Zone1 Is Living in the U.S. A Life Wasted?

Uh ok. People don't usually toss away everything to come here from a reasonably stable country. The point is, they are primarily coming HERE.
streets of >>>>


A lot of Americans are realizing the country is not what it used to be. People are saying that America had a glorious pass, but look at how is degraded today. And it’s true. You look at the radical BLM and LGBT agenda it is a disaster.

Businesses and colleges across America are not practicing a meritocracy. And that has led to a bad economy.

Let’s get this straight people are destroying statues of great people like Andrew Jackson, George, Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Christopher Columbus that’s happening here in America that doesn’t happen in other countries. So that’s why a lot of people have left America to go to other countries to find a better life.

We have work to do in this country to bring back our glorious history.

Far left women are of course, a net negative for America. And so something needs to be done about that.
It's actually a good Q, one that the upper quintile here (when they post) have opined on in length....they paint us as a broken system, which quite frankly, i have a hard time arguing against....

>>>looks down at beer gut<<<< :rolleyes:

I'll never know

You're taking to a dirt poor pig farmer from VT Taz

My chances of leaving are feet first............

That said, it's the jingos that i really have no patience for

'Greatest country'?

what metric applies?

You’re a cool 😎 guy in my book
I belong to a group on Facebook for people who have or are interested in dual citizenship. My mother is an immigrant from Singapore and my wife and I have discussed the likelihood of us retiring outside the U.S. when we reach that age. Someone posted a question today simply asking why people wanted dual citizenship. Most people had very short and basic answers: the ease of visiting family, staying longer, wanting a second home abroad, but this one individual wrote something far more intuitive and rather profound.

View attachment 830667

Note: I can't link to this post as it is a private group, so I took a screenshot.

It's hard for me to argue with many of her points. I've travelled all over the world and most people live substandard lives compared to those us in the United States, but there are also plenty of places where people have it better than us, depending on what's most important to you. We do work harder than our industrial counterparts. We do spend less leisure time and less time with our families. We do have a lot of chemicals in our food that other countries do not allow. It does seem like in the United States we're all in a constant rat race, whereas my experience in many European countries is that people live more relaxed and less stressed lives, even if they don't have all the commodities we're accustomed to. I brought up in a thread a few months ago that while Americans make up only 5% of the world population we consume 50% of the world's pharmaceuticals. That's a damning statistic regarding our people.

Are we doing it wrong? I'm curious as to everyone's thoughts.
When everyone was saying Hillary would win the 2016 election I looked to many countries to relocate. In jr high I realized one amendment allowed me to keep all the others and that is the Second. Hillary is a criminal and would have remained a criminal. We had 8 years of her husband and with both of them I would have to choose Bill as the less of two evils. A lot of Americans love Hillary. A lot of Americans are bat shit crazy.

What I found out about these other countries is some you have the right to have firearms but you will have to jump through hoops, pay crazy prices, and be under the government's thumb to own one and there is no place on Earth that would let allow me to own 1/4 of the weapon I have including California and New York. America is still the freest and greatest nation ever on this Earth and would remain that way if the stupid didn't support evil and chip away a little every day. At the start of WWII England was hurting as far as arms. The Americans boxed up their hunting rifles, shotguns, and pistols and sent them to England. The only thing we asked was after the war England send them back to America. But in fear of these subjects having arms the British Government destroyed them all. Maybe one day even you can become citizens and California can fight for half the Bill of Rights that has already been lost. Ya hear that you pecker heads?
I belong to a group on Facebook for people who have or are interested in dual citizenship. My mother is an immigrant from Singapore and my wife and I have discussed the likelihood of us retiring outside the U.S. when we reach that age. Someone posted a question today simply asking why people wanted dual citizenship. Most people had very short and basic answers: the ease of visiting family, staying longer, wanting a second home abroad, but this one individual wrote something far more intuitive and rather profound.

View attachment 830667

Note: I can't link to this post as it is a private group, so I took a screenshot.

It's hard for me to argue with many of her points. I've travelled all over the world and most people live substandard lives compared to those us in the United States, but there are also plenty of places where people have it better than us, depending on what's most important to you. We do work harder than our industrial counterparts. We do spend less leisure time and less time with our families. We do have a lot of chemicals in our food that other countries do not allow. It does seem like in the United States we're all in a constant rat race, whereas my experience in many European countries is that people live more relaxed and less stressed lives, even if they don't have all the commodities we're accustomed to. I brought up in a thread a few months ago that while Americans make up only 5% of the world population we consume 50% of the world's pharmaceuticals. That's a damning statistic regarding our people.

Are we doing it wrong? I'm curious as to everyone's thoughts.
Adopting such a view is a severe mistake, I guess.

  • No your food is not poisoned
  • No, you don´t work harder, you are in the middle, Mexico is where people work the hardest (making your stuff)
  • No, nobody forces you to take meds at gunpoint - you just buy them, as the other goods

I often thought what Americans say about their country would be deemed anti-American in my place where the US is the land of milk and honey.

