Is Obama a liar?

I understand, the truth makes you tired. Sorry, fluke.:smiliehug:

No, the chicken little song and dance you've been singing for 4 years now does though.

what I said is true. Its happening as we speak. Lets try again.

when your employer stops providing insurance because its cost will put him out of business, you will be in the exchange.

when your employer raises the cost of your portion of insurance premiums, you will be financially impacted by ACA.

this terrible law will hurt virtually every american-----except congress since they voted to increase their taxpayer funded subsidy.
Repeatedly using erroneous information would fall under "clueless".

And no, that is not what he implied.

“That means that no matter how we reform health care, we will keep this promise to the American people: If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period. If you like your health-care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health-care plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what.”


He made a false statement, which did not imply what you're claiming. The two choices for the false statement are (a) he was clueless and (b) he knowingly told the falsehood.

The falsehood furthered his political ends -- it allowed a law to be passed which could not have been passed if he told the truth, and it allowed him to be reelected which he probably wouldn't have been if people knew in advance what kind of havoc would be wreaked by the ACA. So it is tempting to believe that he did it on purpose.

Nevertheless, the other option still remains -- that he was simply clueless.

Did he intentionally lie? Does he do it now because he is attempting to cover up for being wrong? I really don't know the answer to this and I am attempting to understand it.

Why do you keep asking if it was intentional?

My point is that there are two choices: he intentionally lied or he is clueless.

If you prefer to believe his falsehoods were not intentional, then you prefer to believe that he is clueless.

So whether he intentionally lied is moot for my part of this discussion. Either option is bad. It's up to you which option you prefer to believe.

He wasn't clueless. They knew what they were doing all along. They knew what they gonna say if this question ever comes up. All they're doing now is waiting for news cycle to end and move to explaining another lie.
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For it to be a lie, first there'd have to be the competence to ascertain what insurance companies would actually charge. There's no evidence the administration has this competence to implement policy. They're the best campaigners since Reagan, but beyond that .... they'd not have passed a stimulus or obamacare without the gop handing them a supermaj in the senate.
Why does the Government insist upon demolishing a building that merely had a couple of leaks in the roof?:eusa_shifty:

Because the goal is not to fix the building but to control the inhabitants

Indeed. The goal is absolute control. It's funny, but a friend of mine sent me a couple of lines from a song by a 60s band the other day and I was impressed that in the late 60s, the radical left accused the right of this - but now practices it en masse:

You're free to speak your mind my friend,
As long as you agree with me.
Don't criticize the Fatherland,
Or those who shape your destiny

'Cause if you do
You'll lose your job, your mind,
and all the friends you knew

We'll send out all our boys in blue
and they'll find a way
to silence you.

Strange how those same people who espoused "freedom" in the 60s are now the ones taking it away from us……..

Because their REAL goal not the freedom for all but to take the role of prison guards for themselves.
Everything about Barry is an outright lie.

My opinion is that Obama didn't lie he just didn't know what he was talking about which is not any better it is worse. He sold the democrats, and bought them off, with BS that he obviously didn't know to be true. He is what we said he was inexperience and incabable of bring the country together. Liar? I am not sure but he certainly is an uninformed ideologue that mirrors his supporters.

and that is the biggest mistake one can make in judging anybody on the left.

they always LIE intentionally. ALWAYS. Because their real agenda is so despicable that would you even suspect that is for real you would be in a mob lynching them.
So they disperse this lie about incompetency as the defense barrier and most of the people take a bait.
Because the goal is not to fix the building but to control the inhabitants

Indeed. The goal is absolute control. It's funny, but a friend of mine sent me a couple of lines from a song by a 60s band the other day and I was impressed that in the late 60s, the radical left accused the right of this - but now practices it en masse:

You're free to speak your mind my friend,
As long as you agree with me.
Don't criticize the Fatherland,
Or those who shape your destiny

'Cause if you do
You'll lose your job, your mind,
and all the friends you knew

We'll send out all our boys in blue
and they'll find a way
to silence you.

Strange how those same people who espoused "freedom" in the 60s are now the ones taking it away from us……..

Because their REAL goal not the freedom for all but to take the role of prison guards for themselves.

Hyperbole, but essentially you're correct. The SDS and other counter culture "leaders" had no interest in anyone's freedom besides their own, and they wanted their lives funded by others.
Pre ACA passage: If you like your health plan you can keep it.

Post ACA: You will be getting a better plan.

The answer is obvious.

This is his bill so don't give me that he didn't know bs.

Wake the fuck up America. Vote Republican or independent and insist that this disaster gets overturned.

And yes fake Jake I know it's the law of the land FOR NOW

He's a lawyer. He did not say how long we could keep our health care. Further, the plan was clearly laid out to only let us keep our existing plans for a couple years till after the election. But then, I actually read the bill. So I knew exactly what he meant. That we could keep our plans if we like them for a couple years till after the 2012 elections, after that we'd all get screwed starting in 2013 and the years following. The plan was explicitly outlined, anyone calling him a liar now and not then, was just not listening or at a minimum being selective in only listening to what they wanted to hear.
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I understand, the truth makes you tired. Sorry, fluke.:smiliehug:

No, the chicken little song and dance you've been singing for 4 years now does though.

what I said is true. Its happening as we speak. Lets try again.

when your employer stops providing insurance because its cost will put him out of business, you will be in the exchange.

when your employer raises the cost of your portion of insurance premiums, you will be financially impacted by ACA.

this terrible law will hurt virtually every american-----except congress since they voted to increase their taxpayer funded subsidy. should run for Congress then so you can pipe down.

