Is racism on the rise?

What did you think would happen when the obama machine was driven to "turn out the black vote"

You say what happened in this state.

And now Im paying for it with my disappointment.

So you had no idea that his "party" was running a racist agenda? They were rather blatant about "turning out the black vote". It was in the news all the time about blacks who had never voted a day in their lives....but were voting because obama was black...and black alone. You should have paid more attention and a little less about the feel good rose colored glasses they wanted everyone to wear.

Shoulda woulda coulda. I know.
And no..I didnt consider it a racist agenda. I was caught up with them in the "hope" department. Doesn hurt to always have hope. Well, its not supposed to hurt.
And now Im paying for it with my disappointment.

So you had no idea that his "party" was running a racist agenda? They were rather blatant about "turning out the black vote". It was in the news all the time about blacks who had never voted a day in their lives....but were voting because obama was black...and black alone. You should have paid more attention and a little less about the feel good rose colored glasses they wanted everyone to wear.

A lot of very bright folks voted for Obama though and didn't see the 'turn out the black vote' as all that sinister a thing. It was a GOOD thing to get people interested and involved. Little did we know there were less than pure motives and dubious methods being used. Being a former media type myself, I was perhaps more jaded and skeptical than most. I read his books and those popped up some red flags. Evenmoreso when I checked up on his history and what he had been doing with his life up to the 2008 campaign. So I didn't vote for him even though McCain was my LAST choice to be the GOP nominee. Those without the time and tenaciousness depended on the media to inform them. And the media was very very kind to Barack Hussein Obama once he was the official nominee.

I agree it was a good thing to try and get the black population into the political areas. I agree that it is a good thing for them to it is one of their rights.

However, getting anyone to vote for someone else just because skin color is racist bullshit.
And now Im paying for it with my disappointment.

So you had no idea that his "party" was running a racist agenda? They were rather blatant about "turning out the black vote". It was in the news all the time about blacks who had never voted a day in their lives....but were voting because obama was black...and black alone. You should have paid more attention and a little less about the feel good rose colored glasses they wanted everyone to wear.

Shoulda woulda coulda. I know.
And no..I didnt consider it a racist agenda. I was caught up with them in the "hope" department. Doesn hurt to always have hope. Well, its not supposed to hurt.

I hope he paid some very well for that slogan. It was one of the best i have ever heard.

So you had no idea that his "party" was running a racist agenda? They were rather blatant about "turning out the black vote". It was in the news all the time about blacks who had never voted a day in their lives....but were voting because obama was black...and black alone. You should have paid more attention and a little less about the feel good rose colored glasses they wanted everyone to wear.

A lot of very bright folks voted for Obama though and didn't see the 'turn out the black vote' as all that sinister a thing. It was a GOOD thing to get people interested and involved. Little did we know there were less than pure motives and dubious methods being used. Being a former media type myself, I was perhaps more jaded and skeptical than most. I read his books and those popped up some red flags. Evenmoreso when I checked up on his history and what he had been doing with his life up to the 2008 campaign. So I didn't vote for him even though McCain was my LAST choice to be the GOP nominee. Those without the time and tenaciousness depended on the media to inform them. And the media was very very kind to Barack Hussein Obama once he was the official nominee.

I agree it was a good thing to try and get the black population into the political areas. I agree that it is a good thing for them to it is one of their rights.

However, getting anyone to vote for someone else just because skin color is racist bullshit.

Sure it is. But you're dealing with politicians here Syrenn. When is the last time you saw a politician turn down a vote wherever and however he could get it?
A lot of very bright folks voted for Obama though and didn't see the 'turn out the black vote' as all that sinister a thing. It was a GOOD thing to get people interested and involved. Little did we know there were less than pure motives and dubious methods being used. Being a former media type myself, I was perhaps more jaded and skeptical than most. I read his books and those popped up some red flags. Evenmoreso when I checked up on his history and what he had been doing with his life up to the 2008 campaign. So I didn't vote for him even though McCain was my LAST choice to be the GOP nominee. Those without the time and tenaciousness depended on the media to inform them. And the media was very very kind to Barack Hussein Obama once he was the official nominee.

I agree it was a good thing to try and get the black population into the political areas. I agree that it is a good thing for them to it is one of their rights.

However, getting anyone to vote for someone else just because skin color is racist bullshit.

Sure it is. But you're dealing with politicians here Syrenn. When is the last time you saw a politician turn down a vote wherever and however he could get it?

No i have never seen a politician turn down a vote. But to encourage a race vote..and a race vote alone is sickening and racist.

