Is Obama a liar?

Ame®icano;8079299 said:
Compared to the CIA cooking intel that lead to hundreds of thousands of deaths and injuries and costs into the billions if not trillions; Obama's lie is miniscule.

Democrats voted for that war just as Republicans did.
War and war expenses will end. ACA will suck the life out of taxpayers for as long as we live.

In the House it was 82 Dems in favor and 126 against. For the GOP it was 215 for and 6 against.

Can we call it bipartisan Bill?

Now, do you have numbers for ACA or Stimulus?
Over the course of the last couple weeks you'd swear that rightwing America suddenly found a distaste for not telling the truth.

I wonder why that is?
Ame®icano;8101658 said:
Ame®icano;8080697 said:
No no, whole thread started about Obama lying.
You compared it to Bush lies. When asked about proof, you started talking about emissaries.
Explain again, how do you compare Obama's lies with Bush's emissaries lies?

Do I really need to explain it to you...that administration officials invited to Nightline (not the Hometown Shopper Newspaper) are speaking for the administration?

If so, you shouldn't be in the politics forum kid.

So you're saying, when Hillary lied about Benghazi, and Holder about Fast & Furious, or Lois Lerner about targeting Tea Party groups, those are all Obama's lies, since they are/were part of his administration.

according to her previous posts...yes...every lie stated by anyone affiliated with the administration is a lie attributed to President Obama.
"if you like your healthcare plan you can keep it, period"

no "ifs", no "only ifs" no qualifications, no exceptions. you can keep it ---- period.

It was a lie and he knew it was a lie when he said it.

Impeach the bastard.
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Ame®icano;8101658 said:
Do I really need to explain it to you...that administration officials invited to Nightline (not the Hometown Shopper Newspaper) are speaking for the administration?

If so, you shouldn't be in the politics forum kid.

So you're saying, when Hillary lied about Benghazi, and Holder about Fast & Furious, or Lois Lerner about targeting Tea Party groups, those are all Obama's lies, since they are/were part of his administration.

according to her previous posts...yes...every lie stated by anyone affiliated with the administration is a lie attributed to President Obama.

Has obama fired anyone for lying? No? then he condones the lies and therefore he is responsible for them.
In the House it was 82 Dems in favor and 126 against. For the GOP it was 215 for and 6 against.

You left something out, didn't you?

dimocraps could have stopped the AUMF if they'd wanted to.

In the Senate, there were 50 dimocraps and One Independent.....Jim Jeffords, the traitor who left the party of goodness and light and started caucusing with the party of darkness and evil.

Had all the dimocraps stuck together, they could have defeated the AUMF. But they didn't.

Not only DIDN'T they...... They voted FOR the AUMF by a majority...... 29 to 21 in favor.

The dishonesty of dimocrap scum is breath-taking. It really is.

The AUMF on Iraq was a bipartisan affair. All the way

2% of Senate Republican voted against the war

42% of Senate Democrats voted against the war.

2.7% of House Republicans voted against the war

60% of House Democrats voted against the war.

Not the same. :eusa_whistle:

Democrats had votes to stop it. They could've stop it, and they didn't.
Ame®icano;8101658 said:
Ame®icano;8080697 said:
No no, whole thread started about Obama lying.
You compared it to Bush lies. When asked about proof, you started talking about emissaries.
Explain again, how do you compare Obama's lies with Bush's emissaries lies?

Do I really need to explain it to you...that administration officials invited to Nightline (not the Hometown Shopper Newspaper) are speaking for the administration?

If so, you shouldn't be in the politics forum kid.

So you're saying, when Hillary lied about Benghazi, and Holder about Fast & Furious, or Lois Lerner about targeting Tea Party groups, those are all Obama's lies, since they are/were part of his administration.

You'd have to look at the exact quotes and hold them up to the facts...
Ame®icano;8101672 said:
It was indeed a "whopper" of a lie, because it was meant to reassure millions of Americans who were nervous about how Obamacare might impact them.
Please don't try to downplay this. This was deception of the highest order.

A lot of the ACA went into effect long before this past October 1 with little or no notice from the "millions of Americans" far so good.

The overwhelming majority of Americans will never deal with the exchanges. That is not "downplaying" anything; it's the truth.

So why Obama is downplaying his "If you like your plan..."?

Obviously he's in full blown damage control mode; he lied remember. I was watching CNN show tapes of his statements...had to giggle.

But the fact is that unless you're buying insurance on your own, you will never be in the exchange marketplace. Our system has been set up to get it though your employer so most Americans won't ever have to worry about the exchanges.
Ame®icano;8101658 said:
Do I really need to explain it to you...that administration officials invited to Nightline (not the Hometown Shopper Newspaper) are speaking for the administration?

If so, you shouldn't be in the politics forum kid.

So you're saying, when Hillary lied about Benghazi, and Holder about Fast & Furious, or Lois Lerner about targeting Tea Party groups, those are all Obama's lies, since they are/were part of his administration.

according to her previous posts...yes...every lie stated by anyone affiliated with the administration is a lie attributed to President Obama.

The president is ultimately responsible for what people in his administration
Ame®icano;8101672 said:
A lot of the ACA went into effect long before this past October 1 with little or no notice from the "millions of Americans" far so good.

The overwhelming majority of Americans will never deal with the exchanges. That is not "downplaying" anything; it's the truth.

So why Obama is downplaying his "If you like your plan..."?

Obviously he's in full blown damage control mode; he lied remember. I was watching CNN show tapes of his statements...had to giggle.

But the fact is that unless you're buying insurance on your own, you will never be in the exchange marketplace. Our system has been set up to get it though your employer so most Americans won't ever have to worry about the exchanges.

You are so pathetic how you spin for this douche of a president... Are you paid to post here?
In lieu of actual examples, I would think that this is based entirely on opinion and not fact?

