Is Our Soon to be First Lady a Positive Role Model

Would you want your daughters to do what Melania Trump has done?

  • I don't care if she posed like a two-bit whore. She's Hot

    Votes: 4 21.1%
  • I believe it doesn't matter

    Votes: 13 68.4%
  • I want my daughter to mimic Melania

    Votes: 2 10.5%

  • Total voters
1. No --- I would suggest that the "real Republicans" you claim to know aren't Republicans at all.

2. All I can say is if this is the best objection you can raise to the Trump election, you'rein pretty bad shape.

3. Just filth, isn't it? Absolute pornography, right?

4. Your self righteousness is disgusting. For some reason, you insist that FLOTUS must sit on some arbitrary pedestal you have created in your own twisted mind.

5. Your chauvinistic attitude is embarrassing - and to the ladies who read this, most of us don't think like this provincial, puritanical putz.

1. Yes. Are you saying that republicans really wanted or agreed to have a FLOTUS that posed nude? Yes......... . I know lots of republicans that don't agree with you and so with other members that are in this thread. You are very wrong.
2. I have several objections against your messiah this is just one of them. You are wrong again.
3. Just filth? You may want to address that to your FLOTUS and your fantasy. Your only and only point is that she is beautiful but so far you have not given me anything that is acceptable to the rest of Americans. So let me repeat this question again.
Since when a FLOTUS posing nude is acceptable?
4. Disgusting? Twisted mind? REALLY? I didn't put her on the pedestal. FLOTUS has been the highest honor in this country that represents women of the US with High Class, Honor and Dignity here and around the globe. Not someone that posed nude. What the fuck kind of class is that?
5. Why do you call it embarrassing? I didn't posed nude.

Can you honestly tell me that you are proud of your FLOTUS? Because you fantasize your answer is YES. My answer to you and so with other members here and people outside this site the answer is......NO.
Can you honestly tell your family that she is good role model? I know I can't.
When she travel overseas representing women of USA........... What do you think will be her reputations? Embarrassing don't you think?
What I'm telling are the facts not bullshit. Now tell me where I'm wrong.

You know, you need to grow up. Not every man looks at every woman with lust in his heart. It is possible to appreciate a pretty woman, or a sexy form, without all the bullshit you seem to attach to it.

Now, as for your pedantic little diatribe ....

1) "Are you saying that republicans really wanted or agreed to have a FLOTUS that posed nude? " Nope - not saying that at all. I AM saying, however, that adult Republicans don't give a damn one way or the other whether she has posed nude. What she did in the past is, in a word, irrelevant. We do not worry about a person's past - we recognize that we've all made mistakes - we only worry about the potential for the future. I absolutely guarantee you that all Republicans were aware that she posed nude - liberals certainly made every effort to bring it to the front pages. It seems only to be important to self inflated, supposedly morally superior liberals. It is your type that made sure that Hester Prynne wore the scarlet A.

2) Another example of your childish diatribe - no one has claimed that Trump is a 'messiah' - unlike the self claimed Messiah of Obama. Republicans recognize the foibles of the human condition, and we forgive those who fall prey to it. Conservatives are, most of all, realists. We do not expect Trump to cure the world's ills. We have heard his words - and we'll be damn happy if he is able to accomplish 30% of what he is going to try to do.

3) More of the same --- a sophomoric attack on a person who has done no harm. One more time - and the LAST time - THE FACT THAT THE FLOTUS 2B HAS POSED NUDE IS IRRELEVANT - we just flat ass don't care. If you wish to get your panties in a twist, go ahead. There are much more important things in life -- oh, things like counting the fleas on your dog's back, or making sure every blade of grass in your front yard points in the same direction.

4) Just a tad misogynistic, aren't you? Since when is FLOTUS the "highest honor in the land" for a woman? Just stay in that White House and be a good little wifey, huh? Publisher of a major magazing --- pffft. President of a university --- who cares? Chairman of the Federal Reserve? Peanuts. Secretary of State? House Minority Leader? Attorney General? Supreme Court Justice --- nothing. It all pales in comparison to that good little wifey in the WH,, doesn't it?

5) Your misogynistic attitude IS embarrassing - that you would demean a woman for her decisions 25 years ago - that you insist on placing her on a pedestal, demanding from her a level of behavior no woman can possibly meet.

