Is Racism Over Yet?

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I am laughing at you. That's what I am saying.

YOu call white people racist without anything that any reasonable person would consider an actual reason.

You love doing that. You love calling white people vile names without just cause, while knowing that they are not allowed to respond in kind.

Hey, you ever talk to any white person like that in person?

Yes. And I called you a racist starting with your claim blacks should be grateful to whites for dying for us in the civil war. Now I can pile on, but that's all I really need to say.

Indeed. I recall that delusional bullshit. Anyone who is not too lazy can validate that the Civil War was fought to preserve the union.

And black people being set "free" was NOT the primary intent.

Otherwise, Jim Crow would not have immediately taken the place of slavery and remained in effect for the next 100 years. There is no debt of gratitude that is owned for something that should have never existed being abolished.

That is like saying a man who is wrongly imprisoned should be grateful to the same people who release him after finding out that he was actually innocen of commuting a crime.

1. Abe Lincoln was obviously being political when he said that.

2. Sure. Just a coincidence that the Civil War happened to break out after the election of a rabid anti-slaver.

3. JIm Crow was not slavery, but your inability to feel gratitude for people that died for you, is noted and held against you.

4. Your analogy is based on judging all white people as a single entity. That's racism.

You are obliged to hold whatever hurts your fragile little feelings against me. I don't care.

And no, I feel not a shred of gratitude for ANYONE who died in a war to salvage and preserve THEIR country long before my own parents were born.

Just like you don't feel any guilt for slavery, I don't owe anyone anything for it being ended.

It NEVER should have happened in the first place. And as far as "Jim Crow", No shit. It wasn't sure as hell was not freedom as viewed by those who were not subjected to it.

You are entitled to romanticize Lincoln as a "rabid anti slavee if you wish.

Its your idealistic illusion. Not mine.

1. It's not about my feelings, it's about what type of person is incapable of gratitude for those that fought and died for them.

2. I have no personal responsibility for slavery's existence, you however do have personal benefit from it being ended.

3. Thank you for stopping in your conflation of slavery and jim crow.

4. Noting idealistic about dealing with the documented historical fact that Lincoln was rabidly anti-slavery.

5. All wars are fought for varied reasons. Your desire to focus on the causes of the war, that gives you an excuse to not give credit where credit is due, reflects on you personally.

Lincoln was not rabidly :anti slavery"
You know that. Try to produce a link that says otherwise.

My not being "grateful" for white people fighting a war to force white people to ejote the to remain a part

I am laughing at you. That's what I am saying.

YOu call white people racist without anything that any reasonable person would consider an actual reason.

You love doing that. You love calling white people vile names without just cause, while knowing that they are not allowed to respond in kind.

Hey, you ever talk to any white person like that in person?

Yes. And I called you a racist starting with your claim blacks should be grateful to whites for dying for us in the civil war. Now I can pile on, but that's all I really need to say.

Indeed. I recall that delusional bullshit. Anyone who is not too lazy can validate that the Civil War was fought to preserve the union.

And black people being set "free" was NOT the primary intent.

Otherwise, Jim Crow would not have immediately taken the place of slavery and remained in effect for the next 100 years. There is no debt of gratitude that is owned for something that should have never existed being abolished.

That is like saying a man who is wrongly imprisoned should be grateful to the same people who release him after finding out that he was actually innocen of commuting a crime.

1. Abe Lincoln was obviously being political when he said that.

2. Sure. Just a coincidence that the Civil War happened to break out after the election of a rabid anti-slaver.

3. JIm Crow was not slavery, but your inability to feel gratitude for people that died for you, is noted and held against you.

4. Your analogy is based on judging all white people as a single entity. That's racism.

No. I do not regard all white people as a "single entity", but that type of ignorance is played out daily here by quite a few here who regard ALL BLACK people as inferior.

Your problem is that I will not allow YOU or anyone else to dictate to me what I will be grateful for.

