Is Obama a liar?

Ame®icano;8103702 said:
Don't change the subject ... we're not talking about states' rights. We're talking about the viability of ObamaCare. You claim it's designed to fail, yet there's already an example of it in action and it has not failed.

Please quote where have I claimed that it's designed to fail.

My apologies ... I mistook you for another poster who said that.

No prob. :cool:

Massachusetts is a single state. I am talking about obama's ACA. The roll out has been wildly successful, now, hasn't it?

One thing everybody keeps missing in this "Romneycare is obamacare" nonsense.....

The people of Massachusetts WANTED Romneycare.

The people of America DO NOT WANT AND HAVE NEVER WANTED obamacare.
Dems always underestimate the gullibility and stubbornness of the Pub dupe, and the greed of insurers, who could have cooperated and just upgraded the crap policies....

Thanks for admitting the incompetence of the Dems. There was no good excuse for them to push what they pushed. It required (a) lies and (b) denial of reality.

You're admitting the denial of reality. That's progress.
Obama is a lair and a hypocrite.

Just like many on the far are, that is why they can identify with him.

Do you have trouble making decisions?

obama is a lying scumbag.

fucking period.

No qualifier need be added
Your sentiment is surely not too different than those towards social security and medicare when those programs started up. Just like in 50 years from now when many folks only want their social security and ObamaCare.

I would have been against in if I had been around in the 30's, yes. I think it is a bad program and could be improved by privatizing it over time, but the fact remains, I paid in for 46 years and I will collect.
Same way many Americans will feel about ObamaCare in 50 years.

I guarantee you. obamacare will be an interesting footnote in our history books in the same chapter as Watergate, Teapot Dome and "I didn't have sex with that woman, Miss Lewinsky".
Dems always underestimate the gullibility and stubbornness of the Pub dupe, and the greed of insurers, who could have cooperated and just upgraded the crap policies....

Thanks for admitting the incompetence of the Dems. There was no good excuse for them to push what they pushed. It required (a) lies and (b) denial of reality.

You're admitting the denial of reality. That's progress.

Along with a healthy dose of bribery.
Bullshit. ObamaCare is already in place in Massachusetts. Did it fail there?

Again, who is paying you to repeat these disingenuous talking points? Because of the consistency of those talking points, I am becoming increasing convinced that somebody is assigning them.
Get your own job.

Since RomneyCare is the only other implementation of such a plan, I'm amazed you find it conspiratorial that they're compared.

Romneycare is not nearly so successful as the Obamacare supporters wish it was.
Says you. Folks from Massachusetts say otherwise...

Massachusetts poll finds high satisfaction under 'RomneyCare'

But it is in a small state with a small, affluent, homogenous population which makes it more feasible there than it does for 330 million highly diverse individuals. Further Romneycare is heavily subsidized by the U.S. government which has allowed it the success it has enjoyed.

Who will subsidize the U.S. government in the implementation of Obamacare?
The same people who subsidize RomneyCare -- taxpayers.

Oh good. The taxpayers now get to subsidize Massachusetts AND the entire country. Sure glad you advised us of that comforting fact. In addition to fewer employment opportunities and much higher costs, should be a piece of cake.

And as for that "Massachusetts satisfaction" site you linked, I read the article under the headline. This is most of it:

The survey also suggested several areas that still need improvement in the state's healthcare system.

Nearly 80 percent said cost is the most important healthcare issue facing Massachusetts compared with access to care and quality of care. Another 65 percent said their healthcare costs are more expensive than last year.

The survey also found a 6 percent rise in the share of Massachusetts residents (31 percent) who reported using the emergency room last year. ER visits were more frequent among people age 40 and younger compared with the elderly.

The trend is problematic given the state's desire to constrain healthcare cost growth. The emergency room is one of the most expensive medical venues, and people without health insurance sometimes use it for basic care — a factor behind the state's individual mandate to buy health coverage.

I'm not finding a lot of positives there. Do you?

And there is this from Politico:

Re Romneycare:
But some who are closely watching Massachusetts are more candid about it — and they say it has some serious problems.

