Is Obama a liar?

Ame®icano;8102362 said:
Just posting the facts..

Obama lied.
Most people will never be part of these exchanges.

Yes, I'm paid very well to post here. Thanks for asking.

And when that proves to be a lie, there will be another IF.

Don't forget, the goal is single payer system.
Lies will continue until every one of us is forced out of employer based insurance.

I hear it's going to be at out from dem black choppers...

I heard number of times that if you like your insurance you can keep it.
Suddenly millions will not be able to keep their insurances.

When people who lose it stops complaining, government will change insurance standards again and keep doing it until everyone is on government exchanges.
Ame®icano;8102458 said:
Ame®icano;8102362 said:
And when that proves to be a lie, there will be another IF.

Don't forget, the goal is single payer system.
Lies will continue until every one of us is forced out of employer based insurance.

I hear it's going to be at out from dem black choppers...

I heard number of times that if you like your insurance you can keep it.
Suddenly millions will not be able to keep their insurances.

When people who lose it stops complaining, government will change insurance standards again and keep doing it until everyone is on government exchanges.

Suddenly? It's been 3years.

Man o man, I'd love to get inside the head of some of these apologists as they spin away.

It's possible that some of them really believe that he hasn't blatantly lied to us multiple times, right to our face -- ideological zealotry can make people talk themselves into pretty much anything, that's a part of the pathology -- but surely these people know what this guy has done and they're just bullshitting for him.

Also lying, in other words.

Amazing to watch.

Ame®icano;8101672 said:
So why Obama is downplaying his "If you like your plan..."?

Obviously he's in full blown damage control mode; he lied remember. I was watching CNN show tapes of his statements...had to giggle.

But the fact is that unless you're buying insurance on your own, you will never be in the exchange marketplace. Our system has been set up to get it though your employer so most Americans won't ever have to worry about the exchanges.

when your employer stops providing insurance because its cost will put him out of business, you will be in the exchange.

when your employer raises the cost of your portion of insurance premiums, you will be financially impacted by ACA.

this terrible law will hurt virtually every american-----except congress since they voted to increase their taxpayer funded subsidy.

It has hurt EVERY American. The percentages financially affected by this plan have yet to be measured.

The damage to EVERY American came when Democrats lied shamelessly to get the legislation passed and the media didn't hold them accountable. How much more damage has been done because the administration realized the media probably wouldn't scrutinize what they did? The ends do not justify the means. Obama and company have shaken the integrity of our government to the core.
Obama is incorrigible.

He has heard the stories of the harm the ACA has already done. The people who are having to spend their life savings or sell their cars to pay for their new insurance requirements if they can even afford them after that.

But his new lie is:

"we are making the insurance market better for everyone"

He just can't help himself.

It is insulting and sad. Sad for the people facing immediate consequences. Sad for the nation which enables this pathological behavior.
Ame®icano;8102458 said:
I hear it's going to be at out from dem black choppers...

I heard number of times that if you like your insurance you can keep it.
Suddenly millions will not be able to keep their insurances.

When people who lose it stops complaining, government will change insurance standards again and keep doing it until everyone is on government exchanges.

Suddenly? It's been 3years.

Exchanges and some other provisions kicked in on October 1st.
Then there are those who got exempt from ACA by executive order. They're not crying yet. Just wait...
Thank you, Mr. President, for showing in such a profound and unexpected way why conservatives are right about their militant skepticism about increasing power of the federal government, and why liberals are so profoundly wrong in their reassurances that we can trust the government with more power over our lives.

Besides raising your children, that is the best thing you have ever done in your life.

Now let's see how short the memory of our nation is and how much of sheep we've become. Hopefully it's not too late to take this lesson to heart.

Man o man, I'd love to get inside the head of some of these apologists as they spin away.

It's possible that some of them really believe that he hasn't blatantly lied to us multiple times, right to our face -- ideological zealotry can make people talk themselves into pretty much anything, that's a part of the pathology -- but surely these people know what this guy has done and they're just bullshitting for him.

Also lying, in other words.

Amazing to watch.


They will keep defending him no matter what. There will be another spin... I guess the next bullshit will be something like, Obama didn't lie, he just didn't know Democrats changed the law AFTER he promised all those things.
Thank you, Mr. President, for showing in such a profound and unexpected way why conservatives are right about their militant skepticism about increasing power of the federal government, and why liberals are so profoundly wrong in their reassurances that we can trust the government with more power over our lives.

Besides raising your children, that is the best thing you have ever done in your life.

Now let's see how short the memory of our nation is and how much of sheep we've become. Hopefully it's not too late to take this lesson to heart.

if the democrats had only listened to the tea party they could have avoided this current mess

Man o man, I'd love to get inside the head of some of these apologists as they spin away.

It's possible that some of them really believe that he hasn't blatantly lied to us multiple times, right to our face -- ideological zealotry can make people talk themselves into pretty much anything, that's a part of the pathology -- but surely these people know what this guy has done and they're just bullshitting for him.

Also lying, in other words.

Amazing to watch.


For three years we have heard nonstop variations of: "If you like the insurance plan you have, you can keep it. Period! If you like the doctor you have, you can keep it. Period!"

Then suddenly this week the same president who for three years looked us square in the eye with those promises now says, "From the beginning we have said that if you have insurance prior to the ACA implementation, and it DID NOT CHANGE after the implementaton of ACA, you can keep it."

And this while ignoring the fact that the ACA itself ORDERED the insurance companies to change and ORDERED employers to change how they offered insurance coverage to their employees.

