Is Obama a liar?

sorry, that was't me, it was Sean Penn. maybe the whore can sue him. :lol:


I'm pretty sure it was you.




Nope, I have never had to pay for sex and would certainly not waste my money on some ugly libtardian slut like you or your "friend".
The only way you'd ever get to have sex skippy is if the woman died and willed you her vagina...and then it's a maybe.

I did give a homeless guy $5 to go buy a BJ on lafayette circle, must have been him.

You should get a better return on your investment than that...what'd you do with the $5 he gave back to you?
Consequences? I doubt Obama will win in 2016. And I think the GOP will do very well in 2014.

As for Hillary's chances, look, I'm on record as saying if the Dems nominate her or Biden, they are giong to be giving the GOP a big fat can't run against the previous administration when you were part of it. And Obama's record of slow and steady improvement isn't the stuff Americas are used to re-electing.

I put that little "when Hillary takes over" because of 2 things; it rattles the cages of the neaderthals and because she may win if the GOP can't figure out how to stop digging their own grave. Given the Boehner shutdown and the knuckle draggers here...I think she has a good chance of winning in spite of Obama's lack-luster record.

The GOP wanted a one year delay to the individual mandate, as does 75% of Americans and many Democrats. The DNC was so against the idea that they let the government be shut down rather than negotiate.

Stop acting like it was cataclysmic--it was less than 15% of the government. I know you are going to pull some number out and say it 'cost the government blah blah blah because of the shut down'. In one month the government debt jumped over $400 billion and those that are making these claims don't give a damn.

Despite the efforts of this administration to "make the shutdown as painful as possible", and a willing media that dutifully parrotted DNC talking points--the government shutdown did not impact average Americans.

You poor victim.

The Boehner shutdown costs about $24B according to multiple estimates.

It was the Reid/Obumbler shutdown.
The GOP wanted a one year delay to the individual mandate, as does 75% of Americans and many Democrats. The DNC was so against the idea that they let the government be shut down rather than negotiate.

Stop acting like it was cataclysmic--it was less than 15% of the government. I know you are going to pull some number out and say it 'cost the government blah blah blah because of the shut down'. In one month the government debt jumped over $400 billion and those that are making these claims don't give a damn.

Despite the efforts of this administration to "make the shutdown as painful as possible", and a willing media that dutifully parrotted DNC talking points--the government shutdown did not impact average Americans.

You poor victim.

The Boehner shutdown costs about $24B according to multiple estimates.

And ObamaCare will cost $Ts. I'd ask you to do the math, but I doubt you can perform simple arithmetic.

Sure it's not Zillions? With all of the jack-booted thugs taking you off your insurance and all...the cost is sure to rise.
You know HOW I know we have become a nation of gullible idiots?

Just look over this thread.

1. You have those who continue to make excuses for and who exalt Barack Obama and will not acknowledge that he deliberately lied to and misled the American people.

2. You have those who are absolutely unable to see the fiasco that Obamacare is and desperately force themselves to believe that it was worse before.

3. You have those who are unable to distinguish between Republicans and the Tea Party or are using that scam as a means to derail the thread.

4. You have those who are so ignorant as to the facts that they will pretty much parrot anything they are told to accept as gospel.

Whatever happened to critical thinking, rational logic, and testing the spirits that were once the hallmark of a free people?

This is all by design. Public Education and the Reactionary Liberal College Experience are designed to brainwash children and turn them into Gullible Permanent Adolescents.

Yes. The government we now have--and Obama has been a true disciple--exists only to perpetuate itself and increase its own benefits and rewards and is slowly but surely sucking all the vitality out of the private sector. And the leftists that have achieve this have pretty effectively taken control of the media, education, the work place, and now health care. And they have no scruples or conscience about whatever lies are necessary to keep the people gullible and compliant. If the few freedom loving Americans don't wake up and start fighting back, we are the last generation with any hope of regaining our unalienable rights and our liberties.
Yeah, cause Republicans don't lie ... :eusa_shifty:

all politicians lie to get elected.

But this is a little different.

During the 2012 campaign, republicans campaigned on repealing the law claiming Americans will find that they will be forced off their policies. This was a good tactic because it was hitting home to many Americans and the Obama campaign had to respond.

