Is racism on the rise?

He tried to turn out the female vote by picking that idiot Palin as his running candidate. Where is your criticism of that?

btw, I doubt black people voted for Obama because of the color of his is more of a cultural thing. Black is more than a skin color, just as Irish is.

Its not a plain thread, its a racism thread.

Here in CA, yes it was a black voting for the sake of the candidate being black.

See, this is what I dont like. Here is a person, not black, that doesnt ask why someone voted for Obama, he assumes that blacks are so dumb that they just vote for whoever the black guy is. Sure, he's not saying blacks are dumb, or sheep or followers, he's just alluding to that being the case.

Maybe, just maybe...blacks agree with him and what he stood / stands for? Naw, couldnt be that

That makes sense, if you think about it; if memory serves, the Black vote has gone about 90% democrat in the last several elections, so it's disingenuous to say that vote for Obama was race-based. I think there can be a better argument made, that Black voter turnout was higher because there was a Black candidate in the race who was electable. It seems normal enough human nature that this would have sparked more than ordinary interest in the Black community, because frankly this had not happened before.

Correct me if I'm wrong here, CC, but I would think there would be some element of racial pride involved here (I'm nor sure how it can be quantified), just because the situation was a first. Was that in fact the case to some extent, or did Whites overestimate it? Also, do you think Blacks have more of an emotional investment in Obama than they ordinarily would, (It's obvious many whites have one as well) or is this too, something that's been over-estimated and/or overemphasized?
Its not a plain thread, its a racism thread.

Here in CA, yes it was a black voting for the sake of the candidate being black.

See, this is what I dont like. Here is a person, not black, that doesnt ask why someone voted for Obama, he assumes that blacks are so dumb that they just vote for whoever the black guy is. Sure, he's not saying blacks are dumb, or sheep or followers, he's just alluding to that being the case.

Maybe, just maybe...blacks agree with him and what he stood / stands for? Naw, couldnt be that

That makes sense, if you think about it; if memory serves, the Black vote has gone about 90% democrat in the last several elections, so it's disingenuous to say that vote for Obama was race-based. I think there can be a better argument made, that Black voter turnout was higher because there was a Black candidate in the race who was electable. It seems normal enough human nature that this would have sparked more than ordinary interest in the Black community, because frankly this had not happened before.

Correct me if I'm wrong here, CC, but I would think there would be some element of racial pride involved here (I'm nor sure how it can be quantified), just because the situation was a first. Was that in fact the case to some extent, or did Whites overestimate it? Also, do you think Blacks have more of an emotional investment in Obama than they ordinarily would, (It's obvious many whites have one as well) or is this too, something that's been over-estimated and/or overemphasized?

Emotion has everything to do with besides bigotry.

Btw, Democrats were worried their Black voters were leaving them. Then Katrina hit. The press played up the racial angle and the rest was history.
Because everyone keeps saying hes black this black that black black black. I wanted to remind everyone that he does have a white mother so he is half black.
Then I guess you answered your own question.

Maybe we should come up with new labels for blacks: based on how much white blood they have in them. I doubt there is a "pure" black American, but there are many gradients of whiteness.


Ravi, I am german and irish but Im caucasian. What am I to be called, then? Do I claim my german ancestry or my irish? Can I deny either one even though both run in my veins?

My point is Obama keeps being labeled as black. He is half white as well. Do we call him the BlackWhite Prez? The WhiteBlack Prez? Or just the Prez? Seems all I hear is "our first Black Prez". And he doesnt seem to mind being in that bracket either, does he?
Obama is not "half white" he is black. In this country you can be either white or black, not both. Obama is perceived as black and I imagine he self identifes as black. That makes him black. In some countries you can be a mulatto or half caste and in this country years ago down south you coud be a quadroon or and octoroon, etc but nobody uses those designations anymore.

Is the US about to invent a new race? Are biracial, triracial, etc going to become new racial division markers? It looks like it. How silly will it get? Why are people so obsessed with race?
Then I guess you answered your own question.

Maybe we should come up with new labels for blacks: based on how much white blood they have in them. I doubt there is a "pure" black American, but there are many gradients of whiteness.


