Is Obama a liar?

Ame®icano;8102075 said:
reminds you of a cult member?

Obama has many of them that's for sure

It's damn scary actually this is happening in our country

Hitler anyone
No, not Hitler. And I should think the reference is insulting to Hitlers real victims and their families.

I wish you guy's would stop making the reference, it makes us all look stupid

Nobody is calling him Nazi.

But when you see Obama instructing IRS to go after his political opponents, you can't just ignore history and say SA (Sturmabteilung) didn't happen.

Let's see it!]Documents Show Liberals in I.R.S. Dragnet&
Ame®icano;8102083 said:
My grip Is on reality.


It is possible to call Obama on his bullshit or debate others without stooping to this you know.

Step up your game

Conservatism is rooted in laziness to some degree; the underlying doctrine is this; don't adapt or change until you have to and bitch and moan about it every step of the way.. This is reflected in the "hitler" labeling.

Don't forget, socialist Hitler was the one who insisted on "change".

Hitler was the leader of the right-wing National Socialist German Workers Party (called "the Nazi Party" for short). It was, by 1933, one of the strongest parties in Germany, even though--reflecting the country's multiparty system--the Nazis had won only a plurality of 33 percent of the votes in the 1932 elections to the German parliament (Reichstag).

Once in power, Hitler moved quickly to end German democracy. He convinced his cabinet to invoke emergency clauses of the constitution that permitted the suspension of individual freedoms of press, speech, and assembly. Special security forces—the Gestapo, the Storm Troopers (SA), and the SS--murdered or arrested leaders of opposition political parties (Communists, socialists, and liberals). The Enabling Act of March 23, 1933--forced through the Reichstag already purged of many political opponents--gave dictatorial powers to Hitler.

Also in 1933, the Nazis began to put into practice their racial ideology. The Nazis believed that the Germans were "racially superior" and that there was a struggle for survival between them and inferior races.

1933-1939: Early Stages of Persecution - My Jewish Learning

Without doubt the Nazis were fascist.
Ame®icano;8101658 said:
Do I really need to explain it to you...that administration officials invited to Nightline (not the Hometown Shopper Newspaper) are speaking for the administration?

If so, you shouldn't be in the politics forum kid.

So you're saying, when Hillary lied about Benghazi, and Holder about Fast & Furious, or Lois Lerner about targeting Tea Party groups, those are all Obama's lies, since they are/were part of his administration.

You'd have to look at the exact quotes and hold them up to the facts...

Let's take one example...
9/11/2012 10:30PM - Hillary publicly blames "inflammatory material posted on the internet" for the attack.
9/12/2012 - Jay Carney blames internet video for violence
9/14/2012 - Standing with coffins, Hillary and Obama blame video
9/15/2012 - Obama blames video for violence, also 12th draft of State memo blames video
9/16/2012 - Susan Rice blames video
... skip the bullshit ...
9/25/2012 - Obama speech to UN blames video

[ame=]Obama and Hillary Blame Youtube Video for Benghazi Terrorist Attack as Coffins Arrive - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Obama blames the video in his UN speech - YouTube[/ame]

Still wanna know the truth?
Ame®icano;8101672 said:
A lot of the ACA went into effect long before this past October 1 with little or no notice from the "millions of Americans" far so good.

The overwhelming majority of Americans will never deal with the exchanges. That is not "downplaying" anything; it's the truth.

So why Obama is downplaying his "If you like your plan..."?

Obviously he's in full blown damage control mode; he lied remember. I was watching CNN show tapes of his statements...had to giggle.

But the fact is that unless you're buying insurance on your own, you will never be in the exchange marketplace. Our system has been set up to get it though your employer so most Americans won't ever have to worry about the exchanges.

Ever? What about Obama's ultimate goal of "single payer" system?
I'm actually really diappointed in Jon Stewart. He is normally more than willing to call either side on blatant and unabashed lying like we are seeing from Obama. I keep watching expecting him to call out the numerous leftists saying Obama never said that people were going to get to keep the doctor. Silence, the Daily Show has made it clear they are giving Obama a pass on this lie.
This is all you need to know about the dishonesty and propaganda being spewed by this administration:

For the record, the President has consistently said that if you like your insurance plan, your doctor, or both, you will be able to keep them. He has even proposed eight consumer protections relating specifically to the health insurance industry.

