Is man a spiritual being?

Don’t be a dipshit. The origin of the account of Genesis was 6000 years ago.
But when did the BB happen?
I’ve told you many times before. 14 billion years ago.
So why did god wait 14 billion years to make us?
I’m not sure it is within the capacity of a cable man to understand.
So you don't know then. Got it. :biggrin:
No. I know. It’s just that respect is a two way street.
But when did the BB happen?
I’ve told you many times before. 14 billion years ago.
So why did god wait 14 billion years to make us?
I’m not sure it is within the capacity of a cable man to understand.
So you don't know then. Got it. :biggrin:
No. I know. It’s just that respect is a two way street.
You say you know, but then don't say what you supposedly know. Which means that you probably don't know shit. :biggrin:
I’ve told you many times before. 14 billion years ago.
So why did god wait 14 billion years to make us?
I’m not sure it is within the capacity of a cable man to understand.
So you don't know then. Got it. :biggrin:
No. I know. It’s just that respect is a two way street.
You say you know, but then don't say what you supposedly know. Which means that you probably don't know shit. :biggrin:
No. It means I am tired of your shit.
So why did god wait 14 billion years to make us?
I’m not sure it is within the capacity of a cable man to understand.
So you don't know then. Got it. :biggrin:
No. I know. It’s just that respect is a two way street.
You say you know, but then don't say what you supposedly know. Which means that you probably don't know shit. :biggrin:
No. It means I am tired of your shit.
You're tired of me winning. I get it.
I’m not sure it is within the capacity of a cable man to understand.
So you don't know then. Got it. :biggrin:
No. I know. It’s just that respect is a two way street.
You say you know, but then don't say what you supposedly know. Which means that you probably don't know shit. :biggrin:
No. It means I am tired of your shit.
You're tired of me winning. I get it.
You go with that cable guy. :lol:
You may be on to something here Taz. If the human lives for approximately 800 years or so they surely need new skins along the way. Common sense I would say but the word even goes a little further in describing this when Jesus tells us that we will be as the angels and with the host of Jacob one is able to see the angels coming and going.
Wtf are you talking about?
I am sharing portions of the Bible with you so as to let you know that as a human (adam---you that person asleep or as the dead not knowing what the spirit in you is) reincarnation is there, just as you are stuck here on this planet. It is written about in, "that book of fairy tales" you claim you don't believe in.
Just because something is written in a book of fiction doesn't make it so.
What you consider a book of fiction I consider a guide for the spirit of the son of god portion in humans (MAN- the spiritual beings created both in the male and female versions). That is not to say you must read the Bible to be saved, resurrected or have belief in the supernatural but one must still believe with all their mind, body, heart and soul. A very dear friend of my believed and she did not read the Bible but she loved to hear the Word when it wasn't tainted with the precepts of worldly humans and pharisees. She was also baptized in Jesus's name prior to her passing.

The account of Genesis recorded the creation of time and space. It was passed down orally for thousands of years before Moses recorded it. The creation of time and space from nothing has been proven true. So ancient man knew 6000 years before science knew that there was a beginning.
No, it is about the creation of the concept of heaven and earth, a world above and the world below, separated by the establishment of divine light, spoken into existence through law which teaches people to distinguish between clean and unclean, good and evil, true and false, right and wrong, life and death.
So what happens to people who eat ham, for example?

The account of Genesis recorded the creation of time and space. It was passed down orally for thousands of years before Moses recorded it. The creation of time and space from nothing has been proven true. So ancient man knew 6000 years before science knew that there was a beginning.
No, it is about the creation of the concept of heaven and earth, a world above and the world below, separated by the establishment of divine light, spoken into existence through law which teaches people to distinguish between clean and unclean, good and evil, true and false, right and wrong, life and death.
So what happens to people who eat ham, for example?

What happens to people who eat ham? They enjoy it.

Swine are unclean creatures because they do not ruminate. Their flesh defiles and contaminates the mind.

This is just a metaphorical reference to people who do not ruminate, think deeply, and just swallow any kind of garbage, teaching, belief system, ideology, sales pitch, or religion without thinking deeply about it at all..

