Is Mexico conducting a genocide on the US?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
As I sit here watching Trump on his knees with Pelosi and Schumer grinning ear to ear after the government is reopened, a question came to me.

With about 300 American dying every day from drug overdoses, drugs that come from across the Mexican border, is this a genocide with the approval of those who refuse to secure the border?

Is the US government owned by the drug cartels like they are down South of the border?

It's hard not to wonder.
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I reckon that since abortion could also be categorized as a genocide as well, it seems to me that the Dims are the party of genocide.

At least they are consistent.
As I sit here watching Trump on his knees with Pelosi and Schumer grinning ear to ear after the government is reopened, a question came to me.

With about 300 American dying every day from drug overdoses, drugs that come from across the Mexican border, is this a genocide with the approval of those who refuse to secure the border?

Is the US government owned by the drug cartels like they are down South of the border?

It's hard not to wonder.

Those drugs mostly come through normal points of entry. A wall in the desert won't stop that. Better interdiction at normal points of entry will.
As I sit here watching Trump on his knees with Pelosi and Schumer grinning ear to ear after the government is reopened, a question came to me.

With about 300 American dying every day from drug overdoses, drugs that come from across the Mexican border, is this a genocide with the approval of those who refuse to secure the border?

Is the US government owned by the drug cartels like they are down South of the border?

It's hard not to wonder.
More people die from (88k a year) from alcohol vs illegal drugs 60k. Heres a hint. Alcohol is also a drug. Its just legal.
As I sit here watching Trump on his knees with Pelosi and Schumer grinning ear to ear after the government is reopened, a question came to me.

With about 300 American dying every day from drug overdoses, drugs that come from across the Mexican border, is this a genocide with the approval of those who refuse to secure the border?

Is the US government owned by the drug cartels like they are down South of the border?

It's hard not to wonder.

Those drugs mostly come through normal points of entry. A wall in the desert won't stop that. Better interdiction at normal points of entry will.

Right, so since they know this and are watching them bring the drugs in at the points of entry, why don't they stop them?
As I sit here watching Trump on his knees with Pelosi and Schumer grinning ear to ear after the government is reopened, a question came to me.

With about 300 American dying every day from drug overdoses, drugs that come from across the Mexican border, is this a genocide with the approval of those who refuse to secure the border?

Is the US government owned by the drug cartels like they are down South of the border?

It's hard not to wonder.
More people die from (88k a year) from alcohol vs illegal drugs 60k. Heres a hint. Alcohol is also a drug. Its just legal.

So I guess we see what happens when we legalize drugs.

Crazy, huh?

Ironically, the state sells liquor directly to the people.

As I sit here watching Trump on his knees with Pelosi and Schumer grinning ear to ear after the government is reopened, a question came to me.

With about 300 American dying every day from drug overdoses, drugs that come from across the Mexican border, is this a genocide with the approval of those who refuse to secure the border?

Is the US government owned by the drug cartels like they are down South of the border?

It's hard not to wonder.

Thank you for demonstrating the dangers of snorting dope.
As I sit here watching Trump on his knees with Pelosi and Schumer grinning ear to ear after the government is reopened, a question came to me.

With about 300 American dying every day from drug overdoses, drugs that come from across the Mexican border, is this a genocide with the approval of those who refuse to secure the border?

Is the US government owned by the drug cartels like they are down South of the border?

It's hard not to wonder.

Those drugs mostly come through normal points of entry. A wall in the desert won't stop that. Better interdiction at normal points of entry will.

Right, so since they know this and are watching them bring the drugs in at the points of entry, why don't they stop them?
The ones that do so are probably make more letting them in than slaving at a job that pays them barely nothing. Thats not saying all employees are just letting them in.
I would not be in the least bit surprised if some hands are dirty in this regard.
As I sit here watching Trump on his knees with Pelosi and Schumer grinning ear to ear after the government is reopened, a question came to me.

With about 300 American dying every day from drug overdoses, drugs that come from across the Mexican border, is this a genocide with the approval of those who refuse to secure the border?