Ravi, I am german and irish but Im caucasian. What am I to be called, then? Do I claim my german ancestry or my irish? Can I deny either one even though both run in my veins?

My point is Obama keeps being labeled as black. He is half white as well. Do we call him the BlackWhite Prez? The WhiteBlack Prez? Or just the Prez? Seems all I hear is "our first Black Prez". And he doesnt seem to mind being in that bracket either, does he?
Obama is not "half white" he is black. In this country you can be either white or black, not both. Obama is perceived as black and I imagine he self identifes as black. That makes him black. In some countries you can be a mulatto or half caste and in this country years ago down south you coud be a quadroon or and octoroon, etc but nobody uses those designations anymore.

Is the US about to invent a new race? Are biracial, triracial, etc going to become new racial division markers? It looks like it. How silly will it get? Why are people so obsessed with race?

Some people are obsessed with race because it is expected of them in their particular social circles. Some people are obsessed with race because it is profitable to their personal interests.

Until enough honest people stand up and refuse to be drawn into the ridiculous PC garbage we're having crammed down our throats these days, I can't see racism not being an organized and orchestrated component of American sociopolitics for a very long time.
Then I guess you answered your own question.

Maybe we should come up with new labels for blacks: based on how much white blood they have in them. I doubt there is a "pure" black American, but there are many gradients of whiteness.


Ravi, I am german and irish but Im caucasian. What am I to be called, then? Do I claim my german ancestry or my irish? Can I deny either one even though both run in my veins?

My point is Obama keeps being labeled as black. He is half white as well. Do we call him the BlackWhite Prez? The WhiteBlack Prez? Or just the Prez? Seems all I hear is "our first Black Prez". And he doesnt seem to mind being in that bracket either, does he?
Obama is not "half white" he is black. In this country you can be either white or black, not both. Obama is perceived as black and I imagine he self identifes as black. That makes him black. In some countries you can be a mulatto or half caste and in this country years ago down south you coud be a quadroon or and octoroon, etc but nobody uses those designations anymore.

Is the US about to invent a new race? Are biracial, triracial, etc going to become new racial division markers? It looks like it. How silly will it get? Why are people so obsessed with race?
I think quadroon sounds really awesome. "Hello, Anguille, I'd like to introduce my friend, Barak the quadroon, and his children, the partial octoroons."

Its not a plain thread, its a racism thread.

Here in CA, yes it was a black voting for the sake of the candidate being black.

See, this is what I dont like. Here is a person, not black, that doesnt ask why someone voted for Obama, he assumes that blacks are so dumb that they just vote for whoever the black guy is. Sure, he's not saying blacks are dumb, or sheep or followers, he's just alluding to that being the case.

Maybe, just maybe...blacks agree with him and what he stood / stands for? Naw, couldnt be that

That makes sense, if you think about it; if memory serves, the Black vote has gone about 90% democrat in the last several elections, so it's disingenuous to say that vote for Obama was race-based. I think there can be a better argument made, that Black voter turnout was higher because there was a Black candidate in the race who was electable. It seems normal enough human nature that this would have sparked more than ordinary interest in the Black community, because frankly this had not happened before.

Correct me if I'm wrong here, CC, but I would think there would be some element of racial pride involved here (I'm nor sure how it can be quantified), just because the situation was a first. Was that in fact the case to some extent, or did Whites overestimate it? Also, do you think Blacks have more of an emotional investment in Obama than they ordinarily would, (It's obvious many whites have one as well) or is this too, something that's been over-estimated and/or overemphasized?

If it wasn't "race-based" then explain why with very little policy differences between Obama and Hillary, Obama won 92 percent of the black vote in Mississippi, 91 percent in Wisconsin, 87 percent in Ohio, 84 percent in Maryland, and 84 percent in Texas....?
Seems that instead of it lessening, its getting stronger. I thought Obama being the first black (half black) president would be encouragement for the races to "settle in" and it not be as bad. And although I know its still rampant in this country, it seemed to be lightening up a smidge and folks were more tolerant...or trying to be, anyway. But to me, since Obama got in office, it is rising to higher pitch.
Or is it just me?

