Is man a spiritual being?

Perfect love created you in such a manner that there is no need to punish you as it is all contain within you; you subject yourself when you do not do what is right and good.
Wow, you're pretty far out there, where did you learn this?
By the spirit and it is also written into the book and documented in many other places too. First you have to have the desire to understand and want to learn. Until then you just remain blinded, asleep in the carnal/worldly grave of incessant turmoil. Personally I like the peace of knowing and having answers to questions I have had over the years.
So what other places? So far, you only have a book.
By the spirit means all around me and I can see God's handiwork throughout history, both in my own life and in others lives, along with thousands of years of documented history.
What's God's handiwork? And thousands of years of documented history is simply more books.
God's handiwork is all around you if you have eyes willing and open to see it.
Either / or debates often miss alternative explanations. For instance, the argument God is or God isn’t never mentions any alternative to the black and white solutions. What if our universe and everything in it is the product of a civilization so advanced if we encountered it we’d come to the mistaken conclusion we were dealing with a God/Gods ?
You’d still be left with a first cause conundrum.

And since you guys are so piss poor in your knowledge of science you’d still need someone like me to explain that solution to you.

Your retreat to magic and supernaturalism answers nothing.
A lot of atheists feel that way about the G-d of Abraham. Do you feel that way about the G-d of Abraham?
Either / or debates often miss alternative explanations. For instance, the argument God is or God isn’t never mentions any alternative to the black and white solutions. What if our universe and everything in it is the product of a civilization so advanced if we encountered it we’d come to the mistaken conclusion we were dealing with a God/Gods ?
You’d still be left with a first cause conundrum.

And since you guys are so piss poor in your knowledge of science you’d still need someone like me to explain that solution to you.

Your retreat to magic and supernaturalism answers nothing.
A lot of atheists feel that way about the G-d of Abraham. Do you feel that way about the G-d of Abraham?

You do not worship the God of Abraham..Oh excuse me, the G-d of Abraham you phony fuck.

You worship a three in one god made man made matzo made by human hands.

Wow, you're pretty far out there, where did you learn this?
By the spirit and it is also written into the book and documented in many other places too. First you have to have the desire to understand and want to learn. Until then you just remain blinded, asleep in the carnal/worldly grave of incessant turmoil. Personally I like the peace of knowing and having answers to questions I have had over the years.
So what other places? So far, you only have a book.
By the spirit means all around me and I can see God's handiwork throughout history, both in my own life and in others lives, along with thousands of years of documented history.
What's God's handiwork? And thousands of years of documented history is simply more books.
God's handiwork is all around you if you have eyes willing and open to see it.
C'mon, after all this, don't tell me that you have nothing.
By the spirit and it is also written into the book and documented in many other places too. First you have to have the desire to understand and want to learn. Until then you just remain blinded, asleep in the carnal/worldly grave of incessant turmoil. Personally I like the peace of knowing and having answers to questions I have had over the years.
So what other places? So far, you only have a book.
By the spirit means all around me and I can see God's handiwork throughout history, both in my own life and in others lives, along with thousands of years of documented history.
What's God's handiwork? And thousands of years of documented history is simply more books.
Yes it is more books but those books help confirm what I have seen in the spirit and have experienced.
"what I have seen in the spirit and have experienced", like what?
I wrote about several attackers on here previously who were thwarted. One was dropped like a sack of wet mush and the knife flew out of his hand behind me when he started towards me, another was literally yanked off of me when I was going to shoot him for not stopping his attempt to rape me.

I met the love of my life through a dream/vision he had been given by God several weeks previously (he said he just wanted to share what he was shown and we have been best friends and together ever since).

