Is man a spiritual being?

The account of Genesis recorded the creation of time and space. It was passed down orally for thousands of years before Moses recorded it. The creation of time and space from nothing has been proven true. So ancient man knew 6000 years before science knew that there was a beginning.
No, it is about the creation of the concept of heaven and earth, a world above and the world below, separated by the establishment of divine light, spoken into existence through law which teaches people to distinguish between clean and unclean, good and evil, true and false, right and wrong, life and death.
So what happens to people who eat ham, for example?

What happens to people who eat ham? They enjoy it.

Swine are unclean creatures because they do not ruminate. Their flesh defiles and contaminates the mind.

This is just a metaphorical reference to people who do not ruminate, think deeply, and just swallow any kind of decomposing garbage without thinking at all..

If you swallow the teachings of people who do not ruminate, think deeply, it will defile and contaminate your mind and you will become an unclean creature that cannot ruminate, think deeply.

Here is the wisdom of God. This is my flesh.
You do realize that pigs are actually quite smart, don't you? And I don't see the connection with people who don't think very deeply, with a smart animal like a pig.

Pigs are not the subject. People who do not think deeply are. The teaching of people who do not think deeply will fuck up your mind. Don't be gullible or you will become stupid and other people will devour you like wild beasts.

This is the hidden subject instruction and warning of the law.

Now go and eat some bacon and learn something for once.
So it's ok to eat bacon, because it's a symbolic law?
So it is just a coincidence that there was a beginning and man accidentally captured that belief?

You still think Moses wrote Genesis?
So who did?
Do you believe anything that sod heb writes?
I just like to catch him in his bs, it's non stop. Just like you.
Was the account of Genesis being recorded as symbols in the Chinese language 1500 years before Moses recorded it bullshit?
So Moses copied it from the Chinks?
No. The Chinese migrated from the Cradle of Civilization and brought the account with them. It continued to be passed down orally from one generation to the next.
No, it is about the creation of the concept of heaven and earth, a world above and the world below, separated by the establishment of divine light, spoken into existence through law which teaches people to distinguish between clean and unclean, good and evil, true and false, right and wrong, life and death.
So it is just a coincidence that there was a beginning and man accidentally captured that belief?

You still think Moses wrote Genesis?
So who did?
Do you believe anything that sod heb writes?
I just like to catch him in his bs, it's non stop. Just like you.
Was the fact that the universe had a beginning and ancient man captured that belief 6000 years before science bullshit?
They got it wrong, let there be light wasn't the beginning. But I'll give them a close guess on that. :biggrin:
A revelation from God who created space and time. How else could they have known.

Same thing for man was created from dust.
Gee, they decided that everything had a beginning. They watched children being born, animals being born, plants starting out as seeds, fish growing, it's pretty ordinary that they would think that the world had a beginning, which they got wrong, "Let there be light", their "beginning". happened some 400 million years after the BB. And they never mention time and space.

FYI, man doesn't come from dust.

Yes, man does come from dust. Star dust.

Imagine a man 6000 years ago being shown a revelation of time lapse images of the Big Bang, stellar evolution, chemical evolution (supernovas) emergence of life, evolution of life and emergence of consciousness.
Dust and stardust aren't the same thing.

Your 6000 year old revelation got everything wrong. pretty good guesses in some cases, though. Although some, like that woman comes from man's rib, are simply dumb.
How else would you have expected some to describe it 6000 years ago?

Dust is inanimate, right? You do believe life rose from inanimate matter, right?
Life didn't arise from dust, no matter how hard you try to move the goalposts.
A revelation from God who created space and time. How else could they have known.

Same thing for man was created from dust.
Gee, they decided that everything had a beginning. They watched children being born, animals being born, plants starting out as seeds, fish growing, it's pretty ordinary that they would think that the world had a beginning, which they got wrong, "Let there be light", their "beginning". happened some 400 million years after the BB. And they never mention time and space.

FYI, man doesn't come from dust.

Yes, man does come from dust. Star dust.