There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to [email protected].

Facts Are Stubborn Things | The White House
Ame®icano;8102326 said:
Ame®icano;8101672 said:
So why Obama is downplaying his "If you like your plan..."?

Obviously he's in full blown damage control mode; he lied remember. I was watching CNN show tapes of his statements...had to giggle.

But the fact is that unless you're buying insurance on your own, you will never be in the exchange marketplace. Our system has been set up to get it though your employer so most Americans won't ever have to worry about the exchanges.

Ever? What about Obama's ultimate goal of "single payer" system?

I doubt he'll get that in before he hands off to Hillary in 2016. :lol:
Obviously he's in full blown damage control mode; he lied remember. I was watching CNN show tapes of his statements...had to giggle.

But the fact is that unless you're buying insurance on your own, you will never be in the exchange marketplace. Our system has been set up to get it though your employer so most Americans won't ever have to worry about the exchanges.

You are so pathetic how you spin for this douche of a president... Are you paid to post here?

Just posting the facts..

Obama lied.
Most people will never be part of these exchanges.

Yes, I'm paid very well to post here. Thanks for asking.

And when that proves to be a lie, there will be another IF.

Don't forget, the goal is single payer system.
Lies will continue until every one of us is forced out of employer based insurance.
your concession is accepted. But, no thanks. I have no intention of running for anything.

Maybe you should make another 5,000 posts about how you're going to be victimized...maybe you'll get some sympathy from someone else... (or some schmuck that may believe you for 5 seconds)

That is why you're here afterall, right?

I never claimed to be a victim. But millions of middle class americans are being negatively impacted by ACA, that is a fact. Its also a fact that obama lied about it.
Millions more are experiencing the benefits and have for over a year now.

Now, back on the streets with your free birth control, fluke----you need to earn some money for your tuition next year. Do you still hook on Lafayette circle on weekends?

Not since my friend caught AIDS from you.



Ame®icano;8102362 said:
You are so pathetic how you spin for this douche of a president... Are you paid to post here?

Just posting the facts..

Obama lied.
Most people will never be part of these exchanges.

Yes, I'm paid very well to post here. Thanks for asking.

And when that proves to be a lie, there will be another IF.

Don't forget, the goal is single payer system.
Lies will continue until every one of us is forced out of employer based insurance.

I hear it's going to be at out from dem black choppers...
Ame®icano;8102326 said:
Obviously he's in full blown damage control mode; he lied remember. I was watching CNN show tapes of his statements...had to giggle.

But the fact is that unless you're buying insurance on your own, you will never be in the exchange marketplace. Our system has been set up to get it though your employer so most Americans won't ever have to worry about the exchanges.

Ever? What about Obama's ultimate goal of "single payer" system?

I doubt he'll get that in before he hands off to Hillary in 2016. :lol:

The left is completely delusional. My employers has slahsed over 3/4's of their employees' hours--something that is happening at countless businesses. Hundreds of thousands are getting their insurance cancelled. Obama's at a 51% disapproval rate, and you think there isn't going to be any consequences for the people that caused this mess? :eusa_eh:
Maybe you should make another 5,000 posts about how you're going to be victimized...maybe you'll get some sympathy from someone else... (or some schmuck that may believe you for 5 seconds)

That is why you're here afterall, right?

I never claimed to be a victim. But millions of middle class americans are being negatively impacted by ACA, that is a fact. Its also a fact that obama lied about it.
Millions more are experiencing the benefits and have for over a year now.

Now, back on the streets with your free birth control, fluke----you need to earn some money for your tuition next year. Do you still hook on Lafayette circle on weekends?

Not since my friend caught AIDS from you.




sorry, that was't me, it was Sean Penn. maybe the whore can sue him. :lol:

Ame®icano;8102326 said:
Ever? What about Obama's ultimate goal of "single payer" system?

