Is Obama one of the best speakers in our nation's history???

is Obama one of the best speakers in our nation's history

  • yes

    Votes: 39 40.2%
  • are you fucking kidding me????

    Votes: 58 59.8%

  • Total voters
I want to see if there's anyone as stupid as LL. That would be a hoot.
Can anyone off the top of your head recall a memorable line from any of Obama's speeches?
"If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor, period" and
"You didnt build that"
don't count because conservatives harped on them.

Kennedy-"Ask not what your country can do for you..."
Nixon "My wife Pat has a plain Republican cloth coat."
Reagan "Mr Gorbachev, tear down this wall!"
Bush "Read my lips, no new taxes."
Clinton "I did not have sex with that woman, Ms Lewinsky
Bush "Freedom itself was attacked"

See. Many other presidents have delivered memorable lines you know right away. Obama? Not so much.
Never understood why he needed to give a speech almost every day?... Oh yeah...He loves the attention.
Never understood why he always needed to have "people props" behind him... Well he loves to surrounded by his adoring fans.
Great thread!
Pathetic, isn't it? The loser had to bump it twice himself before he could get the first nitwit to bite. Really sad.

You must understand......he and I had a discussion in another thread in which I handed him his ass. He honestly believes that our POTUS is a horrible public doubt very concerned with teleprompters or some such bullshit.

He thought he could hand me my ass with this wonderful thread.

I wonder how he feels it's working out for him?

Since I won't accept anything but an admission that Obama is a great public of our nation's best ever.....I fear this thread may never end.
obola's speeches are a window into his mental state. His speech writers put the words in his mouth so what he says doesn't count as much as how he says them.

When the speech is about something that interests him personally he smiles. He waves his hands around. He jokes and mocks. He uses a teleprompter.

When it is about something of import to the public but not him personally he doesn't look up. The speeches are written on paper. He holds the paper in both hands. He makes sure its obvious that he's just reading. His voice is a monotone.

Hes no orator at all.
Never understood why he needed to give a speech almost every day?... Oh yeah...He loves the attention.
Never understood why he always needed to have "people props" behind him... Well he loves to surrounded by his adoring fans.

You seem to have trouble understanding a lot of things. Not a new phenomenon, but noteworthy, nonetheless.
In speaking and in policy obama isn't fit to polish Ronald Reagan's shoes. obama is a street talker the libs lifted up as their mouth piece. Reagan lifted a nation.
Reagan could have learned from Gore, but Obama, for being a good orator, is still only a third tier president.

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