6) When she travels overseas and meets other women? Embarrassing? Surely, you jest - she'll compare photographers with the First Lady of France. She will speak to the people in their language - after all, she speaks 5 languages. She can talk business - after all, she owns her own beauty and skincare corporation. She can talk about childcare - after all, she is committed to raising your son, Barron. She can represent the US with grace and beauty. That's how she will do.

7) Oh - and one more point - who the fuck are you to judge?

7. I can see frustration and anger. Getting nasty..... eh then these are my respond to your low informed experience Who the fuck are you to tell me that posing a fucking nude is acceptable? If that is your kind a low life class then live with it. But don't try to stick that to me. You got it?
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ............ Yes adult republicans do care about the decency of FLOTUS........ You are very wrong. Who are you trying make that judgment?
Childish? You keep insisting that posing nude is acceptable. Since when this is the new rule?
Traveling overseas speak 5 different languages....... What is that has anything to do posing nude? The same with your art...... what are those has anything to do with posing nude? What is her reputation? Let me answer it for you so you can stick that to your thick skull. Posed nude. That is the reputations. Dude you are one fuck up individual.
Yes FLOTUS was and always been held and viewed to the highest level. By your standard that has changed? Who are you again?
Dude you don't know what the hell you are talking about

Absolutely amazing ... you make a comment, i respond, and you claim I'm unresponsive.

Just go away ... your perverted sense of reality offends me.

Dude your comments are by your own standards ......... You are so fascinated and fantasized of her beauty and for some reason that's good enough. FLOTUS has more roles to play aside from just being beauty.
Perverted sense of reality? All I've been telling you are the reality in life what and always been about FLOTUS. Not by your own new low standards.
I've been asking you this question over and over....... Since when a FLOTUS posing nude is acceptable?
Contrary to popular belief, we guys do appreciate girls who want to look like girls and are interested in us.
Girls who want to look like girls?

You are one creepy dude. We are speaking about women as role models. You are hung up on women as girls? Jesus!!! Let me not continue
Oh please don't .... please, please, please don't.

We are speaking about positive role models. YOU should stop trying to insist your opinion that a FLOTUS posing nude is acceptable.
Then I understand. Americans don't recognize that Melania is a woman because they don't see a pot belly on her. But then, shouldn't they put her in the LGBT category, which they all obey nationally?

This has nothing to do with h burkas LGBT.

A nation of whore callers. Make yourself a social butterfly by calling girls whores. It works in America. Can't imagine how.

Why the strong reaction in the general populous anyways? Are the above posts right and Americans are really sanctimonious bullies hiding behind a bible?

This is what feminism should have added to its task list. After earning financial and gynecological rights, it should have achieved the anti shaming rights for the female form too.

Not at all ... by far, most Americans simply don't care.

Only those who think they can use it as a cudgel to damage Trump's image give a damn. It doesn't get much more childish than that.

You are very wrong. Most Americans do care.

obviously not ---- or they wouldn't have voted for her husband.

In real life most Americans do care. In this thread alone how many members do you think will disagree with you?
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1. No --- I would suggest that the "real Republicans" you claim to know aren't Republicans at all.

2. All I can say is if this is the best objection you can raise to the Trump election, you'rein pretty bad shape.

3. Just filth, isn't it? Absolute pornography, right?

4. Your self righteousness is disgusting. For some reason, you insist that FLOTUS must sit on some arbitrary pedestal you have created in your own twisted mind.

5. Your chauvinistic attitude is embarrassing - and to the ladies who read this, most of us don't think like this provincial, puritanical putz.

1. Yes. Are you saying that republicans really wanted or agreed to have a FLOTUS that posed nude? Yes......... . I know lots of republicans that don't agree with you and so with other members that are in this thread. You are very wrong.
2. I have several objections against your messiah this is just one of them. You are wrong again.
3. Just filth? You may want to address that to your FLOTUS and your fantasy. Your only and only point is that she is beautiful but so far you have not given me anything that is acceptable to the rest of Americans. So let me repeat this question again.
Since when a FLOTUS posing nude is acceptable?
4. Disgusting? Twisted mind? REALLY? I didn't put her on the pedestal. FLOTUS has been the highest honor in this country that represents women of the US with High Class, Honor and Dignity here and around the globe. Not someone that posed nude. What the fuck kind of class is that?
5. Why do you call it embarrassing? I didn't posed nude.