So they went for broke. They outright lied by saying:

'the GOp is lying to you. Do not believe them. If you like your policy, you can keep your policy'

So he did not just lie by making promises. He did not just lie by calling his opponent a liar.

He lied about the ramifications of a law he PASSED already...all in an effort to make sure no one would be elected to repeal it.

And again, they were not lying, because you were able to keep your policy at that point in time.

it was a lie because it was responding to the GOPers saying that you will lose your policy even if you like it.

It was not a line used to discuss "that point of time"

It was a line used to debunk the GOPers warning.
Consequences? I doubt Obama will win in 2016. And I think the GOP will do very well in 2014.

As for Hillary's chances, look, I'm on record as saying if the Dems nominate her or Biden, they are giong to be giving the GOP a big fat can't run against the previous administration when you were part of it. And Obama's record of slow and steady improvement isn't the stuff Americas are used to re-electing.

I put that little "when Hillary takes over" because of 2 things; it rattles the cages of the neaderthals and because she may win if the GOP can't figure out how to stop digging their own grave. Given the Boehner shutdown and the knuckle draggers here...I think she has a good chance of winning in spite of Obama's lack-luster record.

The GOP wanted a one year delay to the individual mandate, as does 75% of Americans and many Democrats. The DNC was so against the idea that they let the government be shut down rather than negotiate.

Stop acting like it was cataclysmic--it was less than 15% of the government. I know you are going to pull some number out and say it 'cost the government blah blah blah because of the shut down'. In one month the government debt jumped over $400 billion and those that are making these claims don't give a damn.

Despite the efforts of this administration to "make the shutdown as painful as possible", and a willing media that dutifully parrotted DNC talking points--the government shutdown did not impact average Americans.

You poor victim.

The Boehner shutdown costs about $24B according to multiple estimates.

Boehner's shutdown? Who told you that?

Lemme guess, same asshole who said you can keep your insurance if you like it. And of course, you trust him. :cuckoo:
Obumbler permitted the US to violate the sovereignty of Pakistan so that our SEALS could whack Osama bin Laden.

I'm ok with that.

Osama bin Laden is dead as a door knob.

I'm very happy with that.

The world is now RID of the threat of al qaeda terrorist activity for ever and ever!

All praise Obumbler.

all politicians lie to get elected.

But this is a little different.

During the 2012 campaign, republicans campaigned on repealing the law claiming Americans will find that they will be forced off their policies. This was a good tactic because it was hitting home to many Americans and the Obama campaign had to respond.

So they went for broke. They outright lied by saying:

'the GOp is lying to you. Do not believe them. If you like your policy, you can keep your policy'

So he did not just lie by making promises. He did not just lie by calling his opponent a liar.

He lied about the ramifications of a law he PASSED already...all in an effort to make sure no one would be elected to repeal it.

And again, they were not lying, because you were able to keep your policy at that point in time.

it was a lie because it was responding to the GOPers saying that you will lose your policy even if you like it.

It was not a line used to discuss "that point of time"

It was a line used to debunk the GOPers warning.

Nope, not true. Time is relevant. The GOPers should have said something like you will only be able to keep your policy till the new regulations force out policies that do not meet OCA guidelines, at which point in time you will be cancelled by your insurance providers who will no longer be able to legally sell / extend you policies based on the old rules.

The GOPers were not specific and neither were the dems. People were able to keep their policies so, by the actual facts, those statements were correct at that time. As it stands today, most people still can keep their policies. The democrats only seem to be interested in screwing over people with individual policies this year.
Last edited:
You know HOW I know we have become a nation of gullible idiots?

Just look over this thread.

1. You have those who continue to make excuses for and who exalt Barack Obama and will not acknowledge that he deliberately lied to and misled the American people.

2. You have those who are absolutely unable to see the fiasco that Obamacare is and desperately force themselves to believe that it was worse before.

3. You have those who are unable to distinguish between Republicans and the Tea Party or are using that scam as a means to derail the thread.

4. You have those who are so ignorant as to the facts that they will pretty much parrot anything they are told to accept as gospel.

Whatever happened to critical thinking, rational logic, and testing the spirits that were once the hallmark of a free people?

