Is man a spiritual being?

It doesn't matter if you follow a book of fiction or not, we're all going to the same place. To think that people of don't accept Jesus are going somewhere else is not only unproven, but ludicrous.

As for eating unclean animals, I'm a vegetarian, I eat things for health reasons, not mystical reasons.
I eat things for health reasons too. I value that relationship with God therefore I search to find answers in order to improve on that relationship with God's spirit with me where ever I can find valid information. As far as feeding this physical body here, I eat a little junk food now and then, steak, hamburger, plus fruits and veges I like along with nuts and herbs. Today its getting some custard pie and lemon cake with sugary frosting.
How do you know that there’s an invible being that wants to have a relationship with you?
What makes you think that the Spirit is invisible to me?
Because invisible beings are, well, invisible.
Spiritual beings are not always invisible. Just because you have never seen for your self or have no memory of ever seeing a spiritual manifestation does not mean that they are invisible. You have nerve sensors throughout your physical body that you touch and feel things whether they are hot, cold, rough or soft but have you ever actually seen one?
By definition, spirits are invisible.
No one is forcing you to believe anything.

But if it as you believe that everything proceeds from the material world and that evolutionary forces are responsible for the spirituality that has always existed in overwhelming numbers the it can only be because spirituality provides value and function advantage over materialism.

Otherwise you are literally arguing against science.

That’s rather nonsensical.

Everything about existence points to natural processes. Not a single event in all of human history has been shown to have a supernatural cause.

As to spirituality, what evidence do you have for "spirituality". You confuse "spirituality" with human personality. Many ancient peoples had beliefs in gods, spirits and all sorts of superstitions which were used to explain phenomena they didn’t understand. The only thing we have ("we" meaning those who don't embrace your particular theology) is your assertion about something you call "spirituality" but are unable to define in any meaningful way. It seems you're actually using terms you don't understand to press your fundamentalist religious agenda. Why don't you show us all the evidence that places something you call “spirituality” into a meaningful context?
Do you know how space and time were created?

Sure. The gods did it ™️
Look, if you have no idea how space and time were created then how can you know it wasn’t created by spirit?

Were space and time created by a “spirit”? If so, was it a single spirit or a formidable, unionized collection of spirits?
If you don’t know how space and time were created you wouldn’t know any different.

How come I know so much more about science than you do?

Maybe Karl can help you then he can explain to you why he believes Israel has stolen the Palestinian’s land. You sure do know how to pick your allies. :rofl:
Either / or debates often miss alternative explanations. For instance, the argument God is or God isn’t never mentions any alternative to the black and white solutions. What if our universe and everything in it is the product of a civilization so advanced if we encountered it we’d come to the mistaken conclusion we were dealing with a God/Gods ?
You’d still be left with a first cause conundrum.

And since you guys are so piss poor in your knowledge of science you’d still need someone like me to explain that solution to you.
That’s rather nonsensical.

Everything about existence points to natural processes. Not a single event in all of human history has been shown to have a supernatural cause.

As to spirituality, what evidence do you have for "spirituality". You confuse "spirituality" with human personality. Many ancient peoples had beliefs in gods, spirits and all sorts of superstitions which were used to explain phenomena they didn’t understand. The only thing we have ("we" meaning those who don't embrace your particular theology) is your assertion about something you call "spirituality" but are unable to define in any meaningful way. It seems you're actually using terms you don't understand to press your fundamentalist religious agenda. Why don't you show us all the evidence that places something you call “spirituality” into a meaningful context?
Do you know how space and time were created?

Sure. The gods did it ™️
Look, if you have no idea how space and time were created then how can you know it wasn’t created by spirit?

Were space and time created by a “spirit”? If so, was it a single spirit or a formidable, unionized collection of spirits?
If you don’t know how space and time were created you wouldn’t know any different.

How come I know so much more about science than you do?

Maybe Karl can help you then he can explain to you why he believes Israel has stolen the Palestinian’s land. You sure do know how to pick your allies. :rofl:

There is no consensus about the creation of space and time. There is no reason to assume that spacecand tome were created. There is certainly nothing to suggest that your gods created space or time.

I have seen nothing in your writing to suggest you know much at all about science.

Why are spamming the thread with off topic piffle?
Either / or debates often miss alternative explanations. For instance, the argument God is or God isn’t never mentions any alternative to the black and white solutions. What if our universe and everything in it is the product of a civilization so advanced if we encountered it we’d come to the mistaken conclusion we were dealing with a God/Gods ?
You’d still be left with a first cause conundrum.

And since you guys are so piss poor in your knowledge of science you’d still need someone like me to explain that solution to you.

