Is Quid Pro Quo a Crime?

Is Quid Pro Quo a crime? If so, then virtually all Executive decisions and Legislation passed by Congress is also a crime, because they demand some sort of performance in exchange for a benefit (usually money).

However, demanding a personal (or family) benefit in exchange for performing a public duty is a crime.

Can you tell the difference?
Every fucking transaction in history has been quid-pro-quo whether implicit or explicit.

A policeman stopping you from speeding and handing you a ticket which requires you to pay a $150 fine versus a policeman stopping you from speeding and demanding you pay $150 in cash to him personally on the spot or he will impound your car.

To Trumpettes those are the same quid pro quo.
There's exactly zero evidence to the contrary that Trump was only looking to expose criminality within the US government. The whistleblower's lawyer already admitted in writing that there are plenty of plants inside the White House bureaucracy that are looking to do everything they can to overthrow Trump. Trump has every right to be concerned with potential traitors inside our government. There is no possible way to prove any criminality by Trump when all the testimony is either heresay or individual interpretations by liberal partisans and in most cases the heresay is second or third party, some from anonymous sources. This whole thing is fabricated BS, just like the dude tweeted it would be back in 2017.
Listen tards..

it’s not that complicated

QPQ in the national interest- fine

QPQ for personal gain- illegal bribery

got it now?
President asks a president to look into corruption. Do not know if Biden had even announced his candidacy. Beside, Biden has not been running against Trump anyway.
It’s another mish mash of jangled emotions, trying to connect dots where there are not any so of course make it up and use disgraceful media to sally forth
correct, he is not his opposition, unless he's running as a republican. the whole thing is a farce. he isn't a political opponent. period.
Typical liberal speculation that he’s a potential future opponent but not at this time so idea that Trump is out to hurt Biden cannot be supported because Biden is merely a potential future opponent
That is too much fact for libs so they fly off the handle and make maybe in the future be reality in the here and now then make some fake equation to 50-150 years ago
Lib 101 fantasy playbook.
If Hunter Biden is doing illegal stuff then All Americans should want to know. What his daddy may be doing years in the future is irrelevant speculation.
Listen tards..

it’s not that complicated

QPQ in the national interest- fine

QPQ for personal gain- illegal bribery

got it now?
I agree, why aren't you going after sleepy joe then? he asked for a removal a prosecutor with 1.5 billion for his son. And yet, you haven't said anything.
President asks a president to look into corruption. Do not know if Biden had even announced his candidacy. Beside, Biden has not been running against Trump anyway.
It’s another mish mash of jangled emotions, trying to connect dots where there are not any so of course make it up and use disgraceful media to sally forth
correct, he is not his opposition, unless he's running as a republican. the whole thing is a farce. he isn't a political opponent. period.
Typical liberal speculation that he’s a potential future opponent but not at this time so idea that Trump is out to hurt Biden cannot be supported because Biden is merely a potential future opponent
That is too much fact for libs so they fly off the handle and make maybe in the future be reality in the here and now then make some fake equation to 50-150 years ago
Lib 101 fantasy playbook.
If Hunter Biden is doing illegal stuff then All Americans should want to know. What his daddy may be doing years in the future is irrelevant speculation.
well anyone is a potential opponent.

Wasn't trump an opponent when the dossier was bought?
I agree, why aren't you going after sleepy joe then? he asked for a removal a prosecutor with 1.5 billion for his son. And yet, you haven't said anything.

Why would I say something about a non event?

There was no 1.5 billion. There was no investigation
I agree, why aren't you going after sleepy joe then? he asked for a removal a prosecutor with 1.5 billion for his son. And yet, you haven't said anything.

Why would I say something about a non event?

There was no 1.5 billion. There was no investigation
why would someone investigate themselves? Trump is doing that now. and you're up in arms why?
well anyone is a potential opponent.

Wasn't trump an opponent when the dossier was bought?

He was. And there are important differences there.

That AMERICAN firm was hired to find oppo research. THEY took it overseas. When they came back with "the Dossier" not only was that not was reported to the proper authorities (the FBI)
why would someone investigate themselves? Trump is doing that now. and you're up in arms why?

Now you're just babbling...troll
investigating biden is what's going on here. hmmmmmm why did you ask why no one is investigating when trump and the DOJ is?
Republicans have a long history of "investigating" their political opponent in order to make it SEEM like there's something nefarious going on. Worked real well when they got Comey to open an "investigation" of Clinton days before the 2016 election...and then close it just days later because of course there was nothing there. (thank you Rudy).
It worked once for Trump and he always goes back to the well for another drink...and that's what this is
If Putin can absorb Ukraine...he has essentially reconstituted the Soviet Union...and that is his goal
He has? What about Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, Armenia?

You know Azog, I don't think that Putin is interested in those other countries. Ukraine is important to Russia though, because that is the only year round open water port that they have.
Is Quid Pro Quo a crime? If so, then virtually all Executive decisions and Legislation passed by Congress is also a crime, because they demand some sort of performance in exchange for a benefit (usually money).

However, demanding a personal (or family) benefit in exchange for performing a public duty is a crime.

Can you tell the difference?
Every fucking transaction in history has been quid-pro-quo whether implicit or explicit.

A policeman stopping you from speeding and handing you a ticket which requires you to pay a $150 fine versus a policeman stopping you from speeding and demanding you pay $150 in cash to him personally on the spot or he will impound your car.

To Trumpettes those are the same quid pro quo.
No. I give you something and you give me something. Not giving a ticket is "not giving" something...idiot.

Oh so the bribe would be okay- because it wasn't in your eyes a quid pro quo.
If Putin can absorb Ukraine...he has essentially reconstituted the Soviet Union...and that is his goal
He has? What about Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, Armenia?

You know Azog, I don't think that Putin is interested in those other countries. Ukraine is important to Russia though, because that is the only year round open water port that they have.

Makes sense. Thank you.

Was one of the subjects that came up on a regular basis with some of my friends and I.

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