Is Pelosi stepping down because she knows the Dems will lose the house and she does not want to be humiliated?

the little boy knows more than a grown up demofk. That's what that tells me.

I thought the EXACT same thing as I watched it....Good stuff, by the way. Yellowstone is kinda like THE GODFATHER in Wyoming.
I have known for awhile Pelosi was not coming back and that is her last term, so nothing new here…

Who replaces her?

Cortez is hoping to become Speaker and lead a new era where the Democratic Party become more like the DSA and boot the last few ( of any ) moderates from the party…
Not a chance in hell----its going to be a blood bath for the dems in 2022--they are talking 50 seats going bye-bye. Well you know except for the cheating that the dems like to do.
She was no better. Second time she got that position she had taxpayers buy her a new jet that she flew back and forth to California and even let her family use it for parties.
Ray, that is an exaggeration. Pelosi wanted a larger aircraft that did not have to stop for fuel between DC and SF. It was an Air Force aircraft, not hers.
Ray, that is an exaggeration. Pelosi wanted a larger aircraft that did not have to stop for fuel between DC and SF. It was an Air Force aircraft, not hers.

I didn't mean they bought it for her personally, but the arrogance of having taxpayers buy her a new plane is bad enough. The bitch has been rich for decades. She could have easily afforded an apartment in DC even at their prices.

Seems that way to me. Why else?

Oh...she is 137 years old?

You communists love to vote for OLD RICH WHITE PEOPLE....while at the same time calling them EVIL.
Because it was her job to obey Hillary's lies and promote them as though it is ok for a Congress person to capitalize votes wi th h e ery lie she supported which was all of them. And good people look at her face and feel like vomiting immediately.
I didn't mean they bought it for her personally, but the arrogance of having taxpayers buy her a new plane is bad enough. The bitch has been rich for decades. She could have easily afforded an apartment in DC even at their prices.

Ray, the aircraft was already bought and paid for. I am sure she has a nice place to live in DC, but she used the aircraft to travel to her home district. Do you really want the 2nd in line of presidential secession to fly commercial airlines like the rest of the Congressional peons do?

The only issue she had was the fact the smaller aircraft she was assigned would not make the entire flight on one load of fuel. Now look what you have done! You made me appear to support Pelosi!
Ray, the aircraft was already bought and paid for. I am sure she has a nice place to live in DC, but she used the aircraft to travel to her home district. Do you really want the 2nd in line of presidential secession to fly commercial airlines like the rest of the Congressional peons do?

The only issue she had was the fact the smaller aircraft she was assigned would not make the entire flight on one load of fuel. Now look what you have done! You made me appear to support Pelosi!

It was a C-32. So what's so hard about stopping to refuel? Plus the fact why did the Democrats nominate somebody that lived across the entire country if their concern is global warming?
Hopefully the shit witch moves to Florida and then loses an agonizing, prolonged battle with the final scene she slowly drowns in her own joe-vid saturated vomit requiring a hazmat team of 12 to burn the house to the ground.... we can't have that shit spreading to innocents..... hmm?
Problem is that you can’t kill her. She’s like a virus unto herself.
It was a C-32. So what's so hard about stopping to refuel? Plus the fact why did the Democrats nominate somebody that lived across the entire country if their concern is global warming?
You are incorrect again. Nancy's original ad most often assigned aircraft is a C-20B which is a military version of the Gulfstream 3.

Imagine having to land somewhere, fuel the aircraft, and then take off again. That turns a trip into about 90 minutes longer. Personally, I don't see a problem with that, but she could fly commercial non-stop if not for security requirements.

Regardless, I do not like when people get the details wrong as you have done several times. You may as well call yourself CNN, MSNBC, the Washington Post, or NYT Times. Perhaps someday they will hire journalists and actually cover the truth.
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