Neil Boortz has been talking for a decade about how it's over, the "moochers" are going to win, he's just going to call it like he sees it. Particularly he predicted single payor. I thought for a long time he was too pessimistic, but the last few years I've probably gotten more cynical there's any home than he was. Liberty will exist, but we're headed underground. As Harry Browne wrote, we will need to learn to find freedom in an unfree world.
You know HOW I know we have become a nation of gullible idiots?

Just look over this thread.

1. You have those who continue to make excuses for and who exalt Barack Obama and will not acknowledge that he deliberately lied to and misled the American people.

2. You have those who are absolutely unable to see the fiasco that Obamacare is and desperately force themselves to believe that it was worse before.

3. You have those who are unable to distinguish between Republicans and the Tea Party or are using that scam as a means to derail the thread.

4. You have those who are so ignorant as to the facts that they will pretty much parrot anything they are told to accept as gospel.

Whatever happened to critical thinking, rational logic, and testing the spirits that were once the hallmark of a free people?

Neil Boortz has been talking for a decade about how it's over, the "moochers" are going to win, he's just going to call it like he sees it. Particularly he predicted single payor. I thought for a long time he was too pessimistic, but the last few years I've probably gotten more cynical there's any home than he was. Liberty will exist, but we're headed underground. As Harry Browne wrote, we will need to learn to find freedom in an unfree world.

I fear that you are right, but I pray that you are wrong.

The few educated, honest, freedom loving people left have simply got to keep beating the drum and hope to get through the mush that passes for intelligence and education these days. We simply cannot give up and allow our elected leaders and others in government lie to us at will. However tough it gets, we cannot allow that to become the new norm.
Liberty will exist, but we're headed underground. As Harry Browne wrote, we will need to learn to find freedom in an unfree world.

That's going to be a form of Going Galt...opting out as much as possible from the Big Government-Bankster-Corporate Crony debt-serf plantation.
I'm not even talking about death ... just healthcare in general. There were already massive problems with it and no shortage of horror stories.

So I get that you were unsatisfied with the US health care system as it was. I think everyone would agree that there were some problems in aspects of the system. But, does that mean that the whole insurance system gets scraped?

That's like saying that you don't like the color of your powder room in your house, so you tear the whole house down....How does that make sense?
You know HOW I know we have become a nation of gullible idiots?

Just look over this thread.

1. You have those who continue to make excuses for and who exalt Barack Obama and will not acknowledge that he deliberately lied to and misled the American people.

2. You have those who are absolutely unable to see the fiasco that Obamacare is and desperately force themselves to believe that it was worse before.

3. You have those who are unable to distinguish between Republicans and the Tea Party or are using that scam as a means to derail the thread.

4. You have those who are so ignorant as to the facts that they will pretty much parrot anything they are told to accept as gospel.

Whatever happened to critical thinking, rational logic, and testing the spirits that were once the hallmark of a free people?

Neil Boortz has been talking for a decade about how it's over, the "moochers" are going to win, he's just going to call it like he sees it. Particularly he predicted single payor. I thought for a long time he was too pessimistic, but the last few years I've probably gotten more cynical there's any home than he was. Liberty will exist, but we're headed underground. As Harry Browne wrote, we will need to learn to find freedom in an unfree world.

I fear that you are right, but I pray that you are wrong.

The few educated, honest, freedom loving people left have simply got to keep beating the drum and hope to get through the mush that passes for intelligence and education these days. We simply cannot give up and allow our elected leaders and others in government lie to us at will. However tough it gets, we cannot allow that to become the new norm.

Way to late. To many on the welfare dole and to many on entitlements like SS/Medicare. We have given up our children as slaves to government, it's done. Now it's just a matter of time till the money runs out and the war starts.
You know HOW I know we have become a nation of gullible idiots?

Just look over this thread.

1. You have those who continue to make excuses for and who exalt Barack Obama and will not acknowledge that he deliberately lied to and misled the American people.

2. You have those who are absolutely unable to see the fiasco that Obamacare is and desperately force themselves to believe that it was worse before.

3. You have those who are unable to distinguish between Republicans and the Tea Party or are using that scam as a means to derail the thread.

4. You have those who are so ignorant as to the facts that they will pretty much parrot anything they are told to accept as gospel.

Whatever happened to critical thinking, rational logic, and testing the spirits that were once the hallmark of a free people?

This is all by design. Public Education and the Reactionary Liberal College Experience are designed to brainwash children and turn them into Gullible Permanent Adolescents.