Can you honestly tell me that you are proud of your FLOTUS? Because you fantasize your answer is YES. My answer to you and so with other members here and people outside this site the answer is......NO.
Can you honestly tell your family that she is good role model? I know I can't.
When she travel overseas representing women of USA........... What do you think will be her reputations? Embarrassing don't you think?
What I'm telling are the facts not bullshit. Now tell me where I'm wrong.

You know, you need to grow up. Not every man looks at every woman with lust in his heart. It is possible to appreciate a pretty woman, or a sexy form, without all the bullshit you seem to attach to it.

Now, as for your pedantic little diatribe ....

1) "Are you saying that republicans really wanted or agreed to have a FLOTUS that posed nude? " Nope - not saying that at all. I AM saying, however, that adult Republicans don't give a damn one way or the other whether she has posed nude. What she did in the past is, in a word, irrelevant. We do not worry about a person's past - we recognize that we've all made mistakes - we only worry about the potential for the future. I absolutely guarantee you that all Republicans were aware that she posed nude - liberals certainly made every effort to bring it to the front pages. It seems only to be important to self inflated, supposedly morally superior liberals. It is your type that made sure that Hester Prynne wore the scarlet A.

2) Another example of your childish diatribe - no one has claimed that Trump is a 'messiah' - unlike the self claimed Messiah of Obama. Republicans recognize the foibles of the human condition, and we forgive those who fall prey to it. Conservatives are, most of all, realists. We do not expect Trump to cure the world's ills. We have heard his words - and we'll be damn happy if he is able to accomplish 30% of what he is going to try to do.

3) More of the same --- a sophomoric attack on a person who has done no harm. One more time - and the LAST time - THE FACT THAT THE FLOTUS 2B HAS POSED NUDE IS IRRELEVANT - we just flat ass don't care. If you wish to get your panties in a twist, go ahead. There are much more important things in life -- oh, things like counting the fleas on your dog's back, or making sure every blade of grass in your front yard points in the same direction.

4) Just a tad misogynistic, aren't you? Since when is FLOTUS the "highest honor in the land" for a woman? Just stay in that White House and be a good little wifey, huh? Publisher of a major magazing --- pffft. President of a university --- who cares? Chairman of the Federal Reserve? Peanuts. Secretary of State? House Minority Leader? Attorney General? Supreme Court Justice --- nothing. It all pales in comparison to that good little wifey in the WH,, doesn't it?

5) Your misogynistic attitude IS embarrassing - that you would demean a woman for her decisions 25 years ago - that you insist on placing her on a pedestal, demanding from her a level of behavior no woman can possibly meet.

6) When she travels overseas and meets other women? Embarrassing? Surely, you jest - she'll compare photographers with the First Lady of France. She will speak to the people in their language - after all, she speaks 5 languages. She can talk business - after all, she owns her own beauty and skincare corporation. She can talk about childcare - after all, she is committed to raising your son, Barron. She can represent the US with grace and beauty. That's how she will do.

7) Oh - and one more point - who the fuck are you to judge?

7. I can see frustration and anger. Getting nasty..... eh then these are my respond to your low informed experience Who the fuck are you to tell me that posing a fucking nude is acceptable? If that is your kind a low life class then live with it. But don't try to stick that to me. You got it?
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ............ Yes adult republicans do care about the decency of FLOTUS........ You are very wrong. Who are you trying make that judgment?
Childish? You keep insisting that posing nude is acceptable. Since when this is the new rule?
Traveling overseas speak 5 different languages....... What is that has anything to do posing nude? The same with your art...... what are those has anything to do with posing nude? What is her reputation? Let me answer it for you so you can stick that to your thick skull. Posed nude. That is the reputations. Dude you are one fuck up individual.
Yes FLOTUS was and always been held and viewed to the highest level. By your standard that has changed? Who are you again?
Dude you don't know what the hell you are talking about

Absolutely amazing ... you make a comment, i respond, and you claim I'm unresponsive.

Just go away ... your perverted sense of reality offends me.