For it to be a lie, first there'd have to be the competence to ascertain what insurance companies would actually charge. There's no evidence the administration has this competence to implement policy. They're the best campaigners since Reagan, but beyond that .... they'd not have passed a stimulus or obamacare without the gop handing them a supermaj in the senate.

"if you like your plan, you can keep it, period"

he was either lying or he is incredibly stupid. which is it?
No, the chicken little song and dance you've been singing for 4 years now does though.

what I said is true. Its happening as we speak. Lets try again.

when your employer stops providing insurance because its cost will put him out of business, you will be in the exchange.

when your employer raises the cost of your portion of insurance premiums, you will be financially impacted by ACA.

this terrible law will hurt virtually every american-----except congress since they voted to increase their taxpayer funded subsidy. should run for Congress then so you can pipe down.


your concession is accepted. But, no thanks. I have no intention of running for anything.
A politician is a liar when he is opening his mouth.

Yup, pretty much.

Yet so many still are willing to ignore that fact and give them more and more power and authority and influence and control over our lives.

It just doesn't make sense to me.


I don't think people are willingly giving them more power. They're taking more power regardless of what people think and want.
what I said is true. Its happening as we speak. Lets try again.

when your employer stops providing insurance because its cost will put him out of business, you will be in the exchange.

when your employer raises the cost of your portion of insurance premiums, you will be financially impacted by ACA.

this terrible law will hurt virtually every american-----except congress since they voted to increase their taxpayer funded subsidy. should run for Congress then so you can pipe down.


your concession is accepted. But, no thanks. I have no intention of running for anything.

Maybe you should make another 5,000 posts about how you're going to be victimized...maybe you'll get some sympathy from someone else... (or some schmuck that may believe you for 5 seconds)

That is why you're here afterall, right?
Ame®icano;8102030 said:
A politician is a liar when he is opening his mouth.

Yup, pretty much.

Yet so many still are willing to ignore that fact and give them more and more power and authority and influence and control over our lives.

It just doesn't make sense to me.


I don't think people are willingly giving them more power. They're taking more power regardless of what people think and want.

90+% of politicians of all stripes will return to their house seats in January of 2015...count on it.

Who is voting for them? should run for Congress then so you can pipe down.


your concession is accepted. But, no thanks. I have no intention of running for anything.

Maybe you should make another 5,000 posts about how you're going to be victimized...maybe you'll get some sympathy from someone else... (or some schmuck that may believe you for 5 seconds)

That is why you're here afterall, right?

I never claimed to be a victim. But millions of middle class americans are being negatively impacted by ACA, that is a fact. Its also a fact that obama lied about it.

Now, back on the streets with your free birth control, fluke----you need to earn some money for your tuition next year. Do you still hook on Lafayette circle on weekends?
Billyrockhead is living proof that you can lead a moonbat to the truth, but you can't make them think......

reminds you of a cult member?

Obama has many of them that's for sure

It's damn scary actually this is happening in our country

Hitler anyone
No, not Hitler. And I should think the reference is insulting to Hitlers real victims and their families.

I wish you guy's would stop making the reference, it makes us all look stupid

Nobody is calling him Nazi.

But when you see Obama instructing IRS to go after his political opponents, you can't just ignore history and say SA (Sturmabteilung) didn't happen.
My grip Is on reality.


It is possible to call Obama on his bullshit or debate others without stooping to this you know.

Step up your game

Conservatism is rooted in laziness to some degree; the underlying doctrine is this; don't adapt or change until you have to and bitch and moan about it every step of the way.. This is reflected in the "hitler" labeling.

Don't forget, socialist Hitler was the one who insisted on "change".
I would think that those who do are being lazy. I would suggest that the average liberal is more open to change than average conservatives however; they're much more mentally active; less prejudiced.

liberals are only open to change when they can dictate what changes.

When it was suggested that insurance pay for medicine, it wasn't due to any ideology suggesting it. Which ideology embraced it? Which one calls it a "slut"

true, but it is a fact that if insurance was not paying for medicine, it would be a lot cheaper.
I would think that those who do are being lazy. I would suggest that the average liberal is more open to change than average conservatives however; they're much more mentally active; less prejudiced.

I think your bias about conservatives being less open to change is the fact that conservatives don't think the federal government is always the answer. Perhaps since conservatives trust the individual, free markets and state's rights more than the federal government, it may look to liberals as laziness since conservatives wish to engage federal government less than liberals. The fact that most state legislators are predominately republican would seem to buttress my position since republicans (conservatives tend to vote republican) center on state's rights. Ironically, conservatives wish to overhaul the government into a smaller entity which of course would be a bigger change (the opposite of lazy) than anything the left has suggested.

Do you still want to restrict marriages between same sex couples? Yes
Do you still want to restrict a woman's reproductive rights? Yes

Both are matters that are addressed at the state level.

So much for your "smaller government"...unless you mean small enough to fit in the bedroom, the church, the doctor's office...

So explain, what federal government have to do with those things?
Ame®icano;8102083 said:
My grip Is on reality.


It is possible to call Obama on his bullshit or debate others without stooping to this you know.

Step up your game

Conservatism is rooted in laziness to some degree; the underlying doctrine is this; don't adapt or change until you have to and bitch and moan about it every step of the way.. This is reflected in the "hitler" labeling.

Don't forget, socialist Hitler was the one who insisted on "change".

"fundamental change" now, where else have we heard that?

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