Yes. The government we now have--and Obama has been a true disciple--exists only to perpetuate itself and increase its own benefits and rewards and is slowly but surely sucking all the vitality out of the private sector. And the leftists that have achieve this have pretty effectively taken control of the media, education, the work place, and now health care. And they have no scruples or conscience about whatever lies are necessary to keep the people gullible and compliant. If the few freedom loving Americans don't wake up and start fighting back, we are the last generation with any hope of regaining our unalienable rights and our liberties.

The killer is that people like obama, Reid, Pelosi and the Clintons know it's all about power. The people that vote for them are convinced that the Democrat Party really cares about "the little guy".
  • Thanks
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Ame®icano;8103085 said:
The GOP wanted a one year delay to the individual mandate, as does 75% of Americans and many Democrats. The DNC was so against the idea that they let the government be shut down rather than negotiate.

Stop acting like it was cataclysmic--it was less than 15% of the government. I know you are going to pull some number out and say it 'cost the government blah blah blah because of the shut down'. In one month the government debt jumped over $400 billion and those that are making these claims don't give a damn.

Despite the efforts of this administration to "make the shutdown as painful as possible", and a willing media that dutifully parrotted DNC talking points--the government shutdown did not impact average Americans.

You poor victim.

The Boehner shutdown costs about $24B according to multiple estimates.

Boehner's shutdown? Who told you that?

Lemme guess, same asshole who said you can keep your insurance if you like it. And of course, you trust him. :cuckoo:

They refused to fund the government...they shut it down. Simple logic. Spin all you want. Won't change the facts. Too bad for you.
You know HOW I know we have become a nation of gullible idiots?

Just look over this thread.

1. You have those who continue to make excuses for and who exalt Barack Obama and will not acknowledge that he deliberately lied to and misled the American people.

2. You have those who are absolutely unable to see the fiasco that Obamacare is and desperately force themselves to believe that it was worse before.

3. You have those who are unable to distinguish between Republicans and the Tea Party or are using that scam as a means to derail the thread.

4. You have those who are so ignorant as to the facts that they will pretty much parrot anything they are told to accept as gospel.

Whatever happened to critical thinking, rational logic, and testing the spirits that were once the hallmark of a free people?

This is all by design. Public Education and the Reactionary Liberal College Experience are designed to brainwash children and turn them into Gullible Permanent Adolescents.

Yes. The government we now have--and Obama has been a true disciple--exists only to perpetuate itself and increase its own benefits and rewards and is slowly but surely sucking all the vitality out of the private sector. And the leftists that have achieve this have pretty effectively taken control of the media, education, the work place, and now health care. And they have no scruples or conscience about whatever lies are necessary to keep the people gullible and compliant. If the few freedom loving Americans don't wake up and start fighting back, we are the last generation with any hope of regaining our unalienable rights and our liberties.

And yet not one of the doom and gloom club that's been around for 5+ years tomorrow has left this sinking ship.

Wonder why...:eusa_whistle:
I'm not even talking about death ... just healthcare in general. There were already massive problems with it and no shortage of horror stories.

So I get that you were unsatisfied with the US health care system as it was. I think everyone would agree that there were some problems in aspects of the system. But, does that mean that the whole insurance system gets scraped?

The insurance system is not scrapped. In fact, they have more business now than ever.

That's like saying that you don't like the color of your powder room in your house, so you tear the whole house down....How does that make sense?
Well ... except that it's nothing like that ... yeah, sure. :cuckoo:
Ame®icano;8103085 said:
You poor victim.

The Boehner shutdown costs about $24B according to multiple estimates.

Boehner's shutdown? Who told you that?

Lemme guess, same asshole who said you can keep your insurance if you like it. And of course, you trust him. :cuckoo:

They refused to fund the government...they shut it down. Simple logic. Spin all you want. Won't change the facts. Too bad for you.

They did not refuse to fund the government. They offered several options. Obama is the one who said there would be no negotiation, even if it meant defaulting on the debt.

Obama who so patriotically voted against raising the debt ceiling in 2006.
They refused to fund the government...they shut it down. Simple logic. Spin all you want. Won't change the facts. Too bad for you.

Takes two to tango does it not?

I don't believe it does, no. So it seems you're wrong about that too. :cool:

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