Imagine a man 6000 years ago being shown a revelation of time lapse images of the Big Bang, stellar evolution, chemical evolution (supernovas) emergence of life, evolution of life and emergence of consciousness.

That man would be exposed to the processes of the natural world, not the invocation of fear and superstition.
No, it is about the creation of the concept of heaven and earth, a world above and the world below, separated by the establishment of divine light, spoken into existence through law which teaches people to distinguish between clean and unclean, good and evil, true and false, right and wrong, life and death.
So what happens to people who eat ham, for example?

What happens to people who eat ham? They enjoy it.

Swine are unclean creatures because they do not ruminate. Their flesh defiles and contaminates the mind.

This is just a metaphorical reference to people who do not ruminate, think deeply, and just swallow any kind of decomposing garbage without thinking at all..

If you swallow the teachings of people who do not ruminate, think deeply, it will defile and contaminate your mind and you will become an unclean creature that cannot ruminate, think deeply.

Here is the wisdom of God. This is my flesh.
You do realize that pigs are actually quite smart, don't you? And I don't see the connection with people who don't think very deeply, with a smart animal like a pig.

Pigs are not the subject. People who do not think deeply are. The teaching of people who do not think deeply will fuck up your mind. Don't be gullible or you will become stupid and other people will devour you like wild beasts.

This is the hidden subject instruction and warning of the law.

Now go and eat some bacon and learn something for once.
So it's ok to eat bacon, because it's a symbolic law?

yes. the subject is not directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used just like when Jesus said, eat my flesh.

In kosher law the flesh of one creature or another, whether clean or unclean, is a metaphor for teaching.

This is my flesh.
So it is just a coincidence that there was a beginning and man accidentally captured that belief?

You still think Moses wrote Genesis?
So who did?
Do you believe anything that sod heb writes?
I just like to catch him in his bs, it's non stop. Just like you.
Was the explanation that the reason the flood account exists in all cultures of antiquity because they shared a common history before the migration from the cradle of civilization bullshit?
All cultures have had floods. There's zero geological evidence of a 40 day worldwide flood.
Different discussion, Taz. But they all have an account because before the migration from Mesopotamia they shared a common history. Like I said before the first 11 chapters of the Torah is an allegorical account of the history of the world that we all share.
So who did?
Do you believe anything that sod heb writes?
I just like to catch him in his bs, it's non stop. Just like you.
Was the account of Genesis being recorded as symbols in the Chinese language 1500 years before Moses recorded it bullshit?
So Moses copied it from the Chinks?
No. The Chinese migrated from the Cradle of Civilization and brought the account with them. It continued to be passed down orally from one generation to the next.
So Who did Moses copy it from if the Chinx had the account 1500 years before Moses?
So what happens to people who eat ham, for example?

What happens to people who eat ham? They enjoy it.

Swine are unclean creatures because they do not ruminate. Their flesh defiles and contaminates the mind.

This is just a metaphorical reference to people who do not ruminate, think deeply, and just swallow any kind of decomposing garbage without thinking at all..

If you swallow the teachings of people who do not ruminate, think deeply, it will defile and contaminate your mind and you will become an unclean creature that cannot ruminate, think deeply.

Here is the wisdom of God. This is my flesh.
You do realize that pigs are actually quite smart, don't you? And I don't see the connection with people who don't think very deeply, with a smart animal like a pig.

Pigs are not the subject. People who do not think deeply are. The teaching of people who do not think deeply will fuck up your mind. Don't be gullible or you will become stupid and other people will devour you like wild beasts.

This is the hidden subject instruction and warning of the law.

Now go and eat some bacon and learn something for once.
So it's ok to eat bacon, because it's a symbolic law?

yes. the subject is not directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used just like when Jesus said, eat my flesh.

The flesh of one creature or another whether clean or unclean is a metaphor for teaching.
So when it says, don't eat those animals, it means it's ok to eat them. :lol: :cuckoo:
A revelation from God who created space and time. How else could they have known.