The only way it makes sense for you to NOT give cred for the abolish of "something" that should not have existed, is if you are blaming the white guys that ended it, for the actions of the white guys that started it. ie considering all white people one entity.

THere is nothing in that that suggests that I am judging other black people based on your behavior.

I did not bring up the civil war, but it came up in conversation once and I offered my opinion on the matter.

My problem with your behavior is not that I want to tell you how to behave, but just that it is bad behavior.

You CAN'T tell me how to behave nor do I give a fuck what you think.

It sounds like you actually believe that my so called "behavior" is for you to judge.

As I often some of the other assholes here, if you don't like what I have to say, use your ignore button, because what you think is insignificant to me.

That's why you get your ass handed to you so often and get your feelings hurt, because you present yourself as some kind of moral authority on what is right or wrong.

This country at that time was a hostile and hateful land that black people ended up in because of an oppresive institution that never should have existed.

No one fought to FREE the blsck population and you know it.

The war wsd fought to preserve a union created for white people, by white people.

Blacks were the equivalent of farm animals by law.

No debt of gratitude is owed nor will any be acknowledged as even sensible.

You have no point that is even .worth discussing.

And Lincoln was in no way a "A rabid anti slaver"

If you can produce even one shred of evidence that validates that he was, then I will acknowledge that you are correct.

Get to work.
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Yes. And I called you a racist starting with your claim blacks should be grateful to whites for dying for us in the civil war. Now I can pile on, but that's all I really need to say.

Indeed. I recall that delusional bullshit. Anyone who is not too lazy can validate that the Civil War was fought to preserve the union.

And black people being set "free" was NOT the primary intent.

Otherwise, Jim Crow would not have immediately taken the place of slavery and remained in effect for the next 100 years. There is no debt of gratitude that is owned for something that should have never existed being abolished.

That is like saying a man who is wrongly imprisoned should be grateful to the same people who release him after finding out that he was actually innocen of commuting a crime.

1. Abe Lincoln was obviously being political when he said that.

2. Sure. Just a coincidence that the Civil War happened to break out after the election of a rabid anti-slaver.

3. JIm Crow was not slavery, but your inability to feel gratitude for people that died for you, is noted and held against you.

4. Your analogy is based on judging all white people as a single entity. That's racism.

You are obliged to hold whatever hurts your fragile little feelings against me. I don't care.

And no, I feel not a shred of gratitude for ANYONE who died in a war to salvage and preserve THEIR country long before my own parents were born.

Just like you don't feel any guilt for slavery, I don't owe anyone anything for it being ended.

It NEVER should have happened in the first place. And as far as "Jim Crow", No shit. It wasn't sure as hell was not freedom as viewed by those who were not subjected to it.

You are entitled to romanticize Lincoln as a "rabid anti slavee if you wish.

Its your idealistic illusion. Not mine.

1. It's not about my feelings, it's about what type of person is incapable of gratitude for those that fought and died for them.

2. I have no personal responsibility for slavery's existence, you however do have personal benefit from it being ended.

3. Thank you for stopping in your conflation of slavery and jim crow.

4. Noting idealistic about dealing with the documented historical fact that Lincoln was rabidly anti-slavery.

5. All wars are fought for varied reasons. Your desire to focus on the causes of the war, that gives you an excuse to not give credit where credit is due, reflects on you personally.

Lincoln was not rabidly :anti slavery"
You know that. Try to produce a link that says otherwise.

My not being "grateful" for white people fighting a war to force white people to ejote the to remain a part

Yes. And I called you a racist starting with your claim blacks should be grateful to whites for dying for us in the civil war. Now I can pile on, but that's all I really need to say.

Indeed. I recall that delusional bullshit. Anyone who is not too lazy can validate that the Civil War was fought to preserve the union.

And black people being set "free" was NOT the primary intent.

Otherwise, Jim Crow would not have immediately taken the place of slavery and remained in effect for the next 100 years. There is no debt of gratitude that is owned for something that should have never existed being abolished.

