Is Obama a liar?

I'm not even talking about death ... just healthcare in general. There were already massive problems with it and no shortage of horror stories.

So I get that you were unsatisfied with the US health care system as it was. I think everyone would agree that there were some problems in aspects of the system. But, does that mean that the whole insurance system gets scraped?

The insurance system is not scrapped. In fact, they have more business now than ever.

That's like saying that you don't like the color of your powder room in your house, so you tear the whole house down....How does that make sense?
Well ... except that it's nothing like that ... yeah, sure. :cuckoo:

Which is another myth perpetuated by a ever bloated and ambitious federal government as it pushes us away from a representative republic and into a totalitarian system.

The most dense person, with a little education, cannot escape the truth that the ultimate goal is to destroy all private insurance, all private healthcare, and force all the U.S. citizens and illegals into a government controlled, single payer system.

We knew it in 2009. And nothing, and I do mean nothing, has happened since then that casts doubt on the perceived truth back then:

The White House is striking back at recent revelations about what presidential candidate Barack Obama stated during the campaign concerning his desire to create a universal healthcare system in America and eliminate private health insurance.

On Monday, the Drudge Report linked to a video created by our friends at Naked Emperor News -- first reported by NewsBusters Sunday -- that contained clips of Obama making statements about healthcare that quite contradict what he's currently telling the American people as he pushes for radical reform (embedded right).

Read more: White House Attacks Drudge for Exposing Obama's Goal to Eliminate Private Health Insurance | NewsBusters

They couldn't be honest about that of course, or they never would have been able to sell Obamacare. But as long as there are gullible Americans who are so partisan brainwashed that they have to believe what they are spoon fed by the government, we will have apologists for Obama's lies and all those who are supporting him in telling them.
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Ame®icano;8103085 said:
Boehner's shutdown? Who told you that?

Lemme guess, same asshole who said you can keep your insurance if you like it. And of course, you trust him. :cuckoo:

They refused to fund the government...they shut it down. Simple logic. Spin all you want. Won't change the facts. Too bad for you.

They did not refuse to fund the government. They offered several options. Obama is the one who said there would be no negotiation, even if it meant defaulting on the debt.

Obama who so patriotically voted against raising the debt ceiling in 2006.

No bill ever made it to Obama to even vote on. And Democrats offered a bill to Republicans which they flat out refused to consider.
They refused to fund the government...they shut it down. Simple logic. Spin all you want. Won't change the facts. Too bad for you.

They did not refuse to fund the government. They offered several options. Obama is the one who said there would be no negotiation, even if it meant defaulting on the debt.

Obama who so patriotically voted against raising the debt ceiling in 2006.

No bill ever made it to Obama to even vote on. And Democrats offered a bill to Republicans which they flat out refused to consider.

Obama was going to vote on it?

No bill ever made it to Obama to sign because he said he wouldn't sign it and Harry Reid refused to advance them.

Democrats welcomed the shutdown. The pundits observed this weeks before it happened. They knew Democrats would try to make political points out of it. Democrats are the ones who said all or nothing.

Republicans had to be very brave to stand up for their principles in a last chance effort to forestall the damage of Obamacare. House Republicans and Cruz being so willing to take a hit is what is now forcing Democrats to own what they did to responsible citizens who were playing by the rules and doing well until Democrats deliberately pulled the rug out from under them and turned their health care and family finances upside down.
They refused to fund the government...they shut it down. Simple logic. Spin all you want. Won't change the facts. Too bad for you.

They did not refuse to fund the government. They offered several options. Obama is the one who said there would be no negotiation, even if it meant defaulting on the debt.

Obama who so patriotically voted against raising the debt ceiling in 2006.

No bill ever made it to Obama to even vote on. And Democrats offered a bill to Republicans which they flat out refused to consider.

The House passed nine separate bills, each one more moderate and conciliatory than the last, to solve the issue of the budget. Harry Reid--not the GOP--but Harry Reid refused to allow even a debate on a single one of those bills.

It has been Harry Reid who has refused to pass a budget for four years running. Who has refused to allow the budget to even be debated. The House has dutifully passed a budget every single year.

It has been Harry Reid who has refused to even go to the table to discuss a compromise of any kind.

Don't give me that bullshit line that it was the Republicans who shut down the government.