If you swallow the teachings of people who do not ruminate, think deeply, it will defile and contaminate your mind and you will become an unclean creature that cannot ruminate, think deeply.

Here is the wisdom of God. This is my flesh.
As far as worldly flesh goes uncured pork alters the red blood cells in a manner that makes them clot together. Pork is really not all that healthy for humans. What they eat remains in the meat and they are a critter that is still very capable of spreading a lot of disease. Do not touch the dead carcass as it also carries diseases which one can pick up just handling it. Recently documented was a sixty year old woman with extreme arthritis in her hands due to cutting meat that was infected years ago.

Deu 14:8

Spiritually speaking one shouldn't eat swine/unclean things to feed the spirit (notice not pork but swine is the word used). Meaning don't get you spiritual food from a retard, a bullish ass, a zombies, false visionary, sucker, etc.....
It doesn't matter if you follow a book of fiction or not, we're all going to the same place. To think that people of don't accept Jesus are going somewhere else is not only unproven, but ludicrous.

As for eating unclean animals, I'm a vegetarian, I eat things for health reasons, not mystical reasons.
I eat things for health reasons too. I value that relationship with God therefore I search to find answers in order to improve on that relationship with God's spirit with me where ever I can find valid information. As far as feeding this physical body here, I eat a little junk food now and then, steak, hamburger, plus fruits and veges I like along with nuts and herbs. Today its getting some custard pie and lemon cake with sugary frosting.
That man would be exposed to the processes of the natural world, not the invocation of fear and superstition.
Belief in God is a functional advantage which is why it persists from an evolutionary point of view. So your argument makes no sense.

Nonsense. As usual, your claims are utterly unsupported.

It has been science that has peeled back the layers of fear and superstition that previously assigned to the gods such tasks as making thunder and lighting, floods and earthquakes. As layer after layer of fear and superstition promoted by the religious hierarchies has been peeled back by science, the gods have become less and less relevant and their duties have become more and more superfluous.
I never said God controls these events.

You’re lamenting the fact that religions simply don't have ability to instill the paralyzing fear they once had. As knowledge has increased, the layers of superstition that define religious belief have come to understand that natural events (planetary eclipse, tornadoes, thunder, lightning, etc.), are not the results of angry gods but are forces of nature. We largely understand those forces and events. If you want to know the date and time of every lunar eclipse in the next 1,000 years, you could consult a religious figure (who might tell you "it's up to the will of the gods" and may want to slaughter a lamb ), or you could ask an astronomer who will explain the orbits of planets around the sun and the coincidence of planets in those orbits.

The instillation of fear as a means to enforce religious belief is still a tactic, but that tactic is much less effective when science counters fear and ignorance with knowledge and reason.
No one is forcing you to believe anything.

But if it as you believe that everything proceeds from the material world and that evolutionary forces are responsible for the spirituality that has always existed in overwhelming numbers the it can only be because spirituality provides value and function advantage over materialism.

Otherwise you are literally arguing against science.

That’s rather nonsensical.

Everything about existence points to natural processes. Not a single event in all of human history has been shown to have a supernatural cause.

As to spirituality, what evidence do you have for "spirituality". You confuse "spirituality" with human personality. Many ancient peoples had beliefs in gods, spirits and all sorts of superstitions which were used to explain phenomena they didn’t understand. The only thing we have ("we" meaning those who don't embrace your particular theology) is your assertion about something you call "spirituality" but are unable to define in any meaningful way. It seems you're actually using terms you don't understand to press your fundamentalist religious agenda. Why don't you show us all the evidence that places something you call “spirituality” into a meaningful context?
Belief in God is a functional advantage which is why it persists from an evolutionary point of view. So your argument makes no sense.

Nonsense. As usual, your claims are utterly unsupported.

It has been science that has peeled back the layers of fear and superstition that previously assigned to the gods such tasks as making thunder and lighting, floods and earthquakes. As layer after layer of fear and superstition promoted by the religious hierarchies has been peeled back by science, the gods have become less and less relevant and their duties have become more and more superfluous.
I never said God controls these events.