I saw a friend dancing in the spirit and learned the next morning when he husband called us that she had passed the afternoon before; he said, "It was odd she was up dancing around with her IV pole saying 'I am going home' and then she laid down and she was gone. The doctor had just told her she could go home and she looked better so we all thought we were going to get to take her home". (my dear friend was 1,200 miles away when I saw her in the spirit)

There is no way I could write it all down here on this forum.
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So what other places? So far, you only have a book.
By the spirit means all around me and I can see God's handiwork throughout history, both in my own life and in others lives, along with thousands of years of documented history.
What's God's handiwork? And thousands of years of documented history is simply more books.
Yes it is more books but those books help confirm what I have seen in the spirit and have experienced.
"what I have seen in the spirit and have experienced", like what?
I wrote about several attackers on here previously who were thwarted. One was dropped like a sack of wet mush and the knife flew out of his hand behind me when he started towards me, another was literally yanked off of me when I was going to shoot him for not stopping his attempt to rape me.

I met the love of my life through a dream/vision he had been given by God several weeks previously (he said he just wanted to share what he was shown and we have been best friends and together ever since).

I saw a friend dancing in the spirit and learned the next morning when he husband called us that she had passed the afternoon before; he said, "It was odd she was up dancing around with her IV pole saying 'I am going home' and then she laid down and she was gone. The doctor had just told her she could go home and she ;looked better so we all thought we were going to get to take her home".

There is no way I could write it all down here on this forum.
So basically wishful thinking. So you think that god sent someone to rape you so you could have a godly encounter?
Either / or debates often miss alternative explanations. For instance, the argument God is or God isn’t never mentions any alternative to the black and white solutions. What if our universe and everything in it is the product of a civilization so advanced if we encountered it we’d come to the mistaken conclusion we were dealing with a God/Gods ?
You’d still be left with a first cause conundrum.

And since you guys are so piss poor in your knowledge of science you’d still need someone like me to explain that solution to you.

Your retreat to magic and supernaturalism answers nothing.
A lot of atheists feel that way about the G-d of Abraham. Do you feel that way about the G-d of Abraham?

You do not worship the God of Abraham..Oh excuse me, the G-d of Abraham you phony fuck.

You worship a three in one god made man made matzo made by human hands.

Of course I do. Christianity is effectively a sect of Judaism.
By the spirit means all around me and I can see God's handiwork throughout history, both in my own life and in others lives, along with thousands of years of documented history.
What's God's handiwork? And thousands of years of documented history is simply more books.
Yes it is more books but those books help confirm what I have seen in the spirit and have experienced.
"what I have seen in the spirit and have experienced", like what?
I wrote about several attackers on here previously who were thwarted. One was dropped like a sack of wet mush and the knife flew out of his hand behind me when he started towards me, another was literally yanked off of me when I was going to shoot him for not stopping his attempt to rape me.

I met the love of my life through a dream/vision he had been given by God several weeks previously (he said he just wanted to share what he was shown and we have been best friends and together ever since).

I saw a friend dancing in the spirit and learned the next morning when he husband called us that she had passed the afternoon before; he said, "It was odd she was up dancing around with her IV pole saying 'I am going home' and then she laid down and she was gone. The doctor had just told her she could go home and she ;looked better so we all thought we were going to get to take her home".

There is no way I could write it all down here on this forum.
So basically wishful thinking. So you think that god sent someone to rape you so you could have a godly encounter?
Your thinking is all backwards. Its no wonder you are so blind. I know beyond a doubt when I considered God's word "Thou shalt not kill" after I considered what a mess that asshats brains would make all over when I pulled the trigger is the moment he was yanked off of me by that force you call invisible.
BTW, that potential rapist had a "come to Jesus moment" in his life after that and several years later wanted to thank me for it. I told him thank God as I was going to shoot his ass.
What's God's handiwork? And thousands of years of documented history is simply more books.
Yes it is more books but those books help confirm what I have seen in the spirit and have experienced.
"what I have seen in the spirit and have experienced", like what?
I wrote about several attackers on here previously who were thwarted. One was dropped like a sack of wet mush and the knife flew out of his hand behind me when he started towards me, another was literally yanked off of me when I was going to shoot him for not stopping his attempt to rape me.