It is on the rise in the gulf coast since katrina hit nola.
@ flagwavr

The goal is not to get the percentage of blacks in any one profession up the the percentage of blacks in America. Additionally, doctors have to go through a battery of education and test to prove they can be doctors. That weeds out the ones not deserving off the break
Seems that instead of it lessening, its getting stronger. I thought Obama being the first black (half black) president would be encouragement for the races to "settle in" and it not be as bad. And although I know its still rampant in this country, it seemed to be lightening up a smidge and folks were more tolerant...or trying to be, anyway. But to me, since Obama got in office, it is rising to higher pitch.
Or is it just me?

I'll tell you what I'd like to see:

The elimination of race from all applications, questionnaires, surveys, etc.
The elimination of affirmative action.

But we all know that will never happen because race is used for political purposes and politicians have no desire to end the race wars.
Seven years ago, Chavis became the toast of the media elite and the racial preference crowd when he was profiled lavishly by New York Times magazine writer Nicholas Lehmann. Chavis, who made the cover of the magazine, was a black physician admitted to the University of California-Davis medical school under a special racial-preference quota. In 1978

Michelle Malkin
I didn't say it wasn't race based, Lonestar; what I said was, one can't just assume that. There were other factors in play, one of the more striking of which was that Obama's organization ran a very skillful campaign, both in the primaries, and in the general election. One thing they did very well, was target and organize first time voters, especially college students. These (Black and White, BTW) were a large part of the increased turnout and voted heavily for Obama. The Clinton campaign consistently underestimated the effectiveness of this, until it was too late; in fact, I think it can be argued that they didn't take Obama all that seriously early on. As a result, I think the Clinton campaign tended to take the Black vote for granted, and in fact, I heard some talk to that effect from Black people I know. That's anecdotal, to be sure, but it does indicate there was some sentiment among Blacks that the Clinton campaign was either taking them for granted, or being somewhat condescending toward them. Then, as the momentum swung toward Obama, there were a couple of remarks from the Clintons that at least some Blacks took as racist, so that played into it as well; to what degree who knows, but it was there.

With all that said, I think it would be naive to suggest that racial pride played no role at all; given the unprecedented nature of the situation, it obviously did. The real question is to what extent. I've heard differing views on that from Black friends of mine, which led me to ask CC what his opinion was. Some say yes, it was a big deal; others say it's been blown out of proportion. To the extent it did play a part I think it's understandable; a Black friend of mine put it this way,"Do you realize, that when we were young, people who looked like me couldn't even register to vote, and now, I can vote for a man who not only shares my ideals, but looks like me?" It's hard to fault a man for that.
Seems that instead of it lessening, its getting stronger. I thought Obama being the first black (half black) president would be encouragement for the races to "settle in" and it not be as bad. And although I know its still rampant in this country, it seemed to be lightening up a smidge and folks were more tolerant...or trying to be, anyway. But to me, since Obama got in office, it is rising to higher pitch.
Or is it just me?

I'll tell you what I'd like to see:

The elimination of race from all applications, questionnaires, surveys, etc.
The elimination of affirmative action.

But we all know that will never happen because race is used for political purposes and politicians have no desire to end the race wars.
That reminds me, you never answered my question. Why have you made it a point to tell us YOUR "race"?
Seems that instead of it lessening, its getting stronger. I thought Obama being the first black (half black) president would be encouragement for the races to "settle in" and it not be as bad. And although I know its still rampant in this country, it seemed to be lightening up a smidge and folks were more tolerant...or trying to be, anyway. But to me, since Obama got in office, it is rising to higher pitch.
Or is it just me?

I'll tell you what I'd like to see:

The elimination of race from all applications, questionnaires, surveys, etc.
The elimination of affirmative action.

But we all know that will never happen because race is used for political purposes and politicians have no desire to end the race wars.
That reminds me, you never answered my question. Why have you made it a point to tell us YOUR "race"?

I didn't realize you had asked the question. Hmmm, that was a long time ago so I don't remember exactly. I think it had something to do with you as a matter of fact. Libtards usually like to classify people by race and I seem to recall you or someone else calling me a typical white person or something to that effect, so I just cleared up any confusion.

