Is Obama a liar?


The faun is a half human–half goat (from the head to the waist being human, but with the addition of goat horns) manifestation of forest and animal spirits that would help or hinder humans at whim. Romans believed fauns inspired fear in men traveling in lonely, remote or wild places. They were also capable of guiding humans in need, as in the fable of The Satyr and the Traveller, in the title of which Latin authors substituted the word Faunus. Fauns and satyrs were originally quite different creatures: whereas fauns are half-man and half-goat, satyrs originally were depicted as stocky, hairy, ugly dwarfs or woodwoses with the ears and tails of horses or asses. Satyrs also were more woman-loving than fauns, and fauns were rather foolish where satyrs had more knowledge.

Ancient Roman mythological belief also included a god named Faunus and a goddess named Fauna who were goat people.

Faun - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How does mandating everyone purchase health insurance, "destroy all private insurance?"
obamacare is designed to fail so that government will have to jump in and "fix it" with single payer.

Bullshit. ObamaCare is already in place in Massachusetts. Did it fail there?

I thought that is RomneyCare.
Btw, you should read about something called State rights.
Obama is incorrigible.

He has heard the stories of the harm the ACA has already done. The people who are having to spend their life savings or sell their cars to pay for their new insurance requirements if they can even afford them after that.

But his new lie is:

"we are making the insurance market better for everyone"

He just can't help himself.

It is insulting and sad. Sad for the people facing immediate consequences. Sad for the nation which enables this pathological behavior.

You say that as though there weren't horror stories before ObamaCare. :eusa_boohoo: The people who lost everything just to pay for healthcare ... the people who died because they couldn't afford it. When it comes to healthcare -- there are always going to be horror stories no matter what the policies are.

Sure. Some people get wiped out by catastrophic illness. It's life, but your cancer is not my fault. I should not be expected to fund your treatment. The good news is I don't expect you to fund mine either. All I want is Social Security and Medicare; things I have paid for for the last 50 years.
Obama was going to vote on it?
Of course he was. He either signs it or vetoes it. That's synonymous as a vote.

That no bill ever made it to his desk means he had nothing to do with it. This was all contained within the Congress.

They may have "welcomed" the shutdown since there was nothing short of caving in to the right's extortion that would have prevented it and they knew the public would know it was the right who was responsible for shutting the government down. So if that's what you mean by, "welcomed," then sure.

Republicans had to be very brave to stand up for their principles in a last chance effort to forestall the damage of Obamacare. House Republicans and Cruz being so willing to take a hit is what is now forcing Democrats to own what they did to responsible citizens who were playing by the rules and doing well until Democrats deliberately pulled the rug out from under them and turned their health care and family finances upside down.
Republicans? Principles???

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Republicans have only one principle ... undermine Democrats at every turn. ObamaCare is the perfect example. The individual mandate was a Republican/Conservative concept. It started with the Heritage Foundation in the 1980's ... became the Republican counter proposal to HillaryCare in the 1990's ... became the law of the land in Massachusetts under a Republican governor in the 2000's -- but now, the rightwingers shut the government down because their own plan is being implemented by Obama.

The public "knew" the right was responsible for the shutdown because the media spun it that way.
Aww, poor, poor, rightwingers. Always the victim of the media.

The House voted to fund the government. Many times.
No, they voted to fund the laws they wanted. The Senate rejected that tyranny.

Democrats rejected it, confident that the media would spin things their way.
As they should have, tyranny should always be rejected.

But now that's backfiring. NOW the public can clearly see what it was which Republicans were warning them about. So kudos to the Republicans who risked the mudslinging of the left to put their objections on the record.
If that were true, then you should have nothing to worry about.

How does mandating everyone purchase health insurance, "destroy all private insurance?"
obamacare is designed to fail so that government will have to jump in and "fix it" with single payer.

Bullshit. ObamaCare is already in place in Massachusetts. Did it fail there?

Again, who is paying you to repeat these disingenuous talking points? Because of the consistency of those talking points, I am becoming increasing convinced that somebody is assigning them. I would love to know the source of that kind of seminar effort. And almost every one of you are now reinserting Romneycare into the conversation. So I know it isn't coincidental.