Your retreat to magic and supernaturalism answers nothing.
I eat things for health reasons too. I value that relationship with God therefore I search to find answers in order to improve on that relationship with God's spirit with me where ever I can find valid information. As far as feeding this physical body here, I eat a little junk food now and then, steak, hamburger, plus fruits and veges I like along with nuts and herbs. Today its getting some custard pie and lemon cake with sugary frosting.
How do you know that there’s an invible being that wants to have a relationship with you?
What makes you think that the Spirit is invisible to me?
Because invisible beings are, well, invisible.
Spiritual beings are not always invisible. Just because you have never seen for your self or have no memory of ever seeing a spiritual manifestation does not mean that they are invisible. You have nerve sensors throughout your physical body that you touch and feel things whether they are hot, cold, rough or soft but have you ever actually seen one?
By definition, spirits are invisible.
By whose definition? Just because Stevie Wonder is blind do you think he should think everyone else is blind too?
Spiritual beings are not always invisible.

then they are not spiritual, they are metaphysical.

the physical attributes do show the spirit of the being in many cases as observed, can not say though seeing a spirit is possible.
I did not know for many years why the appearance of certain things or people could change either. At first it was somewhat of a shock to see certain things manifest and it takes some long consideration to try and figure it out in your own mind because very few teach (can or are willing) about the spirit and how it effects people or manifest in them. The government has studied remote viewing for years trying to capture and control the essence of the spirit.
I believe in God, and so did my husband whose body died 2 years ago of natural causes. I'm pretty certain he's up in heaven cheering up the angels who have sad jobs. My husband started every day with a joke that made me laugh. His job relaying information between management and union employees on his watch was punctuated with humor when the going got rough. But at the end of the day, because of his sense of humor, both sides benefitted each other with the soft feelings laughter brings to the negotiations table. The union guys got great pay, safety meetings were attended, nobody had to go tell a wife her husband got electrocuted that day for the 25 years he was chief of engineering for 3 states of 7 his company served, and management made a profit on account of good will and a satisfying work environment. Laughter is good medicine, and my husband could think up a sunny joke on the bleakest of cloudy days. Yep, he's up there cheering up the angels with his zany if not off the wall jokes, and the angels will spread the joy around this nation because they will be able to face tough cases on the job. :) And my husband left me with so many joyful memories, even through the tears of loss, I rejoice for the happiness in his spirit that made him love silly me.