I met the love of my life through a dream/vision he had been given by God several weeks previously (he said he just wanted to share what he was shown and we have been best friends and together ever since).

I saw a friend dancing in the spirit and learned the next morning when he husband called us that she had passed the afternoon before; he said, "It was odd she was up dancing around with her IV pole saying 'I am going home' and then she laid down and she was gone. The doctor had just told her she could go home and she ;looked better so we all thought we were going to get to take her home".

There is no way I could write it all down here on this forum.
So basically wishful thinking. So you think that god sent someone to rape you so you could have a godly encounter?
Your thinking is all backwards. Its no wonder you are so blind. I know beyond a doubt when I considered God's word "Thou shalt not kill" after I considered what a mess that asshats brains would make all over when I pulled the trigger is the moment he was yanked off of me by that force you call invisible.
The invisible force that pulled him off of you was fear of the gun. Must have been god's piece. :biggrin:
Either / or debates often miss alternative explanations. For instance, the argument God is or God isn’t never mentions any alternative to the black and white solutions. What if our universe and everything in it is the product of a civilization so advanced if we encountered it we’d come to the mistaken conclusion we were dealing with a God/Gods ?
You’d still be left with a first cause conundrum.

And since you guys are so piss poor in your knowledge of science you’d still need someone like me to explain that solution to you.

Your retreat to magic and supernaturalism answers nothing.
A lot of atheists feel that way about the G-d of Abraham. Do you feel that way about the G-d of Abraham?

You do not worship the God of Abraham..Oh excuse me, the G-d of Abraham you phony fuck.

You worship a three in one god made man made matzo made by human hands.

Of course I do. Christianity is effectively a sect of Judaism.
No you don't. Abraham was against idolatry. You support it. Own it. Abraham believed in one God who is spirit, you believe in an edible trinity that became a material matzo man. You openly admit this. WTF!

You can't have it both ways. Make up your mind.

And maybe early christianity resembled reform Judaism to a certain extent but what Christianity became after it was assimilated and perverted by Rome in 325 c.e. was a desecration of the teachings of Jesus and a defiant violation of the divine commands and open demonstration of pure hatred for Jesus and the God of Abraham.

You worship the antichrist. What you have been misled to believe is the way to eternal life, peace, and paradise is the exact opposite, the way to death, hell and destruction.
Yes it is more books but those books help confirm what I have seen in the spirit and have experienced.
"what I have seen in the spirit and have experienced", like what?
I wrote about several attackers on here previously who were thwarted. One was dropped like a sack of wet mush and the knife flew out of his hand behind me when he started towards me, another was literally yanked off of me when I was going to shoot him for not stopping his attempt to rape me.

I met the love of my life through a dream/vision he had been given by God several weeks previously (he said he just wanted to share what he was shown and we have been best friends and together ever since).

I saw a friend dancing in the spirit and learned the next morning when he husband called us that she had passed the afternoon before; he said, "It was odd she was up dancing around with her IV pole saying 'I am going home' and then she laid down and she was gone. The doctor had just told her she could go home and she ;looked better so we all thought we were going to get to take her home".

There is no way I could write it all down here on this forum.
So basically wishful thinking. So you think that god sent someone to rape you so you could have a godly encounter?
Your thinking is all backwards. Its no wonder you are so blind. I know beyond a doubt when I considered God's word "Thou shalt not kill" after I considered what a mess that asshats brains would make all over when I pulled the trigger is the moment he was yanked off of me by that force you call invisible.
The invisible force that pulled him off of you was fear of the gun. Must have been god's piece. :biggrin:
I considered that but fact is people cannot jump/move like that boy did that day.

The one that pulled the knife was going after my cousin. I didn't know why at the time but just knew he couldn't hurt me but he would definitely hurt her if he got to her so I stood in front of him and she had a chance to get away. He flipped that knife out and started towards me and that's when he went down and the knife flew from his hand behind me.
You’d still be left with a first cause conundrum.

And since you guys are so piss poor in your knowledge of science you’d still need someone like me to explain that solution to you.