You’re lamenting the fact that religions simply don't have ability to instill the paralyzing fear they once had. As knowledge has increased, the layers of superstition that define religious belief have come to understand that natural events (planetary eclipse, tornadoes, thunder, lightning, etc.), are not the results of angry gods but are forces of nature. We largely understand those forces and events. If you want to know the date and time of every lunar eclipse in the next 1,000 years, you could consult a religious figure (who might tell you "it's up to the will of the gods" and may want to slaughter a lamb ), or you could ask an astronomer who will explain the orbits of planets around the sun and the coincidence of planets in those orbits.

The instillation of fear as a means to enforce religious belief is still a tactic, but that tactic is much less effective when science counters fear and ignorance with knowledge and reason.
No one is forcing you to believe anything.

But if it as you believe that everything proceeds from the material world and that evolutionary forces are responsible for the spirituality that has always existed in overwhelming numbers the it can only be because spirituality provides value and function advantage over materialism.

Otherwise you are literally arguing against science.

That’s rather nonsensical.

Everything about existence points to natural processes. Not a single event in all of human history has been shown to have a supernatural cause.

As to spirituality, what evidence do you have for "spirituality". You confuse "spirituality" with human personality. Many ancient peoples had beliefs in gods, spirits and all sorts of superstitions which were used to explain phenomena they didn’t understand. The only thing we have ("we" meaning those who don't embrace your particular theology) is your assertion about something you call "spirituality" but are unable to define in any meaningful way. It seems you're actually using terms you don't understand to press your fundamentalist religious agenda. Why don't you show us all the evidence that places something you call “spirituality” into a meaningful context?
So do you believe an atheist must believe everything originated from matter or the material world?
Belief in God is a functional advantage which is why it persists from an evolutionary point of view. So your argument makes no sense.

Nonsense. As usual, your claims are utterly unsupported.

It has been science that has peeled back the layers of fear and superstition that previously assigned to the gods such tasks as making thunder and lighting, floods and earthquakes. As layer after layer of fear and superstition promoted by the religious hierarchies has been peeled back by science, the gods have become less and less relevant and their duties have become more and more superfluous.
I never said God controls these events.

You’re lamenting the fact that religions simply don't have ability to instill the paralyzing fear they once had. As knowledge has increased, the layers of superstition that define religious belief have come to understand that natural events (planetary eclipse, tornadoes, thunder, lightning, etc.), are not the results of angry gods but are forces of nature. We largely understand those forces and events. If you want to know the date and time of every lunar eclipse in the next 1,000 years, you could consult a religious figure (who might tell you "it's up to the will of the gods" and may want to slaughter a lamb ), or you could ask an astronomer who will explain the orbits of planets around the sun and the coincidence of planets in those orbits.

The instillation of fear as a means to enforce religious belief is still a tactic, but that tactic is much less effective when science counters fear and ignorance with knowledge and reason.
No one is forcing you to believe anything.

But if it as you believe that everything proceeds from the material world and that evolutionary forces are responsible for the spirituality that has always existed in overwhelming numbers the it can only be because spirituality provides value and function advantage over materialism.

Otherwise you are literally arguing against science.

That’s rather nonsensical.

Everything about existence points to natural processes. Not a single event in all of human history has been shown to have a supernatural cause.

As to spirituality, what evidence do you have for "spirituality". You confuse "spirituality" with human personality. Many ancient peoples had beliefs in gods, spirits and all sorts of superstitions which were used to explain phenomena they didn’t understand. The only thing we have ("we" meaning those who don't embrace your particular theology) is your assertion about something you call "spirituality" but are unable to define in any meaningful way. It seems you're actually using terms you don't understand to press your fundamentalist religious agenda. Why don't you show us all the evidence that places something you call “spirituality” into a meaningful context?
Do you know how space and time were created?
Nonsense. As usual, your claims are utterly unsupported.

It has been science that has peeled back the layers of fear and superstition that previously assigned to the gods such tasks as making thunder and lighting, floods and earthquakes. As layer after layer of fear and superstition promoted by the religious hierarchies has been peeled back by science, the gods have become less and less relevant and their duties have become more and more superfluous.
I never said God controls these events.

