Is New York Mayor Bill de Blasio's Response To Protests Against Police Brutality


Active Member
Nov 24, 2014
...partially to blame for the murders of two NYPD police officers?

Let's make it clear. The blame for the murder of two NYPD officers belongs only to the man who committed such a henious crime. And I also agree with those, who say, that there is a reason for the anti-police sentiment that led to the murders, and that's police brutality. But blaming Mayor de Blasio's support of protests as a cause of the murder of these two officers is simply inaccurate and not thought out by anyone believing such propganda.

Critics slam New York Mayor Bill de Blasio in wake of police murders

de Blasio's comments by themselves, in a vacuum?


The shooter is to blame first and foremost. And a secondary, contributing factor is an environment, a culture, that has been created and nurtured over the last couple of generations that has isolated Black Americans and exacerbated divisions between races, above and beyond, critically, the white-on-black racism that still exists.

No one person or event (outside of the murderer) creates these tragedies. They are the predictable result of purposely distorting culture by dividing people over time by race, such as Identity Politics and Political Correctness.

Those who leverage this agenda either don't see or don't care that they increase or create racial animosities that would not have existed without this constant prodding. They can then point at those animosities and pretend that they are here to fix them. Fixing problems they create. Brilliant strategy.

Those who have pushed this culture know this and don't care, as their tactics have been fabulously successful politically.

de Blasio? No. He's just a symptom, an example.

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Allowing protesters to do whatever they pleased without any sort of pushback such as closing major roads and disrupting
commerce by shutting down major stores for hours during their busiest time of the year.
This sent a message that the Mayor was going to allow anything.
Then we have the protesters kicking it up a notch with protests and calling for dead cops.
Again nothing from the Mayors office....

De Blasio directly responsible for the death of two officers...No
But he should get the heat for allowing the protesters to get bolder with every passing day
which resulted in the death of two officers.
The rhetoric nationwide of de Blasio, obama, Sharpton, holder led to the action taken by the killer. That's not wasted on the cops either. Policing is going to be a whole lot different in NYC. And, other places.

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