Is Oprah A Racist? How Many Other Famous Black Americans Hate Whites?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

When Oprah had her start on radio she told a story of how her mom wanted her to work as a cleaning lady in white people's houses because "they give away nice clothes." Then Oprah laughed and said "most of my servants are white people." What message does that send when Oprah displays her pride in lording over white people?

Oprah was one of Obama's strongest supporters, and ever since her popularity has declined. Now she's in semi-retirement. Most of her fans are white. Maybe some of them got the idea she doesn't like them.

Right now in order to be authentically black you have to say to your friends "nobody has been questioned and nobody was placed in handcuffs".

Oprah said that yesterday.

Problem is NBC showed a video of George Zimmerman in handcuffs being led to his booking for the killing of Trayvan Martin and used it to claim Zimmerman wasn't injured. The blurry images don't prove anything other than what they've been saying about him is a lie. He was handcuffed and questioned. Their lie has been exposed and they ether don't or won't acknowledge it.

Think about it though. How many black actors and actresses secretly hate white people? Do you think that if you knew who they are you'd want to see their movies? I wouldn't. Whoopie Goldberg has shown racism at times on The View. It's why I can't stand watching her films anymore. And I used to be a big fan of hers.

Something about someone who hates me simply because of my skin just gives me a totally different impression of them.

Call me foolish.

Black racism is everywhere. From Black Entertainment Television, to black clothes lines (FUBU). Black beauty pageants, black political organizations like the NAACP, Black Liberation Theology. Some black churches are like Muslim Madrasas. They're breeding grounds for racial hatred. How many blacks that you know are ordained ministers? There's not enough churches for all of them. Seems like half of them are. What's the deal with that???

Today the Rev. Al Sharpton was saying unless Zimmerman is locked up he will continue to escalate the protests. He doesn't give a damn if the man's rights are being trampled on, he wants his pound of flesh. Anyone who thinks likewise is most likely racist. Ask any Black in Hollywood what they want. Lock him up or wait for the investigation. If they say lock him up it is highly likely he or she is a racist. Why? Because they feel that whites are murdering them or hate them. Statistics say otherwise, but they've been taught most of their lives not to trust whites.

The Trayvan Martin case just may bring all of the closet racists out of the woodwork. It will be interesting to watch. The thing is, will this make those of us who don't care about race start all of the sudden caring? If you are.....chances are you're thinking like most blacks in America.


George Zimmerman Trayvon Al Sharpton: Rev. Al Sharpton will escalate efforts if George Zimmerman isn't arrested in Trayvon's death. - Orlando Sentinel
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Black racism is everywhere. From Black Entertainment Television, to black clothes lines (FUBU). Black beauty pageants, black political organizations like the NAACP, Black Liberation Theology.

United Negro College Fund.
Congressional Black Caucus Foundation.

Is there a White Entertainment Network?
Is there a White Beauty Pageant?
Is there a National Association for the Advancement of White People?
Is there a White Liberation Theology?
Is there a United Caucasian College Fund?
Is there a Congressional White Caucus Foundation?
I had a buddy of mine who was a real bragger about his millions.
He paid around 15 million for a house in Vail and broke out the photo album to show us all how wonderful it was.
Then his wifey chimed in and proudly bleated " Oprah is our next door neighbor".
Needless to say I said " Shit Jeff, with all that money you'd think you could afford a house in a white hood".
SILENCE. :tongue:
How many Republicans who aren't famous hate blacks? Let me give you a clue. The Republican Party is 90% white.

But don't worry, Republicans are "equal opportunity haters".

They hate all kinds of people:

poor people

the list is endless.
Last edited by a moderator:
Black racism is everywhere. From Black Entertainment Television, to black clothes lines (FUBU). Black beauty pageants, black political organizations like the NAACP, Black Liberation Theology.

United Negro College Fund.
Congressional Black Caucus Foundation.

Is there a White Entertainment Network?
Is there a White Beauty Pageant?
Is there a National Association for the Advancement of White People?
Is there a White Liberation Theology?
Is there a United Caucasian College Fund?
Is there a Congressional White Caucus Foundation?

