Is Quid Pro Quo a Crime?

Is Quid Pro Quo a crime? If so, then virtually all Executive decisions and Legislation passed by Congress is also a crime, because they demand some sort of performance in exchange for a benefit (usually money).

However, demanding a personal (or family) benefit in exchange for performing a public duty is a crime.

Can you tell the difference?
quid pro quo is not a crime, just like collusion is not a crime.... they are terms TRUMP is hanging his hat on and keeps repeating over and over again...

"there was no quid pro quo, and even if there was, it is not a crime"

What the president is being accused of, is bribery or extortion.....this can or can not have a quid pro quo as part of the bribery or extortion, but it does not HAVE TO BE A PART of bribery or extortion....
Is Quid Pro Quo a crime? If so, then virtually all Executive decisions and Legislation passed by Congress is also a crime, because they demand some sort of performance in exchange for a benefit (usually money).

However, demanding a personal (or family) benefit in exchange for performing a public duty is a crime.

Can you tell the difference?

When Trump involved his personal attorney, did that made it a personal benefit?
Why can't Trump just try to win the upcoming election, or any election, without CHEATING?
Is Quid Pro Quo a crime? If so, then virtually all Executive decisions and Legislation passed by Congress is also a crime, because they demand some sort of performance in exchange for a benefit (usually money).

However, demanding a personal (or family) benefit in exchange for performing a public duty is a crime.

Can you tell the difference?
Not in itself

However, when an elected official uses his office to offer military support in return for personal gain

That is illegal

thanks for explaining the obvious to the oblivious
Is Quid Pro Quo a crime? If so, then virtually all Executive decisions and Legislation passed by Congress is also a crime, because they demand some sort of performance in exchange for a benefit (usually money).

However, demanding a personal (or family) benefit in exchange for performing a public duty is a crime.

Can you tell the difference?
Well? HOW do the DOPers see it.

Richard Nixon - I'm not a crook. :dunno::iyfyus.jpg::eek-52::lmao:
Donald DrumpF - I'm a crook and criminal so what! Fuck Laws. I'm not MAGA!:lmao::lmao:
Republicans - we are fine with Donald DrumpF's Crookedness and criminality. And Pornstar payments. And 3 rapes and 43 Sexual assaults.
Trumplicans - we are fine with Donald DrumpF's Crookedness and criminality.SOoo, Move On.
Trumplicans - We still want to find a someone (DEM) getting a legal Blowjob as POTUS.
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Is Quid Pro Quo a crime? If so, then virtually all Executive decisions and Legislation passed by Congress is also a crime, because they demand some sort of performance in exchange for a benefit (usually money).

However, demanding a personal (or family) benefit in exchange for performing a public duty is a crime.

Can you tell the difference?
When the 'pro' does not involve matters of national interest or security, the exchange is called diplomacy. But when the beneficiary is one person, it's called bribery.

So, to answer your question, yes. We can tell the difference.
Why can't Trump just try to win the upcoming election, or any election, without CHEATING?

Nothing is going to come of it, just like the Mueller investigation
and Joe can use that to his advantage, not to mention,
it would actually help get his campaign back on track
as far as donations and public endorsements go.

Not to mention the free media exposure he would enjoy
Beats me why his campaign manager doesn't see it that way...
Or Joe for that matter
Let's put it in terms you people can understand.

The manager of McDonald's is allowed to sell cheeseburgers but he's not allowed to trade cheeseburgers for new tires for his personal car.

Get it?
Is Quid Pro Quo a crime? If so, then virtually all Executive decisions and Legislation passed by Congress is also a crime, because they demand some sort of performance in exchange for a benefit (usually money).

However, demanding a personal (or family) benefit in exchange for performing a public duty is a crime.

Can you tell the difference?
Well? HOW do the DOPers see it.

Richard Nixon - I'm not a crook. :dunno::iyfyus.jpg::eek-52::lmao:
Donald DrumpF - I'm a crook and criminal so what! Fuck Laws. I'm not MAGA!:lmao::lmao:
Republicans - we are fine with Donald DrumpF's Crookedness and criminality. And Pornstar payments. And 3 rapes and 43 Sexual assaults.
Trumplicans - we are fine with Donald DrumpF's Crookedness and criminality.SOoo, Move On.
Trumplicans - We still want to find a someone (DEM) getting a legal Blowjob as POTUS.

Bill Clinton: "But I want to say one thing to the American people. I want you to listen to me. I'm going to say this again: I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky. I never told anybody to lie, not a single time; never. These allegations are false. And I need to go back to work for the American people. Thank you."

Hillary Clinton: "The great story here for anybody willing to find it and write about it and explain it is this vast right-wing conspiracy that has been conspiring against my husband since the day he announced for president."

Hillary Clinton: "Let me repeat what I have repeated for many months now, I never received nor sent any material that was marked classified"

Like, with a cloth

I don't remember

I don't recall

I have no recollection

We wrote our memoirs
Trump never said fabricate something he just asked for the truth. I dont get the outrage.

There is none, they're just parrots running around making shit up as they have been since their criminal syndicate lost in 2016 as they're facing disintegration in 2020, with their criminality and treason the only 'values' their base can support them on; their own racism and deviancy has them self-destructing soon.
Is Quid Pro Quo a crime? If so, then virtually all Executive decisions and Legislation passed by Congress is also a crime, because they demand some sort of performance in exchange for a benefit (usually money).

However, demanding a personal (or family) benefit in exchange for performing a public duty is a crime.

Can you tell the difference?
It doesn't take a crime to be impeached.
Judges have been impeached for showing up drunk to work.
Trump never said fabricate something he just asked for the truth. I dont get the outrage.

First it is not the President' s job to ask a foreign country's government to investigate any citizen overseas... it's against the American's rights. It's up to the DOj to follow laws in place for our citizen's work with the foreign g v t, IF THERE IS PROBABLE CAUSE established by the DOJ.

NOT done by his personal political hit man, Giuliani.
QPQ is not in itself illegal.

To engage in that for PERSONAL
Trump abandoned the Ukrainians like the Kurds, and hundreds of Ukrainians were killed by not releasing the aid congress allotted the Ukrainians BACK IN FEBRUARY2019, and holding back the Uke' s aid gave Putin more power over Ukraine, the OPPOSITE of the goals of US policy for national security.
If Putin can absorb Ukraine...he has essentially reconstituted the Soviet Union...and that is his goal
Trump never said fabricate something he just asked for the truth. I dont get the outrage.

First it is not the President' s job to ask a foreign country's government to investigate any citizen overseas... it's against the American's rights. It's up to the DOj to follow laws in place for our citizen's work with the foreign g v t, IF THERE IS PROBABLE CAUSE established by the DOJ.

NOT done by his personal political hit man, Giuliani.
He said work with AG Barr. He did it in an open phone call? Again, if he said give me some dirt it’s one thing but he says basically that Biden bragged about this, what really happened with the prosecutor? Why is that so evil? I am actually now curious what happened. Are you?
Trump abandoned the Ukrainians like the Kurds, and hundreds of Ukrainians were killed by not releasing the aid congress allotted the Ukrainians BACK IN FEBRUARY2019, and holding back the Uke' s aid gave Putin more power over Ukraine, the OPPOSITE of the goals of US policy for national security.
Trump actually armed the Ukrainians unlike his predecessor. Your statement is false. Crimea was taken under the prior administration and that administration never sent weapons.

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