Is Obama Acting Niggardly Toward Israel?


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
Given the general IQ of the white trash liberals around here let's DEFINE a word first before those RETARDS go off.
  1. 1.
    not generous; stingy.
    "serving out the rations with a niggardly hand"
    synonyms: cheap, mean, miserly, parsimonious, close-fisted, penny-pinching,cheeseparing, grasping, ungenerous, illiberal; More
That from here.... Google

And just to make it REAL clear this as well.
In the United States, there have been several controversies concerning the word "niggardly", an adjective meaning "stingy" or "miserly", because of itsphonetic similarity to the racial slur "******". Etymologically the two words are unrelated.

That from here... Controversies about the word niggardly - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Okay now the liberal white trash is educated. On to topic.
I feel his niggardly treatment of Israel is tied to one of two things if not both.
My first choice would be his islamic swine buddies. Their thinking and their teaching SUPPORTS his ANTI Christian ANTI Jew out look on life. He has only done for Israel what he feels he has been forced to do and nothing more.

The second reason for his niggardly treatment of Israel maybe his militant negro training he got from Rev. Wright. I think the second reason is also supported by his buddy like Al Sharpton.

Now the fact we have a quasi negro in the White House does NOT bother me. The fact we have an islamic in the White House DOES bother me. The fact we have a militant separatist negro in the White House bothers me.

A presidents FIRST job is NOT to be a separatist. Not to be islamic, but to BUILD working relationships and he has neglected and ignored that. HIS islamic roots will NOT allow him to protect Christians or Jews anywhere in the world. HIS militant separatist negro training does NOT allow for the protection of white people.

If one spoke the truth about his back ground his training then one would have to admit he is the best trained BIGOT/RACIST/Anti-Christian to ever serve in office. And when you look at what he has done to Israel and behind the back of Israel it is rather blatant.

So what do you suppose is behind Obama's niggardly treatment?
Oh and here for you white trash liberals is ANOTHER white trash liberal using the word niggardly...
Given the general IQ of the white trash liberals around here let's DEFINE a word first before those RETARDS go off.

That from here.... Google

And just to make it REAL clear this as well.
In the United States, there have been several controversies concerning the word "niggardly", an adjective meaning "stingy" or "miserly", because of itsphonetic similarity to the racial slur "******". Etymologically the two words are unrelated.

That from here... Controversies about the word niggardly - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Okay now the liberal white trash is educated. On to topic.
I feel his niggardly treatment of Israel is tied to one of two things if not both.
My first choice would be his islamic swine buddies. Their thinking and their teaching SUPPORTS his ANTI Christian ANTI Jew out look on life. He has only done for Israel what he feels he has been forced to do and nothing more.

The second reason for his niggardly treatment of Israel maybe his militant negro training he got from Rev. Wright. I think the second reason is also supported by his buddy like Al Sharpton.

Now the fact we have a quasi negro in the White House does NOT bother me. The fact we have an islamic in the White House DOES bother me. The fact we have a militant separatist negro in the White House bothers me.

A presidents FIRST job is NOT to be a separatist. Not to be islamic, but to BUILD working relationships and he has neglected and ignored that. HIS islamic roots will NOT allow him to protect Christians or Jews anywhere in the world. HIS militant separatist negro training does NOT allow for the protection of white people.

If one spoke the truth about his back ground his training then one would have to admit he is the best trained BIGOT/RACIST/Anti-Christian to ever serve in office. And when you look at what he has done to Israel and behind the back of Israel it is rather blatant.

So what do you suppose is behind Obama's niggardly treatment?
Oh and here for you white trash liberals is ANOTHER white trash liberal using the word niggardly...

And I just can't figure out why minorities don't want to vote Republican. I mean, how will they ever break that code?
Given the general IQ of the white trash liberals around here let's DEFINE a word first before those RETARDS go off.

That from here.... Google

And just to make it REAL clear this as well.
In the United States, there have been several controversies concerning the word "niggardly", an adjective meaning "stingy" or "miserly", because of itsphonetic similarity to the racial slur "******". Etymologically the two words are unrelated.

That from here... Controversies about the word niggardly - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Okay now the liberal white trash is educated. On to topic.
I feel his niggardly treatment of Israel is tied to one of two things if not both.
My first choice would be his islamic swine buddies. Their thinking and their teaching SUPPORTS his ANTI Christian ANTI Jew out look on life. He has only done for Israel what he feels he has been forced to do and nothing more.

The second reason for his niggardly treatment of Israel maybe his militant negro training he got from Rev. Wright. I think the second reason is also supported by his buddy like Al Sharpton.

Now the fact we have a quasi negro in the White House does NOT bother me. The fact we have an islamic in the White House DOES bother me. The fact we have a militant separatist negro in the White House bothers me.

A presidents FIRST job is NOT to be a separatist. Not to be islamic, but to BUILD working relationships and he has neglected and ignored that. HIS islamic roots will NOT allow him to protect Christians or Jews anywhere in the world. HIS militant separatist negro training does NOT allow for the protection of white people.

If one spoke the truth about his back ground his training then one would have to admit he is the best trained BIGOT/RACIST/Anti-Christian to ever serve in office. And when you look at what he has done to Israel and behind the back of Israel it is rather blatant.

So what do you suppose is behind Obama's niggardly treatment?
Oh and here for you white trash liberals is ANOTHER white trash liberal using the word niggardly...

And I just can't figure out why minorities don't want to vote Republican. I mean, how will they ever break that code?

It will happen when they break dependency on the public purse and stand on their own feet.
Israel need not fear. Obama told them today his name will be on the treaty with Iran. A sure sign of security. "If you want to keep your country, you can keep your country". Echoes of past success.......
Please continue doing exactly what you are doing. I can hear the GOP vote totals falling from here.
Fuck Israel. BTW, n-i-g-g-e-r-s come in all colors.
I'm NOT talking color you idiot. I'm talking actions. Sober up and read.

Of course not. Its random conincidence that the word sounds like 'n7gger' and is used in reference to the president. Over...and over...and over. Lucky for you, there's no way minority voters will be able to break that modern day Enigma.

Your secret is safe.
I want to gay marry the title of this thread and then promptly divorce it. Here's hoping to reconciliation.
Fuck Israel. BTW, n-i-g-g-e-r-s come in all colors.
I'm NOT talking color you idiot. I'm talking actions. Sober up and read.

Of course not. Its random conincidence that the word sounds like 'n7gger' and is used in reference to the president. Over...and over...and over. Lucky for you, there's no way minority voters will be able to break that modern day Enigma.

Your secret is safe.
So what do you suppose is behind his niggardly way of treating Israel?
Fuck Israel. BTW, n-i-g-g-e-r-s come in all colors.
I'm NOT talking color you idiot. I'm talking actions. Sober up and read.

Of course not. Its random conincidence that the word sounds like 'n7gger' and is used in reference to the president. Over...and over...and over. Lucky for you, there's no way minority voters will be able to break that modern day Enigma.

Your secret is safe.
So what do you suppose is behind his niggardly way of treating Israel?

How is Obama treating Israel again?
So you spent half a post defending your choice of the word "niggardly" by pointing out that it was essentially a synonym for stingy. So why not just say stingy in the title?

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