Your retreat to magic and supernaturalism answers nothing.
A lot of atheists feel that way about the G-d of Abraham. Do you feel that way about the G-d of Abraham?

You do not worship the God of Abraham..Oh excuse me, the G-d of Abraham you phony fuck.

You worship a three in one god made man made matzo made by human hands.

Of course I do. Christianity is effectively a sect of Judaism.
No you don't. Abraham was against idolatry. You support it. Own it. Abraham believed in one God who is spirit, you believe in an edible trinity that became a material matzo man. You openly admit this. WTF!

You can't have it both ways. Make up your mind.

And maybe early christianity resembled reform Judaism to a certain extent but what Christianity became after it was assimilated and perverted by Rome in 325 c.e. was a desecration of the teachings of Jesus and a defiant violation of the divine commands and open demonstration of pure hatred for Jesus and the God of Abraham.

You worship the antichrist. What you have been misled to believe is the way to eternal life, peace, and paradise is the exact opposite, the way to death, hell and destruction.
Spiritually speaking aren't some of the modern mega churches just Philistines? And even they serve their purpose in the world, don't they?

BTW, I think you are in error about Ding.
"what I have seen in the spirit and have experienced", like what?
I wrote about several attackers on here previously who were thwarted. One was dropped like a sack of wet mush and the knife flew out of his hand behind me when he started towards me, another was literally yanked off of me when I was going to shoot him for not stopping his attempt to rape me.

I met the love of my life through a dream/vision he had been given by God several weeks previously (he said he just wanted to share what he was shown and we have been best friends and together ever since).

I saw a friend dancing in the spirit and learned the next morning when he husband called us that she had passed the afternoon before; he said, "It was odd she was up dancing around with her IV pole saying 'I am going home' and then she laid down and she was gone. The doctor had just told her she could go home and she ;looked better so we all thought we were going to get to take her home".

There is no way I could write it all down here on this forum.
So basically wishful thinking. So you think that god sent someone to rape you so you could have a godly encounter?
Your thinking is all backwards. Its no wonder you are so blind. I know beyond a doubt when I considered God's word "Thou shalt not kill" after I considered what a mess that asshats brains would make all over when I pulled the trigger is the moment he was yanked off of me by that force you call invisible.
The invisible force that pulled him off of you was fear of the gun. Must have been god's piece. :biggrin:
I considered that but fact is people cannot jump/move like that boy did that day.

The one that pulled the knife was going after my cousin. I didn't know why at the time but just knew he couldn't hurt me but he would definitely hurt her if he got to her so I stood in front of him and she had a chance to get away. He flipped that knife out and started towards me and that's when he went down and the knife flew from his hand behind me.
That's delusional. God the super hero, lol. You should contact Marvel with your idea, it could be BIG! :biggrin:

Why would god send a rapist after you only to save you? That's like the crazy fireman who starts fires to be a hero. :cuckoo:
I wrote about several attackers on here previously who were thwarted. One was dropped like a sack of wet mush and the knife flew out of his hand behind me when he started towards me, another was literally yanked off of me when I was going to shoot him for not stopping his attempt to rape me.

I met the love of my life through a dream/vision he had been given by God several weeks previously (he said he just wanted to share what he was shown and we have been best friends and together ever since).

I saw a friend dancing in the spirit and learned the next morning when he husband called us that she had passed the afternoon before; he said, "It was odd she was up dancing around with her IV pole saying 'I am going home' and then she laid down and she was gone. The doctor had just told her she could go home and she ;looked better so we all thought we were going to get to take her home".

There is no way I could write it all down here on this forum.
So basically wishful thinking. So you think that god sent someone to rape you so you could have a godly encounter?
Your thinking is all backwards. Its no wonder you are so blind. I know beyond a doubt when I considered God's word "Thou shalt not kill" after I considered what a mess that asshats brains would make all over when I pulled the trigger is the moment he was yanked off of me by that force you call invisible.
The invisible force that pulled him off of you was fear of the gun. Must have been god's piece. :biggrin:
I considered that but fact is people cannot jump/move like that boy did that day.