You’re lamenting the fact that religions simply don't have ability to instill the paralyzing fear they once had. As knowledge has increased, the layers of superstition that define religious belief have come to understand that natural events (planetary eclipse, tornadoes, thunder, lightning, etc.), are not the results of angry gods but are forces of nature. We largely understand those forces and events. If you want to know the date and time of every lunar eclipse in the next 1,000 years, you could consult a religious figure (who might tell you "it's up to the will of the gods" and may want to slaughter a lamb ), or you could ask an astronomer who will explain the orbits of planets around the sun and the coincidence of planets in those orbits.

The instillation of fear as a means to enforce religious belief is still a tactic, but that tactic is much less effective when science counters fear and ignorance with knowledge and reason.
No one is forcing you to believe anything.

But if it as you believe that everything proceeds from the material world and that evolutionary forces are responsible for the spirituality that has always existed in overwhelming numbers the it can only be because spirituality provides value and function advantage over materialism.

Otherwise you are literally arguing against science.

That’s rather nonsensical.

Everything about existence points to natural processes. Not a single event in all of human history has been shown to have a supernatural cause.

As to spirituality, what evidence do you have for "spirituality". You confuse "spirituality" with human personality. Many ancient peoples had beliefs in gods, spirits and all sorts of superstitions which were used to explain phenomena they didn’t understand. The only thing we have ("we" meaning those who don't embrace your particular theology) is your assertion about something you call "spirituality" but are unable to define in any meaningful way. It seems you're actually using terms you don't understand to press your fundamentalist religious agenda. Why don't you show us all the evidence that places something you call “spirituality” into a meaningful context?
So do you believe an atheist must believe everything originated from matter or the material world?

Thrill us. What can you define that originated in the supernatural world?
Nonsense. As usual, your claims are utterly unsupported.

It has been science that has peeled back the layers of fear and superstition that previously assigned to the gods such tasks as making thunder and lighting, floods and earthquakes. As layer after layer of fear and superstition promoted by the religious hierarchies has been peeled back by science, the gods have become less and less relevant and their duties have become more and more superfluous.
I never said God controls these events.

You’re lamenting the fact that religions simply don't have ability to instill the paralyzing fear they once had. As knowledge has increased, the layers of superstition that define religious belief have come to understand that natural events (planetary eclipse, tornadoes, thunder, lightning, etc.), are not the results of angry gods but are forces of nature. We largely understand those forces and events. If you want to know the date and time of every lunar eclipse in the next 1,000 years, you could consult a religious figure (who might tell you "it's up to the will of the gods" and may want to slaughter a lamb ), or you could ask an astronomer who will explain the orbits of planets around the sun and the coincidence of planets in those orbits.

The instillation of fear as a means to enforce religious belief is still a tactic, but that tactic is much less effective when science counters fear and ignorance with knowledge and reason.
No one is forcing you to believe anything.

But if it as you believe that everything proceeds from the material world and that evolutionary forces are responsible for the spirituality that has always existed in overwhelming numbers the it can only be because spirituality provides value and function advantage over materialism.

Otherwise you are literally arguing against science.

That’s rather nonsensical.

Everything about existence points to natural processes. Not a single event in all of human history has been shown to have a supernatural cause.

As to spirituality, what evidence do you have for "spirituality". You confuse "spirituality" with human personality. Many ancient peoples had beliefs in gods, spirits and all sorts of superstitions which were used to explain phenomena they didn’t understand. The only thing we have ("we" meaning those who don't embrace your particular theology) is your assertion about something you call "spirituality" but are unable to define in any meaningful way. It seems you're actually using terms you don't understand to press your fundamentalist religious agenda. Why don't you show us all the evidence that places something you call “spirituality” into a meaningful context?
Do you know how space and time were created?

Sure. The gods did it ™️
I never said God controls these events.

You’re lamenting the fact that religions simply don't have ability to instill the paralyzing fear they once had. As knowledge has increased, the layers of superstition that define religious belief have come to understand that natural events (planetary eclipse, tornadoes, thunder, lightning, etc.), are not the results of angry gods but are forces of nature. We largely understand those forces and events. If you want to know the date and time of every lunar eclipse in the next 1,000 years, you could consult a religious figure (who might tell you "it's up to the will of the gods" and may want to slaughter a lamb ), or you could ask an astronomer who will explain the orbits of planets around the sun and the coincidence of planets in those orbits.