No there isn't. Wanna know why? Because, historically, whites have never needed those institutions to help combat a bias against their race.
How many Republicans who aren't famous hate blacks? Let me give you a clue. The Republican Party is 90% white.

But don't worry, Republicans are "equal opportunity haters".

They hate all kinds of people:

poor people

the list is endless.

You really are a pathetic hack.
Black racism is everywhere. From Black Entertainment Television, to black clothes lines (FUBU). Black beauty pageants, black political organizations like the NAACP, Black Liberation Theology.

United Negro College Fund.
Congressional Black Caucus Foundation.

Is there a White Entertainment Network?
Is there a White Beauty Pageant?
Is there a National Association for the Advancement of White People?
Is there a White Liberation Theology?
Is there a United Caucasian College Fund?
Is there a Congressional White Caucus Foundation?

No there isn't. Wanna know why? Because, historically, whites have never needed those institutions to help combat a bias against their race.
You do realize that if any of those existed (for whites), it would be called racist.
Why does that standard not apply in both directions?
Black racism is everywhere. From Black Entertainment Television, to black clothes lines (FUBU). Black beauty pageants, black political organizations like the NAACP, Black Liberation Theology.

United Negro College Fund.
Congressional Black Caucus Foundation.

Is there a White Entertainment Network?
Is there a White Beauty Pageant?
Is there a National Association for the Advancement of White People?
Is there a White Liberation Theology?
Is there a United Caucasian College Fund?
Is there a Congressional White Caucus Foundation?

No there isn't. Wanna know why? Because, historically, whites have never needed those institutions to help combat a bias against their race.

Not to spoil your idea....because there was a time that blacks needed a leg up......but that's not today. How can one justify black clothing lines and black television, black beauty pagents, black liberation theology?

I think the time for black television is past. Black universities as well. But....after this Summer I think those will be needed even more because lines are being drawn and folks you meet on the street are becoming suspects. Is he or she a racist? Does he or she hate my guts? Should I get all wrapped around the axle if she cuts me off in mid-sentence or in line at the movie? Is that asshole that just cut me off in traffic just some angry asshole that hates the world because he's black?

Think about it.
It doesn't happen much anymore but I remember when black guys would come up to my wife and ask her why she was with me. Why wasn't she with a brother instead.

She always said to them "isn't it obvious". They usually would call her a racial slur upon hearing this.
All famous blacks hate white people.

I think a higher percentage than we would like to believe do.

I noticed almost nobody wants to ether think about this much less talk about it.

It's too much of a touchy subject.

I raised the same type of point in a thread last week about "why do blacks vote Democratic"...if you want to see how liberals react when someone questions their assumed high ground on racial matters - just take a look at that thread.
All famous blacks hate white people.

I think a higher percentage than we would like to believe do.

I noticed almost nobody wants to ether think about this much less talk about it.

It's too much of a touchy subject.

I raised the same type of point in a thread last week about "why do blacks vote Democratic"...if you want to see how liberals react when someone questions their assumed high ground on racial matters - just take a look at that thread.

That's the thought police at work.
It doesn't happen much anymore but I remember when black guys would come up to my wife and ask her why she was with me. Why wasn't she with a brother instead.

She always said to them "isn't it obvious". They usually would call her a racial slur upon hearing this.

I remember when I was out to dinner with a client who was a stock broker. A white guy came up to him and asked how much for my "services". He saw a white woman out with a black man. He did not see a lawyer out with a client. When his mistake was pointed out to him, he had a few choice racist things to say.
Obama isn't trying to rachette down the bullshit.

He's trying to jack it up even more.

The Uniter

March 30, 2012

Barack Obama, the worst jobs president since the Great Depression, accused Republicans of “madness” tonight in his campaign speech.
The AP reported:

President Barack Obama accused Republicans of clinging to economic policies that preceded the Great Depression and the more recent economic downturn, saying his rivals are showing signs of “madness.”