Dude your comments are by your own standards ......... You are so fascinated and fantasized of her beauty and for some reason that's good enough. FLOTUS has more roles to play aside from just being beauty. You posted so many excuses trying to deflect that has nothing to do with FLOTUS.
Perverted sense of reality? All I've been telling you are the reality in life what and always been about FLOTUS. Not by your own new low standards.
I've been asking you this question over and over....... Since when a FLOTUS posing nude is acceptable?
One last - I swear to God - one last time.

I don't care that she posed nude. It is irrelevant. Just because she is going to be FLOTUS, I do not hold her to any higher standard than any other woman.

You need to get over this obsession with Melania. It definitely isn't healthy.

God, I swear to you --- that was absolutely the last time (unless he asks me for those photos of his mother)

Look at your own pathetic little poll attached to this thread -- the vast majority just doesn't care.
Contrary to popular belief, we guys do appreciate girls who want to look like girls and are interested in us.
Girls who want to look like girls?

You are one creepy dude. We are speaking about women as role models. You are hung up on women as girls? Jesus!!! Let me not continue

You can use the QUOTE tags to insert inline comments with breaking up the source post. Look up a little HTML.
Americans don't hate women... This has nothing to do with burkas.

Then I understand. Americans don't recognize that Melania is a woman because they don't see a pot belly on her. But then, shouldn't they put her in the LGBT category, which they all obey nationally?

This has nothing to do with h burkas LGBT.

A nation of whore callers. Make yourself a social butterfly by calling girls whores. It works in America. Can't imagine how.

Why the strong reaction in the general populous anyways? Are the above posts right and Americans are really sanctimonious bullies hiding behind a bible?

This is what feminism should have added to its task list. After earning financial and gynecological rights, it should have achieved the anti shaming rights for the female form too.

Not at all ... by far, most Americans simply don't care.

Only those who think they can use it as a cudgel to damage Trump's image give a damn. It doesn't get much more childish than that.

You are very wrong. Most Americans do care.

The bullies do. And they call it culture and decency. Hehe.
1. No --- I would suggest that the "real Republicans" you claim to know aren't Republicans at all.

2. All I can say is if this is the best objection you can raise to the Trump election, you'rein pretty bad shape.

3. Just filth, isn't it? Absolute pornography, right?

4. Your self righteousness is disgusting. For some reason, you insist that FLOTUS must sit on some arbitrary pedestal you have created in your own twisted mind.

5. Your chauvinistic attitude is embarrassing - and to the ladies who read this, most of us don't think like this provincial, puritanical putz.

1. Yes. Are you saying that republicans really wanted or agreed to have a FLOTUS that posed nude? Yes......... . I know lots of republicans that don't agree with you and so with other members that are in this thread. You are very wrong.
2. I have several objections against your messiah this is just one of them. You are wrong again.
3. Just filth? You may want to address that to your FLOTUS and your fantasy. Your only and only point is that she is beautiful but so far you have not given me anything that is acceptable to the rest of Americans. So let me repeat this question again.
Since when a FLOTUS posing nude is acceptable?
4. Disgusting? Twisted mind? REALLY? I didn't put her on the pedestal. FLOTUS has been the highest honor in this country that represents women of the US with High Class, Honor and Dignity here and around the globe. Not someone that posed nude. What the fuck kind of class is that?
5. Why do you call it embarrassing? I didn't posed nude.

Can you honestly tell me that you are proud of your FLOTUS? Because you fantasize your answer is YES. My answer to you and so with other members here and people outside this site the answer is......NO.
Can you honestly tell your family that she is good role model? I know I can't.
When she travel overseas representing women of USA........... What do you think will be her reputations? Embarrassing don't you think?
What I'm telling are the facts not bullshit. Now tell me where I'm wrong.

You know, you need to grow up. Not every man looks at every woman with lust in his heart. It is possible to appreciate a pretty woman, or a sexy form, without all the bullshit you seem to attach to it.

Now, as for your pedantic little diatribe ....

