Is Obama a liar?

Everything about Barry is an outright lie.

My opinion is that Obama didn't lie he just didn't know what he was talking about which is not any better it is worse. He sold the democrats, and bought them off, with BS that he obviously didn't know to be true. He is what we said he was inexperience and incabable of bring the country together. Liar? I am not sure but he certainly is an uninformed ideologue that mirrors his supporters.
gun control is a factor. the only successful recalls have been because of gun control. liberals attempted numerous recalls over labor and unions but failed.

people are becoming disenchanted with both democrats and republicans. the tea party is the only party in a growth mode

Gray Davis was recalled due to gun control? Who knew?

Exit polling (and common sense) will show you to be wrong tomorrow and in next November's contests as well.

You really are a hateful little thing, aren't you?

Forget Gray Davis, this is grounds to recall to Gubner Moonbeam --

Student Fundraising Car Wash Banned over Environmental Concerns

Students in San Jose, Calif., can no longer hold car washes to raise for money for school events because city officials say they endanger the environment.
Cheerleaders at Lincoln High School had to cancel a scheduled Oct. 20 car wash after a visit from the city's Environmental Services Department, the San Jose Mercury News reported Friday.

"Anything that is not storm water or rain water is considered a pollutant," said Jennie Loft, the department's acting communications manager. "If it goes into a storm drain, that pollutant will harm wildlife and habitats in the creeks."

Loft said school groups could still hold car washes if they were conducted under certain conditions. Those include washing vehicles over grassy or gravel areas, ensuring wash water doesn't go into the street, gutter or storm drain and leaving no soap stains on the ground.

The same rules apply to cars washed by their owners.

Cars can be washed with a solution that requires no water, but the concentrate costs $159 a gallon.

This is no longer allowed...



But try to stop one of these and see what happens to you.....



The first pic didn't come out...

As for being've obviously got me confused with others. I do have little tolerance for obviously flawed strategem if gun control registers anywhere on the spectrum of importance nationwide.

Gun Control A Low Priority Issue Among American Voters
Poll: Americans don't think gun control is important | Human Events
Voters Rate Spending, Job Creation Higher in Importance Than Gun Control - Rasmussen Reports?

If my correcting another poster is enough to award me the title of "hateful"...I accept the trophy I guess.

I do wish gun control were a bigger topic frankly so politicians would actually speak to the issue of why someone needs a 100 round drum of ammo for "self defense" or has to have liability insurance for their car but not their deadly weapon.

But it's a very small issue nationally. Too bad.
Obama isn't only a liar but one of the biggest DIVIDERS of this country I have ever lived under

He was out campaigning AGAIN for one of his Democrat buddies, ON OUR DIME... while we suffer with the mess he helped CREATE called, OfailNocare, over 7% unemployment his whole time in office and was running down the people in the Tea party

this man has been the biggest shame and stain of hate on our country ever
Just scrap this monstrous mess and give the People their Freedom & Liberty back. Giving an evil degenerate Government Bureacracy like the IRS more power over Citizens' lives, is not the answer.
Liberals' depiction of conservatives' "small government" is a huge straw man.

Small government doesn't equal no government.

Protecting the life of the defenseless is perfectly consistent with small government.

But liberals will keep propping up that straw man.

It's also why you consistently lose general elections. And the politics is only part of it...its the demeaning, demonizing treatment of women who choose to exercise their rights/demonstrate for greater access to contraception which is why it such a kookie political move;

it's just plain mean and has nothing to do with protecting anyone.

Repubs lost to Obama because they nominated a moderate, because the conservative vote was always divided in voting against Romney in primaries.
Then in the general election Obama won because he is black, and minorities in general voted for him soley because of his skin color.

Just because minorities are outnumbering whites doesn't mean liberalism is a better ideology than conservatism or libertarian, it just means they have the demographics.

And do you have proof that Republicans are attacking women? I take it you didn't like your hero being called a Slut, even though she gave a whole speach about why she needs someone else to pay for her birth control. FYI not all women are sluts like her, nor do all of them support killing the unborn as a means of birth control.
Gray Davis was recalled due to gun control? Who knew?

Exit polling (and common sense) will show you to be wrong tomorrow and in next November's contests as well.

You really are a hateful little thing, aren't you?

Forget Gray Davis, this is grounds to recall to Gubner Moonbeam --

Student Fundraising Car Wash Banned over Environmental Concerns

Students in San Jose, Calif., can no longer hold car washes to raise for money for school events because city officials say they endanger the environment.
Cheerleaders at Lincoln High School had to cancel a scheduled Oct. 20 car wash after a visit from the city's Environmental Services Department, the San Jose Mercury News reported Friday.

"Anything that is not storm water or rain water is considered a pollutant," said Jennie Loft, the department's acting communications manager. "If it goes into a storm drain, that pollutant will harm wildlife and habitats in the creeks."

Loft said school groups could still hold car washes if they were conducted under certain conditions. Those include washing vehicles over grassy or gravel areas, ensuring wash water doesn't go into the street, gutter or storm drain and leaving no soap stains on the ground.