What if McCain had come out with a "turn out the white vote" champaign to counter....just saying.

I agree it was a good thing to try and get the black population into the political areas. I agree that it is a good thing for them to it is one of their rights.

However, getting anyone to vote for someone else just because skin color is racist bullshit.

Sure it is. But you're dealing with politicians here Syrenn. When is the last time you saw a politician turn down a vote wherever and however he could get it?

No i have never seen a politician turn down a vote. But to encourage a race vote..and a race vote alone is sickening and racist.

What if McCain had come out with a "turn out the white vote" champaign to counter....just saying.

He would have been crucified as a racist had he done that.

But as I have repeatedly said in this thread, there is incentive to keep racism alive and well because there are those who exploit it for personal gain. And there are both white and black people who are guilty of that and they don't care who gets hurt in the process.
If race is a social construct, how do you explain SNPs and Bidil?

I've heard that and it's totally ridiculous. It's like saying that boys and girls are the same, but were made different by the way they were raised. This crap is even taught at the college level.
It's because you aren't paying attention. Haven't you ever seen the anti-semitic battles that go on here ?

No but I would assume that more will come to the defense of Jews than of AA's

Why ? and how about Hispanic racists ?

There's a lot of racism between hispanics and blacks. One of my best friends is Mexican and he will not rent any of his properties to blacks. Nothing I say ever changes his mind. He claims that it's because they cause a lot more damage to his properties than others, but I think there's more to it than that.
Sure it is. But you're dealing with politicians here Syrenn. When is the last time you saw a politician turn down a vote wherever and however he could get it?

No i have never seen a politician turn down a vote. But to encourage a race vote..and a race vote alone is sickening and racist.

What if McCain had come out with a "turn out the white vote" champaign to counter....just saying.

He would have been crucified as a racist had he done that.

But as I have repeatedly said in this thread, there is incentive to keep racism alive and well because there are those who exploit it for personal gain. And there are both white and black people who are guilty of that and they don't care who gets hurt in the process.

I agree with you. The cultivation of racism and racial tension is a political tool.

No i have never seen a politician turn down a vote. But to encourage a race vote..and a race vote alone is sickening and racist.

What if McCain had come out with a "turn out the white vote" champaign to counter....just saying.

He would have been crucified as a racist had he done that.

But as I have repeatedly said in this thread, there is incentive to keep racism alive and well because there are those who exploit it for personal gain. And there are both white and black people who are guilty of that and they don't care who gets hurt in the process.

I agree with you. The cultivation of racism and racial tension is a political tool.

Yes, it is. The Republicans don't do it as much as the Democrats, but it is still used. What I find shocking is that Affirmative Action - giving preferential treatment to someone based on the color of one's skin - is part of the Democrat Party Platform. That's the very definition of racism.

Humans will always find someone to hate. It's in our nature.
He would have been crucified as a racist had he done that.

But as I have repeatedly said in this thread, there is incentive to keep racism alive and well because there are those who exploit it for personal gain. And there are both white and black people who are guilty of that and they don't care who gets hurt in the process.

I agree with you. The cultivation of racism and racial tension is a political tool.

Yes, it is. The Republicans don't do it as much as the Democrats, but it is still used. What I find shocking is that Affirmative Action - giving preferential treatment to someone based on the color of one's skin - is part of the Democrat Party Platform. That's the very definition of racism.

Humans will always find someone to hate. It's in our nature.

That may come back to bite them on the ass when whites demand affirmative action for themselves, as they will no longer be the dominate race. :lol:
He would have been crucified as a racist had he done that.

But as I have repeatedly said in this thread, there is incentive to keep racism alive and well because there are those who exploit it for personal gain. And there are both white and black people who are guilty of that and they don't care who gets hurt in the process.

I agree with you. The cultivation of racism and racial tension is a political tool.

Yes, it is. The Republicans don't do it as much as the Democrats, but it is still used. What I find shocking is that Affirmative Action - giving preferential treatment to someone based on the color of one's skin - is part of the Democrat Party Platform. That's the very definition of racism.

Humans will always find someone to hate. It's in our nature.

Agreed--if we were all identical clones we would find something to bitch about.

I agree with you. The cultivation of racism and racial tension is a political tool.

Yes, it is. The Republicans don't do it as much as the Democrats, but it is still used. What I find shocking is that Affirmative Action - giving preferential treatment to someone based on the color of one's skin - is part of the Democrat Party Platform. That's the very definition of racism.

Humans will always find someone to hate. It's in our nature.

Agreed--if we were all identical clones we would find something to bitch about.

Being a Trekkie, I'm reminded of the episode "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield" from the original series.