1) "Are you saying that republicans really wanted or agreed to have a FLOTUS that posed nude? " Nope - not saying that at all. I AM saying, however, that adult Republicans don't give a damn one way or the other whether she has posed nude. What she did in the past is, in a word, irrelevant. We do not worry about a person's past - we recognize that we've all made mistakes - we only worry about the potential for the future. I absolutely guarantee you that all Republicans were aware that she posed nude - liberals certainly made every effort to bring it to the front pages. It seems only to be important to self inflated, supposedly morally superior liberals. It is your type that made sure that Hester Prynne wore the scarlet A.

2) Another example of your childish diatribe - no one has claimed that Trump is a 'messiah' - unlike the self claimed Messiah of Obama. Republicans recognize the foibles of the human condition, and we forgive those who fall prey to it. Conservatives are, most of all, realists. We do not expect Trump to cure the world's ills. We have heard his words - and we'll be damn happy if he is able to accomplish 30% of what he is going to try to do.

3) More of the same --- a sophomoric attack on a person who has done no harm. One more time - and the LAST time - THE FACT THAT THE FLOTUS 2B HAS POSED NUDE IS IRRELEVANT - we just flat ass don't care. If you wish to get your panties in a twist, go ahead. There are much more important things in life -- oh, things like counting the fleas on your dog's back, or making sure every blade of grass in your front yard points in the same direction.

4) Just a tad misogynistic, aren't you? Since when is FLOTUS the "highest honor in the land" for a woman? Just stay in that White House and be a good little wifey, huh? Publisher of a major magazing --- pffft. President of a university --- who cares? Chairman of the Federal Reserve? Peanuts. Secretary of State? House Minority Leader? Attorney General? Supreme Court Justice --- nothing. It all pales in comparison to that good little wifey in the WH,, doesn't it?

5) Your misogynistic attitude IS embarrassing - that you would demean a woman for her decisions 25 years ago - that you insist on placing her on a pedestal, demanding from her a level of behavior no woman can possibly meet.

6) When she travels overseas and meets other women? Embarrassing? Surely, you jest - she'll compare photographers with the First Lady of France. She will speak to the people in their language - after all, she speaks 5 languages. She can talk business - after all, she owns her own beauty and skincare corporation. She can talk about childcare - after all, she is committed to raising your son, Barron. She can represent the US with grace and beauty. That's how she will do.

7) Oh - and one more point - who the fuck are you to judge?

7. I can see frustration and anger. Getting nasty..... eh then these are my respond to your low informed experience Who the fuck are you to tell me that posing a fucking nude is acceptable? If that is your kind a low life class then live with it. But don't try to stick that to me. You got it?
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ............ Yes adult republicans do care about the decency of FLOTUS........ You are very wrong. Who are you trying make that judgment?
Childish? You keep insisting that posing nude is acceptable. Since when this is the new rule?
Traveling overseas speak 5 different languages....... What is that has anything to do posing nude? The same with your art...... what are those has anything to do with posing nude? What is her reputation? Let me answer it for you so you can stick that to your thick skull. Posed nude. That is the reputations. Dude you are one fuck up individual.
Yes FLOTUS was and always been held and viewed to the highest level. By your standard that has changed? Who are you again?
Dude you don't know what the hell you are talking about

Absolutely amazing ... you make a comment, i respond, and you claim I'm unresponsive.

Just go away ... your perverted sense of reality offends me.

Dude your comments are by your own standards ......... You are so fascinated and fantasized of her beauty and for some reason that's good enough. FLOTUS has more roles to play aside from just being beauty. You posted so many excuses trying to deflect that has nothing to do with FLOTUS.
Perverted sense of reality? All I've been telling you are the reality in life what and always been about FLOTUS. Not by your own new low standards.
I've been asking you this question over and over....... Since when a FLOTUS posing nude is acceptable?

Don't worry, the FLOTUS didn't pose naked. Melania posed naked, 20 years ago.
The 'role model' of using sex to get ahead is very old and well known; nothing new. Not particularly positive, perhaps.
The 'role model' of using sex to get ahead is very old and well known; nothing new. Not particularly positive, perhaps.

She was a MODEL. Good grief. Unless you are trying to say that there is something negative about modelling and the female nude body?
No, what was meant in the post is quite clear. As stories go, hers is a classic. It is not admirable in any way. Personally, it doesn't make me think less of the person. I have known many men and enough women who had done much worse than anything someone in a bed in front of a camera is likely to do. I wouldn't want my son to succeed on something so ephemeral and illusory as looks, nor my daughter, either.
As for women and their physical form, few appreciate more or better than I.
The 'role model' of using sex to get ahead is very old and well known; nothing new. Not particularly positive, perhaps.