I'll give you one example. An example that says everything you need to know about this clown "president".

Kathleen Sebellius

If that turkey-necked bitch doesn't tell you all you need to know - then I can't help you with anything else.

If you have a point, please make it. I have no idea why Kathleen Sebellius is some kind of human baromiter for Obama, care to clue me in?

According to "candycorn", she's part of Barry's administration and when she speaks, it's the same as Barry speak.

Right cancycorn? :eusa_whistle:
Ame®icano;8101672 said:
A lot of the ACA went into effect long before this past October 1 with little or no notice from the "millions of Americans" far so good.

The overwhelming majority of Americans will never deal with the exchanges. That is not "downplaying" anything; it's the truth.

So why Obama is downplaying his "If you like your plan..."?

Obviously he's in full blown damage control mode; he lied remember. I was watching CNN show tapes of his statements...had to giggle.

But the fact is that unless you're buying insurance on your own, you will never be in the exchange marketplace. Our system has been set up to get it though your employer so most Americans won't ever have to worry about the exchanges.

when your employer stops providing insurance because its cost will put him out of business, you will be in the exchange.

when your employer raises the cost of your portion of insurance premiums, you will be financially impacted by ACA.

this terrible law will hurt virtually every american-----except congress since they voted to increase their taxpayer funded subsidy.
Ame®icano;8101672 said:
So why Obama is downplaying his "If you like your plan..."?

Obviously he's in full blown damage control mode; he lied remember. I was watching CNN show tapes of his statements...had to giggle.

But the fact is that unless you're buying insurance on your own, you will never be in the exchange marketplace. Our system has been set up to get it though your employer so most Americans won't ever have to worry about the exchanges.

You are so pathetic how you spin for this douche of a president... Are you paid to post here?

Just posting the facts..

Obama lied.
Most people will never be part of these exchanges.

Yes, I'm paid very well to post here. Thanks for asking.
Ame®icano;8101672 said:
So why Obama is downplaying his "If you like your plan..."?

Obviously he's in full blown damage control mode; he lied remember. I was watching CNN show tapes of his statements...had to giggle.

But the fact is that unless you're buying insurance on your own, you will never be in the exchange marketplace. Our system has been set up to get it though your employer so most Americans won't ever have to worry about the exchanges.

when your employer stops providing insurance because its cost will put him out of business, you will be in the exchange.

when your employer raises the cost of your portion of insurance premiums, you will be financially impacted by ACA.

this terrible law will hurt virtually every american-----except congress since they voted to increase their taxpayer funded subsidy.

Obviously he's in full blown damage control mode; he lied remember. I was watching CNN show tapes of his statements...had to giggle.

But the fact is that unless you're buying insurance on your own, you will never be in the exchange marketplace. Our system has been set up to get it though your employer so most Americans won't ever have to worry about the exchanges.

when your employer stops providing insurance because its cost will put him out of business, you will be in the exchange.

when your employer raises the cost of your portion of insurance premiums, you will be financially impacted by ACA.

this terrible law will hurt virtually every american-----except congress since they voted to increase their taxpayer funded subsidy.


I understand, the truth makes you tired. Sorry, fluke.:smiliehug:
Obviously he's in full blown damage control mode; he lied remember. I was watching CNN show tapes of his statements...had to giggle.

But the fact is that unless you're buying insurance on your own, you will never be in the exchange marketplace. Our system has been set up to get it though your employer so most Americans won't ever have to worry about the exchanges.

You are so pathetic how you spin for this douche of a president... Are you paid to post here?

Just posting the facts..

Obama lied.
Most people will never be part of these exchanges.

Yes, I'm paid very well to post here. Thanks for asking.
Tell that to the millions who have had their plans dropped because of the ACA.
Ame®icano;8101821 said:
I'll give you one example. An example that says everything you need to know about this clown "president".

Kathleen Sebellius

If that turkey-necked bitch doesn't tell you all you need to know - then I can't help you with anything else.

If you have a point, please make it. I have no idea why Kathleen Sebellius is some kind of human baromiter for Obama, care to clue me in?

According to "candycorn", she's part of Barry's administration and when she speaks, it's the same as Barry speak.

Right cancycorn? :eusa_whistle:

The president is ultimately responsible for what his officials say. Now if you're talking about General McChrystal (sp) there are limits to that--he fired Stanley so there is a disavowance factor but if he doesn't correct his subordinates, the president is endorsing what they said by silence.

Thats the way it's always been; he gets the credit for what happens and he gets the blame as well.

Amazingly...when his military killed OBL he got no credit for that but when his HHS screwed up the roll out of the ACA...he got full credit for that

It's comical.
when your employer stops providing insurance because its cost will put him out of business, you will be in the exchange.

when your employer raises the cost of your portion of insurance premiums, you will be financially impacted by ACA.

this terrible law will hurt virtually every american-----except congress since they voted to increase their taxpayer funded subsidy.


I understand, the truth makes you tired. Sorry, fluke.:smiliehug:

No, the chicken little song and dance you've been singing for 4 years now does though.
Thanks, I'll work on it.

Now, back to my original post, I offered up a definition of lying as intent to decieve ... can you offer a valid rebuttle to my point?

I'm not saying that Obama DID NOT LIE, only what lying was. :cheers2:

There are two choices -- Obama was lying or he was clueless.

Really? Maybe the problem is that this statement was bassed on erroneous information?

... OR, that what he actually implied was that if you had a plain that was exeptable to the new law (the ACA) that you COULD keep it - not that you could keep a sub-standard plan. :confused:

"If you like your plan, you can keep your plan. If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor." - Obama said it number of times.

Now, why would he say anything like that and keep campaigning on it for a long time? Why he needed to explain this over and over and over?

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