The one that pulled the knife was going after my cousin. I didn't know why at the time but just knew he couldn't hurt me but he would definitely hurt her if he got to her so I stood in front of him and she had a chance to get away. He flipped that knife out and started towards me and that's when he went down and the knife flew from his hand behind me.
That's delusional. God the super hero, lol. You should contact Marvel with your idea, it could be BIG! :biggrin:

Why would god send a rapist after you only to save you? That's like the crazy fireman who starts fires to be a hero. :cuckoo:
My cousins hung out with some rough crowds. God didn't "send", God did provide a means by which their efforts were made not though.

It is similar to chatting to you at times. You like your demons and apparently desire to keep them; in the naive minds of some here they believe they can help you get rid of them because they do not know that it is totally up to you to do that.
Your retreat to magic and supernaturalism answers nothing.
A lot of atheists feel that way about the G-d of Abraham. Do you feel that way about the G-d of Abraham?

You do not worship the God of Abraham..Oh excuse me, the G-d of Abraham you phony fuck.

You worship a three in one god made man made matzo made by human hands.

Of course I do. Christianity is effectively a sect of Judaism.
No you don't. Abraham was against idolatry. You support it. Own it. Abraham believed in one God who is spirit, you believe in an edible trinity that became a material matzo man. You openly admit this. WTF!

You can't have it both ways. Make up your mind.

And maybe early christianity resembled reform Judaism to a certain extent but what Christianity became after it was assimilated and perverted by Rome in 325 c.e. was a desecration of the teachings of Jesus and a defiant violation of the divine commands and open demonstration of pure hatred for Jesus and the God of Abraham.

You worship the antichrist. What you have been misled to believe is the way to eternal life, peace, and paradise is the exact opposite, the way to death, hell and destruction.
Spiritually speaking aren't some of the modern mega churches just Philistines? And even they serve their purpose in the world, don't they?

BTW, I think you are in error about Ding.

The only good purpose they could ever fulfill is ever the power of God releases them from captivity. Otherwise they are just breeding hordes of tiny monsters, gibbering lunatics, and talking serpents.

That kind of plague serves no good purpose festering in the world.

ding openly admits that he thinks that God is present in a lifeless matzo made by human hands simply because he believes.

He had to have thrown the entire bible in the trash long ago in order for him to have the audacity to profess a belief like that...
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So basically wishful thinking. So you think that god sent someone to rape you so you could have a godly encounter?
Your thinking is all backwards. Its no wonder you are so blind. I know beyond a doubt when I considered God's word "Thou shalt not kill" after I considered what a mess that asshats brains would make all over when I pulled the trigger is the moment he was yanked off of me by that force you call invisible.
The invisible force that pulled him off of you was fear of the gun. Must have been god's piece. :biggrin:
I considered that but fact is people cannot jump/move like that boy did that day.

The one that pulled the knife was going after my cousin. I didn't know why at the time but just knew he couldn't hurt me but he would definitely hurt her if he got to her so I stood in front of him and she had a chance to get away. He flipped that knife out and started towards me and that's when he went down and the knife flew from his hand behind me.
That's delusional. God the super hero, lol. You should contact Marvel with your idea, it could be BIG! :biggrin:

Why would god send a rapist after you only to save you? That's like the crazy fireman who starts fires to be a hero. :cuckoo:
My cousins hung out with some rough crowds. God didn't "send", God did provide a means by which their efforts were made not though.

It is similar to chatting to you at times. You like your demons and apparently desire to keep them; in the naive minds of some here they believe they can help you get rid of them because they do not know that it is totally up to you to do that.
I like my demons? wtf does that mean? :lol:
A lot of atheists feel that way about the G-d of Abraham. Do you feel that way about the G-d of Abraham?

You do not worship the God of Abraham..Oh excuse me, the G-d of Abraham you phony fuck.