And some here are still thinking this guy is the messiah who has come again and is the best thing that ever happened to this country.

We are doomed I tell you. Not because Obama was elected, but because we have become a country of gullible idiots.
Ame®icano;8102726 said:

Man o man, I'd love to get inside the head of some of these apologists as they spin away.

It's possible that some of them really believe that he hasn't blatantly lied to us multiple times, right to our face -- ideological zealotry can make people talk themselves into pretty much anything, that's a part of the pathology -- but surely these people know what this guy has done and they're just bullshitting for him.

Also lying, in other words.

Amazing to watch.


They will keep defending him no matter what. There will be another spin... I guess the next bullshit will be something like, Obama didn't lie, he just didn't know Democrats changed the law AFTER he promised all those things.

right, he signed it into law having no idea what was in it-----------the definition of an incompetent president.
Thank you, Mr. President, for showing in such a profound and unexpected way why conservatives are right about their militant skepticism about increasing power of the federal government, and why liberals are so profoundly wrong in their reassurances that we can trust the government with more power over our lives.

Besides raising your children, that is the best thing you have ever done in your life.

Now let's see how short the memory of our nation is and how much of sheep we've become. Hopefully it's not too late to take this lesson to heart.

if the democrats had only listened to the tea party they could have avoided this current mess

I still remember a series of essays by Thomas Sowell prior to the 2008 election. He spelled out in non combative and clear detail what we would be getting if we elected Barack Obama as president.

Those essays have proved to be prophetic.

I can forgive the American people however for electing Obama the first time. He did sound soooooo good on so many issues and and I was hopeful that he would follow through. He didn't. It was all lies.

The fact that the American people re-elected him in 2012, though, is scary. We really have become a nation of gullible idiots.
Obama is incorrigible.

He has heard the stories of the harm the ACA has already done. The people who are having to spend their life savings or sell their cars to pay for their new insurance requirements if they can even afford them after that.

But his new lie is:

"we are making the insurance market better for everyone"

He just can't help himself.

It is insulting and sad. Sad for the people facing immediate consequences. Sad for the nation which enables this pathological behavior.

You say that as though there weren't horror stories before ObamaCare. :eusa_boohoo: The people who lost everything just to pay for healthcare ... the people who died because they couldn't afford it. When it comes to healthcare -- there are always going to be horror stories no matter what the policies are.
Thank you, Mr. President, for showing in such a profound and unexpected way why conservatives are right about their militant skepticism about increasing power of the federal government, and why liberals are so profoundly wrong in their reassurances that we can trust the government with more power over our lives.

Besides raising your children, that is the best thing you have ever done in your life.

Now let's see how short the memory of our nation is and how much of sheep we've become. Hopefully it's not too late to take this lesson to heart.

if the democrats had only listened to the tea party they could have avoided this current mess


We would have had McCain and even bigger messes.

Man o man, I'd love to get inside the head of some of these apologists as they spin away.

It's possible that some of them really believe that he hasn't blatantly lied to us multiple times, right to our face -- ideological zealotry can make people talk themselves into pretty much anything, that's a part of the pathology -- but surely these people know what this guy has done and they're just bullshitting for him.

Also lying, in other words.

Amazing to watch.


For three years we have heard nonstop variations of: "If you like the insurance plan you have, you can keep it. Period! If you like the doctor you have, you can keep it. Period!"

Then suddenly this week the same president who for three years looked us square in the eye with those promises now says, "From the beginning we have said that if you have insurance prior to the ACA implementation, and it DID NOT CHANGE after the implementaton of ACA, you can keep it."

And this while ignoring the fact that the ACA itself ORDERED the insurance companies to change and ORDERED employers to change how they offered insurance coverage to their employees.

And some here are still thinking this guy is the messiah who has come again and is the best thing that ever happened to this country.

We are doomed I tell you. Not because Obama was elected, but because we have become a country of gullible idiots.

Whoever sees that "Emperor Has No Clothes" is radical, bigot or at least racist.
This is all you need to know about the dishonesty and propaganda being spewed by this administration:

For the record, the President has consistently said that if you like your insurance plan, your doctor, or both, you will be able to keep them. He has even proposed eight consumer protections relating specifically to the health insurance industry.

There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to [email protected].

Facts Are Stubborn Things | The White House

Wow. Good catch.
Thank you, Mr. President, for showing in such a profound and unexpected way why conservatives are right about their militant skepticism about increasing power of the federal government, and why liberals are so profoundly wrong in their reassurances that we can trust the government with more power over our lives.

Besides raising your children, that is the best thing you have ever done in your life.

Now let's see how short the memory of our nation is and how much of sheep we've become. Hopefully it's not too late to take this lesson to heart.

if the democrats had only listened to the tea party they could have avoided this current mess

I still remember a series of essays by Thomas Sowell prior to the 2008 election. He spelled out in non combative and clear detail what we would be getting if we elected Barack Obama as president.

Those essays have proved to be prophetic.

I can forgive the American people however for electing Obama the first time. He did sound soooooo good on so many issues and and I was hopeful that he would follow through. He didn't. It was all lies.

The fact that the American people re-elected him in 2012, though, is scary. We really have become a nation of gullible idiots.
Sort of. The republicans were attacking the gays.. so they lost the gay sympathetic vote. The republicans that ran for president in the in the last two were both past retirement age, and both heavy handed authoritarians that said yes to more socialist programs than they said no to. I would not call them conservative alternatives. So you had a choice to vote for a democrat with a republican hat on that hates gays, single women, and the 51% or a democrat who the republicans in the house will block on nearly every issue.

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