“The reality is it performed very poorly,” said Douglas Holtz-Eakin, a former Congressional Budget Office director and president of the American Action Forum. He’s one of the most vocal critics of the plan. “A huge mark against it is it didn’t control health care costs at all.”

Health care costs per capita were 27 percent higher in Massachusetts than in the rest of the country in 2004, two years before the state plan was signed, Holtz-Eakin says. By 2009, it was 30 percent higher than the national average.

The law’s failure to rein in health care costs is widely acknowledged by nonpartisan analysts, as well as conservative critics. But there’s more material for critics to work with if either party wanted to use it. For example, emergency room use has gone up, not down — undermining the law’s effort to get that problem under control by expanding coverage.

State health policy officials issued a report last month showing a 6 percent increase in emergency room use from 2006 to 2010, the first four years when the law was in effect. That figure has confounded proponents of the law, who hoped emergency room care would plummet when residents had access to insurance and primary-care doctors.

Detractors in the Bay State also say the law has done little to dent the surging demand seen by the state’s largest safety-net hospitals.

Read more: Big ?Romneycare? secret: It didn?t rein in costs - Jennifer Haberkorn and Kyle Cheney -

So you folks who have been designated Obama and Obamacare apologists, how truthful are you being about the success of Romneycare? How truthful are you and our fearless leader being about the prognosis for the costs and repercussions of Obamacare?
Bullshit. ObamaCare is already in place in Massachusetts. Did it fail there?

Insurance premiums are higher in Massachusetts than almost anywhere, and they have risen at a faster pace since Romneycare was implemented. That's ONE state, with a pretty high median income level, where most people already had health insurance.

Not exactly...

  • Massachusetts has long been a high health care spending state, and the 2006 health reform law did not significantly increase the rate of growth in the state’s health insurance premiums.

  • Higher costs were not caused or markedly accelerated by health reform, as Massachusetts has been a high spending state for years.

Seems MA has long been among the most costly in terms of healthcare.

RomneyCare has had insignificant impact on that.
Bullshit. ObamaCare is already in place in Massachusetts. Did it fail there?

Insurance premiums are higher in Massachusetts than almost anywhere, and they have risen at a faster pace since Romneycare was implemented. That's ONE state, with a pretty high median income level, where most people already had health insurance.

Not exactly...

  • Massachusetts has long been a high health care spending state, and the 2006 health reform law did not significantly increase the rate of growth in the state’s health insurance premiums.

  • Higher costs were not caused or markedly accelerated by health reform, as Massachusetts has been a high spending state for years.

Seems MA has long been among the most costly in terms of healthcare.

RomneyCare has had insignificant impact on that.

That's because most of the harm was done with the 1996 Health Care reform law.
Ame®icano;8103702 said:
Please quote where have I claimed that it's designed to fail.

My apologies ... I mistook you for another poster who said that.

That would be me.
obama's intent was to have a single payer system but realized that doing so in one fell swoop had no chance of passing. So, he designed a system that had to fail.
It will fail. Hopefully, it will fail in 2015 or before so there is a Conservative government in place to fix it. God help us if it waits past the 2016 elections. If we end up with Hillary, obama gets his way.
It was not his intent for this system to fail. Evidence of that is found in the fact that he did not come up with much of the current system. Conservatives created much of it back in the 80's. Was it their intent for it to fail then? Was it Romney's intent for it to fail in MA? Also, Congressional Democrats drafted the bill and debated for most of 2009 to decide what to put in it.
Ame®icano;8103702 said:
Please quote where have I claimed that it's designed to fail.

My apologies ... I mistook you for another poster who said that.

That would be me.
obama's intent was to have a single payer system but realized that doing so in one fell swoop had no chance of passing. So, he designed a system that had to fail.
It will fail. Hopefully, it will fail in 2015 or before so there is a Conservative government in place to fix it. God help us if it waits past the 2016 elections. If we end up with Hillary, obama gets his way.