The instillation of fear as a means to enforce religious belief is still a tactic, but that tactic is much less effective when science counters fear and ignorance with knowledge and reason.
No one is forcing you to believe anything.

But if it as you believe that everything proceeds from the material world and that evolutionary forces are responsible for the spirituality that has always existed in overwhelming numbers the it can only be because spirituality provides value and function advantage over materialism.

Otherwise you are literally arguing against science.

That’s rather nonsensical.

Everything about existence points to natural processes. Not a single event in all of human history has been shown to have a supernatural cause.

As to spirituality, what evidence do you have for "spirituality". You confuse "spirituality" with human personality. Many ancient peoples had beliefs in gods, spirits and all sorts of superstitions which were used to explain phenomena they didn’t understand. The only thing we have ("we" meaning those who don't embrace your particular theology) is your assertion about something you call "spirituality" but are unable to define in any meaningful way. It seems you're actually using terms you don't understand to press your fundamentalist religious agenda. Why don't you show us all the evidence that places something you call “spirituality” into a meaningful context?
So do you believe an atheist must believe everything originated from matter or the material world?

Thrill us. What can you define that originated in the supernatural world?
The laws of nature for starters.

So do you believe an atheist must believe that everything proceeded from the material or not?
I never said God controls these events.

You’re lamenting the fact that religions simply don't have ability to instill the paralyzing fear they once had. As knowledge has increased, the layers of superstition that define religious belief have come to understand that natural events (planetary eclipse, tornadoes, thunder, lightning, etc.), are not the results of angry gods but are forces of nature. We largely understand those forces and events. If you want to know the date and time of every lunar eclipse in the next 1,000 years, you could consult a religious figure (who might tell you "it's up to the will of the gods" and may want to slaughter a lamb ), or you could ask an astronomer who will explain the orbits of planets around the sun and the coincidence of planets in those orbits.

The instillation of fear as a means to enforce religious belief is still a tactic, but that tactic is much less effective when science counters fear and ignorance with knowledge and reason.
No one is forcing you to believe anything.

But if it as you believe that everything proceeds from the material world and that evolutionary forces are responsible for the spirituality that has always existed in overwhelming numbers the it can only be because spirituality provides value and function advantage over materialism.

Otherwise you are literally arguing against science.

That’s rather nonsensical.

Everything about existence points to natural processes. Not a single event in all of human history has been shown to have a supernatural cause.

As to spirituality, what evidence do you have for "spirituality". You confuse "spirituality" with human personality. Many ancient peoples had beliefs in gods, spirits and all sorts of superstitions which were used to explain phenomena they didn’t understand. The only thing we have ("we" meaning those who don't embrace your particular theology) is your assertion about something you call "spirituality" but are unable to define in any meaningful way. It seems you're actually using terms you don't understand to press your fundamentalist religious agenda. Why don't you show us all the evidence that places something you call “spirituality” into a meaningful context?
Do you know how space and time were created?

Sure. The gods did it ™️
Look, if you have no idea how space and time were created then how can you know it wasn’t created by spirit?
You’re lamenting the fact that religions simply don't have ability to instill the paralyzing fear they once had. As knowledge has increased, the layers of superstition that define religious belief have come to understand that natural events (planetary eclipse, tornadoes, thunder, lightning, etc.), are not the results of angry gods but are forces of nature. We largely understand those forces and events. If you want to know the date and time of every lunar eclipse in the next 1,000 years, you could consult a religious figure (who might tell you "it's up to the will of the gods" and may want to slaughter a lamb ), or you could ask an astronomer who will explain the orbits of planets around the sun and the coincidence of planets in those orbits.

The instillation of fear as a means to enforce religious belief is still a tactic, but that tactic is much less effective when science counters fear and ignorance with knowledge and reason.
No one is forcing you to believe anything.