I've recently been having several conversations with a good friend of mine about racism. He's black so his perspective is much different from mine. (As an example, he recently told me about the Black Panthers and how gun control laws were used to keep guns out of the hands of blacks.) We're always say how funny it is that we live on a tiny planet that is floating on a sea of magma with only a few vertical miles of breathable air separating from space that is constantly bombarded by radiation and meteors and we still find time to hate each other because of the color of our skin. God help us all.
Obama also went after the Native American votes as well. Wasnt he embraced in a tribe with the elders doing the ceremony? I vaguely remember that. I think.
Yes, it is. The Republicans don't do it as much as the Democrats, but it is still used. What I find shocking is that Affirmative Action - giving preferential treatment to someone based on the color of one's skin - is part of the Democrat Party Platform. That's the very definition of racism.

Humans will always find someone to hate. It's in our nature.

Agreed--if we were all identical clones we would find something to bitch about.

Being a Trekkie, I'm reminded of the episode "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield" from the original series.


I've recently been having several conversations with a good friend of mine about racism. He's black so his perspective is much different from mine. (As an example, he recently told me about the Black Panthers and how gun control laws were used to keep guns out of the hands of blacks.) We're always say how funny it is that we live on a tiny planet that is floating on a sea of magma with only a few vertical miles of breathable air separating from space that is constantly bombarded by radiation and meteors and we still find time to hate each other because of the color of our skin. God help us all.

You and your friend have some mighty interesting convos. :clap2:
Yes, it is. The Republicans don't do it as much as the Democrats, but it is still used. What I find shocking is that Affirmative Action - giving preferential treatment to someone based on the color of one's skin - is part of the Democrat Party Platform. That's the very definition of racism.

Humans will always find someone to hate. It's in our nature.

Agreed--if we were all identical clones we would find something to bitch about.

Being a Trekkie, I'm reminded of the episode "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield" from the original series.


I've recently been having several conversations with a good friend of mine about racism. He's black so his perspective is much different from mine. (As an example, he recently told me about the Black Panthers and how gun control laws were used to keep guns out of the hands of blacks.) We're always say how funny it is that we live on a tiny planet that is floating on a sea of magma with only a few vertical miles of breathable air separating from space that is constantly bombarded by radiation and meteors and we still find time to hate each other because of the color of our skin. God help us all.

I just was thinking about that episode the other day. He and his opposite buddy ended up fighting each other for eternity if I remember right.
Humans will never escape this one I'm afraid.

I agree with you. The cultivation of racism and racial tension is a political tool.

Yes, it is. The Republicans don't do it as much as the Democrats, but it is still used. What I find shocking is that Affirmative Action - giving preferential treatment to someone based on the color of one's skin - is part of the Democrat Party Platform. That's the very definition of racism.

Humans will always find someone to hate. It's in our nature.

Agreed--if we were all identical clones we would find something to bitch about.

Yup.. they have a star on thars........Dr. Seuss..
Agreed--if we were all identical clones we would find something to bitch about.

Being a Trekkie, I'm reminded of the episode "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield" from the original series.


I've recently been having several conversations with a good friend of mine about racism. He's black so his perspective is much different from mine. (As an example, he recently told me about the Black Panthers and how gun control laws were used to keep guns out of the hands of blacks.) We're always say how funny it is that we live on a tiny planet that is floating on a sea of magma with only a few vertical miles of breathable air separating from space that is constantly bombarded by radiation and meteors and we still find time to hate each other because of the color of our skin. God help us all.

You and your friend have some mighty interesting convos. :clap2:

He told me on Friday to watch the movie 'Panther', said it's pretty good.

Panther (film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I haven't seen it, yet, but I'll probably watch it this week.

BTW, There is one area of my life where I have never experienced racism: Music. I was a professional musician for a few years and color doesn't seem to matter to anyone.

I agree it was a good thing to try and get the black population into the political areas. I agree that it is a good thing for them to it is one of their rights.

However, getting anyone to vote for someone else just because skin color is racist bullshit.

Sure it is. But you're dealing with politicians here Syrenn. When is the last time you saw a politician turn down a vote wherever and however he could get it?

No i have never seen a politician turn down a vote. But to encourage a race vote..and a race vote alone is sickening and racist.

What if McCain had come out with a "turn out the white vote" champaign to counter....just saying.
He tried to turn out the female vote by picking that idiot Palin as his running candidate. Where is your criticism of that?

btw, I doubt black people voted for Obama because of the color of his is more of a cultural thing. Black is more than a skin color, just as Irish is.

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