She was a MODEL. Good grief. Unless you are trying to say that there is something negative about modelling and the female nude body?
No, what was meant in the post is quite clear. As stories go, hers is a classic. It is not admirable in any way. Personally, it doesn't make me think less of the person. I have known many men and enough women who had done much worse than anything someone in a bed in front of a camera is likely to do. I wouldn't want my son to succeed on something so ephemeral and illusory as looks, nor my daughter, either.
As for women and their physical form, few appreciate more or better than I.

Well we aren't talking about your son or daughter. We are talking about some woman who you don't know and who doesn't know you.
The 'role model' of using sex to get ahead is very old and well known; nothing new. Not particularly positive, perhaps.

She was a MODEL. Good grief. Unless you are trying to say that there is something negative about modelling and the female nude body?
No, what was meant in the post is quite clear. As stories go, hers is a classic. It is not admirable in any way. Personally, it doesn't make me think less of the person. I have known many men and enough women who had done much worse than anything someone in a bed in front of a camera is likely to do. I wouldn't want my son to succeed on something so ephemeral and illusory as looks, nor my daughter, either.
As for women and their physical form, few appreciate more or better than I.

Well we aren't talking about your son or daughter. We are talking about some woman who you don't know and who doesn't know you.

...about whom no one would care if she were not part of the image of the country her rich patron is soon to become president.
The 'role model' of using sex to get ahead is very old and well known; nothing new. Not particularly positive, perhaps.

She was a MODEL. Good grief. Unless you are trying to say that there is something negative about modelling and the female nude body?
No, what was meant in the post is quite clear. As stories go, hers is a classic. It is not admirable in any way. Personally, it doesn't make me think less of the person. I have known many men and enough women who had done much worse than anything someone in a bed in front of a camera is likely to do. I wouldn't want my son to succeed on something so ephemeral and illusory as looks, nor my daughter, either.
As for women and their physical form, few appreciate more or better than I.

Well we aren't talking about your son or daughter. We are talking about some woman who you don't know and who doesn't know you.

...about whom no one would care if she were not part of the image of the country her rich patron is soon to become president.

So? Same as most first ladies.
Same fame today, not the same fame in the past. The question was of role models. If there are none, so be it. If there are any, some must necessarily be 'better' than others. This woman's is not a very positive role model.
1. Yes. Are you saying that republicans really wanted or agreed to have a FLOTUS that posed nude? Yes......... . I know lots of republicans that don't agree with you and so with other members that are in this thread. You are very wrong.
2. I have several objections against your messiah this is just one of them. You are wrong again.
3. Just filth? You may want to address that to your FLOTUS and your fantasy. Your only and only point is that she is beautiful but so far you have not given me anything that is acceptable to the rest of Americans. So let me repeat this question again.
Since when a FLOTUS posing nude is acceptable?
4. Disgusting? Twisted mind? REALLY? I didn't put her on the pedestal. FLOTUS has been the highest honor in this country that represents women of the US with High Class, Honor and Dignity here and around the globe. Not someone that posed nude. What the fuck kind of class is that?
5. Why do you call it embarrassing? I didn't posed nude.

Can you honestly tell me that you are proud of your FLOTUS? Because you fantasize your answer is YES. My answer to you and so with other members here and people outside this site the answer is......NO.
Can you honestly tell your family that she is good role model? I know I can't.
When she travel overseas representing women of USA........... What do you think will be her reputations? Embarrassing don't you think?
What I'm telling are the facts not bullshit. Now tell me where I'm wrong.

You know, you need to grow up. Not every man looks at every woman with lust in his heart. It is possible to appreciate a pretty woman, or a sexy form, without all the bullshit you seem to attach to it.

Now, as for your pedantic little diatribe ....