So who pays you to come onto message boards and repeat the lies that Obama wants the people to believe are the truth?
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So I get that you were unsatisfied with the US health care system as it was. I think everyone would agree that there were some problems in aspects of the system. But, does that mean that the whole insurance system gets scraped?

The insurance system is not scrapped. In fact, they have more business now than ever.

Well ... except that it's nothing like that ... yeah, sure. :cuckoo:

Which is another myth perpetuated by a ever bloated and ambitious federal government as it pushes us away from a representative republic and into a totalitarian system.

The most dense person, with a little education, cannot escape the truth that the ultimate goal is to destroy all private insurance, all private healthcare, and force all the U.S. citizens and illegals into a government controlled, single payer system.

We knew it in 2009. And nothing, and I do mean nothing, has happened since then that casts doubt on the perceived truth back then:

The White House is striking back at recent revelations about what presidential candidate Barack Obama stated during the campaign concerning his desire to create a universal healthcare system in America and eliminate private health insurance.

On Monday, the Drudge Report linked to a video created by our friends at Naked Emperor News -- first reported by NewsBusters Sunday -- that contained clips of Obama making statements about healthcare that quite contradict what he's currently telling the American people as he pushes for radical reform (embedded right).

Read more: White House Attacks Drudge for Exposing Obama's Goal to Eliminate Private Health Insurance | NewsBusters

They couldn't be honest about that of course, or they never would have been able to sell Obamacare. But as long as there are gullible Americans who are so partisan brainwashed that they have to believe what they are spoon fed by the government, we will have apologists for Obama's lies and all those who are supporting him in telling them.


How does mandating everyone purchase health insurance, "destroy all private insurance?"
The insurance system is not scrapped. In fact, they have more business now than ever.

Well ... except that it's nothing like that ... yeah, sure. :cuckoo:

Which is another myth perpetuated by a ever bloated and ambitious federal government as it pushes us away from a representative republic and into a totalitarian system.

The most dense person, with a little education, cannot escape the truth that the ultimate goal is to destroy all private insurance, all private healthcare, and force all the U.S. citizens and illegals into a government controlled, single payer system.

We knew it in 2009. And nothing, and I do mean nothing, has happened since then that casts doubt on the perceived truth back then:

The White House is striking back at recent revelations about what presidential candidate Barack Obama stated during the campaign concerning his desire to create a universal healthcare system in America and eliminate private health insurance.

On Monday, the Drudge Report linked to a video created by our friends at Naked Emperor News -- first reported by NewsBusters Sunday -- that contained clips of Obama making statements about healthcare that quite contradict what he's currently telling the American people as he pushes for radical reform (embedded right).

Read more: White House Attacks Drudge for Exposing Obama's Goal to Eliminate Private Health Insurance | NewsBusters

They couldn't be honest about that of course, or they never would have been able to sell Obamacare. But as long as there are gullible Americans who are so partisan brainwashed that they have to believe what they are spoon fed by the government, we will have apologists for Obama's lies and all those who are supporting him in telling them.


How does mandating everyone purchase health insurance, "destroy all private insurance?"

When the mandate includes provisions that makes it impossible for insurance companies to offer affordable insurance, that pretty well destroys the market for private insurance. If Obamacare is not repealed and soon, private healthcare insurance as we have known it in America will cease to exist. All you have to do is do the math.

And you might try actually reading the article I linked and the sources it references if you have ANY interest in knowing the truth rather than the partisan bullshit that is spoonfed to the gullible and compliant. Google can be your friend in learning something the President or government in charge won't tell you.
Ame®icano;8103085 said:
You poor victim.

The Boehner shutdown costs about $24B according to multiple estimates.

Boehner's shutdown? Who told you that?

Lemme guess, same asshole who said you can keep your insurance if you like it. And of course, you trust him. :cuckoo:

They refused to fund the government...they shut it down. Simple logic. Spin all you want. Won't change the facts. Too bad for you.

Sorry Spending bills originate in the House. The House has passed a budget every year. Spin all you want etc.

How does mandating everyone purchase health insurance, "destroy all private insurance?"

That particular factoid destroys freedom, but not private insurance.

However, you're obviously not following the news, they did a lot more than that. Seriously, you are posting on this, and you can't be bothered to learn everything the Federal government did other than requiring people to buy insurance?

I have insurance, and I'm still going to be fined BTW.
Ame®icano;8103085 said:
Boehner's shutdown? Who told you that?