Is the US government owned by the drug cartels like they are down South of the border?

It's hard not to wonder.
As I sit here watching Trump on his knees with Pelosi and Schumer grinning ear to ear after the government is reopened, a question came to me.

With about 300 American dying every day from drug overdoses, drugs that come from across the Mexican border, is this a genocide with the approval of those who refuse to secure the border?

Is the US government owned by the drug cartels like they are down South of the border?

It's hard not to wonder.
More people die from (88k a year) from alcohol vs illegal drugs 60k. Heres a hint. Alcohol is also a drug. Its just legal.

So I guess we see what happens when we legalize drugs.

Crazy, huh?

Ironically, the state sells liquor directly to the people.

Its only crazy when the state tries to control drugs. If people want to do drugs there is nothing that can be done to stop it other than destroying the supply.
As I sit here watching Trump on his knees with Pelosi and Schumer grinning ear to ear after the government is reopened, a question came to me.

With about 300 American dying every day from drug overdoses, drugs that come from across the Mexican border, is this a genocide with the approval of those who refuse to secure the border?

Is the US government owned by the drug cartels like they are down South of the border?

It's hard not to wonder.
More people die from (88k a year) from alcohol vs illegal drugs 60k. Heres a hint. Alcohol is also a drug. Its just legal.

So I guess we see what happens when we legalize drugs.

Crazy, huh?

Ironically, the state sells liquor directly to the people.

Its only crazy when the state tries to control drugs. If people want to do drugs there is nothing that can be done to stop it other than destroying the supply.

Apparently the state wants to control EVERYTHING except drugs.

They have an army of drones watching law abiding citizens but not the border?

Very telling.

No wonder Obama and Holder sent guns to drug cartels while trying to take them from law abiding citizens.

It all makes sense now.
As I sit here watching Trump on his knees with Pelosi and Schumer grinning ear to ear after the government is reopened, a question came to me.

With about 300 American dying every day from drug overdoses, drugs that come from across the Mexican border, is this a genocide with the approval of those who refuse to secure the border?

Is the US government owned by the drug cartels like they are down South of the border?

It's hard not to wonder.
More people die from (88k a year) from alcohol vs illegal drugs 60k. Heres a hint. Alcohol is also a drug. Its just legal.

So I guess we see what happens when we legalize drugs.

Crazy, huh?

Ironically, the state sells liquor directly to the people.

Its only crazy when the state tries to control drugs. If people want to do drugs there is nothing that can be done to stop it other than destroying the supply.

Apparently the state wants to control EVERYTHING except drugs.

They have an army of drones watching law abiding citizens but not the border?

Very telling.
Its telling you that the state wants to commit genocide on its tax base?
America's hunger for drugs predates all of us and we have no one to blame but ourselves. Our stupid war on drugs while letting legal drug dealers shamelessly advertise did this to us. There's a pill or substance to take away all of life's discomforts and we as Americans demand them.
As I sit here watching Trump on his knees with Pelosi and Schumer grinning ear to ear after the government is reopened, a question came to me.

With about 300 American dying every day from drug overdoses, drugs that come from across the Mexican border, is this a genocide with the approval of those who refuse to secure the border?

Is the US government owned by the drug cartels like they are down South of the border?

It's hard not to wonder.
More people die from (88k a year) from alcohol vs illegal drugs 60k. Heres a hint. Alcohol is also a drug. Its just legal.

So I guess we see what happens when we legalize drugs.

Crazy, huh?

Ironically, the state sells liquor directly to the people.

Its only crazy when the state tries to control drugs. If people want to do drugs there is nothing that can be done to stop it other than destroying the supply.

Apparently the state wants to control EVERYTHING except drugs.

They have an army of drones watching law abiding citizens but not the border?

Very telling.
Its telling you that the state wants to commit genocide on its tax base?

They run trillion dollar deficits every year, so what do they care?

