Is Officer Wilson Expendable?


Diamond Member
Jan 6, 2012
Prague, Czech Republic
As the original narratives suggesting that a "a gentle giant" was gunned down in cold blood/ shot in the back/ shot while having his hands up in surrender become more and more dubious, do you think that Officer Wilson should be sacrificed in order to keep peace and "heal" the pulsating wound that has become race relations in America today?

A loaded question perhaps, So let's ask it like this:

Should society in general and the justice system specifically lower their standards for conviction to be sure to appease those outraged by the shooting of Brown, or should the rule of law prevail given that the chances for an indictment or especially a conviction are rather remote?
As the original narratives suggesting that a "a gentle giant" was gunned down in cold blood/ shot in the back/ shot while having his hands up in surrender become more and more dubious, do you think that Officer Wilson should be sacrificed in order to keep peace and "heal" the pulsating wound that has become race relations in America today?

A loaded question perhaps, So let's ask it like this:

Should society in general and the justice system specifically lower their standards for conviction to be sure to appease those outraged by the shooting of Brown, or should the rule of law prevail given that the chances for an indictment or especially a conviction are rather remote?


He should NOT be sacrificed.
No of course not. Let him have his day in court with all the evidence provided.

It would have been nice if the Liberals in the Media would have done that instead of Trying him in the Court of Public Opinion starting with this Accomplices in the Robbery and on to people who have clearly made shit up.

What's Obvious from what we know now is that this wasn't a "Good Kid" on his way to College who was Gunned down by a Racist Cop either being shot in the back while running away or being shot in the face point blank while on his hands and knees with his arms up and then shot 8 more times.

What the media did was to Cause and Fester the Riots and Looting. Part of it Profit... Most of it because that's the Narrative they want for America.

They could have easily festered the same about Holder's Agents in DC who Gunned down an Unarmed Black Woman...

Shocker that they didn't and continue to Ignore that.


I think you have to look at the numbers here. The story as it has been clarified over the past few weeks shows a big, "black" bully - sometime criminal - with a chip on his shoulder assaulting a police officer who was doing his job, then basically daring the officer to shoot him. With lethal consequences.

All bullshit aside, there are at least 4 times as many white people as black people with an interest in how this story plays out. Unless some new, credible, information comes out that puts Wilson in a bad light, he has committed NO CRIME whatsoever, and a hundred million "white" people are going to be PISSED if he gets railroaded.

The likely outcome is that neither the DA nor the U.S. Attorney will prosecute him, because there simply isn't any CREDIBLE evidence that he committed a state or federal crime. The "black" population will just have to deal with it.

Of course, these developments will be followed by a wrongful-death lawsuit by the "victim's" family (lower burden of proof than a criminal trial), which could provide a little more entertainment. Ultimately, some insurance company will pay Brown's heirs a couple million dollars to go away and the whole thing will be forgotten, as the race pimps move on to the next episode of imaginary police victimization.
We all know that Wilson can never go back where he came from unless he wants to die...

There should be less Idiots wasting Oxygen on this Planet like you...

You have a REALLY Low Expectation of Black People and it shows.


I agree completely with you as regards Moon, but he's simply acknowledging the obvious. Wilson can never patrol the streets of Ferguson again.
I think you have to look at the numbers here. The story as it has been clarified over the past few weeks shows a big, "black" bully - sometime criminal - with a chip on his shoulder assaulting a police officer who was doing his job, then basically daring the officer to shoot him. With lethal consequences.

All bullshit aside, there are at least 4 times as many white people as black people with an interest in how this story plays out. Unless some new, credible, information comes out that puts Wilson in a bad light, he has committed NO CRIME whatsoever, and a hundred million "white" people are going to be PISSED if he gets railroaded.

The likely outcome is that neither the DA nor the U.S. Attorney will prosecute him, because there simply isn't any CREDIBLE evidence that he committed a state or federal crime. The "black" population will just have to deal with it.

Of course, these developments will be followed by a wrongful-death lawsuit by the "victim's" family (lower burden of proof than a criminal trial), which could provide a little more entertainment. Ultimately, some insurance company will pay Brown's heirs a couple million dollars to go away and the whole thing will be forgotten, as the race pimps move on to the next episode of imaginary police victimization.

Once Wilson is vindicated, He should be able to lodge a civil suits against the Governor, Jay Nixon for his biased comments; the AG for his actions on partiality; and Al Sharpton for libel.
We all know that Wilson can never go back where he came from unless he wants to die...

There should be less Idiots wasting Oxygen on this Planet like you...

You have a REALLY Low Expectation of Black People and it shows.



I can't see him going into a bar "in the hood" to break up a fight and coming out unscathed if he's recognized. Sorry.
As the original narratives suggesting that a "a gentle giant" was gunned down in cold blood/ shot in the back/ shot while having his hands up in surrender become more and more dubious, do you think that Officer Wilson should be sacrificed in order to keep peace and "heal" the pulsating wound that has become race relations in America today?

A loaded question perhaps, So let's ask it like this:

Should society in general and the justice system specifically lower their standards for conviction to be sure to appease those outraged by the shooting of Brown, or should the rule of law prevail given that the chances for an indictment or especially a conviction are rather remote?

Officer Wilson volunteered to guard our city walls while we sleep safe and snug in our beds. Anyone who seriously attempts sacrificing him or any other officer for doing their job is gonna find it difficult to walk with my boot up their ass.

According to Missouri state law, everything that happened in the Brown shooting was legally justified and right.
Of course not, there has been no finding of wrongdoing, whether civil or criminal in nature. He has been both convicted and exonerated in the media..........before all facts are known.
As the original narratives suggesting that a "a gentle giant" was gunned down in cold blood/ shot in the back/ shot while having his hands up in surrender become more and more dubious, do you think that Officer Wilson should be sacrificed in order to keep peace and "heal" the pulsating wound that has become race relations in America today?

A loaded question perhaps, So let's ask it like this:

Should society in general and the justice system specifically lower their standards for conviction to be sure to appease those outraged by the shooting of Brown, or should the rule of law prevail given that the chances for an indictment or especially a conviction are rather remote?

Officer Wilson volunteered to guard our city walls while we sleep safe and snug in our beds. Anyone who seriously attempts sacrificing him or any other officer for doing their job is gonna find it difficult to walk with my boot up their ass.

According to Missouri state law, everything that happened in the Brown shooting was legally justified and right.

He didn't volunteer, he gets paid for his service....
As the original narratives suggesting that a "a gentle giant" was gunned down in cold blood/ shot in the back/ shot while having his hands up in surrender become more and more dubious, do you think that Officer Wilson should be sacrificed in order to keep peace and "heal" the pulsating wound that has become race relations in America today?

A loaded question perhaps, So let's ask it like this:

Should society in general and the justice system specifically lower their standards for conviction to be sure to appease those outraged by the shooting of Brown, or should the rule of law prevail given that the chances for an indictment or especially a conviction are rather remote?

Officer Wilson volunteered to guard our city walls while we sleep safe and snug in our beds. Anyone who seriously attempts sacrificing him or any other officer for doing their job is gonna find it difficult to walk with my boot up their ass.

According to Missouri state law, everything that happened in the Brown shooting was legally justified and right.

He didn't volunteer, he gets paid for his service....

And you don't own any boots unless they are Peter Pan booties...

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