Is liberalism based on violence at the point of a gun??

Sure, they want a minimum wage, for example, and 10001 other interventions in our lives violently forced at the point of a liberal gun while conservatives and libertarians want free interactions between people based on peaceful and mutual agreement.

So why would anybody be a liberal?

We're liberal because we're smarter than you. That's really all there is to it.
yes liberals are smart because they don't like freedom and prefer violence!!

Thugs always think they're smarter than the people they prey on.

ghetto violence sky rocketed after the crippling liberal welfare programs began in the 1960's because liberals established the principle that you get stuff with violence not with peaceful, respectful voluntary exchanges. Our liberal ghettos are like Somilia.
Still waiting on liberals using violence and gunz on people to force their view...

To be honest, I haven't heard of the Liberals using guns to force their view.

A laws are enforced with guns. That's the bottom line.

People won't behave on their own.

As I say, you can't even get people to stop, for safety's sake, at an intersection, unless you put up a stop sign, make it the law,
and penalize people who disobey.

Studies have shown that your claim is bullshit. There are many countries that don't have street lights at major intersections. It has been shown that traffic flow in these cities is more efficient and there are fewer accidents.

Furthermore, who says there wouldn't be stop signs if the streets were privately owned? I lived in a gated community were all the streets were owned by the HOA. There were stop signs at every intersection.

People won't even follow the easy laws, let alone the ones that might take even more will and effort.

Lawlessness is insane and you know it.

Getting rid of government doesn't equate to "lawlessness." People don't obey stupid laws. In most cases they find a way to solve problems without ramming so-called "solutions" down everyone's throat..
People won't behave on their own.


great point!! So they need elitists liberal people in govt who know how to behave, to force other people to behave as they see fit at the point of a gun!! Hitler Stalin and Mao would love you!

People won't behave on their own.


yes thats exactly why our country was founded. We were looking for people who knew how we should behave to make us behave correctly at the point of a gun!!!! See why liberals spied for Stalin?
Is liberalism based on violence at the point of a gun??

Not all the time. I hear they have secured the yellow cake for their centrifuges and will have political nukes by the time Trump wins the nomination.

The General's is not going to be a "gun fight"! Nor is it a man on man fight! Spread the word.
Is liberalism based on violence at the point of a gun??

Not all the time. I hear they have secured the yellow cake for their centrifuges and will have political nukes by the time Trump wins the nomination.

The General's is not going to be a "gun fight"! Nor is it a man on man fight! Spread the word.

You loserterians seem to be anti-civilization?
exactly our genius Founders were anti civilization because they liked freedom not govt violence!!
I guess you forgot the Whiskey Rebellion during George Washington's presidency, John Brown bit the dust from Lincoln..

Lincoln wasn't a Founding Father. He was a tyrant who wiped his ass on the Constitution.

And George Washington and his liberal political party were wiped out by Republicans because of events like the Whiskey Rebellion.
Liberalism is based on violence of a muslim's gun, since it's raison d'etre is guzzling enough muslim semen to coat the entire surface of the moon. Filthy, treasonous, self-hating-westerner pond life.
You loserterians seem to be anti-civilization?
exactly our genius Founders were anti civilization because they liked freedom not govt violence!!
I guess you forgot the Whiskey Rebellion during George Washington's presidency, John Brown bit the dust from Lincoln..

Lincoln wasn't a Founding Father. He was a tyrant who wiped his ass on the Constitution.

And George Washington and his liberal political party were wiped out by Republicans because of events like the Whiskey Rebellion.
Rally dahlink, think of a better example, since Lincoln used EO's out der azz...
I love reading posts from uneducated so called conservatives who know absolutely nothing about US history and the fight workers have had to wage over the years in order to become something more than just slave labor to the plutocracy. You have no clue how America became the greatest nation on earth. You have this idiotic view that workers should be satisfied if their employer throws them a few scraps and believe that those workers should be grateful for the few scraps they get. The arrogance of those on the right is nothing short of amazing.

Maybe you should read just a little about the history of many of this country's mine workers who were treated like slaves.
West Virginia's Mine Wars
The federal government has sucked the life out of millions for many, many decades, that is what socialism does.
I US history and the fight workers have had to wage over the years in order to become something more than just slave labor

Actually, under socialism 120 million workers slowly starved to death. Under capitalism there is innovation, great inventions, and so great wealth the fruits of which must be shared with labor or labor simply moves on to a company that shares wealth more. A capitalist survives only with great products and great jobs.

Simple Econ 101 but over the head of a liberal by a country mile.
The "liberals" on this forum are not liberals in the true sense of the word, they are "progressives" a different kind of animal and much more mental

Yes....when they were discovered to be the statists thugs that they are, they took the word "Liberal" to hide who they that everyone knows that "liberal" are really statist thugs...they are changing their name again to "progressive." They always have to hide who they are, what they want and what they are willing to do to get it....
...they are changing their name again to "progressive." ...

I think thanks to Sanders they have changed their name to socialist/communist. The truth is stunning, i.e., they were always communists slowly subverting our country and Constitution.
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