I doubt he'll get that in before he hands off to Hillary in 2016. :lol:

The left is completely delusional. My employers has slahsed over 3/4's of their employees' hours--something that is happening at countless businesses. Hundreds of thousands are getting their insurance cancelled. Obama's at a 51% disapproval rate, and you think there isn't going to be any consequences for the people that caused this mess? :eusa_eh:

Consequences? I doubt Obama will win in 2016. And I think the GOP will do very well in 2014.

As for Hillary's chances, look, I'm on record as saying if the Dems nominate her or Biden, they are giong to be giving the GOP a big fat can't run against the previous administration when you were part of it. And Obama's record of slow and steady improvement isn't the stuff Americas are used to re-electing.

I put that little "when Hillary takes over" because of 2 things; it rattles the cages of the neaderthals and because she may win if the GOP can't figure out how to stop digging their own grave. Given the Boehner shutdown and the knuckle draggers here...I think she has a good chance of winning in spite of Obama's lack-luster record.
I never claimed to be a victim. But millions of middle class americans are being negatively impacted by ACA, that is a fact. Its also a fact that obama lied about it.
Millions more are experiencing the benefits and have for over a year now.

Now, back on the streets with your free birth control, fluke----you need to earn some money for your tuition next year. Do you still hook on Lafayette circle on weekends?

Not since my friend caught AIDS from you.




sorry, that was't me, it was Sean Penn. maybe the whore can sue him. :lol:


I'm pretty sure it was you.



Ame®icano;8101821 said:
If you have a point, please make it. I have no idea why Kathleen Sebellius is some kind of human baromiter for Obama, care to clue me in?

According to "candycorn", she's part of Barry's administration and when she speaks, it's the same as Barry speak.

Right cancycorn? :eusa_whistle:

The president is ultimately responsible for what his officials say. Now if you're talking about General McChrystal (sp) there are limits to that--he fired Stanley so there is a disavowance factor but if he doesn't correct his subordinates, the president is endorsing what they said by silence.

Thats the way it's always been; he gets the credit for what happens and he gets the blame as well.

Amazingly...when his military killed OBL he got no credit for that but when his HHS screwed up the roll out of the ACA...he got full credit for that

It's comical.

True, nobody serious was giving him credit for killing OBL, so he decided to credit himself for that.
His whole re-election campaign was running around it.
I doubt he'll get that in before he hands off to Hillary in 2016. :lol:

The left is completely delusional. My employers has slahsed over 3/4's of their employees' hours--something that is happening at countless businesses. Hundreds of thousands are getting their insurance cancelled. Obama's at a 51% disapproval rate, and you think there isn't going to be any consequences for the people that caused this mess? :eusa_eh:

Consequences? I doubt Obama will win in 2016. And I think the GOP will do very well in 2014.

As for Hillary's chances, look, I'm on record as saying if the Dems nominate her or Biden, they are giong to be giving the GOP a big fat can't run against the previous administration when you were part of it. And Obama's record of slow and steady improvement isn't the stuff Americas are used to re-electing.

I put that little "when Hillary takes over" because of 2 things; it rattles the cages of the neaderthals and because she may win if the GOP can't figure out how to stop digging their own grave. Given the Boehner shutdown and the knuckle draggers here...I think she has a good chance of winning in spite of Obama's lack-luster record.

The GOP wanted a one year delay to the individual mandate, as does 75% of Americans and many Democrats. The DNC was so against the idea that they let the government be shut down rather than negotiate.

Stop acting like it was cataclysmic--it was less than 15% of the government. I know you are going to pull some number out and say it 'cost the government blah blah blah because of the shut down'. In one month the government debt jumped over $400 billion and those that are making these claims don't give a damn.

Despite the efforts of this administration to "make the shutdown as painful as possible", and a willing media that dutifully parrotted DNC talking points--the government shutdown did not impact average Americans.
Millions more are experiencing the benefits and have for over a year now.

Not since my friend caught AIDS from you.




sorry, that was't me, it was Sean Penn. maybe the whore can sue him. :lol:


I'm pretty sure it was you.




Nope, I have never had to pay for sex and would certainly not waste my money on some ugly libtardian slut like you or your "friend".

I did give a homeless guy $5 to go buy a BJ on lafayette circle, must have been him.


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