The quicker the US government becomes insolvent the quicker they get their little borderless one world order.
More people die from (88k a year) from alcohol vs illegal drugs 60k. Heres a hint. Alcohol is also a drug. Its just legal.

So I guess we see what happens when we legalize drugs.

Crazy, huh?

Ironically, the state sells liquor directly to the people.

Its only crazy when the state tries to control drugs. If people want to do drugs there is nothing that can be done to stop it other than destroying the supply.

Apparently the state wants to control EVERYTHING except drugs.

They have an army of drones watching law abiding citizens but not the border?

Very telling.
Its telling you that the state wants to commit genocide on its tax base?

They run trillion dollar deficits every year, so what do they care?

The quicker the US government becomes insolvent the quicker they get their little borderless one world order.
No tax base no credit.
As I sit here watching Trump on his knees with Pelosi and Schumer grinning ear to ear after the government is reopened, a question came to me.

With about 300 American dying every day from drug overdoses, drugs that come from across the Mexican border, is this a genocide with the approval of those who refuse to secure the border?

Is the US government owned by the drug cartels like they are down South of the border?

It's hard not to wonder.

Those drugs mostly come through normal points of entry. A wall in the desert won't stop that. Better interdiction at normal points of entry will.

Right, so since they know this and are watching them bring the drugs in at the points of entry, why don't they stop them?

Not enough money. Only 2% to 10% of the containers on those big container ships are checked. There is electronic equipment that will detect a wide range of drugs in trucks that drive through normal points of entry, but we don't use them at every point, because they cost too much. Trump wants to build a barrier in the desert when the vast majority is coming in under our noses at regular points of entry, but we don't check what we know is there because we don't want to spend the money.
As I sit here watching Trump on his knees with Pelosi and Schumer grinning ear to ear after the government is reopened, a question came to me.

With about 300 American dying every day from drug overdoses, drugs that come from across the Mexican border, is this a genocide with the approval of those who refuse to secure the border?

Is the US government owned by the drug cartels like they are down South of the border?

It's hard not to wonder.
More people die from (88k a year) from alcohol vs illegal drugs 60k. Heres a hint. Alcohol is also a drug. Its just legal.

So I guess we see what happens when we legalize drugs.

Crazy, huh?

Ironically, the state sells liquor directly to the people.


Weed doesn't kill people. I'm not aware of a widespread effort to legalize the stuff that does kill people.
As I sit here watching Trump on his knees with Pelosi and Schumer grinning ear to ear after the government is reopened, a question came to me.

With about 300 American dying every day from drug overdoses, drugs that come from across the Mexican border, is this a genocide with the approval of those who refuse to secure the border?

Is the US government owned by the drug cartels like they are down South of the border?

It's hard not to wonder.

Those drugs mostly come through normal points of entry. A wall in the desert won't stop that. Better interdiction at normal points of entry will.

Right, so since they know this and are watching them bring the drugs in at the points of entry, why don't they stop them?

Not enough money. Only 2% to 10% of the containers on those big container ships are checked. There is electronic equipment that will detect a wide range of drugs in trucks that drive through normal points of entry, but we don't use them at every point, because they cost too much. Trump wants to build a barrier in the desert when the vast majority is coming in under our noses at regular points of entry, but we don't check what we know is there because we don't want to spend the money.

Build the wall, limit the illegal immigration that is crushing US economically in things like medical care and free everything for illegals and use the hundreds of billions to fight it.

Naturally, the government will probably use it instead to fund abortion around the world cuz that is more important to them.
As I sit here watching Trump on his knees with Pelosi and Schumer grinning ear to ear after the government is reopened, a question came to me.

With about 300 American dying every day from drug overdoses, drugs that come from across the Mexican border, is this a genocide with the approval of those who refuse to secure the border?

Is the US government owned by the drug cartels like they are down South of the border?

It's hard not to wonder.

It's true: Diversity is genocide.

I know the left will have some difficulty understanding that concept, because they've never really questioned their own core beliefs or their unintended consequences.

But it's something to ponder over.

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