Raising campaign cash in Maine on Friday, March 30, Obama said Republicans want to return to economic policies that would let Wall Street play by its own set of rules and allow insurance companies to roll back health coverage.

“We won’t win the race for new jobs and new businesses and middle-class security if we cling to this same old, worn-out, tired ‘You’re on your own’ economics that the other side is peddling,” Obama said.

“It was tried in the decades before the Great Depression. It didn’t work then. It was tried in the last decade. It didn’t work,” he said. “You know, the idea you would keep on doing the same thing over and over again, even though it’s been proven not to work. That’s a sign of madness.”​

Actually, the policies that are not working belong to Barack Obama. The fact that this is the weakest recovery in history proves Obama’s policies failed, not his predecessors.

Here's a fact.. If the white people openly showed their hatred toward another race as the blacks do towards white people,,,,,,, well all hell would break loose.

When Oprah had her start on radio she told a story of how her mom wanted her to work as a cleaning lady in white people's houses because "they give away nice clothes." Then Oprah laughed and said "most of my servants are white people." What message does that send when Oprah displays her pride in lording over white people?

Oprah was one of Obama's strongest supporters, and ever since her popularity has declined. Now she's in semi-retirement. Most of her fans are white. Maybe some of them got the idea she doesn't like them.

Right now in order to be authentically black you have to say to your friends "nobody has been questioned and nobody was placed in handcuffs".

Oprah said that yesterday.

Problem is NBC showed a video of George Zimmerman in handcuffs being led to his booking for the killing of Trayvan Martin and used it to claim Zimmerman wasn't injured. The blurry images don't prove anything other than what they've been saying about him is a lie. He was handcuffed and questioned. Their lie has been exposed and they ether don't or won't acknowledge it.

Think about it though. How many black actors and actresses secretly hate white people? Do you think that if you knew who they are you'd want to see their movies? I wouldn't. Whoopie Goldberg has shown racism at times on The View. It's why I can't stand watching her films anymore. And I used to be a big fan of hers.

Something about someone who hates me simply because of my skin just gives me a totally different impression of them.

Call me foolish.

Black racism is everywhere. From Black Entertainment Television, to black clothes lines (FUBU). Black beauty pageants, black political organizations like the NAACP, Black Liberation Theology. Some black churches are like Muslim Madrasas. They're breeding grounds for racial hatred. How many blacks that you know are ordained ministers? There's not enough churches for all of them. Seems like half of them are. What's the deal with that???

Today the Rev. Al Sharpton was saying unless Zimmerman is locked up he will continue to escalate the protests. He doesn't give a damn if the man's rights are being trampled on, he wants his pound of flesh. Anyone who thinks likewise is most likely racist. Ask any Black in Hollywood what they want. Lock him up or wait for the investigation. If they say lock him up it is highly likely he or she is a racist. Why? Because they feel that whites are murdering them or hate them. Statistics say otherwise, but they've been taught most of their lives not to trust whites.

The Trayvan Martin case just may bring all of the closet racists out of the woodwork. It will be interesting to watch. The thing is, will this make those of us who don't care about race start all of the sudden caring? If you are.....chances are you're thinking like most blacks in America.


George Zimmerman Trayvon Al Sharpton: Rev. Al Sharpton will escalate efforts if George Zimmerman isn't arrested in Trayvon's death. - Orlando Sentinel

About 98%, the same number of non-famous black Americans who hate whites. Even the ones married to whites, hate whites. They just want to breed you out of existence, instead of murder you out of existence. Can't put all your eggs in one basket.
Black racism is everywhere. From Black Entertainment Television, to black clothes lines (FUBU). Black beauty pageants, black political organizations like the NAACP, Black Liberation Theology.

United Negro College Fund.
Congressional Black Caucus Foundation.

Is there a White Entertainment Network?
Is there a White Beauty Pageant?
Is there a National Association for the Advancement of White People?
Is there a White Liberation Theology?
Is there a United Caucasian College Fund?
Is there a Congressional White Caucus Foundation?

Why don't you start one?

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