Is Quid Pro Quo a Crime?

When you were young, your mom must have thrown you out with the bath water.
so we hand out money for nothing? is that what you're going with? money for a service is a quid pro quo. unless of course you're a fked in the head demofk who doesn't understand anything.

Jesus you guys are too easy.

Because you can't use Foreign aid as leverage to aid you with political rivals, doesn't mean we have to do away with using foreign aid as leverage for things that are good for America and American business interests.

Don't throw the baby out with the bath water.
it's still a quid pro quo. just say it. Your tongue won't fall out of your mouth to admit that's what it is and always has been. And again, until you have a document that money was held for anything, you got fking nothing. two faced fk! sleepy joe got his son 80K a month on a quid pro quo and your sorry ass doesn't give a rats ass. did hunter give you some of it? not sure why that doesn't bother you. but, again, your second face is in the way.

It was an illegal shakedown. Trumpybear will be impeached over it most likely.
Shakedown? LOL my goodness. Did Ukraine oblige with his request? Booboobear.

They announced their intent to investigate. Wasn't enough for the Shakedown King?

Is Quid Pro Quo a crime? If so, then virtually all Executive decisions and Legislation passed by Congress is also a crime, because they demand some sort of performance in exchange for a benefit (usually money).

However, demanding a personal (or family) benefit in exchange for performing a public duty is a crime.

Can you tell the difference?

No, it isn't a crime; stop taking anything these 'Resistance' tards say seriously; they're all fans of Pay for Play themselves and assorted deviants and sociopaths, so they can't claim to have any real morals anyway. They're fine with that phony 'Foundation' the Clintons hid behind, aren't they?
Even if you think that Trump did no crime with quid pro quo, it sets a VERY dangerous precedent. Why? Because asking a foreign government for dirt on your political rival is wrong because it gives that foreign country leverage over the US.

So if our foreign aid can't be conditioned on cleaning up corruption if it involved a "political rival?" How Democratic of you.
Trump scowls at regular americans, look at his face, like we are his enemy

for all his rage, Trump is the most insecure person ever

they're ganging up on Trump, which is freaking him out. he's not used to what folks can do to sabotage you

Your post says much more about you than about Trump.
Even if you think that Trump did no crime with quid pro quo, it sets a VERY dangerous precedent. Why? Because asking a foreign government for dirt on your political rival is wrong because it gives that foreign country leverage over the US.

For instance, say that Xi wants to get Trump to lift the sanctions, so, he sets loose a team of investigators to see if Biden or his son did anything wrong there. If he was to find something, he could call up Trump and tell him that he's got some really good dirt on Biden, but in order for Xi to give it to Trump, Trump would have to lift the sanctions.

THAT is why it is being looked into as something illegal. It could feasibly give another country leverage over ours. That is also why the Founding Fathers said that allowing other countries to mess in our elections is unconstitutional.

I agree Biker

But the thing is, i can't shake it's all routine via incumbents, which is probably WHY they stay incumbents

Is Quid Pro Quo a crime? If so, then virtually all Executive decisions and Legislation passed by Congress is also a crime, because they demand some sort of performance in exchange for a benefit (usually money).

However, demanding a personal (or family) benefit in exchange for performing a public duty is a crime.

Can you tell the difference?

Wait. Are you coming around? Is this your first post in your mea culpa? You seem to understand that Trump demanded a personal benefit from Ukraine.

How exciting!
Is Quid Pro Quo a crime? If so, then virtually all Executive decisions and Legislation passed by Congress is also a crime, because they demand some sort of performance in exchange for a benefit (usually money).

However, demanding a personal (or family) benefit in exchange for performing a public duty is a crime.

Can you tell the difference?
Listen carefully, I know this has been explained to you twits over and over and over, but I'm gonna do it one more time.


You might wanna grab a pen and write it down so you don't forget.

Got it now?

Ok, here goes!

The crime is doing it for personal gain .
Apparently because finding corruption in the Ukraine involving some Democratic Party criminal will benefit the country and therefore Trump, Democrats think it's illegal ...hilarious 'logic' these sick freaks have,idnit? lol
all the dipshit RW's are moving the goal post by demanding "WHAT CRIME DID TRUMP COMMIT ?


Is Quid Pro Quo a crime? If so, then virtually all Executive decisions and Legislation passed by Congress is also a crime, because they demand some sort of performance in exchange for a benefit (usually money).

However, demanding a personal (or family) benefit in exchange for performing a public duty is a crime.

Can you tell the difference?
Sheer sophistry, and bull$hit...

Quid pro quo is legal if it is for a legal purpose...

It is NOT legal if pertains to Extortion, Mis-Use of Government Funds, Abuse of Executive Power, or Conduct Unbecoming an Officer.

The findings of the current Impeachment Inquiry may give us that answer.

And, of course, if warranted, any subsequent Articles of Impeachment may also provide such insight.


Oh, and, I'm sure that the Trump Administration was not thinking that way when they hid the Original Transcript on a super-secure server. :21:
all the dipshit RW's are moving the goal post by demanding "WHAT CRIME DID TRUMP COMMIT ?



Yet you tards keep insisting it is about his 'crimes'. How ironic, eh? lol shut up and go smoke some more meth before posting.You're not up to your usual insane stupidity.
all the dipshit RW's are moving the goal post by demanding "WHAT CRIME DID TRUMP COMMIT ?



Yet you tards keep insisting it is about his 'crimes'. How ironic, eh? lol shut up and go smoke some more meth before posting.You're not up to your usual insane stupidity.

Is Quid Pro Quo a crime? If so, then virtually all Executive decisions and Legislation passed by Congress is also a crime, because they demand some sort of performance in exchange for a benefit (usually money).

However, demanding a personal (or family) benefit in exchange for performing a public duty is a crime.

Can you tell the difference?

The real question is, is talking a crime? He was talking. That's all. If talking isn't a crime, then there's no there there. Game over Dems! Booya!
Is Quid Pro Quo a crime? If so, then virtually all Executive decisions and Legislation passed by Congress is also a crime, because they demand some sort of performance in exchange for a benefit (usually money).

However, demanding a personal (or family) benefit in exchange for performing a public duty is a crime.

Can you tell the difference?

The real question is, is talking a crime? He was talking. That's all. If talking isn't a crime, then there's no there there. Game over Dems! Booya!

get that answer out of the Dumb Blond Bible ?

How would anyone conduct Foreign Policy?

Is Trump asking Mexico to help with illegal immigration in exchange for aide illegal?


Is asking a country to help fight terrorism in exchange for aide illegal?


Is asking a Nation to allow
A military base be built within its borders in exchange for aide illegal?


And neither is asking The Ukraine to share information about an ongoing corruption investigation with our AG.

Is Quid Pro Quo a crime? If so, then virtually all Executive decisions and Legislation passed by Congress is also a crime, because they demand some sort of performance in exchange for a benefit (usually money).

However, demanding a personal (or family) benefit in exchange for performing a public duty is a crime.

Can you tell the difference?
Sounds like repubs have accepted he is guilty....


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