The same rules apply to cars washed by their owners.

Cars can be washed with a solution that requires no water, but the concentrate costs $159 a gallon.

This is no longer allowed...



But try to stop one of these and see what happens to you.....



The first pic didn't come out...

As for being've obviously got me confused with others. I do have little tolerance for obviously flawed strategem if gun control registers anywhere on the spectrum of importance nationwide.

Gun Control A Low Priority Issue Among American Voters
Poll: Americans don't think gun control is important | Human Events
Voters Rate Spending, Job Creation Higher in Importance Than Gun Control - Rasmussen Reports?

If my correcting another poster is enough to award me the title of "hateful"...I accept the trophy I guess.

I do wish gun control were a bigger topic frankly so politicians would actually speak to the issue of why someone needs a 100 round drum of ammo for "self defense" or has to have liability insurance for their car but not their deadly weapon.

But it's a very small issue nationally. Too bad.

There are more than enough laws on the books today to 'control' guns. The problem is, your side doesn't want to enforce them.

Like the "stop and frisk" program.

You don't want 'gun control' you want gun confiscation.

Anything else you say on the topic is mental masturbation


I fixed the image. It was a contrast in what you think is righteous as opposed to what I think is right, healthy and good.

I am an admirer of beauty. libturds hate beauty. And that is NOT an opinion. Your side eschews beauty at every turn in favor of the grotesque , the sick and the twisted.

It's obvious everywhere. In politics, in sex... Even in your art.

Sick.. and twisted.

You people aren't right
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Is obama a liar?

He sure is.

Famous comic flays Obama as lying ?maniac?

“It’s such a ridiculous thing. The whole country’s walking around wondering if this guy’s really the president of a country. He sounds more like a maniac in an asylum,” Mason said in a radio interview Sunday night.

“He’s saying things that nobody believes. He was always lying every day of his life. Every time he talks it was a lie. The only time he tells the truth is when you didn’t hear from him.”

“This is becoming so ridiculous, that even the biggest liar can’t top himself,” Mason, 76, told host Aaron Klein on WABC in New York City. “He looks at you straight in the face, and tells you that if you want your plan, you got your plan, you keep your plan. Now, a month-and-a-half later, you got no plan, you lost your plan, and he tells you you still got a plan.”

Now people are feeling much more comfortable being open about calling him a liar in public.
[ame=]How's He Doing - SNL Highlight - YouTube[/ame]
Is obama a liar?

He sure is.

Famous comic flays Obama as lying ?maniac?

“It’s such a ridiculous thing. The whole country’s walking around wondering if this guy’s really the president of a country. He sounds more like a maniac in an asylum,” Mason said in a radio interview Sunday night.

“He’s saying things that nobody believes. He was always lying every day of his life. Every time he talks it was a lie. The only time he tells the truth is when you didn’t hear from him.”

“This is becoming so ridiculous, that even the biggest liar can’t top himself,” Mason, 76, told host Aaron Klein on WABC in New York City. “He looks at you straight in the face, and tells you that if you want your plan, you got your plan, you keep your plan. Now, a month-and-a-half later, you got no plan, you lost your plan, and he tells you you still got a plan.”

Now people are feeling much more comfortable being open about calling him a liar in public.

This is spot on; Jackie nails the Tyrranny of the Majority (which in reality is a minority in that the many of the "majority" were lied to in order to support The One):

“The latest is that it’s only 5 percent of the people, only 15 [or] 20 million people who are going to lose their plan. … What if you shoot a guy? He’s only one person out of 300 million. How come it’s in the paper that you shot an innocent person and you go to jail for it? … Since when do you destroy people and it doesn’t count because it’s too small a percentage?”
Liberals' depiction of conservatives' "small government" is a huge straw man.

Small government doesn't equal no government.

Protecting the life of the defenseless is perfectly consistent with small government.

But liberals will keep propping up that straw man.

It's also why you consistently lose general elections. And the politics is only part of it...its the demeaning, demonizing treatment of women who choose to exercise their rights/demonstrate for greater access to contraception which is why it such a kookie political move;

it's just plain mean and has nothing to do with protecting anyone.

Repubs lost to Obama because they nominated a moderate, because the conservative vote was always divided in voting against Romney in primaries.
What made him a moderate?

Then in the general election Obama won because he is black, and minorities in general voted for him soley because of his skin color.

Just because minorities are outnumbering whites doesn't mean liberalism is a better ideology than conservatism or libertarian, it just means they have the demographics.
I agree.

"Better" is in the eye of the beholder.

I was forced to watch a show this weekend about "Doomsday Preppers" where National Geographic rated the top 10 preppers in terms of how soon they could bug out and how long they could remain alive. Anyway, each of these people stressed firearms and mowing down whomever would look to get some food. About ideology...if you've got 22 years of food (which some of these people do) and you're going to mow down someone with a gun looking for some grubb...I think your ideology stinks. You may think it's great...there is no "better".

