Zone1 Is Living in the U.S. A Life Wasted?

There’s hard-working people in every country… here in America, we are the country built by steel workers , one of the hardest jobs in human history. People died in large numbers, working those jobs here in America. American farmers work incredibly hard sometimes working 15-20 hour days. And they come from all backgrounds.

There’s lazy people in every country, including in Mexico. Although certainly many of those Mexican folks are the descendants of the great Spanish conquistadors. So they are wonderful Catholic people, and I respect them greatly.

It is a fact that there are a number of other countries of the world where are the lifespan is quite a bit longer than it is here and the USA. We are the most obese country in the world at about 40%. Now there’s countries like say Cambodia, where the obesity rate is 5%. So we have problems here in America when it comes to our diet and the food we eat. So many of the foods we eat are packed with preservatives. They are extremely unhealthy.

Much of that cheap food at Walmart is just garbage man. And that’s where a lot of poor people get their food from places like Walmart, target, the dollar store. Frozen food packed with unhealthy preservatives. There can be no denying it….

But it is the self-righteous Biden BLM supporters that have no problem watching our country denigrate whether it is the destruction of the historic statues in this country statues of people like Andrew Jackson, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Christopher Columbus, many statues that were destroyed in the summer of 2020 and the most evil despicable showing of Democrats. It was basically all Democrats Biden supporters BLM supporters that destroyed those statues. A heinous crime a pod humanity, comparable to the Taliban, destroying statues of the Buddhas

As Biden supporters continue to pat them selves on the back we are going through one of the worst economies in American history. The average price of a home is $400,000. And the way that Biden supporters try and laugh it off or act like monsters in response to it is unacceptable. The price of gas price of groceries is astronomical. Those prices have to come down or else we’re gonna continue to see suffering in this country. The LA Times reported that homelessness is at an all-time high in America. So yes, this country is in trouble.

The USA used to be a great country. We have declined since Joe Biden took office. That’s a fact. And it takes an American patriot to understand how much better we were in our history compared to today.
And now you are in the middle when it comes to working hours. It isn´t about laziness. It is just how it developed. There is no American worker who outsourced his job to Mexico. Europe had long working days too in the past.
As for food, come here to Europe and you´ll find similar stuff in the shelves. Countries with high life expectancy have a high fish consumption. For example Spain, Israel, Japan.
Obesity is also something people create by their actions. I tend to assume that obese people don´t lack food.
The United Snakes wasn't even "discovered" back then so the earth's inhabitants had a much greater chance of living useful lives.

Are you saying there were no people on this continent at the time of Jesus?
An absurd OP and a raggedy piece upon which it is premised. “Wasted life.” What a crock.

If you feel that you’ve been wasting your life, it is spectacularly mindless to blame it on America. You don’t like it. Change it. Become a productive member of society.

You libturds are all so limited in your thinking.
Sounds like Bro's friend has made some bad decisions in her life and is blaming "America" for them
I belong to a group on Facebook for people who have or are interested in dual citizenship. My mother is an immigrant from Singapore and my wife and I have discussed the likelihood of us retiring outside the U.S. when we reach that age. Someone posted a question today simply asking why people wanted dual citizenship. Most people had very short and basic answers: the ease of visiting family, staying longer, wanting a second home abroad, but this one individual wrote something far more intuitive and rather profound.

View attachment 830667

Note: I can't link to this post as it is a private group, so I took a screenshot.

It's hard for me to argue with many of her points. I've travelled all over the world and most people live substandard lives compared to those us in the United States, but there are also plenty of places where people have it better than us, depending on what's most important to you. We do work harder than our industrial counterparts. We do spend less leisure time and less time with our families. We do have a lot of chemicals in our food that other countries do not allow. It does seem like in the United States we're all in a constant rat race, whereas my experience in many European countries is that people live more relaxed and less stressed lives, even if they don't have all the commodities we're accustomed to. I brought up in a thread a few months ago that while Americans make up only 5% of the world population we consume 50% of the world's pharmaceuticals. That's a damning statistic regarding our people.

Are we doing it wrong? I'm curious as to everyone's thoughts.
now we know why are borders are being violated by millions of people.....they are lovers of pain??????
I belong to a group on Facebook for people who have or are interested in dual citizenship. My mother is an immigrant from Singapore and my wife and I have discussed the likelihood of us retiring outside the U.S. when we reach that age. Someone posted a question today simply asking why people wanted dual citizenship. Most people had very short and basic answers: the ease of visiting family, staying longer, wanting a second home abroad, but this one individual wrote something far more intuitive and rather profound.

View attachment 830667

Note: I can't link to this post as it is a private group, so I took a screenshot.