Lemme guess, same asshole who said you can keep your insurance if you like it. And of course, you trust him. :cuckoo:

They refused to fund the government...they shut it down. Simple logic. Spin all you want. Won't change the facts. Too bad for you.

Sorry Spending bills originate in the House. The House has passed a budget every year. Spin all you want etc.

Yup. And they passed nine different bills that funded every single aspect of government just as the Democrats requested but postponed funding for Obamacare - the last one simply asked that the individual mandate be postponed for one year. So it was Obama and Harry Reid, who refused to compromise on that one issue, who shut down the government.

And it is small comfort but sweet irony that the fiasco that Obamacare is proving to be now has the Democrats clamoring to postpone implementation of Obamacare. :)
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The insurance system is not scrapped. In fact, they have more business now than ever.

Well ... except that it's nothing like that ... yeah, sure. :cuckoo:

Which is another myth perpetuated by a ever bloated and ambitious federal government as it pushes us away from a representative republic and into a totalitarian system.

The most dense person, with a little education, cannot escape the truth that the ultimate goal is to destroy all private insurance, all private healthcare, and force all the U.S. citizens and illegals into a government controlled, single payer system.

We knew it in 2009. And nothing, and I do mean nothing, has happened since then that casts doubt on the perceived truth back then:

The White House is striking back at recent revelations about what presidential candidate Barack Obama stated during the campaign concerning his desire to create a universal healthcare system in America and eliminate private health insurance.

On Monday, the Drudge Report linked to a video created by our friends at Naked Emperor News -- first reported by NewsBusters Sunday -- that contained clips of Obama making statements about healthcare that quite contradict what he's currently telling the American people as he pushes for radical reform (embedded right).

Read more: White House Attacks Drudge for Exposing Obama's Goal to Eliminate Private Health Insurance | NewsBusters

They couldn't be honest about that of course, or they never would have been able to sell Obamacare. But as long as there are gullible Americans who are so partisan brainwashed that they have to believe what they are spoon fed by the government, we will have apologists for Obama's lies and all those who are supporting him in telling them.


How does mandating everyone purchase health insurance, "destroy all private insurance?"
obamacare is designed to fail so that government will have to jump in and "fix it" with single payer.
They did not refuse to fund the government. They offered several options. Obama is the one who said there would be no negotiation, even if it meant defaulting on the debt.

Obama who so patriotically voted against raising the debt ceiling in 2006.

No bill ever made it to Obama to even vote on. And Democrats offered a bill to Republicans which they flat out refused to consider.

Obama was going to vote on it?
Of course he was. He either signs it or vetoes it. That's synonymous as a vote.

No bill ever made it to Obama to sign because he said he wouldn't sign it and Harry Reid refused to advance them.
That no bill ever made it to his desk means he had nothing to do with it. This was all contained within the Congress.

Democrats welcomed the shutdown. The pundits observed this weeks before it happened. They knew Democrats would try to make political points out of it. Democrats are the ones who said all or nothing.
They may have "welcomed" the shutdown since there was nothing short of caving in to the right's extortion that would have prevented it and they knew the public would know it was the right who was responsible for shutting the government down. So if that's what you mean by, "welcomed," then sure.

Republicans had to be very brave to stand up for their principles in a last chance effort to forestall the damage of Obamacare. House Republicans and Cruz being so willing to take a hit is what is now forcing Democrats to own what they did to responsible citizens who were playing by the rules and doing well until Democrats deliberately pulled the rug out from under them and turned their health care and family finances upside down.
Republicans? Principles???

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Republicans have only one principle ... undermine Democrats at every turn. ObamaCare is the perfect example. The individual mandate was a Republican/Conservative concept. It started with the Heritage Foundation in the 1980's ... became the Republican counter proposal to HillaryCare in the 1990's ... became the law of the land in Massachusetts under a Republican governor in the 2000's -- but now, the rightwingers shut the government down because their own plan is being implemented by Obama.
They did not refuse to fund the government. They offered several options. Obama is the one who said there would be no negotiation, even if it meant defaulting on the debt.

Obama who so patriotically voted against raising the debt ceiling in 2006.

No bill ever made it to Obama to even vote on. And Democrats offered a bill to Republicans which they flat out refused to consider.

The House passed nine separate bills, each one more moderate and conciliatory than the last, to solve the issue of the budget. Harry Reid--not the GOP--but Harry Reid refused to allow even a debate on a single one of those bills.