Any other questions?
"Do you realize, that when we were young, people who looked like me couldn't even register to vote, and now, I can vote for a man who not only shares my ideals, but looks like me?" It's hard to fault a man for that.
Do you realize that in America blacks could vote years before Asians could?
I didn't say it wasn't race based, Lonestar; what I said was, one can't just assume that. There were other factors in play, one of the more striking of which was that Obama's organization ran a very skillful campaign, both in the primaries, and in the general election. One thing they did very well, was target and organize first time voters, especially college students. These (Black and White, BTW) were a large part of the increased turnout and voted heavily for Obama. The Clinton campaign consistently underestimated the effectiveness of this, until it was too late; in fact, I think it can be argued that they didn't take Obama all that seriously early on. As a result, I think the Clinton campaign tended to take the Black vote for granted, and in fact, I heard some talk to that effect from Black people I know. That's anecdotal, to be sure, but it does indicate there was some sentiment among Blacks that the Clinton campaign was either taking them for granted, or being somewhat condescending toward them. Then, as the momentum swung toward Obama, there were a couple of remarks from the Clintons that at least some Blacks took as racist, so that played into it as well; to what degree who knows, but it was there.

With all that said, I think it would be naive to suggest that racial pride played no role at all; given the unprecedented nature of the situation, it obviously did. The real question is to what extent. I've heard differing views on that from Black friends of mine, which led me to ask CC what his opinion was. Some say yes, it was a big deal; others say it's been blown out of proportion. To the extent it did play a part I think it's understandable; a Black friend of mine put it this way,"Do you realize, that when we were young, people who looked like me couldn't even register to vote, and now, I can vote for a man who not only shares my ideals, but looks like me?" It's hard to fault a man for that.

I just told Gadfly that I could argue a couple of his points a bit, but this is an insightful and well thought out post and does provide some important perspective. It is always dangerous to see everything in black and white--okay maybe a little bit of pun intended :)--when there are almost always additional factors that need to be considered to get the whole picture.
I'll tell you what I'd like to see:

The elimination of race from all applications, questionnaires, surveys, etc.
The elimination of affirmative action.

But we all know that will never happen because race is used for political purposes and politicians have no desire to end the race wars.
That reminds me, you never answered my question. Why have you made it a point to tell us YOUR "race"?

I didn't realize you had asked the question. Hmmm, that was a long time ago so I don't remember exactly. I think it had something to do with you as a matter of fact. Libtards usually like to classify people by race and I seem to recall you or someone else calling me a typical white person or something to that effect, so I just cleared up any confusion.

Any other questions?
Yes...why the lie? I never called you a typical white person. And you've stated more than once, to more than one poster, your racial heritage. Not that there is anything wrong with it except for the fact that you comment on threads like these about how black people shouldn't self-identify.

Pretty hypocritical.
That reminds me, you never answered my question. Why have you made it a point to tell us YOUR "race"?

I didn't realize you had asked the question. Hmmm, that was a long time ago so I don't remember exactly. I think it had something to do with you as a matter of fact. Libtards usually like to classify people by race and I seem to recall you or someone else calling me a typical white person or something to that effect, so I just cleared up any confusion.

Any other questions?
Yes...why the lie? I never called you a typical white person. And you've stated more than once, to more than one poster, your racial heritage. Not that there is anything wrong with it except for the fact that you comment on threads like these about how black people shouldn't self-identify.

Pretty hypocritical.

Lie? I said I don't remember exactly. Jeez! You're so sensitive! :lol:

There's nothing hypocritical about my methods, but of course you know that being a master troll and all. It's all about clarification for those who seek to divide people among the races.

So why don't you comment on my post? Good idea or bad?
@ tank

I addressed that one page back. If that's the firefighter story. If whites were pushed aside for minorities, that's not cool, no one is for or pro that shit but that is hardly the norm or a common practice. You can always find an exception, that's why I was looking for something that represents a larger field than one story.

And I even replied, without insult after reading your fucked up shit in the "black women shut your damn mouth" thread.

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