Romneycare is not nearly so successful as the Obamacare supporters wish it was. But it is in a small state with a small, affluent, homogenous population which makes it more feasible there than it does for 330 million highly diverse individuals. Further Romneycare is heavily subsidized by the U.S. government which has allowed it the success it has enjoyed.

Who will subsidize the U.S. government in the implementation of Obamacare?
Ame®icano;8103513 said:
When the mandate includes provisions that makes it impossible for insurance companies to offer affordable insurance, that pretty well destroys the market for private insurance. If Obamacare is not repealed and soon, private healthcare insurance as we have known it in America will cease to exist. All you have to do is do the math.

And you might try actually reading the article I linked and the sources it references if you have ANY interest in knowing the truth rather than the partisan bullshit that is spoonfed to the gullible and compliant. Google can be your friend in learning something the President or government in charge won't tell you.

No, it doesn't. It means that people have to get their health insurance through an exchange or through their job, which depending upon their income, can be partially subsidized.

Still, everyone is going to get insurance (except those who opt to pay the penalty).

And if State doesn't offer exchange, how can you penalize person from that State? Would that be constitutional?

The United States Supreme Court ruled yes.
Wake the fuck up America. Vote Republican or independent and insist that this disaster gets overturned.

Yeah, cause Republicans don't lie ... :eusa_shifty:

You are apparently very young and naive. Are you sure you didn't misspell your user name when you joined up here? In case you did, Here's a new, more appropriate avatar for you:


And you must be old and stupid if you think Republicans are any more honest than Democrats.
Ame®icano;8103570 said:
obamacare is designed to fail so that government will have to jump in and "fix it" with single payer.

Bullshit. ObamaCare is already in place in Massachusetts. Did it fail there?

I thought that is RomneyCare.
Btw, you should read about something called State rights.

Don't change the subject ... we're not talking about states' rights. We're talking about the viability of ObamaCare. You claim it's designed to fail, yet there's already an example of it in action and it has not failed.
Ame®icano;8103570 said:
Bullshit. ObamaCare is already in place in Massachusetts. Did it fail there?

I thought that is RomneyCare.
Btw, you should read about something called State rights.

Don't change the subject ... we're not talking about states' rights. We're talking about the viability of ObamaCare. You claim it's designed to fail, yet there's already an example of it in action and it has not failed.

You haven't given any example of Obamacare not failing.
Ame®icano;8103570 said:
Bullshit. ObamaCare is already in place in Massachusetts. Did it fail there?

I thought that is RomneyCare.
Btw, you should read about something called State rights.

Don't change the subject ... we're not talking about states' rights. We're talking about the viability of ObamaCare. You claim it's designed to fail, yet there's already an example of it in action and it has not failed.

This is up -- RIGHT NOW!!

Title I. Quality, Affordable Health Care for All Americans | The White House


dimocraps just keep getting dumber
obamacare is designed to fail so that government will have to jump in and "fix it" with single payer.

Bullshit. ObamaCare is already in place in Massachusetts. Did it fail there?

Again, who is paying you to repeat these disingenuous talking points? Because of the consistency of those talking points, I am becoming increasing convinced that somebody is assigning them.
Get your own job.

I would love to know the source of that kind of seminar effort. And almost every one of you are now reinserting Romneycare into the conversation. So I know it isn't coincidental.
Since RomneyCare is the only other implementation of such a plan, I'm amazed you find it conspiratorial that they're compared.

Romneycare is not nearly so successful as the Obamacare supporters wish it was.
Says you. Folks from Massachusetts say otherwise...

Massachusetts poll finds high satisfaction under 'RomneyCare'

But it is in a small state with a small, affluent, homogenous population which makes it more feasible there than it does for 330 million highly diverse individuals. Further Romneycare is heavily subsidized by the U.S. government which has allowed it the success it has enjoyed.

Who will subsidize the U.S. government in the implementation of Obamacare?
The same people who subsidize RomneyCare -- taxpayers.
Ame®icano;8103525 said:
Consequences? I doubt Obama will win in 2016. And I think the GOP will do very well in 2014.