But if it as you believe that everything proceeds from the material world and that evolutionary forces are responsible for the spirituality that has always existed in overwhelming numbers the it can only be because spirituality provides value and function advantage over materialism.

Otherwise you are literally arguing against science.

That’s rather nonsensical.

Everything about existence points to natural processes. Not a single event in all of human history has been shown to have a supernatural cause.

As to spirituality, what evidence do you have for "spirituality". You confuse "spirituality" with human personality. Many ancient peoples had beliefs in gods, spirits and all sorts of superstitions which were used to explain phenomena they didn’t understand. The only thing we have ("we" meaning those who don't embrace your particular theology) is your assertion about something you call "spirituality" but are unable to define in any meaningful way. It seems you're actually using terms you don't understand to press your fundamentalist religious agenda. Why don't you show us all the evidence that places something you call “spirituality” into a meaningful context?
Do you know how space and time were created?

Sure. The gods did it ™️
Look, if you have no idea how space and time were created then how can you know it wasn’t created by spirit?

Were space and time created by a “spirit”? If so, was it a single spirit or a formidable, unionized collection of spirits?
Wtf are you talking about?
I am sharing portions of the Bible with you so as to let you know that as a human (adam---you that person asleep or as the dead not knowing what the spirit in you is) reincarnation is there, just as you are stuck here on this planet. It is written about in, "that book of fairy tales" you claim you don't believe in.
Just because something is written in a book of fiction doesn't make it so.
What you consider a book of fiction I consider a guide for the spirit of the son of god portion in humans (MAN- the spiritual beings created both in the male and female versions). That is not to say you must read the Bible to be saved, resurrected or have belief in the supernatural but one must still believe with all their mind, body, heart and soul. A very dear friend of my believed and she did not read the Bible but she loved to hear the Word when it wasn't tainted with the precepts of worldly humans and pharisees. She was also baptized in Jesus's name prior to her passing.

The account of Genesis recorded the creation of time and space. It was passed down orally for thousands of years before Moses recorded it. The creation of time and space from nothing has been proven true. So ancient man knew 6000 years before science knew that there was a beginning.
No, it is about the creation of the concept of heaven and earth, a world above and the world below, separated by the establishment of divine light, spoken into existence through law which teaches people to distinguish between clean and unclean, good and evil, true and false, right and wrong, life and death.
So what happens to people who eat ham, for example?

No, it is about the creation of the concept of heaven and earth, a world above and the world below, separated by the establishment of divine light, spoken into existence through law which teaches people to distinguish between clean and unclean, good and evil, true and false, right and wrong, life and death.
So what happens to people who eat ham, for example?

What happens to people who eat ham? They enjoy it.

Swine are unclean creatures because they do not ruminate. Their flesh defiles and contaminates the mind.

This is just a metaphorical reference to people who do not ruminate, think deeply, and just swallow any kind of garbage, teaching, belief system, ideology, sales pitch, or religion without thinking deeply about it at all..

If you swallow the teachings of people who do not ruminate, think deeply, it will defile and contaminate your mind and you will become an unclean creature that cannot ruminate, think deeply.

Here is the wisdom of God. This is my flesh.
As far as worldly flesh goes uncured pork alters the red blood cells in a manner that makes them clot together. Pork is really not all that healthy for humans. What they eat remains in the meat and they are a critter that is still very capable of spreading a lot of disease. Do not touch the dead carcass as it also carries diseases which one can pick up just handling it. Recently documented was a sixty year old woman with extreme arthritis in her hands due to cutting meat that was infected years ago.

Deu 14:8

Spiritually speaking one shouldn't eat swine/unclean things to feed the spirit (notice not pork but swine is the word used). Meaning don't get you spiritual food from a retard, a bullish ass, a zombies, false visionary, sucker, etc.....
It doesn't matter if you follow a book of fiction or not, we're all going to the same place. To think that people of don't accept Jesus are going somewhere else is not only unproven, but ludicrous.