This one's for Bill's amazing life on this earth, said with love: :WooHooSmileyWave-vi:
How do you know that there’s an invible being that wants to have a relationship with you?
What makes you think that the Spirit is invisible to me?
Because invisible beings are, well, invisible.
Spiritual beings are not always invisible. Just because you have never seen for your self or have no memory of ever seeing a spiritual manifestation does not mean that they are invisible. You have nerve sensors throughout your physical body that you touch and feel things whether they are hot, cold, rough or soft but have you ever actually seen one?
By definition, spirits are invisible.
By whose definition? Just because Stevie Wonder is blind do you think he should think everyone else is blind too?
So what does god look like?
What makes you think that the Spirit is invisible to me?
Because invisible beings are, well, invisible.
Spiritual beings are not always invisible. Just because you have never seen for your self or have no memory of ever seeing a spiritual manifestation does not mean that they are invisible. You have nerve sensors throughout your physical body that you touch and feel things whether they are hot, cold, rough or soft but have you ever actually seen one?
By definition, spirits are invisible.
By whose definition? Just because Stevie Wonder is blind do you think he should think everyone else is blind too?
So what does god look like?
Perfect love, if you can picture that in your mind it may give you some clue.
Because invisible beings are, well, invisible.
Spiritual beings are not always invisible. Just because you have never seen for your self or have no memory of ever seeing a spiritual manifestation does not mean that they are invisible. You have nerve sensors throughout your physical body that you touch and feel things whether they are hot, cold, rough or soft but have you ever actually seen one?
By definition, spirits are invisible.
By whose definition? Just because Stevie Wonder is blind do you think he should think everyone else is blind too?
So what does god look like?
Perfect love, if you can picture that in your mind it may give you some clue.
So perfect love is going to punish me if I don't follow a book? :biggrin:
Spiritual beings are not always invisible. Just because you have never seen for your self or have no memory of ever seeing a spiritual manifestation does not mean that they are invisible. You have nerve sensors throughout your physical body that you touch and feel things whether they are hot, cold, rough or soft but have you ever actually seen one?
By definition, spirits are invisible.
By whose definition? Just because Stevie Wonder is blind do you think he should think everyone else is blind too?
So what does god look like?
Perfect love, if you can picture that in your mind it may give you some clue.
So perfect love is going to punish me if I don't follow a book? :biggrin:
Perfect love created you in such a manner that there is no need to punish you as it is all contain within you; you subject yourself when you do not do what is right and good.
By definition, spirits are invisible.
By whose definition? Just because Stevie Wonder is blind do you think he should think everyone else is blind too?
So what does god look like?
Perfect love, if you can picture that in your mind it may give you some clue.
So perfect love is going to punish me if I don't follow a book? :biggrin:
Perfect love created you in such a manner that there is no need to punish you as it is all contain within you; you subject yourself when you do not do what is right and good.
Wow, you're pretty far out there, where did you learn this?
By whose definition? Just because Stevie Wonder is blind do you think he should think everyone else is blind too?
So what does god look like?
Perfect love, if you can picture that in your mind it may give you some clue.
So perfect love is going to punish me if I don't follow a book? :biggrin:
Perfect love created you in such a manner that there is no need to punish you as it is all contain within you; you subject yourself when you do not do what is right and good.
Wow, you're pretty far out there, where did you learn this?
By the spirit and it is also written into the book and documented in many other places too. First you have to have the desire to understand and want to learn. Until then you just remain blinded, asleep in the carnal/worldly grave of incessant turmoil. Personally I like the peace of knowing and having answers to questions I have had over the years.
So what does god look like?
Perfect love, if you can picture that in your mind it may give you some clue.
So perfect love is going to punish me if I don't follow a book? :biggrin:
Perfect love created you in such a manner that there is no need to punish you as it is all contain within you; you subject yourself when you do not do what is right and good.
Wow, you're pretty far out there, where did you learn this?
By the spirit and it is also written into the book and documented in many other places too. First you have to have the desire to understand and want to learn. Until then you just remain blinded, asleep in the carnal/worldly grave of incessant turmoil. Personally I like the peace of knowing and having answers to questions I have had over the years.
So what other places? So far, you only have a book.
Perfect love, if you can picture that in your mind it may give you some clue.
So perfect love is going to punish me if I don't follow a book? :biggrin:
Perfect love created you in such a manner that there is no need to punish you as it is all contain within you; you subject yourself when you do not do what is right and good.
Wow, you're pretty far out there, where did you learn this?
By the spirit and it is also written into the book and documented in many other places too. First you have to have the desire to understand and want to learn. Until then you just remain blinded, asleep in the carnal/worldly grave of incessant turmoil. Personally I like the peace of knowing and having answers to questions I have had over the years.
So what other places? So far, you only have a book.
By the spirit means all around me and I can see God's handiwork throughout history, both in my own life and in others lives, along with thousands of years of documented history.
So perfect love is going to punish me if I don't follow a book? :biggrin:
Perfect love created you in such a manner that there is no need to punish you as it is all contain within you; you subject yourself when you do not do what is right and good.
Wow, you're pretty far out there, where did you learn this?
By the spirit and it is also written into the book and documented in many other places too. First you have to have the desire to understand and want to learn. Until then you just remain blinded, asleep in the carnal/worldly grave of incessant turmoil. Personally I like the peace of knowing and having answers to questions I have had over the years.
So what other places? So far, you only have a book.
By the spirit means all around me and I can see God's handiwork throughout history, both in my own life and in others lives, along with thousands of years of documented history.
What's God's handiwork? And thousands of years of documented history is simply more books.
Perfect love created you in such a manner that there is no need to punish you as it is all contain within you; you subject yourself when you do not do what is right and good.
Wow, you're pretty far out there, where did you learn this?
By the spirit and it is also written into the book and documented in many other places too. First you have to have the desire to understand and want to learn. Until then you just remain blinded, asleep in the carnal/worldly grave of incessant turmoil. Personally I like the peace of knowing and having answers to questions I have had over the years.
So what other places? So far, you only have a book.
By the spirit means all around me and I can see God's handiwork throughout history, both in my own life and in others lives, along with thousands of years of documented history.
What's God's handiwork? And thousands of years of documented history is simply more books.
Yes it is more books but those books help confirm what I have seen in the spirit and have experienced.
Wow, you're pretty far out there, where did you learn this?
By the spirit and it is also written into the book and documented in many other places too. First you have to have the desire to understand and want to learn. Until then you just remain blinded, asleep in the carnal/worldly grave of incessant turmoil. Personally I like the peace of knowing and having answers to questions I have had over the years.
So what other places? So far, you only have a book.
By the spirit means all around me and I can see God's handiwork throughout history, both in my own life and in others lives, along with thousands of years of documented history.
What's God's handiwork? And thousands of years of documented history is simply more books.
Yes it is more books but those books help confirm what I have seen in the spirit and have experienced.
"what I have seen in the spirit and have experienced", like what?
Do you know how space and time were created?

Sure. The gods did it ™️
Look, if you have no idea how space and time were created then how can you know it wasn’t created by spirit?

Were space and time created by a “spirit”? If so, was it a single spirit or a formidable, unionized collection of spirits?
If you don’t know how space and time were created you wouldn’t know any different.

How come I know so much more about science than you do?

Maybe Karl can help you then he can explain to you why he believes Israel has stolen the Palestinian’s land. You sure do know how to pick your allies. :rofl:

There is no consensus about the creation of space and time. There is no reason to assume that spacecand tome were created. There is certainly nothing to suggest that your gods created space or time.

I have seen nothing in your writing to suggest you know much at all about science.

Why are spamming the thread with off topic piffle?
I’ll get to the science soon enough.

When you say your gods, are you referring to G-d?

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