Zone1 Is Living in the U.S. A Life Wasted?

I belong to a group on Facebook for people who have or are interested in dual citizenship. My mother is an immigrant from Singapore and my wife and I have discussed the likelihood of us retiring outside the U.S. when we reach that age. Someone posted a question today simply asking why people wanted dual citizenship. Most people had very short and basic answers: the ease of visiting family, staying longer, wanting a second home abroad, but this one individual wrote something far more intuitive and rather profound.

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Note: I can't link to this post as it is a private group, so I took a screenshot.

It's hard for me to argue with many of her points. I've travelled all over the world and most people live substandard lives compared to those us in the United States, but there are also plenty of places where people have it better than us, depending on what's most important to you. We do work harder than our industrial counterparts. We do spend less leisure time and less time with our families. We do have a lot of chemicals in our food that other countries do not allow. It does seem like in the United States we're all in a constant rat race, whereas my experience in many European countries is that people live more relaxed and less stressed lives, even if they don't have all the commodities we're accustomed to. I brought up in a thread a few months ago that while Americans make up only 5% of the world population we consume 50% of the world's pharmaceuticals. That's a damning statistic regarding our people.

Are we doing it wrong? I'm curious as to everyone's thoughts.
The older you are, the grass is less and never greener.

I told my young lad, 22 yrs of age, that he should move to New Zealand because his recent qualification as an electrician gives him that opportunity.
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The older you are, the grass is less and never greener.

I told my young lad, 22 yes age, that he should move to New Zealand because his recent qualification as an electrician gives him that opportunity.

It's a pretty boring place. Many people like boring; that's actually a very desirable luxury given the rest of the planet and its idiot problems.
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I have never wanted to live anywhere but Wales.But if I had to I would move to France. Its not Wales but its beautiful and the culture puts people over profit.

I like visiting the US. The standard of living is great. The air con is amazing and there is always something to see or do. But I wouldnt move my family there. It is too dangerous.
I wouldn't mind France, you can get an extremely large sized plot with a derelict building on it for a reasonable amount. The only downside to France is the French.
I wouldn't mind France, you can get an extremely large sized plot with a derelict building on it for a reasonable amount. The only downside to France is the French.

The south of France is pretty cool and plenty of rural areas with nice villages.
It's a pretty boring place. Many people like boring; that's actually a very desirable luxury given the rest of the planet and its idiot problems.
I'm UK, I just feel that the younger you are, you can set up a life in a different country, as in build a life there. The older you get, I would just feel like a tourist on a long holiday. But we're all different and that's just my kinda view.

Climate wise, I recommend my young lad to seriously consider moving to New Zealand, meet his future wife there (the old fashioned type of woman with a womb). Family can visit him and vice versa. Or he'll just end up in the rat race in the UK.
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I wouldn't mind France, you can get an extremely large sized plot with a derelict building on it for a reasonable amount. The only downside to France is the French.
We used to take the kids there every year. Everythng is better in France. The food, drink even the roads are clear. The french can be hard work though. Especially if you try some schoolboy french. They are world class at sneering.
The south of France is pretty cool and plenty of rural areas with nice villages.
I've been on many internet sites looking to buy and build there, but Brexit has made it tricky. I voted out of Europe too, so leaving trumps any wish to live in France.

Look at Northern Ireland too, but wages etc.. there makes it a dreadful place. So I'm staying here, hoping to build soon.
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I wouldn't mind France, you can get an extremely large sized plot with a derelict building on it for a reasonable amount. The only downside to France is the French.

Haha. Depends where in France, though. Paris? I agree with you. However, when I was at a wedding in the Languedoc region ten years ago I found the people there very friendly and welcoming.
... I'm an avid traveler and have been all over the world, but it's hard from North America, especially the west coast, because you have to fly all the way across our country first and then fly all the way across the ocean. ....

Go in the other direction.
Dont Taz Me Bro

Me to Paris -

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"The world" is in both directions.

Maybe you aren't aware, but the Pacific Ocean is VASTLY larger than the Atlantic. In no way does it makes sense to travel to Europe from the west coast across the Pacific. I have never had a flight to Asia that was shorter than one to Europe.
Well, maybe you should move on to another topic because I don't think this is the discussion for you. (not really a suggestion)

I was responding directly to YOUR words. Don't be so touchy about it. If you must know, I do NOT think living in the US is a life wasted. A life well-lived is not a waste wherever you are.

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