The only way political ideology is scored is at the ballot box and currently the liberals are winning. There is no sign of that changing.

And do you have proof that Republicans are attacking women?
See below..

I take it you didn't like your hero being called a Slut, even though she gave a whole speach about why she needs someone else to pay for her birth control.
See above...

FYI not all women are sluts like her, nor do all of them support killing the unborn as a means of birth control.

Thanks for clearing that up...

You're God's gift to liberals.
It's also why you consistently lose general elections. And the politics is only part of it...its the demeaning, demonizing treatment of women who choose to exercise their rights/demonstrate for greater access to contraception which is why it such a kookie political move;

it's just plain mean and has nothing to do with protecting anyone.

Repubs lost to Obama because they nominated a moderate, because the conservative vote was always divided in voting against Romney in primaries.
What made him a moderate?


I agree.

"Better" is in the eye of the beholder.

I was forced to watch a show this weekend about "Doomsday Preppers" where National Geographic rated the top 10 preppers in terms of how soon they could bug out and how long they could remain alive. Anyway, each of these people stressed firearms and mowing down whomever would look to get some food. About ideology...if you've got 22 years of food (which some of these people do) and you're going to mow down someone with a gun looking for some grubb...I think your ideology stinks. You may think it's great...there is no "better".

The only way political ideology is scored is at the ballot box and currently the liberals are winning. There is no sign of that changing.

See below..

I take it you didn't like your hero being called a Slut, even though she gave a whole speach about why she needs someone else to pay for her birth control.
See above...

FYI not all women are sluts like her, nor do all of them support killing the unborn as a means of birth control.

Thanks for clearing that up...

You're God's gift to liberals.

Wow this is your arguement? "Doomsday Preppers" represents conservatives?

I should of known a fan of Sandra "the Slut" Fluke wouldn't have an ounce of intelligence in their head.
Repubs lost to Obama because they nominated a moderate, because the conservative vote was always divided in voting against Romney in primaries.
What made him a moderate?


I agree.

"Better" is in the eye of the beholder.

I was forced to watch a show this weekend about "Doomsday Preppers" where National Geographic rated the top 10 preppers in terms of how soon they could bug out and how long they could remain alive. Anyway, each of these people stressed firearms and mowing down whomever would look to get some food. About ideology...if you've got 22 years of food (which some of these people do) and you're going to mow down someone with a gun looking for some grubb...I think your ideology stinks. You may think it's great...there is no "better".

The only way political ideology is scored is at the ballot box and currently the liberals are winning. There is no sign of that changing.

See below..

See above...

FYI not all women are sluts like her, nor do all of them support killing the unborn as a means of birth control.

Thanks for clearing that up...

You're God's gift to liberals.

Wow this is your arguement? "Doomsday Preppers" represents conservatives?
No sir. Just that nobody can say one ideology is definitely better than another.

I should of known a fan of Sandra "the Slut" Fluke wouldn't have an ounce of intelligence in their head.

Again, you are God's gift to liberals. Keep up the good work.

Go Sandra
Giving an evil degenerate Government bureacracy like the IRS more control of Citizens' lives, isn't the answer. Even this President's most loyal Bots should realize that. They should scrap this disaster immediately. Period, end of story.
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Ame®icano;8080697 said:
See highlighted portion above.

No no, whole thread started about Obama lying.
You compared it to Bush lies. When asked about proof, you started talking about emissaries.
Explain again, how do you compare Obama's lies with Bush's emissaries lies?

Do I really need to explain it to you...that administration officials invited to Nightline (not the Hometown Shopper Newspaper) are speaking for the administration?

If so, you shouldn't be in the politics forum kid.

So you're saying, when Hillary lied about Benghazi, and Holder about Fast & Furious, or Lois Lerner about targeting Tea Party groups, those are all Obama's lies, since they are/were part of his administration.

Edit: Read the post #227.
P.S. That was Clinton's administration talking.
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Hardly...for most people in the exchanges (the overwhelming majority won't even be in the exchanges) they'll see better insurance at a cheaper price.

Not exactly bad news.

But yes; you may not want better coverage at a cheaper yes, Obama lied in that context and for the thin minority who will see less coverage at higher rates.

For my part...if I were in the exchanges...I would want to mail in a check each month or six months or whenever; I don't like paying for essentials through auto-deduction from bank accounts. I can do it for Dillards, Lululemon, etc... but not health insurance. If my new company wanted me to do auto-billing, I would have a problem with that eventhough it's faster and cheaper for me (no stamps to buy!!!).

Still, for most, it won't even register.

It was indeed a "whopper" of a lie, because it was meant to reassure millions of Americans who were nervous about how Obamacare might impact them.
Please don't try to downplay this. This was deception of the highest order.

A lot of the ACA went into effect long before this past October 1 with little or no notice from the "millions of Americans" far so good.

The overwhelming majority of Americans will never deal with the exchanges. That is not "downplaying" anything; it's the truth.

So why Obama is downplaying his "If you like your plan..."?

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