As for eating unclean animals, I'm a vegetarian, I eat things for health reasons, not mystical reasons.
I eat things for health reasons too. I value that relationship with God therefore I search to find answers in order to improve on that relationship with God's spirit with me where ever I can find valid information. As far as feeding this physical body here, I eat a little junk food now and then, steak, hamburger, plus fruits and veges I like along with nuts and herbs. Today its getting some custard pie and lemon cake with sugary frosting.
How do you know that there’s an invible being that wants to have a relationship with you?
Either / or debates often miss alternative explanations. For instance, the argument God is or God isn’t never mentions any alternative to the black and white solutions. What if our universe and everything in it is the product of a civilization so advanced if we encountered it we’d come to the mistaken conclusion we were dealing with a God/Gods ?
I am sharing portions of the Bible with you so as to let you know that as a human (adam---you that person asleep or as the dead not knowing what the spirit in you is) reincarnation is there, just as you are stuck here on this planet. It is written about in, "that book of fairy tales" you claim you don't believe in.
Just because something is written in a book of fiction doesn't make it so.
What you consider a book of fiction I consider a guide for the spirit of the son of god portion in humans (MAN- the spiritual beings created both in the male and female versions). That is not to say you must read the Bible to be saved, resurrected or have belief in the supernatural but one must still believe with all their mind, body, heart and soul. A very dear friend of my believed and she did not read the Bible but she loved to hear the Word when it wasn't tainted with the precepts of worldly humans and pharisees. She was also baptized in Jesus's name prior to her passing.

No, it is about the creation of the concept of heaven and earth, a world above and the world below, separated by the establishment of divine light, spoken into existence through law which teaches people to distinguish between clean and unclean, good and evil, true and false, right and wrong, life and death.
So what happens to people who eat ham, for example?

So what happens to people who eat ham, for example?

What happens to people who eat ham? They enjoy it.

Swine are unclean creatures because they do not ruminate. Their flesh defiles and contaminates the mind.

This is just a metaphorical reference to people who do not ruminate, think deeply, and just swallow any kind of garbage, teaching, belief system, ideology, sales pitch, or religion without thinking deeply about it at all..

If you swallow the teachings of people who do not ruminate, think deeply, it will defile and contaminate your mind and you will become an unclean creature that cannot ruminate, think deeply.

Here is the wisdom of God. This is my flesh.
As far as worldly flesh goes uncured pork alters the red blood cells in a manner that makes them clot together. Pork is really not all that healthy for humans. What they eat remains in the meat and they are a critter that is still very capable of spreading a lot of disease. Do not touch the dead carcass as it also carries diseases which one can pick up just handling it. Recently documented was a sixty year old woman with extreme arthritis in her hands due to cutting meat that was infected years ago.

Deu 14:8

Spiritually speaking one shouldn't eat swine/unclean things to feed the spirit (notice not pork but swine is the word used). Meaning don't get you spiritual food from a retard, a bullish ass, a zombies, false visionary, sucker, etc.....
It doesn't matter if you follow a book of fiction or not, we're all going to the same place. To think that people of don't accept Jesus are going somewhere else is not only unproven, but ludicrous.

As for eating unclean animals, I'm a vegetarian, I eat things for health reasons, not mystical reasons.
I eat things for health reasons too. I value that relationship with God therefore I search to find answers in order to improve on that relationship with God's spirit with me where ever I can find valid information. As far as feeding this physical body here, I eat a little junk food now and then, steak, hamburger, plus fruits and veges I like along with nuts and herbs. Today its getting some custard pie and lemon cake with sugary frosting.
How do you know that there’s an invible being that wants to have a relationship with you?
What makes you think that the Spirit is invisible to me?
Just because something is written in a book of fiction doesn't make it so.
What you consider a book of fiction I consider a guide for the spirit of the son of god portion in humans (MAN- the spiritual beings created both in the male and female versions). That is not to say you must read the Bible to be saved, resurrected or have belief in the supernatural but one must still believe with all their mind, body, heart and soul. A very dear friend of my believed and she did not read the Bible but she loved to hear the Word when it wasn't tainted with the precepts of worldly humans and pharisees. She was also baptized in Jesus's name prior to her passing.

So what happens to people who eat ham, for example?

What happens to people who eat ham? They enjoy it.

