Zone1 Is Living in the U.S. A Life Wasted?

I belong to a group on Facebook for people who have or are interested in dual citizenship. My mother is an immigrant from Singapore and my wife and I have discussed the likelihood of us retiring outside the U.S. when we reach that age. Someone posted a question today simply asking why people wanted dual citizenship. Most people had very short and basic answers: the ease of visiting family, staying longer, wanting a second home abroad, but this one individual wrote something far more intuitive and rather profound.

View attachment 830667

Note: I can't link to this post as it is a private group, so I took a screenshot.

It's hard for me to argue with many of her points. I've travelled all over the world and most people live substandard lives compared to those us in the United States, but there are also plenty of places where people have it better than us, depending on what's most important to you. We do work harder than our industrial counterparts. We do spend less leisure time and less time with our families. We do have a lot of chemicals in our food that other countries do not allow. It does seem like in the United States we're all in a constant rat race, whereas my experience in many European countries is that people live more relaxed and less stressed lives, even if they don't have all the commodities we're accustomed to. I brought up in a thread a few months ago that while Americans make up only 5% of the world population we consume 50% of the world's pharmaceuticals. That's a damning statistic regarding our people.

Are we doing it wrong? I'm curious as to everyone's thoughts.
In many ways I believe we get it wrong. The rampant greed/entitlement among society seems out of control as of late. Our political environment is projecting the Ugly American stereotype we tend to abhor on the world stage.

But I've traveled the world and still believe the US is the best for opportunity for individuals to be a success intellectually as well as financially. Our constitutional liberties are also a huge benefit. Some areas of this nation are severely lacking, but that's going to be true of any country.

I've had my fill of city life. I choose to live extremely rural, and It's paradise to me. So at least I feel I've been 'doing it right' so far.
I belong to a group on Facebook for people who have or are interested in dual citizenship. My mother is an immigrant from Singapore and my wife and I have discussed the likelihood of us retiring outside the U.S. when we reach that age. Someone posted a question today simply asking why people wanted dual citizenship. Most people had very short and basic answers: the ease of visiting family, staying longer, wanting a second home abroad, but this one individual wrote something far more intuitive and rather profound.

View attachment 830667

Note: I can't link to this post as it is a private group, so I took a screenshot.

It's hard for me to argue with many of her points. I've travelled all over the world and most people live substandard lives compared to those us in the United States, but there are also plenty of places where people have it better than us, depending on what's most important to you. We do work harder than our industrial counterparts. We do spend less leisure time and less time with our families. We do have a lot of chemicals in our food that other countries do not allow. It does seem like in the United States we're all in a constant rat race, whereas my experience in many European countries is that people live more relaxed and less stressed lives, even if they don't have all the commodities we're accustomed to. I brought up in a thread a few months ago that while Americans make up only 5% of the world population we consume 50% of the world's pharmaceuticals. That's a damning statistic regarding our people.

Are we doing it wrong? I'm curious as to everyone's thoughts.
An absurd OP and a raggedy piece upon which it is premised. “Wasted life.” What a crock.

If you feel that you’ve been wasting your life, it is spectacularly mindless to blame it on America. You don’t like it. Change it. Become a productive member of society.

You libturds are all so limited in your thinking.
In many ways I believe we get it wrong. The rampant greed/entitlement among society seems out of control as of late. Our political environment is projecting the Ugly American stereotype we tend to abhor on the world stage.
Just tossing out an observation that might or might not be at the heart of the matter but it seems to me that the US has been teetering on the edge of collapse since the end of WWII. Don't get me wrong, I think they did a good (but devious) job of not falling off the edge, although I wouldn't think of that as much of a compliment. Anyway, the way I see it, it was the WMD hoax, the false evidence, the whole contrived motivation, the totally illegal invasion, occupation, torture chambers at Abu Graib (and Guantanamo), the death squads, and murder (let's call it for what it is) of a million innocent men, women & children, the imprisonment of Julian Assange, and ....... the post-invasion statement "No one ever suggested Saddam had WMD's". THAT is what's wrong with the US today. THAT treacherous misdeed (above so many others) is the one that has the average Joe scurrying for a buck and fuck the theory of "right and wrong", and election fraud on every corner. Everything is now, "Take the money and run!".
This site limits your free articles, so caveat emptor;

The 15 Happiest Places to Live in the U.S.​

People are searching for community, better quality of life, and more outdoor access. These towns check all of those boxes and then some.
This site limits your free articles, so caveat emptor;

The 15 Happiest Places to Live in the U.S.​

People are searching for community, better quality of life, and more outdoor access. These towns check all of those boxes and then some.
Off topic. Maybe you didn't read the title of this thread. This is what you should have been looking for:

World’s happiest countries for 2023​

Finland, Denmark, Iceland, Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Switzerland, Luxembourg, New Zealand, Austria, Australia, Canada, Ireland, Germany, Belgium, Czech Republic, United Kingdom, and Lithuania.
Off topic. Maybe you didn't read the title of this thread. This is what you should have been looking for:

World’s happiest countries for 2023​

Finland, Denmark, Iceland, Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Switzerland, Luxembourg, New Zealand, Austria, Australia, Canada, Ireland, Germany, Belgium, Czech Republic, United Kingdom, and Lithuania.
Maybe you should learn how to read/speak English/American.
Post was totally on topic in presenting a counter view.

Many of the countries on that list are living on borrowed money and time. Their bubbles may burst soon.
In many ways I believe we get it wrong. The rampant greed/entitlement among society seems out of control as of late. Our political environment is projecting the Ugly American stereotype we tend to abhor on the world stage.

