Is liberalism based on violence at the point of a gun??

I US history and the fight workers have had to wage over the years in order to become something more than just slave labor

Actually, under socialism 120 million workers slowly starved to death. Under capitalism there is innovation, great inventions, and so great wealth the fruits of which must be shared with labor or labor simply moves on to a company that shares wealth more. A capitalist survives only with great products and great jobs.

Simple Econ 101 but over the head of a liberal by a country mile.

Edward, you are a complete moron. Supporting worker's rights is not socialism you idiot. You are in that group of the special stupid who actually believe Bernie Sanders is a socialist just like Obama. Democratic Socialism is nothing like the socialism of Communist countries that you are referring to, but you are so dumb that you cannot see the difference. I am done responding to anything you say anymore. Please do not respond to any of my posts, because you are just too stupid for me to even want to deal with you.
"Is liberalism based on violence at the point of a gun??"

The thread premise is based on a moronic lie and fallacy.
You are in that group of the special stupid who actually believe Bernie Sanders is a socialist just like Obama.
Dear, Bernie is way smarter than you and says he's a socialist and he he says he loves what Barry has done. Now do you finally understand??
Democratic Socialism is nothing like the socialism of Communist countries that you are referring to,

oh right like being democratic makes a difference. Do you know how many millions voted for Hitler?
Just as Democrats morphed into liberals, progressives, and now Bernie socialists, they soon can be communists or Nazis!!

I know you're 100% illiterate but here is what Jefferson said about it!

Thomas Jefferson:
Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.
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