Same thing for man was created from dust.
Gee, they decided that everything had a beginning. They watched children being born, animals being born, plants starting out as seeds, fish growing, it's pretty ordinary that they would think that the world had a beginning, which they got wrong, "Let there be light", their "beginning". happened some 400 million years after the BB. And they never mention time and space.

FYI, man doesn't come from dust.

Yes, man does come from dust. Star dust.

Imagine a man 6000 years ago being shown a revelation of time lapse images of the Big Bang, stellar evolution, chemical evolution (supernovas) emergence of life, evolution of life and emergence of consciousness.

That man would be exposed to the processes of the natural world, not the invocation of fear and superstition.
Belief in God is a functional advantage which is why it persists from an evolutionary point of view. So your argument makes no sense.
So it is just a coincidence that there was a beginning and man accidentally captured that belief?

You still think Moses wrote Genesis?
So who did?
Do you believe anything that sod heb writes?
I just like to catch him in his bs, it's non stop. Just like you.
Was the beginning of space and time bullshit?
You have no idea what you're talking about on this subject.
I’ve explained it in great detail to you many times.

You are literally arguing against science.
So who did?
Do you believe anything that sod heb writes?
I just like to catch him in his bs, it's non stop. Just like you.
Was the explanation that the reason the flood account exists in all cultures of antiquity because they shared a common history before the migration from the cradle of civilization bullshit?
All cultures have had floods. There's zero geological evidence of a 40 day worldwide flood.
Different discussion, Taz. But they all have an account because before the migration from Mesopotamia they shared a common history. Like I said before the first 11 chapters of the Torah is an allegorical account of the history of the world that we all share.
"is an allegorical account of the history of the world", so not a real account of things that actually happened, got it. :lol:
So it is just a coincidence that there was a beginning and man accidentally captured that belief?

You still think Moses wrote Genesis?
So who did?
Who knows. Early man.

What we do know is it occurred about 3000 years or so before Moses recorded it.

And were passed down orally for thousands of years.
Tell your son a story, and tell him to tell it to his descendants for the next 3000 years and see what you get. Not the original story, that's for sure.

So creation happened 3000 before Moses, so like, 5000/6000 years ago?
Don’t be a dipshit. The origin of the account of Genesis was 6000 years ago.
But when did the BB happen?
I’ve told you many times before. 14 billion years ago.
A revelation from God who created space and time. How else could they have known.

Same thing for man was created from dust.
Gee, they decided that everything had a beginning. They watched children being born, animals being born, plants starting out as seeds, fish growing, it's pretty ordinary that they would think that the world had a beginning, which they got wrong, "Let there be light", their "beginning". happened some 400 million years after the BB. And they never mention time and space.

FYI, man doesn't come from dust.

Yes, man does come from dust. Star dust.

Imagine a man 6000 years ago being shown a revelation of time lapse images of the Big Bang, stellar evolution, chemical evolution (supernovas) emergence of life, evolution of life and emergence of consciousness.

That man would be exposed to the processes of the natural world, not the invocation of fear and superstition.
Belief in God is a functional advantage which is why it persists from an evolutionary point of view. So your argument makes no sense.
So where did humans evolve from?
Do you believe anything that sod heb writes?
I just like to catch him in his bs, it's non stop. Just like you.
Was the explanation that the reason the flood account exists in all cultures of antiquity because they shared a common history before the migration from the cradle of civilization bullshit?
All cultures have had floods. There's zero geological evidence of a 40 day worldwide flood.
Different discussion, Taz. But they all have an account because before the migration from Mesopotamia they shared a common history. Like I said before the first 11 chapters of the Torah is an allegorical account of the history of the world that we all share.
"is an allegorical account of the history of the world", so not a real account of things that actually happened, got it. :lol:
How else would you expect men of 6000 years ago to capture it, Taz?
So who did?
Do you believe anything that sod heb writes?
I just like to catch him in his bs, it's non stop. Just like you.
Was the beginning of space and time bullshit?
You have no idea what you're talking about on this subject.
I’ve explained it in great detail to you many times.

You are literally arguing against science.
You think you're theories make sense, but they don't. But that doesn't stop you from seeing them as facts. Learn the difference between theory and fact, that could help your debating on this site.
A revelation from God who created space and time. How else could they have known.