1) "Are you saying that republicans really wanted or agreed to have a FLOTUS that posed nude? " Nope - not saying that at all. I AM saying, however, that adult Republicans don't give a damn one way or the other whether she has posed nude. What she did in the past is, in a word, irrelevant. We do not worry about a person's past - we recognize that we've all made mistakes - we only worry about the potential for the future. I absolutely guarantee you that all Republicans were aware that she posed nude - liberals certainly made every effort to bring it to the front pages. It seems only to be important to self inflated, supposedly morally superior liberals. It is your type that made sure that Hester Prynne wore the scarlet A.

2) Another example of your childish diatribe - no one has claimed that Trump is a 'messiah' - unlike the self claimed Messiah of Obama. Republicans recognize the foibles of the human condition, and we forgive those who fall prey to it. Conservatives are, most of all, realists. We do not expect Trump to cure the world's ills. We have heard his words - and we'll be damn happy if he is able to accomplish 30% of what he is going to try to do.

3) More of the same --- a sophomoric attack on a person who has done no harm. One more time - and the LAST time - THE FACT THAT THE FLOTUS 2B HAS POSED NUDE IS IRRELEVANT - we just flat ass don't care. If you wish to get your panties in a twist, go ahead. There are much more important things in life -- oh, things like counting the fleas on your dog's back, or making sure every blade of grass in your front yard points in the same direction.

4) Just a tad misogynistic, aren't you? Since when is FLOTUS the "highest honor in the land" for a woman? Just stay in that White House and be a good little wifey, huh? Publisher of a major magazing --- pffft. President of a university --- who cares? Chairman of the Federal Reserve? Peanuts. Secretary of State? House Minority Leader? Attorney General? Supreme Court Justice --- nothing. It all pales in comparison to that good little wifey in the WH,, doesn't it?

5) Your misogynistic attitude IS embarrassing - that you would demean a woman for her decisions 25 years ago - that you insist on placing her on a pedestal, demanding from her a level of behavior no woman can possibly meet.

6) When she travels overseas and meets other women? Embarrassing? Surely, you jest - she'll compare photographers with the First Lady of France. She will speak to the people in their language - after all, she speaks 5 languages. She can talk business - after all, she owns her own beauty and skincare corporation. She can talk about childcare - after all, she is committed to raising your son, Barron. She can represent the US with grace and beauty. That's how she will do.

7) Oh - and one more point - who the fuck are you to judge?

7. I can see frustration and anger. Getting nasty..... eh then these are my respond to your low informed experience Who the fuck are you to tell me that posing a fucking nude is acceptable? If that is your kind a low life class then live with it. But don't try to stick that to me. You got it?
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ............ Yes adult republicans do care about the decency of FLOTUS........ You are very wrong. Who are you trying make that judgment?
Childish? You keep insisting that posing nude is acceptable. Since when this is the new rule?
Traveling overseas speak 5 different languages....... What is that has anything to do posing nude? The same with your art...... what are those has anything to do with posing nude? What is her reputation? Let me answer it for you so you can stick that to your thick skull. Posed nude. That is the reputations. Dude you are one fuck up individual.
Yes FLOTUS was and always been held and viewed to the highest level. By your standard that has changed? Who are you again?
Dude you don't know what the hell you are talking about

Absolutely amazing ... you make a comment, i respond, and you claim I'm unresponsive.

Just go away ... your perverted sense of reality offends me.

Dude your comments are by your own standards ......... You are so fascinated and fantasized of her beauty and for some reason that's good enough. FLOTUS has more roles to play aside from just being beauty. You posted so many excuses trying to deflect that has nothing to do with FLOTUS.
Perverted sense of reality? All I've been telling you are the reality in life what and always been about FLOTUS. Not by your own new low standards.
I've been asking you this question over and over....... Since when a FLOTUS posing nude is acceptable?
One last - I swear to God - one last time.

I don't care that she posed nude. It is irrelevant. Just because she is going to be FLOTUS, I do not hold her to any higher standard than any other woman.

You need to get over this obsession with Melania. It definitely isn't healthy.

God, I swear to you --- that was absolutely the last time (unless he asks me for those photos of his mother)

Look at your own pathetic little poll attached to this thread -- the vast majority just doesn't care.

That's you................ I could care less. Pathetic........ dude you are like a child fantasizing because of her looks. And look at your post you've been throwing at me.
How in the world you came up that majority don't care...... That's your low life belief.

It's very simple. Is Melanie a good positive role model? No it's not okay to me that FLOTUS posed nude.

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