaceful protests.
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Oh, so now we have moved from not proving that liberals are violent to, I think ghey sex is nasty..Well if you do then don't do it.....
But, I can tell you that pigeon holing all people into one is most illogical and a greater fallacy than what you claim you are "outraged about".

Huh? Are you responding to me? Because I didn't comment most of those things.
Yet you are playing into their game of claiming all liberals are progressive, which is not true....Individual perceptions of politics vary from one human to another...

Not to the conservatives. They are binary thinkers and with them it's either their way or the wrong way. Never a gray area in between.

Probably the biggest reason nothing gets done in DC. Because the assholes on the right do not believe in compromise.
Oh, so now we have moved from not proving that liberals are violent to, I think ghey sex is nasty..Well if you do then don't do it.....
But, I can tell you that pigeon holing all people into one is most illogical and a greater fallacy than what you claim you are "outraged about".
You said "ghey sex" and "pigeon holing"!!!
Sure, they want a minimum wage, for example, and 10001 other interventions in our lives violently forced at the point of a liberal gun while conservatives and libertarians want free interactions between people based on peaceful and mutual agreement.

So why would anybody be a liberal?

Liberalism is based on mental illness.

yes I agree mental illness that manifests as violence. I'm sure liberals think its about caring, not about a violent illness.
Liberal anti fascists are soooooo fasciststic. Just watch what they do when people who don't believe what they believe attempt to hold peaceful protests.

The Antifa's don't hold peaceful protests.

The Antifa's are VIOLENT's some of their flags and symbols here in Europa, they are pathetic, they are Traitors and they are going to be dealt with.


Still waiting on liberals using violence and gunz on people to force their view...
The "liberals" on this forum are not liberals in the true sense of the word, they are "progressives" a different kind of animal and much more mental

Yes, they're Progressives....I know they're not actual Liberals because I myself, whilst being what they would term *gasp* Far-Right, I do hold some liberal views....usually on sex, naturally Jung would have told me because I must be some sort of sex maniac!
You don't live here much less know 300 million people like these braggarts claim they do....Even the Founders would be considered progressive....lunatic fringe(British term) rebels, that bucked the ancient regime and set up a revolutionary experiment in a new political ideology...

Progressives are the SAME all over the planet, there is absolutely no difference between American Progressives and European Progressives ditto Australia, New Zealand et al.
Yet you are playing into their game of claiming all liberals are progressive, which is not true....Individual perceptions of politics vary from one human to another...

Don't worry, at some point this year, we'll separate the wheat from the chaff, we'll be able to do this because when the SHTF....Liberals will be OMG OMG and the Progressives which include the Commie Antifa will fight their OWN peoples to protect the Muslim savages....then WE have separated the wheat from the chaff.

We have hope during that time, that ALL political ideology for a time can be put aside, so we ALL can join forces against the Traitors.
Sure, they want a minimum wage, for example, and 10001 other interventions in our lives violently forced at the point of a liberal gun while conservatives and libertarians want free interactions between people based on peaceful and mutual agreement.

So why would anybody be a liberal?

We're liberal because we're smarter than you. That's really all there is to it.
Sure, they want a minimum wage, for example, and 10001 other interventions in our lives violently forced at the point of a liberal gun while conservatives and libertarians want free interactions between people based on peaceful and mutual agreement.

So why would anybody be a liberal?

We're liberal because we're smarter than you. That's really all there is to it.

Sure, they want a minimum wage, for example, and 10001 other interventions in our lives violently forced at the point of a liberal gun while conservatives and libertarians want free interactions between people based on peaceful and mutual agreement.

So why would anybody be a liberal?

When and where were guns pointed at you in the current minimum wage debate?

Be specific and back up your lunacy with credible evidence.

Or, as equally productive alternative, go change your poopy adult diaper.
Sure, they want a minimum wage, for example, and 10001 other interventions in our lives violently forced at the point of a liberal gun while conservatives and libertarians want free interactions between people based on peaceful and mutual agreement.

So why would anybody be a liberal?

When and where were guns pointed at you in the current minimum wage debate?

Be specific and back up your lunacy with credible evidence.

Or, as equally productive alternative, go change your poopy adult diaper.
Please don't let him put us into his stinging zinger thread...

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