That is like saying a man who is wrongly imprisoned should be grateful to the same people who release him after finding out that he was actually innocen of commuting a crime.

1. Abe Lincoln was obviously being political when he said that.

2. Sure. Just a coincidence that the Civil War happened to break out after the election of a rabid anti-slaver.

3. JIm Crow was not slavery, but your inability to feel gratitude for people that died for you, is noted and held against you.

4. Your analogy is based on judging all white people as a single entity. That's racism.

No. I do not regard all white people as a "single entity", but that type of ignorance is played out daily here by quite a few here who regard ALL BLACK people as inferior.

Your problem is that I will not allow YOU or anyone else to dictate to me what I will be grateful for.

The only way it makes sense for you to NOT give cred for the abolish of "something" that should not have existed, is if you are blaming the white guys that ended it, for the actions of the white guys that started it. ie considering all white people one entity.

THere is nothing in that that suggests that I am judging other black people based on your behavior.

I did not bring up the civil war, but it came up in conversation once and I offered my opinion on the matter.

My problem with your behavior is not that I want to tell you how to behave, but just that it is bad behavior.

You're funny. It sounds like you actually believe that my so called "behavior" is for you to judge. As I often some if the racist assholes here, if you don't like what I have to say, use your ignore button, because what ypu think us insignificant to me.

That's why you get your ass handed to you so often and get you feelings hurt, because you present yourself as some kind of moral authority on what is right or wrong.

This country at that time was hostile land that black people ended up in because of an oppresive institution that never should have existed.

No one fought to liberate the blsck population and you know it.

No debt of gratitude is owed nor will any be acknowledged as even sensible

Like it or not. It's your choice, case closed. You have no point that even makes sense..

I am not a racist, you are an asshole for falsely accusing me of that.

You do support racist discrimination, you have been very clear in that.

How are you not a racist when you believe that the black race is in an economically inferior condition to whites due to something INNATE within blacks not shared to the same degree and kind within whites? That alone makes you a racist.

Those who think they are not racist because their belief is based upon TRUTHS....are the MOST racist of them all.

(X) So, just what have black people done to advance the American society and made America great? What did they ever invent that made life easy for the white people? I do believe that they did create and invented welfare. But hey.
How about education? Black people educated your ancestors on 2 different occasions. Without Blacks you would still be scratching your hairy asses outside your caves after snacking on your neighbors.

Black people educated your ancestors on 2 different occasions.

And now you guys can't even educate yourselves.
I guess thats why Africans are the highest educated demographic in the US. :rolleyes:

Data show Nigerians the most educated in the U.S.

What is it about being born here that makes our blacks fail at such high rates?
Maybe African-Americans should all move to Nigeria?
I am not a racist, you are an asshole for falsely accusing me of that.

You do support racist discrimination, you have been very clear in that.

How are you not a racist when you believe that the black race is in an economically inferior condition to whites due to something INNATE within blacks not shared to the same degree and kind within whites? That alone makes you a racist.

Those who think they are not racist because their belief is based upon TRUTHS....are the MOST racist of them all.

(X) So, just what have black people done to advance the American society and made America great? What did they ever invent that made life easy for the white people? I do believe that they did create and invented welfare. But hey.
How about education? Black people educated your ancestors on 2 different occasions. Without Blacks you would still be scratching your hairy asses outside your caves after snacking on your neighbors.

Black people educated your ancestors on 2 different occasions.

And now you guys can't even educate yourselves.

So do more blacks get shot by police?

If their rate of violent criminality is so much higher...........probably.
How are you not a racist when you believe that the black race is in an economically inferior condition to whites due to something INNATE within blacks not shared to the same degree and kind within whites? That alone makes you a racist.

Those who think they are not racist because their belief is based upon TRUTHS....are the MOST racist of them all.

(X) So, just what have black people done to advance the American society and made America great? What did they ever invent that made life easy for the white people? I do believe that they did create and invented welfare. But hey.
How about education? Black people educated your ancestors on 2 different occasions. Without Blacks you would still be scratching your hairy asses outside your caves after snacking on your neighbors.