It's hard for me to argue with many of her points. I've travelled all over the world and most people live substandard lives compared to those us in the United States, but there are also plenty of places where people have it better than us, depending on what's most important to you. We do work harder than our industrial counterparts. We do spend less leisure time and less time with our families. We do have a lot of chemicals in our food that other countries do not allow. It does seem like in the United States we're all in a constant rat race, whereas my experience in many European countries is that people live more relaxed and less stressed lives, even if they don't have all the commodities we're accustomed to. I brought up in a thread a few months ago that while Americans make up only 5% of the world population we consume 50% of the world's pharmaceuticals. That's a damning statistic regarding our people.

Are we doing it wrong? I'm curious as to everyone's thoughts.
All bullshit.
Ungrateful idiots who love to virtue signal that America is bad, because it is the chic thing to do in liberal la la land.
"Oh... I am thinking of moving to Europe to expose my children to a more diverse culture".... the dumbest thing ever. America is the most diverse nation on the planet on every level. None even come close.
All across Europe the cost of living is like a prison. Young people are lucky to be able to own a home before they are 40. 73% of people under 40 rent throughout Europe, and this includes France and Germany where homeownership is higher.
In 24 out of the 29 European countries - over 1/3rd of people under 35 still live with their parents because they can't afford rent or a home.
America is going to be EXACTLY what you make it to be.
Our poor are better off than 2/3 of the world population.
All across Europe the cost of living is like a prison.

This is not true. Most of Europe is more affordable than the United States. Spain and Portugal, in particular, have become popular destinations for ex-pats due to affordability.

This is not true. Most of Europe is more affordable than the United States. Spain and Portugal, in particular, have become popular destinations for ex-pats due to affordability.

Funny stuff...
You wanna cross that data with income and taxation??
yeah.... it would make that map look like holocaust 2
The fact is, we are among the luckiest people ever born on earth.
That is not to say that living in other countries is bad, although living in MANY of them is very bad.
The statistics I provided are accurate. Look them up.
What you get out of living in America is going to have everything to do with what effort you put in.
You want to be wealthy? Then America, by overwhelming percentages, is the best place on earth to make that happen. Your chances are quite well if you keep at it.
You want to be lazy and pathetic, well there is no better place than America to be poor. Your standard of living will still beat nearly 2/3 of the worlds population.
America is in decline. No one serious argues with that.
But it is still the best there is for most people.
If living in America is a wasted life what is living in Canada? A sub-life? I would be a millionaire many times over if born in the U.S.A, you guys have it made.
The real winners are those who inherited wealth and found a way not to work away their most productive years.
The real winners are those who inherited wealth and found a way not to work away their most productive years.
You are free. If The Creepy Ones interfere in your life you can sue them and destroy theirnlife right back. Hell in some states you could probably make millions overnight for abuses of your Civil Liberties. You have it made, 99.99% of the world.has to work. Being free is worth billions.and that's less than what it does for the soul. Where else would Elon Musk go to achieve so much success?
If living in America is a wasted life what is living in Canada? A sub-life? I would be a millionaire many times over if born in the U.S.A, you guys have it made.
Oh bullshit, while you can make a lot money in the United States, that does not equate to quality of life. I'll give you but one example of the difference between your country and mine: Person A loses his job in America and has to rely on his savings while he searches for another. Person A has a car accident, and spends a week in the hospital. Person A has no health insurance. Person A files bankruptcy.
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Oh bullshit, while you can make a lot money in the United States, that does not equate to quality of life. I'll give you but one example of the difference between your country and mine: Person A loses his job in America and has to rely on his savings while he searches for another. Person A has a car accident, and spends a week in the hospital. Person A has no health insurance. Person A files bankruptcy.
Americans have WAY more savings and net wort than Canadians and you have a legitimate Constitution.
How does one define a wasted life? Surely not the accumulation of wealth, I hope. Or the standard of living you enjoy. IMHO, a wasted life does not depend on where you live but how you live, not in terms of comfort but rather in terms those things that money cannot buy. Were you a positive influence on those around you, and did you make their lives better even if only in a small way. Did you love and were you loved, trusted, and respected? If not, then maybe your life was wasted no matter where you lived.
...... America is going to be EXACTLY what you make it to be.
What "going to be"? It is already. Drug slums of every city, the gun culture at the shopping malls, kindergartens, primary schools, junior high schools, high schools, colleges, universities, post offices, churches, road rages, drive-bys, perpetual illegal wars based on lies, torture chambers at Abu Ghraib & Guantanamo, murder for divorce, murder for jealousy, murder for custody of children, murder for insurance money, cheating elections, imprisoning journalists who report the truth ....... it's all today's reality. Compare all of that with Europe. I have lived in the US. You can have it. :mad:
I have visited other countries, and found them to be mostly delightful. I enjoyed all of them. And plan on visiting more when my Sweetie retires next summer.

But a life in the US is a life wasted? I hardly see how that is the case. I was born here in 1960. I have raised 4 children, gotten a college degree, taught high school science for a brief period, traveled all over the US, had a novel published, run a very successful business, and enjoyed the fruits of my labor. Hardly a wasted life.

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