You worship a three in one god made man made matzo made by human hands.

Of course I do. Christianity is effectively a sect of Judaism.
No you don't. Abraham was against idolatry. You support it. Own it. Abraham believed in one God who is spirit, you believe in an edible trinity that became a material matzo man. You openly admit this. WTF!

You can't have it both ways. Make up your mind.

And maybe early christianity resembled reform Judaism to a certain extent but what Christianity became after it was assimilated and perverted by Rome in 325 c.e. was a desecration of the teachings of Jesus and a defiant violation of the divine commands and open demonstration of pure hatred for Jesus and the God of Abraham.

You worship the antichrist. What you have been misled to believe is the way to eternal life, peace, and paradise is the exact opposite, the way to death, hell and destruction.
Spiritually speaking aren't some of the modern mega churches just Philistines? And even they serve their purpose in the world, don't they?

BTW, I think you are in error about Ding.

The only purpose they could ever fulfill is ever the power of God releases them from captivity.

ding openly admits that he thinks that God is present in a lifeless matzo made by human hands simply because he believes.

He had to have thrown the entire bible in the trash long ago in order for him to have the audacity to profess a belief like that...
Sorry I do not accept you words as his.

Everything from the beginning to the end and the end to the beginning serves God's purpose. The end is where the bride says come and the beginning is that breath/blow of life that creates the 'living soul'. The beginning of life is at the end of the book and those hosts that come from the Philistines are just a piece and a portion that make up the whole.
Your thinking is all backwards. Its no wonder you are so blind. I know beyond a doubt when I considered God's word "Thou shalt not kill" after I considered what a mess that asshats brains would make all over when I pulled the trigger is the moment he was yanked off of me by that force you call invisible.
The invisible force that pulled him off of you was fear of the gun. Must have been god's piece. :biggrin:
I considered that but fact is people cannot jump/move like that boy did that day.

The one that pulled the knife was going after my cousin. I didn't know why at the time but just knew he couldn't hurt me but he would definitely hurt her if he got to her so I stood in front of him and she had a chance to get away. He flipped that knife out and started towards me and that's when he went down and the knife flew from his hand behind me.
That's delusional. God the super hero, lol. You should contact Marvel with your idea, it could be BIG! :biggrin:

Why would god send a rapist after you only to save you? That's like the crazy fireman who starts fires to be a hero. :cuckoo:
My cousins hung out with some rough crowds. God didn't "send", God did provide a means by which their efforts were made not though.

It is similar to chatting to you at times. You like your demons and apparently desire to keep them; in the naive minds of some here they believe they can help you get rid of them because they do not know that it is totally up to you to do that.
I like my demons? wtf does that mean? :lol:
You missed your calling you could have done little info bites and been something like Obama, "Like your demons? You can keep them your demons."
You’d still be left with a first cause conundrum.

And since you guys are so piss poor in your knowledge of science you’d still need someone like me to explain that solution to you.

Your retreat to magic and supernaturalism answers nothing.
A lot of atheists feel that way about the G-d of Abraham. Do you feel that way about the G-d of Abraham?

You do not worship the God of Abraham..Oh excuse me, the G-d of Abraham you phony fuck.

You worship a three in one god made man made matzo made by human hands.

Of course I do. Christianity is effectively a sect of Judaism.
No you don't. Abraham was against idolatry. You support it. Own it. Abraham believed in one God who is spirit, you believe in an edible trinity that became a material matzo man. You openly admit this. WTF!

You can't have it both ways. Make up your mind.

And maybe early christianity resembled reform Judaism to a certain extent but what Christianity became after it was assimilated and perverted by Rome in 325 c.e. was a desecration of the teachings of Jesus and a defiant violation of the divine commands and open demonstration of pure hatred for Jesus and the God of Abraham.

You worship the antichrist. What you have been misled to believe is the way to eternal life, peace, and paradise is the exact opposite, the way to death, hell and destruction.
How is what you are doing not evangelizing for Judaism?

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