Black people educated your ancestors on 2 different occasions.

And now you guys can't even educate yourselves.
I guess thats why Africans are the highest educated demographic in the US. :rolleyes:

Data show Nigerians the most educated in the U.S.

What is it about being born here that makes our blacks fail at such high rates?
Maybe African-Americans should all move to Nigeria?

Why is it that whites cannot understand thy are the ones that failed?

You've accomplished nothing without making laws denying others the right to compete, you create a system hat has the most prisoners on eat, and that same social system has been a constant fail.
How are you not a racist when you believe that the black race is in an economically inferior condition to whites due to something INNATE within blacks not shared to the same degree and kind within whites? That alone makes you a racist.

Those who think they are not racist because their belief is based upon TRUTHS....are the MOST racist of them all.

(X) So, just what have black people done to advance the American society and made America great? What did they ever invent that made life easy for the white people? I do believe that they did create and invented welfare. But hey.
How about education? Black people educated your ancestors on 2 different occasions. Without Blacks you would still be scratching your hairy asses outside your caves after snacking on your neighbors.

Black people educated your ancestors on 2 different occasions.

And now you guys can't even educate yourselves.

So do more blacks get shot by police?

If their rate of violent criminality is so much higher...........probably.

Keep running Forrest.
(X) So, just what have black people done to advance the American society and made America great? What did they ever invent that made life easy for the white people? I do believe that they did create and invented welfare. But hey.
How about education? Black people educated your ancestors on 2 different occasions. Without Blacks you would still be scratching your hairy asses outside your caves after snacking on your neighbors.

Black people educated your ancestors on 2 different occasions.

And now you guys can't even educate yourselves.
I guess thats why Africans are the highest educated demographic in the US. :rolleyes:

Data show Nigerians the most educated in the U.S.

What is it about being born here that makes our blacks fail at such high rates?
Maybe African-Americans should all move to Nigeria?

Why is it that whites cannot understand thy are the ones that failed?

You've accomplished nothing without making laws denying others the right to compete, you create a system hat has the most prisoners on eat, and that same social system has been a constant fail.

If our countries are so terrible then why do all the brown people want to come here?

How about education? Black people educated your ancestors on 2 different occasions. Without Blacks you would still be scratching your hairy asses outside your caves after snacking on your neighbors.

Black people educated your ancestors on 2 different occasions.

And now you guys can't even educate yourselves.
I guess thats why Africans are the highest educated demographic in the US. :rolleyes:

Data show Nigerians the most educated in the U.S.

What is it about being born here that makes our blacks fail at such high rates?
Maybe African-Americans should all move to Nigeria?

Why is it that whites cannot understand thy are the ones that failed?

You've accomplished nothing without making laws denying others the right to compete, you create a system hat has the most prisoners on eat, and that same social system has been a constant fail.

If our countries are so terrible then why do all the brown people want to come here?

View attachment 179831

You don't have any countries.
(X) So, just what have black people done to advance the American society and made America great? What did they ever invent that made life easy for the white people? I do believe that they did create and invented welfare. But hey.
How about education? Black people educated your ancestors on 2 different occasions. Without Blacks you would still be scratching your hairy asses outside your caves after snacking on your neighbors.

Black people educated your ancestors on 2 different occasions.

And now you guys can't even educate yourselves.
I guess thats why Africans are the highest educated demographic in the US. :rolleyes:

Data show Nigerians the most educated in the U.S.

What is it about being born here that makes our blacks fail at such high rates?
Maybe African-Americans should all move to Nigeria?

Why is it that whites cannot understand thy are the ones that failed?

You've accomplished nothing without making laws denying others the right to compete, you create a system hat has the most prisoners on eat, and that same social system has been a constant fail.

Why is it that whites cannot understand thy are the ones that failed?

Is that why the black crime rate is so high?
Is that why the black unwed birth rate is so high?
Is that why the black dropout rate is so high?
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