It has been Harry Reid who has refused to pass a budget for four years running. Who has refused to allow the budget to even be debated. The House has dutifully passed a budget every single year.

It has been Harry Reid who has refused to even go to the table to discuss a compromise of any kind.

Don't give me that bullshit line that it was the Republicans who shut down the government.

So who pays you to come onto message boards and repeat the lies that Obama wants the people to believe are the truth?
It didn't matter if they passed 100 bills -- none of them funded ObamaCare.

And who cares who you hold responsible for the shutdown? Virtually every poll taken showed that more people blamed Republicans.
Ame®icano;8103085 said:
You poor victim.

The Boehner shutdown costs about $24B according to multiple estimates.

Boehner's shutdown? Who told you that?

Lemme guess, same asshole who said you can keep your insurance if you like it. And of course, you trust him. :cuckoo:

They refused to fund the government...they shut it down. Simple logic. Spin all you want. Won't change the facts. Too bad for you.

They refused to vote on omnibus spending. Google what "omnibus" means.
Back in 70s, Congress changed ways of funding the government (guess whose idea that was) and adopted idea of taking budgets for all the different departments and lump them together because it takes less time to discuss, vote on and pass a single omnibus bill than it would to try to vote on bills for each department.
So, they didn't refuse to fund the government, they voted on funding departments and programs separately, as they suppose to do it per Constitution, Article I, Section 7 that states: "all bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives, but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other bills." As you should know, with the power to tax implicitly comes the power to spend.

So next time, before you repeat another Obama lie, try reading about our Constitution instead.
Which is another myth perpetuated by a ever bloated and ambitious federal government as it pushes us away from a representative republic and into a totalitarian system.

The most dense person, with a little education, cannot escape the truth that the ultimate goal is to destroy all private insurance, all private healthcare, and force all the U.S. citizens and illegals into a government controlled, single payer system.

We knew it in 2009. And nothing, and I do mean nothing, has happened since then that casts doubt on the perceived truth back then:

They couldn't be honest about that of course, or they never would have been able to sell Obamacare. But as long as there are gullible Americans who are so partisan brainwashed that they have to believe what they are spoon fed by the government, we will have apologists for Obama's lies and all those who are supporting him in telling them.


How does mandating everyone purchase health insurance, "destroy all private insurance?"

When the mandate includes provisions that makes it impossible for insurance companies to offer affordable insurance, that pretty well destroys the market for private insurance. If Obamacare is not repealed and soon, private healthcare insurance as we have known it in America will cease to exist. All you have to do is do the math.

And you might try actually reading the article I linked and the sources it references if you have ANY interest in knowing the truth rather than the partisan bullshit that is spoonfed to the gullible and compliant. Google can be your friend in learning something the President or government in charge won't tell you.

No, it doesn't. It means that people have to get their health insurance through an exchange or through their job, which depending upon their income, can be partially subsidized.

Still, everyone is going to get insurance (except those who opt to pay the penalty).
I doubt he'll get that in before he hands off to Hillary in 2016. :lol:

The left is completely delusional. My employers has slahsed over 3/4's of their employees' hours--something that is happening at countless businesses. Hundreds of thousands are getting their insurance cancelled. Obama's at a 51% disapproval rate, and you think there isn't going to be any consequences for the people that caused this mess? :eusa_eh:

Consequences? I doubt Obama will win in 2016. And I think the GOP will do very well in 2014.

As for Hillary's chances, look, I'm on record as saying if the Dems nominate her or Biden, they are giong to be giving the GOP a big fat can't run against the previous administration when you were part of it. And Obama's record of slow and steady improvement isn't the stuff Americas are used to re-electing.

I put that little "when Hillary takes over" because of 2 things; it rattles the cages of the neaderthals and because she may win if the GOP can't figure out how to stop digging their own grave. Given the Boehner shutdown and the knuckle draggers here...I think she has a good chance of winning in spite of Obama's lack-luster record.

Are you really that stupid?

And I suppose you are a college graduate which proves the point of you signature quote.
No bill ever made it to Obama to even vote on. And Democrats offered a bill to Republicans which they flat out refused to consider.

Obama was going to vote on it?
Of course he was. He either signs it or vetoes it. That's synonymous as a vote.

That no bill ever made it to his desk means he had nothing to do with it. This was all contained within the Congress.

