Is Pete the biggest failure in the Biden administration?

golfingator said:
In decades to come it will be more common place and they will look back at this time like we look back at Jim Crow laws

I doubt that. More likely it will be compared to the insanity of the rulers of Roman....appointing a horse to the senate. Man/boy love, corruption, PERversion, offing each other.....
the FAA causes the cancelation through its regulatory powers

Which regulations are causing the cancelations and which regulations specifically would you like to get rid of?
Once again, claims are being made. But no data is forthcoming to support them.

Thus they are dismissed as lies.
I dont give a shit what you dismiss. I cant help it if you play this stupid game. Anyone who doesnt remember the pilots hitting back with covid jab and mask mandates is either a Liar or lived in a cave for years with no news.

Which is it Clown?
Anyone who doesnt remember the pilots hitting back with covid jab and mask mandates is either a Liar or lived in a cave for years with no news.

How many pilots were fired over not getting the vaccine?
One screw up after another. From taking maternity leave at the height of the shipping crisis to the current mess with 10's of thousands of Americans being stranded as airlines cancel flights with impunity by the thousands.

And who would have thought that firing large amounts of your staff for not getting the poke would result in this disaster...... oh, yeah...anyone with a FUNCTIONING BRAIN.

But back to Pete. This is the buffoon that many in the media keep trying to float as a replacement for Biden.

Lord help us.
The biggest mistake was appointing a Special Princess as head of an agency focused largely upon red-blooded American truck drivers... :abgg2q.jpg:

Talk about not being in touch with Reality...
But the regulations would stay, thus we we still have the same problems.
nope…the issue is the people running the show

look you can’t be taken seriously when you literally started this thread without a clue what the FAA was

you’re dismissed little dembot
What exactly do you wish the Fed Govt to do that would fix the problem of delayed or canceled flights?
They caused it. They removed people working for them who did not get the Covid shots to begin with. Progs interfere with the smoothness of the system. Because they are changing it to their liking. Where we are all under the microscope for our own good. They are going to fix it with "equity" pilot hiring. The free movement of Americans we all take for granted. We have seen in the last few years what it is like to be inhibited or denied it unless you pay a big price for it. The money in the banks is running a bit less though for those who still live like the past and there are many who live with less now.
So, 4 pages in we have a bunch of pretend small government folks crying for the Fed Govt to save them from the mean airlines.

On top of that we have dozens of claims and not one single on of them supported.

Yep, normal day on the USMB
So, 4 pages in we have a bunch of pretend small government folks crying for the Fed Govt to save them from the mean airlines.

On top of that we have dozens of claims and not one single on of them supported.

Yep, normal day on the USMB
and we still have a dembot that learned about the role of govt in air travel for the first time! congrats

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