As for Hillary's chances, look, I'm on record as saying if the Dems nominate her or Biden, they are giong to be giving the GOP a big fat can't run against the previous administration when you were part of it. And Obama's record of slow and steady improvement isn't the stuff Americas are used to re-electing.

I put that little "when Hillary takes over" because of 2 things; it rattles the cages of the neaderthals and because she may win if the GOP can't figure out how to stop digging their own grave. Given the Boehner shutdown and the knuckle draggers here...I think she has a good chance of winning in spite of Obama's lack-luster record.

Are you really that stupid?

And I suppose you are a college graduate which proves the point of you signature quote.

Try explain to her something by using crayons. I suspect it would work better. :lol:

Speaking of crayons: What ever happened to Crayon boy, Mr. Shamon?
Ame®icano;8103570 said:
I thought that is RomneyCare.
Btw, you should read about something called State rights.

Don't change the subject ... we're not talking about states' rights. We're talking about the viability of ObamaCare. You claim it's designed to fail, yet there's already an example of it in action and it has not failed.

You haven't given any example of Obamacare not failing.

As if it's incumbent upon me to prove someone else wrong after they fail to prove themselves right.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Ame®icano;8103513 said:
No, it doesn't. It means that people have to get their health insurance through an exchange or through their job, which depending upon their income, can be partially subsidized.

Still, everyone is going to get insurance (except those who opt to pay the penalty).

And if State doesn't offer exchange, how can you penalize person from that State? Would that be constitutional?

The United States Supreme Court ruled yes.

The SCOTUS ruled that taxing for ACA is constitutional.

What I asked is something completely different.
But you obviously have no clue what I was asking about.
Ame®icano;8103570 said:
I thought that is RomneyCare.
Btw, you should read about something called State rights.

Don't change the subject ... we're not talking about states' rights. We're talking about the viability of ObamaCare. You claim it's designed to fail, yet there's already an example of it in action and it has not failed.

This is up -- RIGHT NOW!!

Title I. Quality, Affordable Health Care for All Americans | The White House


dimocraps just keep getting dumber

Without a date on that, you have nothing to prove it wasn't accurate at the time it was posted.

The faun is a half human–half goat (from the head to the waist being human, but with the addition of goat horns) manifestation of forest and animal spirits that would help or hinder humans at whim. Romans believed fauns inspired fear in men traveling in lonely, remote or wild places. They were also capable of guiding humans in need, as in the fable of The Satyr and the Traveller, in the title of which Latin authors substituted the word Faunus. Fauns and satyrs were originally quite different creatures: whereas fauns are half-man and half-goat, satyrs originally were depicted as stocky, hairy, ugly dwarfs or woodwoses with the ears and tails of horses or asses. Satyrs also were more woman-loving than fauns, and fauns were rather foolish where satyrs had more knowledge.

Ancient Roman mythological belief also included a god named Faunus and a goddess named Fauna who were goat people.

Faun - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thanks, but I knew what a faun was.
Ame®icano;8103570 said:
Bullshit. ObamaCare is already in place in Massachusetts. Did it fail there?

I thought that is RomneyCare.
Btw, you should read about something called State rights.

Don't change the subject ... we're not talking about states' rights. We're talking about the viability of ObamaCare. You claim it's designed to fail, yet there's already an example of it in action and it has not failed.

Please quote where have I claimed that it's designed to fail.
Ame®icano;8103688 said:
Ame®icano;8103513 said:
And if State doesn't offer exchange, how can you penalize person from that State? Would that be constitutional?

The United States Supreme Court ruled yes.

The SCOTUS ruled that taxing for ACA is constitutional.

What I asked is something completely different.
But you obviously have no clue what I was asking about.

No, you asked about the penalty. The penalty is Constitutional because this is a tax and if someone is penalized because they didn't get insurance, that is tantamount to not paying all of your taxes. -- Constitutional because the SCOTUS rules as such.

Get it now?

How does mandating everyone purchase health insurance, "destroy all private insurance?"
obamacare is designed to fail so that government will have to jump in and "fix it" with single payer.

Bullshit. ObamaCare is already in place in Massachusetts. Did it fail there?

It had enough wrong with it that it should have been used as something to learn from, not a pattern to copy to the whole nation on a grand scale.
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