But I've traveled the world and still believe the US is the best for opportunity for individuals to be a success intellectually as well as financially. Our constitutional liberties are also a huge benefit. Some areas of this nation are severely lacking, but that's going to be true of any country.

I've had my fill of city life. I choose to live extremely rural, and It's paradise to me. So at least I feel I've been 'doing it right' so far.

I'm very fortunate to have been born here, don't get me wrong. I just feel like there is so much more out there to experience.
I'm very fortunate to have been born here, don't get me wrong. I just feel like there is so much more out there to experience.

So very much more.

This is where I will be living in just a tad over 5 years if all goes as planned...

Maybe you should learn how to read/speak English/American.
Post was totally on topic in presenting a counter view.
Your post is completely off-topic. If you are in doubt just read the OP. If you're still in doubt find someone who is literate and have him/her explain it to you :itsok:otherwise I'll have to do it and it won't be very nice :spank:
So very much more.

This is where I will be living in just a tad over 5 years if all goes as planned...

I've been to Panama. Neat country.

I can get Italian citizenship through my father's lineage, so I'm looking at pursuing that. We've talked about retiring in one of the southern EU countries: Italy, Spain, Portugal.
I've been to Panama. Neat country.

I can get Italian citizenship through my father's lineage, so I'm looking at pursuing that. We've talked about retiring in one of the southern EU countries: Italy, Spain, Portugal.

That makes sense. We thought about Portugal but the cost of living is not as low and the language is far harder from all I have read.

After 5 years we can apply for Panamanian citizenship and will probably do so.
Your post is completely off-topic. If you are in doubt just read the OP. If you're still in doubt find someone who is literate and have him/her explain it to you :itsok:otherwise I'll have to do it and it won't be very nice :spank:
For a start, anyone this "secret" on their credentials isn't in any place to lecture or educate on the thread topic, especially a thread they did not start.;
Oops! We ran into some problems.

This member limits who may view their full profile.
Further more, what part of my post, being a rebuttal to the thread title;

Is Living in the U.S. A Life Wasted? "​

Is beyond your comprehension?

While at it, what other nation has a level of illegal immigrants trying to get in that is comparable to what we have in the USA?
That alone would suggest that many in the world would trade places with the OP.
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While at it, what other nation has a level of illegal immigrants trying to get in that is comparable to what we have in the USA?
That alone would suggest that many in the world would trade places with the OP.

You might notice that there are not a lot of illegal immigrants, or immigrants in general coming from other indusltarlized nations.
You might notice that there are not a lot of illegal immigrants, or immigrants in general coming from other indusltarlized nations.
That's where 'comparable level' comes into play.
Those other "indusltarlized nations" don't have as many illegal immigrants as the USA FWIW. Some, but not as many. Heck, check out Canada and notice how few pass through the USA on their way to Canada.
I belong to a group on Facebook for people who have or are interested in dual citizenship. My mother is an immigrant from Singapore and my wife and I have discussed the likelihood of us retiring outside the U.S. when we reach that age. Someone posted a question today simply asking why people wanted dual citizenship. Most people had very short and basic answers: the ease of visiting family, staying longer, wanting a second home abroad, but this one individual wrote something far more intuitive and rather profound.

View attachment 830667

Note: I can't link to this post as it is a private group, so I took a screenshot.

It's hard for me to argue with many of her points. I've travelled all over the world and most people live substandard lives compared to those us in the United States, but there are also plenty of places where people have it better than us, depending on what's most important to you. We do work harder than our industrial counterparts. We do spend less leisure time and less time with our families. We do have a lot of chemicals in our food that other countries do not allow. It does seem like in the United States we're all in a constant rat race, whereas my experience in many European countries is that people live more relaxed and less stressed lives, even if they don't have all the commodities we're accustomed to. I brought up in a thread a few months ago that while Americans make up only 5% of the world population we consume 50% of the world's pharmaceuticals. That's a damning statistic regarding our people.

Are we doing it wrong? I'm curious as to everyone's thoughts.
You can live whatever life you want to in America. Granted, there lots of pressures in the US coming at you from all angles. It seems we are always getting one sort of "sales pitch" or another. Food, drugs, vacations, self improvement yadda yadda yadda. Even our politics are sold to us on a relentless 24/7 basis. There are simpler, more peaceful countries you can live in, but none better even given the recent downturn and division. As disappointed as I am in the current state of affairs, I can't think of another country in which I would want to live.
For a start, anyone this "secret" on their credentials isn't in any place to lecture or educate on the thread topic, especially a thread they did not start.;
Oops! We ran into some problems.

This member limits who may view their full profile.
Further more, what part of my post, being a rebuttal to the thread title;

Is Living in the U.S. A Life Wasted? "​

Is beyond your comprehension?

While at it, what other nation has a level of illegal immigrants trying to get in that is comparable to what we have in the USA?
That alone would suggest that many in the world would trade places with the OP.
You should have a surgeon remove the straw from your ear. It must be deeply embedded into your brain. The OP title itself is sufficient to see that post of yours is off-topic. Duh, I say duh! o_O
Are we doing it wrong? I'm curious as to everyone's thoughts.
It's actually a good Q, one that the upper quintile here (when they post) have opined on in length....they paint us as a broken system, which quite frankly, i have a hard time arguing against....
America is the most obese country in the world,
>>>looks down at beer gut<<<< :rolleyes:
I'm very fortunate to have been born here, don't get me wrong. I just feel like there is so much more out there to experience.
I'll never know

You're taking to a dirt poor pig farmer from VT Taz

My chances of leaving are feet first............

That said, it's the jingos that i really have no patience for

'Greatest country'?

what metric applies?


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