Democrats welcomed the shutdown. The pundits observed this weeks before it happened. They knew Democrats would try to make political points out of it. Democrats are the ones who said all or nothing.
They may have "welcomed" the shutdown since there was nothing short of caving in to the right's extortion that would have prevented it and they knew the public would know it was the right who was responsible for shutting the government down. So if that's what you mean by, "welcomed," then sure.

Republicans had to be very brave to stand up for their principles in a last chance effort to forestall the damage of Obamacare. House Republicans and Cruz being so willing to take a hit is what is now forcing Democrats to own what they did to responsible citizens who were playing by the rules and doing well until Democrats deliberately pulled the rug out from under them and turned their health care and family finances upside down.
Republicans? Principles???

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Republicans have only one principle ... undermine Democrats at every turn. ObamaCare is the perfect example. The individual mandate was a Republican/Conservative concept. It started with the Heritage Foundation in the 1980's ... became the Republican counter proposal to HillaryCare in the 1990's ... became the law of the land in Massachusetts under a Republican governor in the 2000's -- but now, the rightwingers shut the government down because their own plan is being implemented by Obama.

The public "knew" the right was responsible for the shutdown because the media spun it that way.

The House voted to fund the government. Many times.

Democrats rejected it, confident that the media would spin things their way.

But now that's backfiring. NOW the public can clearly see what it was which Republicans were warning them about. So kudos to the Republicans who risked the mudslinging of the left to put their objections on the record.

How does mandating everyone purchase health insurance, "destroy all private insurance?"

When the mandate includes provisions that makes it impossible for insurance companies to offer affordable insurance, that pretty well destroys the market for private insurance. If Obamacare is not repealed and soon, private healthcare insurance as we have known it in America will cease to exist. All you have to do is do the math.

And you might try actually reading the article I linked and the sources it references if you have ANY interest in knowing the truth rather than the partisan bullshit that is spoonfed to the gullible and compliant. Google can be your friend in learning something the President or government in charge won't tell you.

No, it doesn't. It means that people have to get their health insurance through an exchange or through their job, which depending upon their income, can be partially subsidized.

Still, everyone is going to get insurance (except those who opt to pay the penalty).

And if State doesn't offer exchange, how can you penalize person from that State? Would that be constitutional?
The left is completely delusional. My employers has slahsed over 3/4's of their employees' hours--something that is happening at countless businesses. Hundreds of thousands are getting their insurance cancelled. Obama's at a 51% disapproval rate, and you think there isn't going to be any consequences for the people that caused this mess? :eusa_eh:

Consequences? I doubt Obama will win in 2016. And I think the GOP will do very well in 2014.

As for Hillary's chances, look, I'm on record as saying if the Dems nominate her or Biden, they are giong to be giving the GOP a big fat can't run against the previous administration when you were part of it. And Obama's record of slow and steady improvement isn't the stuff Americas are used to re-electing.

I put that little "when Hillary takes over" because of 2 things; it rattles the cages of the neaderthals and because she may win if the GOP can't figure out how to stop digging their own grave. Given the Boehner shutdown and the knuckle draggers here...I think she has a good chance of winning in spite of Obama's lack-luster record.

Are you really that stupid?

And I suppose you are a college graduate which proves the point of you signature quote.

Try explain to her something by using crayons. I suspect it would work better. :lol:
Wake the fuck up America. Vote Republican or independent and insist that this disaster gets overturned.

Yeah, cause Republicans don't lie ... :eusa_shifty:

You are apparently very young and naive. Are you sure you didn't misspell your user name when you joined up here? In case you did, Here's a new, more appropriate avatar for you:

Which is another myth perpetuated by a ever bloated and ambitious federal government as it pushes us away from a representative republic and into a totalitarian system.

The most dense person, with a little education, cannot escape the truth that the ultimate goal is to destroy all private insurance, all private healthcare, and force all the U.S. citizens and illegals into a government controlled, single payer system.

We knew it in 2009. And nothing, and I do mean nothing, has happened since then that casts doubt on the perceived truth back then:

They couldn't be honest about that of course, or they never would have been able to sell Obamacare. But as long as there are gullible Americans who are so partisan brainwashed that they have to believe what they are spoon fed by the government, we will have apologists for Obama's lies and all those who are supporting him in telling them.


How does mandating everyone purchase health insurance, "destroy all private insurance?"
obamacare is designed to fail so that government will have to jump in and "fix it" with single payer.

Bullshit. ObamaCare is already in place in Massachusetts. Did it fail there?

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