That's ridiculous. First and foremost, there will be no Conservative government. Nationally, America seems to be rejecting Conservatism. Case in point, when was the last time the right put up a Conservative Candidate for president? Conservatives will win some seats in the Congress, but Conservatism will not prevail.
My apologies ... I mistook you for another poster who said that.

That would be me.
obama's intent was to have a single payer system but realized that doing so in one fell swoop had no chance of passing. So, he designed a system that had to fail.
It will fail. Hopefully, it will fail in 2015 or before so there is a Conservative government in place to fix it. God help us if it waits past the 2016 elections. If we end up with Hillary, obama gets his way.
It was not his intent for this system to fail. Evidence of that is found in the fact that he did not come up with much of the current system. Conservatives created much of it back in the 80's. Was it their intent for it to fail then? Was it Romney's intent for it to fail in MA? Also, Congressional Democrats drafted the bill and debated for most of 2009 to decide what to put in it.

Bottom line is this.....

obama lied through his teeth.

dimocrap scum lied through their teeth.

the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM lied and covered for them for the last 5 years.

The ONLY people that have tried to tell you the truth about this mess has been Republicans and FNC. And they have both been proven exactly correct.

Romney didn't lie to get his Health Care Reform passed in The People's Republic of Massachusetts. He didn't have to. The people of Mass wanted it.

dimocrap scum lied their FUCKING ASSES OFF to get obamacare passed.

THAT is what we're pissed off about.

FUCK the details. dimocraps are lying scumbags and that's what counts.

the Stuttering Clusterfuck Of A Lying Scumbag's latest excuse is that 15 Million people losing their Insurance is too small a number to get excited about.


But the ENDA bill affects fewer butt-rangers than that and obama was all about getting that passed.

Fuck obama and FUCK dimocraps.

And frankly, it's too bad. We needed something like this to get done.

Republicans were in the mood to go for it but obama is such an arrogant fuckstick and such a lying scumbag and dimocraps are such heavy-handed Nazis that they wouldn't even talk to Republicans.

And now this thing is going to go down in flames and we may not see another attempt to straighten out our Health Insurance mess for a decade or more.

And this thing IS going down.. In flames.

Believe it. dimocraps are too stupid to make something this complicated work.

Republicans? We could have done it in our sleep

Massachusetts is a single state. I am talking about obama's ACA. The roll out has been wildly successful, now, hasn't it?

One thing everybody keeps missing in this "Romneycare is obamacare" nonsense.....

The people of Massachusetts WANTED Romneycare.

The people of America DO NOT WANT AND HAVE NEVER WANTED obamacare.

A good president does what he feels is best for the nation, not what is popular.
Dems always underestimate the gullibility and stubbornness of the Pub dupe, and the greed of insurers, who could have cooperated and just upgraded the crap policies....

Thanks for admitting the incompetence of the Dems. There was no good excuse for them to push what they pushed. It required (a) lies and (b) denial of reality.

You're admitting the denial of reality. That's progress.

BS- PUB HATER DUPES ARE STILL TRYING REPEAL ss, Medicare/aid. YOU MORONS INHABIT AN ALTERNATE BS UNIVERSE, and there's no limit to you ability to vote against your own interests....But at least you're in the white party, dingbats LOL
I would have been against in if I had been around in the 30's, yes. I think it is a bad program and could be improved by privatizing it over time, but the fact remains, I paid in for 46 years and I will collect.
Same way many Americans will feel about ObamaCare in 50 years.

I guarantee you. obamacare will be an interesting footnote in our history books in the same chapter as Watergate, Teapot Dome and "I didn't have sex with that woman, Miss Lewinsky".

Yeah, sure. :cuckoo:
Massachusetts is a single state. I am talking about obama's ACA. The roll out has been wildly successful, now, hasn't it?

One thing everybody keeps missing in this "Romneycare is obamacare" nonsense.....

The people of Massachusetts WANTED Romneycare.

The people of America DO NOT WANT AND HAVE NEVER WANTED obamacare.

A good president does what he feels is best for the nation, not what is popular.

And this president is an incompetent slob and an abject failure. PERIOD.

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