Swine are unclean creatures because they do not ruminate. Their flesh defiles and contaminates the mind.

This is just a metaphorical reference to people who do not ruminate, think deeply, and just swallow any kind of garbage, teaching, belief system, ideology, sales pitch, or religion without thinking deeply about it at all..

If you swallow the teachings of people who do not ruminate, think deeply, it will defile and contaminate your mind and you will become an unclean creature that cannot ruminate, think deeply.

Here is the wisdom of God. This is my flesh.
As far as worldly flesh goes uncured pork alters the red blood cells in a manner that makes them clot together. Pork is really not all that healthy for humans. What they eat remains in the meat and they are a critter that is still very capable of spreading a lot of disease. Do not touch the dead carcass as it also carries diseases which one can pick up just handling it. Recently documented was a sixty year old woman with extreme arthritis in her hands due to cutting meat that was infected years ago.

Deu 14:8

Spiritually speaking one shouldn't eat swine/unclean things to feed the spirit (notice not pork but swine is the word used). Meaning don't get you spiritual food from a retard, a bullish ass, a zombies, false visionary, sucker, etc.....
It doesn't matter if you follow a book of fiction or not, we're all going to the same place. To think that people of don't accept Jesus are going somewhere else is not only unproven, but ludicrous.

As for eating unclean animals, I'm a vegetarian, I eat things for health reasons, not mystical reasons.
I eat things for health reasons too. I value that relationship with God therefore I search to find answers in order to improve on that relationship with God's spirit with me where ever I can find valid information. As far as feeding this physical body here, I eat a little junk food now and then, steak, hamburger, plus fruits and veges I like along with nuts and herbs. Today its getting some custard pie and lemon cake with sugary frosting.
How do you know that there’s an invible being that wants to have a relationship with you?
What makes you think that the Spirit is invisible to me?
Because invisible beings are, well, invisible.
What you consider a book of fiction I consider a guide for the spirit of the son of god portion in humans (MAN- the spiritual beings created both in the male and female versions). That is not to say you must read the Bible to be saved, resurrected or have belief in the supernatural but one must still believe with all their mind, body, heart and soul. A very dear friend of my believed and she did not read the Bible but she loved to hear the Word when it wasn't tainted with the precepts of worldly humans and pharisees. She was also baptized in Jesus's name prior to her passing.

As far as worldly flesh goes uncured pork alters the red blood cells in a manner that makes them clot together. Pork is really not all that healthy for humans. What they eat remains in the meat and they are a critter that is still very capable of spreading a lot of disease. Do not touch the dead carcass as it also carries diseases which one can pick up just handling it. Recently documented was a sixty year old woman with extreme arthritis in her hands due to cutting meat that was infected years ago.

Deu 14:8

Spiritually speaking one shouldn't eat swine/unclean things to feed the spirit (notice not pork but swine is the word used). Meaning don't get you spiritual food from a retard, a bullish ass, a zombies, false visionary, sucker, etc.....
It doesn't matter if you follow a book of fiction or not, we're all going to the same place. To think that people of don't accept Jesus are going somewhere else is not only unproven, but ludicrous.

As for eating unclean animals, I'm a vegetarian, I eat things for health reasons, not mystical reasons.
I eat things for health reasons too. I value that relationship with God therefore I search to find answers in order to improve on that relationship with God's spirit with me where ever I can find valid information. As far as feeding this physical body here, I eat a little junk food now and then, steak, hamburger, plus fruits and veges I like along with nuts and herbs. Today its getting some custard pie and lemon cake with sugary frosting.
How do you know that there’s an invible being that wants to have a relationship with you?
What makes you think that the Spirit is invisible to me?
Because invisible beings are, well, invisible.
Spiritual beings are not always invisible. Just because you have never seen for your self or have no memory of ever seeing a spiritual manifestation does not mean that they are invisible. You have nerve sensors throughout your physical body that you touch and feel things whether they are hot, cold, rough or soft but have you ever actually seen one?
Spiritual beings are not always invisible.

then they are not spiritual, they are metaphysical.

the physical attributes do show the spirit of the being in many cases as observed, can not say though seeing a spirit is possible.

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