Here is what you actually can choose from:
  • You prefer responsibility, freedom and choice, then the USA is your place
  • You prefer social security and gov that makes all choices for you, then the EU is your place
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If I were 18 years old today, I would move to Australia.
America is turning into a banana republic.
No. No it is NOT a banana republic. Move to Cuba, Haiti, Columbia or Venezuela and get back to me.
I LOVE America, and always will.
Australia.......why.....what is the attraction?
I'm sure it's got something, but what speciffically?

Have you lived in the Philippines? Or Thailand and if so, how was your experience.?? I’m looking forward to going to Thailand soon.
They have, I've never seen except pictures, some exotic places.

But so does the USA.
I prefer to just see the ENTIRE USA, because there is so much to see.
That's just me being satisfied with the USA.
I belong to a group on Facebook for people who have or are interested in dual citizenship. My mother is an immigrant from Singapore and my wife and I have discussed the likelihood of us retiring outside the U.S. when we reach that age. Someone posted a question today simply asking why people wanted dual citizenship. Most people had very short and basic answers: the ease of visiting family, staying longer, wanting a second home abroad, but this one individual wrote something far more intuitive and rather profound.

View attachment 830667

Note: I can't link to this post as it is a private group, so I took a screenshot.

It's hard for me to argue with many of her points. I've travelled all over the world and most people live substandard lives compared to those us in the United States, but there are also plenty of places where people have it better than us, depending on what's most important to you. We do work harder than our industrial counterparts. We do spend less leisure time and less time with our families. We do have a lot of chemicals in our food that other countries do not allow. It does seem like in the United States we're all in a constant rat race, whereas my experience in many European countries is that people live more relaxed and less stressed lives, even if they don't have all the commodities we're accustomed to. I brought up in a thread a few months ago that while Americans make up only 5% of the world population we consume 50% of the world's pharmaceuticals. That's a damning statistic regarding our people.

Are we doing it wrong? I'm curious as to everyone's thoughts.

Europeans can afford to live like they do because we are their defacto military.

Enough with that.
The older you are, the grass is less and never greener.

I told my young lad, 22 yrs of age, that he should move to New Zealand because his recent qualification as an electrician gives him that opportunity.
Hmmm. We don't need any more right wing Brits, thanks. They seem to think the country should be changed to their preferences, complain too many words are in Te Reo.
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Adopting such a view is a severe mistake, I guess.

  • No your food is not poisoned
  • No, you don´t work harder, you are in the middle, Mexico is where people work the hardest (making your stuff)
  • No, nobody forces you to take meds at gunpoint - you just buy them, as the other goods

I often thought what Americans say about their country would be deemed anti-American in my place where the US is the land of milk and honey.

Here is what you actually can choose from:
  • You prefer responsibility, freedom and choice, then the USA is your place
  • You prefer social security and gov that makes all choices for you, then the EU is your place
There’s hard-working people in every country… here in America, we are the country built by steel workers , one of the hardest jobs in human history. People died in large numbers, working those jobs here in America. American farmers work incredibly hard sometimes working 15-20 hour days. And they come from all backgrounds.

There’s lazy people in every country, including in Mexico. Although certainly many of those Mexican folks are the descendants of the great Spanish conquistadors. So they are wonderful Catholic people, and I respect them greatly.

It is a fact that there are a number of other countries of the world where are the lifespan is quite a bit longer than it is here and the USA. We are the most obese country in the world at about 40%. Now there’s countries like say Cambodia, where the obesity rate is 5%. So we have problems here in America when it comes to our diet and the food we eat. So many of the foods we eat are packed with preservatives. They are extremely unhealthy.

Much of that cheap food at Walmart is just garbage man. And that’s where a lot of poor people get their food from places like Walmart, target, the dollar store. Frozen food packed with unhealthy preservatives. There can be no denying it….

But it is the self-righteous Biden BLM supporters that have no problem watching our country denigrate whether it is the destruction of the historic statues in this country statues of people like Andrew Jackson, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Christopher Columbus, many statues that were destroyed in the summer of 2020 and the most evil despicable showing of Democrats. It was basically all Democrats Biden supporters BLM supporters that destroyed those statues. A heinous crime a pod humanity, comparable to the Taliban, destroying statues of the Buddhas

As Biden supporters continue to pat them selves on the back we are going through one of the worst economies in American history. The average price of a home is $400,000. And the way that Biden supporters try and laugh it off or act like monsters in response to it is unacceptable. The price of gas price of groceries is astronomical. Those prices have to come down or else we’re gonna continue to see suffering in this country. The LA Times reported that homelessness is at an all-time high in America. So yes, this country is in trouble.

The USA used to be a great country. We have declined since Joe Biden took office. That’s a fact. And it takes an American patriot to understand how much better we were in our history compared to today.
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I LOVE America, and always will.

You know, it is possible to love America and still want to experience life elsewhere.

When I retire I will have spent 85% of my life living in this country, not including travel for vacations.

I am more than ready to give somewhere else a try, especially if what would be a comfortable retirement in the US can become something far greater in a different country.

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