Same thing for man was created from dust.
Gee, they decided that everything had a beginning. They watched children being born, animals being born, plants starting out as seeds, fish growing, it's pretty ordinary that they would think that the world had a beginning, which they got wrong, "Let there be light", their "beginning". happened some 400 million years after the BB. And they never mention time and space.

FYI, man doesn't come from dust.

Yes, man does come from dust. Star dust.

Imagine a man 6000 years ago being shown a revelation of time lapse images of the Big Bang, stellar evolution, chemical evolution (supernovas) emergence of life, evolution of life and emergence of consciousness.

That man would be exposed to the processes of the natural world, not the invocation of fear and superstition.
Belief in God is a functional advantage which is why it persists from an evolutionary point of view. So your argument makes no sense.
So where did humans evolve from?
I’ll post a tree of life for you later.
So who did?
Who knows. Early man.

What we do know is it occurred about 3000 years or so before Moses recorded it.

And were passed down orally for thousands of years.
Tell your son a story, and tell him to tell it to his descendants for the next 3000 years and see what you get. Not the original story, that's for sure.

So creation happened 3000 before Moses, so like, 5000/6000 years ago?
Don’t be a dipshit. The origin of the account of Genesis was 6000 years ago.
But when did the BB happen?
I’ve told you many times before. 14 billion years ago.
So why did god wait 14 billion years to make us?
What happens to people who eat ham? They enjoy it.

Swine are unclean creatures because they do not ruminate. Their flesh defiles and contaminates the mind.

This is just a metaphorical reference to people who do not ruminate, think deeply, and just swallow any kind of decomposing garbage without thinking at all..

If you swallow the teachings of people who do not ruminate, think deeply, it will defile and contaminate your mind and you will become an unclean creature that cannot ruminate, think deeply.

Here is the wisdom of God. This is my flesh.
You do realize that pigs are actually quite smart, don't you? And I don't see the connection with people who don't think very deeply, with a smart animal like a pig.

Pigs are not the subject. People who do not think deeply are. The teaching of people who do not think deeply will fuck up your mind. Don't be gullible or you will become stupid and other people will devour you like wild beasts.

This is the hidden subject instruction and warning of the law.

Now go and eat some bacon and learn something for once.
So it's ok to eat bacon, because it's a symbolic law?

yes. the subject is not directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used just like when Jesus said, eat my flesh.

The flesh of one creature or another whether clean or unclean is a metaphor for teaching.
So when it says, don't eat those animals, it means it's ok to eat them. :lol: :cuckoo:

Its not about animals or what you eat for dinner. Its about the type or animals people can be and a warning to stand guard over the purity of your own mind and think deeply otherwise some talking serpent is going to come crawling along one day and poison your mind and you could become a dummy for life.

If you don't believe me just look at what happened to Ding.
A revelation from God who created space and time. How else could they have known.

Same thing for man was created from dust.
Gee, they decided that everything had a beginning. They watched children being born, animals being born, plants starting out as seeds, fish growing, it's pretty ordinary that they would think that the world had a beginning, which they got wrong, "Let there be light", their "beginning". happened some 400 million years after the BB. And they never mention time and space.

FYI, man doesn't come from dust.

Yes, man does come from dust. Star dust.

Imagine a man 6000 years ago being shown a revelation of time lapse images of the Big Bang, stellar evolution, chemical evolution (supernovas) emergence of life, evolution of life and emergence of consciousness.

That man would be exposed to the processes of the natural world, not the invocation of fear and superstition.
Belief in God is a functional advantage which is why it persists from an evolutionary point of view. So your argument makes no sense.

Nonsense. As usual, your claims are utterly unsupported.

It has been science that has peeled back the layers of fear and superstition that previously assigned to the gods such tasks as making thunder and lighting, floods and earthquakes. As layer after layer of fear and superstition promoted by the religious hierarchies has been peeled back by science, the gods have become less and less relevant and their duties have become more and more superfluous.

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